THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL'301909. 3 i Small Orchards Bearing and Young Groves on Eisy Terms We have subdivided into small tracts the famem Gold Range Orchard, two miles south of Bedford, adjoining the Bear Creek and and Burrell orchards, and now offer a limited number of the choicest orchard tracts for sate on reasonable terms. This is your opportunity to secure bearing orefcard, r young orchard, or both bearing and yoM orchard, consisting bf the choicest varieties of pears and applM The tracts range In size from five to 27 acre. The sod is the best in the valley Bear creek bottom land. The old trees on these tracts have produced record breaking srops that brought record prices in eastern markets for years past. No such chance was ever offered before to secure such orchard tracts. Rogue River Ivnestment Co. Ill NORTH D STREET Nash Livery Company Best equipped in Southern Oregon. Give us a trial. H. C. BONNEY PHONE NO 2381. GOLDEN GATE CEMENT At SHORTY CARNETT'S Compare the Quality It is, and always has been our aim to supply our customers with goods of the highest quality and to that end we are always adding quality to our line. The addition of "preferred stock" makes our STUDY SUBQ1LS BEFORE PLANTING Irrigation Great Benefit if Favorable Conditions Exist Under Orainage Necessary. line of high-grade Canned Goods most complete. Our service al- ways the best and every accommodation given our customers. J Allen & Reagan j Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and heed j J. E. ENTART. President. J. A. PEKRY, Vice President. .loHN S. ORTH. Cukier. Vt B. .JACKSON, Ai1 flakier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD. OB. CAPITAL - - $50,000 surplus - - : 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent A GeneralBank in Bus ness Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. ADVERTISE YOUR WANTS IN THE TRIBUNE AND GET RESULTS m 4 The npple and pear, to be a source of profit here, should be planted on j the alluvial soils along the j streams, or if the hill lands are chosen, they must be deep, and ai greater depth would be better. There are no soils too good und rich to grow the best apples und pears, says A. 11. Carson in bis annuul report as horticultural commissioner for this district. The success and pro fits of the Hogne River val ley applo and pear grower are in proportion to the good quality of the soil his orchards are planted on und the attention he gives to de tails in its management. As shal low soil will spell failure if planted to the apple and pear, unless water is nvailnhle for irrigation during the months of August and September. However, it must be remembered that not all shallow soils are adapt ed to irrigation. To irrigate with profit, the subsoil must be right. If j the subsoil is wrong, irrigation would : be detrimental. A shallow loam soil two and one-half feet deep, resting on decomposed bedrock or broken bedrock or loose gravel would be all right for irrigation. Irrigation Beneficial Irrigation, if intelligently done. would be a great benefit to an apple or pear orchard on such land, for the reason that the surplus water in irrigating would readily drain off through the gravel and bedrock with out injury to the growing tree, on the the other hand, should a shallow soil rest on a clay subsoil or cement hardpan, irrigation would be detri mental to the growing of apple and pear trees. To successfully irrigate fruit trees on any of our soils here under drainage must be had to carry off the surplus water during the ir rigation period. These shallow soils with a elay subsoil or cement haitl pan can be made available for applo and pear growing by tiling to a depth of not less than five feet. Must Understand Subsoil Where irrigation is resorted to the conditions of the subsoil in relation to the growth of the tree must be in- tellingeatly understood. The mechan ical effect on shallow soils by mi ller drainage with tile is to deepen the soil to the depth thn tile is laid. Dur um winter rains the surplus water where land is tiled is drained through the soil and passes off through the I Mt i tnl iinr tli friii I I nf from injury from excessive moisture during I protnu'tt'd rain storms of winter ' keeping it healthy and vigorous dur ing the dormant period. -;o that when j it quickens into growth in tin- spring j it is in the best xsible condition to j grow and responds to the skill and cultivation of its owner. Again, while the mechanical effect of under drainage is to deepen I he soil and 1 cany off the surplus moisture, para- ' doxieal as it may appear, under- drainage makes these shallow soils moist during the growing period. Dur ing the growing period the moisture laden air pa.-ses through the tile and its moisture is condensed and left in the oil for the growing tree. In fact with ihormigh. intelligent cultivation ; where lhe-e shallow -soils are proper ly iinderdraiued, but little water is ueee-;iry for irriiMt inn dtninir the drve-t season. Study Orchard Soil On ;iny of the-e -hallow soil-, where the exp-ure i- right, -jra pe can be profitably grown without mi-1 .InnJl-ainage. and. with a depth three or mole lei-1. tile peach can be grown with g.iod cull i a lion. As to the iiriety of climate and -oil- in v,irioi- -.,;itic- in the Third di-trict ami ;i'.-i:tal u'ecipit a t ion had in each couM.. 1 hope by a dclaih-d de-rriptioii nt e.-n-b county to give I lie ro-pect t e -el t ler -oiiie da! a that will citable hi iii to intelligently judge -oi' condition- that will be con genial tit the fruit he mav de-it- to grow. Mr-, 'i.iy Moore, daughter of Mr. I Mr- 1'. Itn-h. has returned to Fonts Creek after a fortnight's vNil. ! I Mrs. M. K. Middtebu-her. hold- j keener and tostrn'itre-s of Trail, i.-1 ! iling Medford. LAND IS THE BASIS OF ALL WEALTH Have you bought or are you developing an orchard tract, or are you one of those who will ' regret their neglect In three or lour years. Our price, terms and planting offer on CRESTBROOK ORCHARD TRACTS makes it very easy to carry them as an investment. We shall be pleased to have you view this property Oregon Orchard Syndicate SELLING A G E N T S ROGUE RJVER VALLEY MEDFORD, OREGON StudehkerAutomobiles Wagons and Vehicles THE BEST OF THEIR KIND Made for value. Car of fine style of unods just re ceived. Call and take away an easy riding SIDE-SPRING VEHICLE, or, better yet, an E. M. F. 30 HORSE POWER, 4-CYLINDER. No JAR in life can touch you, nnr any OBSTACLE hinder you to gain your goal, while using ether. F. Osenbrugge Studcbaker Bros. Co. Warehouse Medford MEN'S LION BRAND PANTS The Best Every Day Trousers Made PrlGes $1.75 to $3.50, at The Wardrobe To Orchardists and those: BUILDING COUNTRY HOMES Why not have your home, garage, packing house, barn, gardens tennis court, trees 2nd shrubs, also roadways planned with an eye to beauty, convenience and economy? J. A.Mcintosh, Architect THIRD FLOOR MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. J