Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, May 01, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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No. 37.
182 LIVES; 700
Committee Meets With Great Success
in Soliciting Funds Over $600
Has Been Secured From the
Business Men.
Rogue River Fish Protective Associa
tion Plant Them After They
Were Brought Here by
Supt. Berrian.
New Railroad Company In Process of
Being Incorporated East
ern Capitalists Are
TJ Southern Oregon liaili-unil cum
piiVXiii n-iees ul' im-orponitiun here
lor 'the imrjiuti ol making u thor
ough survey 1'or ;i rnilnind 1'rom Med
loi'cl Co Cie-eenl lily. The new com
pany. i( is i i'x i rtoil, is working un
der nn nreeinenl wilh an eastern
syiilicnle of sniilalists, who have
n.Uived to ciinMriiet llie railroail, pro
vidril thf surveys demonstrate its
feasibility. A bond to this elTeel is
sa'iii to have been put up. The sur
veys wiii eoiiunenee as soon as details
of oraiii.ulion are complete.
Murk (inives, llie Seattle capital
ist, who made a fortune in tideluudd,
is i of the lending spirits in the
new orani.alioii. Klias Hoot, eon
Milliuj; engineer for the eastern syn
di.-ate, and W. T. Heverid.-e. eivi
en-'ineer of Medfonl, are interested
in llie orfranizulion and will have
eharee of the surveys. As the rail
roail will furnish tidewater outlet for
the product of Modl'urd coal mines,
an assured toniiH"e is ill sijiht for the
new road.
Beveridpe the Pioneer.
The attention of Engineer Hoot and
the .syndicate he represents was lit
traded here by Knginecr Beveridge.
lie stales that the money for the road
nc.t;n,..rwi im .nut in the vicinity of
lV.i.OOfl.000. is assured, provided the
mirvw is fortheorauie. It will tune
thru 3 veins to construct the new line.
Thfrc never hus been a thorough
survev made of a railway route to
Crescent City. A portion of the rente
hue hoon snrveved. una rougn esii
Mna hot not 01
value to enable an accurate figure
upon construction. It is to secure
this data under a bond from the
proposed builders, that the Southern
Oi-egon Railroad company is orgim
used. . .
Terminal in Doubt
Whether Medford will be the ter
minal or not depeuds largely upon
inducements offered. Central Point
..ifivoni: nre at work raising a cash
bonus, securing u 40-acre terminul,
righet of way through the city and
depot ground's. It is probable Med
ford citizens will also offer induce
ments. "Nothing is 'wanted." said Mr.
Keveridge. "until the completion of
the railroad and its actual operation.
Nothing will be asked of citizens un
til the builders have made good. It
will not be a case of asking promo
lion moncv. or seeking anything in
the way of bonus or subsidy. Central
lmt shortens Ihe line considerably,
.. .. . x : t K Voro. some
80 li me lennuiuB ia "
. . . mi I. ..1.1 , 1, nleH
lcemeni-. .., ,,..,.,,, .
bnng it.
..,n mm r nnu'T
,Un""" ,Dr,r,r? n.innrFl., trifle st,,e,-. about four and
n juii tui ' i -
lViiKTLAND, Or.. May I
1g umnpthiiiL'' in n name
. .. t:..j :.. ir.
, A .i.voree sun ... ' ''
ouit court yesterday shows that a
airl named Iiible married a man n
ed Turk. Turk was sent to the pen
itentiary for four years, mid the wile
chihil In-r prefer -e for her de
vout maiden name by a-kiivj that -he
he permitted aaiu to call hel-elf Iii
ble. Il is alle-red that fiertnule Bi
ble niarried Kdward K. Turk at Ham
ilton, in Orant nty. Oie-on. in
.1 Ulllli Three uiontlis later, it
iT WuirL'O'l. Turk wu ennviotori ot ,
urund lnreen'y and wns enteneed to
four ye;irs in the penitentiary. j
The ro-e i in hlo..m in many Med
ford (rarden-. and the-e fragrant
flowers pronii-e thi year to excel in (
numbers .ul benuty H previous
Fog on San Francisco Bay Hides
Smaller Craft Three Saved
by Prompt Measures of
Ferry Boat Crew.
S.N I'liANl'ISCO.I Cal., JlnyL
Ten persons were lost in the witters
of tin' liny this nioriiiiisr. when a small
launch was run down by the ferry
boat Alameda. Prompt measures on
llie pail of the ferry boat officers
-ned three of Ihe l.'i persons who
.vere on llie launch.
A dense foj." hid evervihiiis: from
icw. The fog siren was sounding at
regular intervals, but, according to
llie s:irio;-s, tin- direction was mis
judged. 'flic launch'-, parly was made up of
a number of net-sons who were on
their vyiy up llie bay ie piennic
the bench.
ASHLAND. Or.. May J. A serious
riinnwny accident occurred in this
city this morning in which the 10-year-old
sou of James Wiley was
badly injured by being struck by the
carriage as he was thrown out. Mr.
Wiley was in the rig at the time and
was also hurled out. but escaped with
a few bruises.
ASHLAND, Or., May 1 Tom
Roberts, employed in constructing
the roof on the Swedenburg block,
may lose bis right hand by inadver
tently plunging it into a pot of boil
in? tar this morning. He was at
WOrk on the roof when be slipped.
To eheek his full he reached for the
first thing in sight, and the result
was that he plunged his hund into
the tar.
"Ye," remarked Jesse Euyiut, "the
trout possesses remarkable qualities
when it comes to jumping. 1 reenll
one summer, when we were cumping
at l'rospeet, of seeing a trout pur
sued bv a wild eat.
"The eat saw n huge trout in a
punl at the bottom of the mountain
and made n grab. It missed the fish
liv the liaction of an inch and be
fore the wild eut eould make another
try the trout had leaped into the
pool above, a jump, 1 should say,
of three "'pt
"When it
pursiier elimuen 1 ("el
! tin
I .. .... i ... tlir-
series of
Name di-tanee
The next jump was
I half feet, and when the tisli lainieoj
i the pool it lumen ami ioo,-.,
edeo of the fulU to see whether
! , m ,m the joll.
-Thfii the bin Mtted fish lost no.
tune, hiit -tinted iu to elimb the -ide
of the mountain. bre:tkins every trmit
r.M-utd. It never -topped until it
br.mhl up at the eroM of the -lop.
The ild -at took iN time but k-pt
ll'ht om.
-It evident thai the trout
. t. j .t- ..l ,
eould ii" turner huh h-
of thai wild eat'- diidntr "n fih l""k-,-d
hri-hi. When the wild eat was
.,.,H- tu-n d'ol w:v and the trout
,.(ih! feel it-. h" breath thai fi-h
took a numim: -tart and. Iwipinp far
oot intri the valley, lauded in a rtee(
.1 nt the bottom f he
valley. H
jis n jimp of 40i ft.
it myself."
Civl Engineer States He Knows of
'ass in Cascades Through
Which Road Can Be Built
to Coos Bay.
WasKli. Idaho. May 1. During
Ibis doming' s session of Ihe Idaho
Ore n development congress, N. A.
Iliiriurl, a retired civil engineer, cre
Mled rent entliii-iiisin by staling that
he kmv of n pass through ihe Cus-
cude-vi hich would permit of Ihe eon
si rue on
Ihrnnh i
1' a railroad from Idaho 1
nlial Oregon to Coos Bay!
one Jinio or coat grade. He slated
that believed the pass to lie nii
knou::to Ilarriaian.
Thi f.o-ioii of the congress will ho
deviiltb to iho mailer of di
the si met i m of railroads
eeiilrn pregon.
Ufhaics from all parts of Oregon
oontini to arrive and are taxing
the cneiiy of Ihe Weiser hotels to
Ihe niiiist. Over 10(10 people at
tended lie session this morning.
The wmill plant of the Ashland
Munufiiuriug company, which has
been lig idle for the past year or
more. i be started to manufactur
ing lunar out o fthe fine pine and
fir in tl Neil creek timber belt, with
in the est week or two. Logging
has bee tinder way for over a fort
night pt) and a supply of logs is al
ready ci hand for the big upper mill
to worktpon.
Uudethe new management of the
Ashlunr company, in which J. H.
ChBmbe js now the moving spirit, it
is expeed that there will be con-
siderablictivity in all departments
of the mpany's plant throughout
the sen9jnow opening. Tidings.
Lea pi.TR word Broken by Athletic Trout; Trained Trout
.left' Ilfd's trained trout died yes
terday ln injuries received two
days agv. It broke its back while
making higb dive, and although
everylhuius done to suve its life,
it pussedwtt.v peacefully.
The trobad been raised from in
faiiev bvi Heard. It was an or-
phait troubnth parents having, in
moments over-coniineiiee swal
lowed 4 with hooks attached.
So the lit'trout was left to make
its wav ;the world alone.
M. h,.; ,.,) it ni.)llv ,.,.v(.r
tricks. Itmld turn three flipflop-
with rfk ability: it eould -wiin
on it band it emtd stay under
water loii than any other trout
in the pon It wuirired it" tail when
Mr. Heai'troked it in the doral
fin and iiu ked wilh joy when it
hen rd hitiili-tle.
In the -liu il would -wim ut
and down J stream ffathenn? to-
' "
ther the t of the trout tor teed-
r lime. ier stayed out late at
iiiuht and Miot a--ociate with dis
solute troii,
Mr. lloiihnd been traininp ihe
iron! to hifliviiij; and it had de
velonod oMhat it could leap 1
feet into lilir. It wm in one uf
ihoM- ui! pl il ilruek the limb of
a iree atnrncturrd If) vertebrae
: and 42 rib
Terrific Storms Rage in Mississippi
Valley Property Loss Will
Reach Millions List
Sure to Increase.
.MK.MI'IIIS, Tenu., May 1. One
hundred am! eighty-two persons are
known to Ik' dead, more lhaii 700 in
jured iind al least -10 (owns of the
Mississippi alloy are in ruins aw t lie
rosiill of torririo storms that have
boon raying Mart! Thursday night.
Tim properly loss is certain to
roach into millions ol dollars.
Whoa iho wire are restored it is
certain that the
lis of dead will be
greatly increased.
The stonn lias evidently
spent 1 1 -
TACDMA, Wash.,
result ot' II lellglhv
1;IV j vs (le '
investigation of -
T.'iconia's social evil, the grand jury .
indicted Peter Snnilberg, malinger of . t
the tenderloin district, charging the CONDUCTOR FORGETS HIS
ownership of Ihe (llobe hotel in the: TICKETS; 14 HELD UP
rest ricted district. The indictment is ,
the result of the testimony of Arthur' lieciiuse the conductor on I ruin 14.
Kuhl, formerly manager of one of northbound, forgot to get Ihe tick
Sandberg's resorts. etH of the through passengers from
the conductor, who luys over in Ash-
WORD "DESERTER" WILL land, the train was delayed ill Med-
BE ERASED FROM RECORDS ford Saturday morning until the enn-
duetor had lime to return on Iho en-
JKKKKRKOHN CITY, Mo., May 1. to Ashland and get the tickets.
The senate yesterday passed a The train was delayed Hume two
house bill to clour the civil war rcc- hours. Agent liosenhaiiin took titl
ords of the word "deserter" after the vantogo of the holdup to put a nnm
numo of William Estes, a Newton bor of Medford' magazines on the
eounty farmer.. Estes was a Union 'rain for the passengers,
soldicri and obtained permission to ,
go liorje after the death of his fath-
er and brother. Through some error
be was booked as a deserter, but
did not learn it until a few years ago.
Since (hen he has labored to have the
stigmu removed from his name
Well When Stream Goes Dry
Aji uniifUut trout story was'
brought here yesttirdny hy I'ug
Isaues, who hud been sjendmtf hcv- j
era! days fishing in liltle Butte ,
creek. At first his tule was received1
with doubt, but when .Mr. Isaacs ex
hibited 2H fish, all of them more!
(ban 15 inches in length, he received j
a respectful hearing.
'Ilearned from trustworthy author-!
ily, said Mr. Isaacs, "that a num
ber of fine trout had beau placed iu
ill" run about four years atro. Al
though the slream had been fished
refloated I v and by careful experts,
f' W of the-e trout had been CHiiffbt.
Indeed, it was feared hy oine that
the fih had all died.
n walking along Ihe creek I
i-attght si'hl of many bijr fih. hut
I could int catch them. They re-
ftt-ed 1o ri-e to the ordinary flies,
and lhc wotihl have nothing to do
with worms.
"Along a bo ul noon I It nil t a fire
on the bank of the stream and, get
ting out my sauepan, I proceeded to
fry -nine liver ai.d biieon. A eommo
turn in the uater attracted my at
teution. f looked down and saw the
run alive with the finest trout I ever
bfheld. Then T understood. Thofe.
trout hud been raised on liver, and
Ihey recognized ihe odor. T nsed my
fried liver for bail nd her is th
Med ford will colehrnte the Fourth
of July in an elaborate manner this
year under the auspices of the fire
men. The commit Ice appoint ml by
the hoys to solicit funds met with
instant success nnil ill one tlfternoon
secured over iflintl wilh which In
properly round out the day and ar
range for un nppropriule program.
During Ibis nionili the various cotu
iiiillces who will make the deluiled
arrangements will he uppoinic,! and
will lie ul work before the first of
June so as to have evervl lling ill
proper shnpe for the celebration.
The committee in charge of the
work of raising the funds is eoni-
posed ot Horace Koherls, llarrv
Vming, I'. C. Itighnni, K. ('. Ii'obbins
mil ,ou Itiiilcr.
NW Wireless Stations.
OULFPORT, Miss., Mav 1. A
wireless station here mid another at
Ship Island were completed today,
A steel tower 100 feet high has been
constructed at each point.
Meets Tragic Death; Others
How Little Itutte oreek was pre
served us a trout stream through the
efforts of the fish themselves is told
in simple und olahi lunguuge, which
arries all the imnre-s ' truth, by
.Judge Kelly.
You know." aid Mr. Kelly, "that
the drought of last year was one of
Ihe most severe on record. All the
lers of the mountain streams dried
up, and the creeks hardly had enough
water to float a good -sized cricket.
Of Little Uutte suffered with
the rest.
"For a time the Iroul lived iu the
lios, but these, in time, hegan to be
overcrowded, and. whnl was still
worse, the water became warm. Trout
annol live in warm water, llundred-
of the fish were dying daily, ami the
-ilunlioii wa- fa-t hiM-nouniM' crili-
"In this emeritrfM'V in-tiuct came to
Ihe rescue. The large-t ami -trong-"t
of the fi-die- beirnn to drill a well
into the side of ihe mountain. As
fa-it as Ihe teeth of one fish- won
out hi place was laken by fl f re-h
fish, nnd the work of drilling never
"Twenty fet jn the mountain, part
of it through rock, the fish struck
a large cold spring. Thtring the rest
of the year lhi spring supplied the
creek nnd saved te lives of thou
RandH of fish."
Fifty thousand small eastern brook
I font fry, the first to lie planted in
llie stromas of southern Oregon and
anion the first trout ever planted
hy the slate, wore taken out to the
Apph'Lrate river and latllo Hullo oroek
Friday hy the K'oyuo liiver Kish Pro
teetive as-.oeiation after Ihey had ar
rived in Medlord in earo of .1. V.
lieriian, Mtperinleudont of the rail
ed St :i tes fish h;i teh cry at Ontario.
Otie-ihinI of the manlier wore plant
ed in Ihe Applonle. (he other twn-llit'.!-
! m i : , u plmilt'd in Little Hut to
.1 1;.
The vt.-tic h;i hut reronlly taken
up the ituiM'T tt' pla"tiit tt'oat. hav
i r -r . iu ihe pnM. eon fined I heir at
lei it inn to siihaoa prop:iMiitiui. The
fry wore halehed al the Mate hatoh
ery on the river about 110
miles from Kaeno. Originally Ihey
were ohlaiued from the Puited Stat(!s
iiatohory ul Loadvillo, Col.
The Iroul is a smalt one, but is an
Hxot'ptionatly Kploudid fish. Il is be
lieved that they will do very well in
Little Itutte and should greatly im
prove fishing conditions alone; that
; Miny ('oraelta Marvin, Htato libra
rian, is in this city for tho purpose
of conferring with the litirur bourd
of the Greater Medford Hub and to
of for them MU'ostions nlonjf linen
eonneeted with the uttli'-iloiny; of Ihe .
loeal library. A sif'-rol soskhui of
the (dub wilt hi hold on aexL Monday
afternoon for the irjrOM; of meol
in MisH Marvin. All inernbers of th
club are urged to attend. The meet
ing will be held in the eity bull,
"Far be it from me to appear in a
boast ful light," miHiinlly commented
Bob Drrw, when the subject of big
fish was brought up, "but there urf
those present who reenll tilts huge
rainbow fellow 1 hooked up iu Big
Bulte. They will bear witness that
il was the largest fish ever seen in
the valley, and 1 do not make, nn ex-;
f.'plioii of the trout Hill Isaacs Mad
to haul home in u wheelbarrow.
Tins trout hud lived in a pool for
at least 15 years. No person had been
able to land Ihe trout ni.d ha kept
gelling puffed up wilh pride until
competent judges declared he was
three feet long. He broU- every line
thnt held him and he look a delight
in crushing hooks. Ie was a mon
ster. "Well, I went up 'o fti Unite wilh
a few sleel hooks cud a reel of sil
ver line. It was no trouble to honk
the trout. Then the li-.hl began. T
could not land Ihe fKh and the trout
could not L'i't away. At first he
-ei-med -oil of -urpi'i-i'd and I hen
he grew seriou.
"Finally the rainbow fellow real
ized that he was up against it. He
leaped into the air. ho turned over
and over, he reared orn nnd like a
crazy man. Then be hcr'tiii to get
a-hamed of himself. He lost nil his
pride. lie began to leoj smnll nnd
he commenced to fudo awny.
"That fish never slopficd shrink
ing; he grew smaller ami smaller and
nv th" time 1 lauded bin on the bank
he w-fiR only 20 inohrs lonp. Pity,
wasn't itt"