TFIE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1909. 8 Social and PersonallWONDERS TO BE SEEN BY CONTESTANTS W. H. Kwliunk left this umriiini; tori tin- Alf;Hte country t 'iiil sev eral days looking over the minei. ! nr i ' o i. - c tl f : : I tt . r.. unrrusu ui o a Mcdl'onl visitor. N. B. Alger and wife and W. L Thompson of Mmlison, S. I)., are vis iting Me.llonl. N. C. Adams of Blue Canon spent Wi'diicsdii.v in Mcilinnt. E. R. Stevenson of Eugene spent Weilnesilny in Mcillonl. V. I. Vinvter lius returiicil from a business trip to 1'ortlanil. Ilowiinl S. Dudley returned Wed nesday from it business trip to Port land. I,. K. Swift of St. Cloud, Minn., is a reeent Meilford urrivul. I don't HiipiwHO you ever, or ever will, see another "Mikado" show like this, so don't miss it, nt the Med ford. 34 Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Meeker of St. Louis are recent arrivals in the vul-ley. Much Interest Taken in Tribune's Great Contest Some Attrac tions the Girls Will See. As the tiny liuds of the early spring open and develop into the fiill-hloivn flower of summer as the soft whis pering breezes or spring eonx new life into all nature, so it is with the eontest work. At first a spark of interest here and a warm flame there, , then, as the life-givine, breezes blow upon the little flame, it is fanned into the Hume that knows no hin derinj; hand. Already much interest has been taken in The Tribune's grand offer to the young ladies of southern Ore gon, and every dny a little flame is started thul will soon expand into a mighty on-sweeping flame that will The socialists announec a pionio gather votes in its eourse. and entertainment at the (1 street hall for Saturday night. A big time ia expected, Phone your orders for sweet cream tr buttermilk to the creamery. II. I'. Little, who recently went to New Mexico to inspect a coal mine, has returned and says that the Hogue River valley is good enough for him. YV. K. Jeffries of Portland, the pipe man, is again culling upon locul cus tomers. Be.ier's boneless sardines in nil, in 'J'ic, .'1'ic and .')()( cans. Hex Gro cery, Mission block. J. O. llovt of Portland, vice-president of the Warren Construction company, is in Medford signing pav ing contracts with the city. K. A. Wykoff of Tuble Hock has returned from a trip east. If you did not sec the "Mikado" last night, you ought to be ashamed. It is great. Cange pictures each night. 34 J. A. Westcrlund of the Western Orpgon Orchards spent Tuesday in Medford. He states that his company . hns planted over $3600 worth of trees this year and that they are making phenomenal growth. Hawaiian sliced pineapples, de licious, 2oc per large can. Ilex Oro eery, Mission block. J. S. Aiken of Woodvillo spent Tuesday in Medford. He has in stalled his new rotary screen in bis ditch on Kviiiis ereeek and says it works like a charm. He recently caught three eastern brook trout in Kvnns creek. How they got there is a mystery. Mrs. Frank Mingus of (Iroenville, Idaho, ajormer resident ol llic vnl- j t,,. j.,nuil ley, is visiting Mrs. W. A. Aiken. i uanmitions Joshua I'atteison i building a modern house on his Inrui near Tal ent. The W U Lumber eoiupany i supplying the material. A. C Iturge - has purchased a I lei Ituieli ear ol tin- Hudson Am uiipanv; consideration .fl'illO. Many Things in Store. If the young ladies only knew ubout the many things in store for the girls, they would not hesitate one moment in taking udvautagc of this opportunity to go on one of the nic est vacation trips that could be plan ned in n lifetime. Besides the many places in and around Seattle that will be visited by the contestants, they will have plenty of things to amuse them at the fair. What the Midway was to Chicago the Pike to St. Louis, the Pay Streak i w ill lie to Seattle. The greatest j amusement purveyors in the world, the men who make a life work of catering to the public appetite for fun and frolic, have built the Pay Streak. It is not necessary .to enu- I merate the attractions. You will find ! what yon are looking for on the Pay! Streak. Athletic Contests. A stadium has been erected to take ' care of the field sports, and the best athletes on the continent will com pete for prizes during the fair. The Amateur Authletic union contests for lilO!) will be held there, and scores of the famous world's champions will participate in the events. Balloon, airship and motor boat and auto mobile races will provide stirring amusement, as well as demonstrate the mechanical progress of the nge. A Cnited States life-saving station will give practical exhibitions of its work, and a submarine boat will frol ic in the waters of Lake Union. The nation's greatest bauds will play nt the exposition. Bandstands have been erected in various parts of and famous musical or wili s,,the the tired inhlseer. IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS. Don't Mistake the Cause of Your Troub lea A Medford Citizen Shows How to Cure Them. M.,,i. ,..., i.. n..i-. .., ti,.;.- l;.i w. h,. tnompson 01 uoui mil If ,ffrii,g fn, .lm(,, ,lk a recent Medfonl visitor. ! r R,.,itf h,lt.k. ,u?y think that it is ionlv s mnsi'iilur weikiiens: when uris- HOTEL ARRIVALS. nry trouble sets in they think it will soon enrreet itself. Ami so it is with the Moore V A W oodward. :'ll ni' 1,1 ,u'r synipimns or Kinney uisur . Kinney. Portland ; W. K. Oar HOSERY The Best for the Least Have you ever stopped to look at the line of Hosiey we are showing? If not. you should do so, for your own ben efit. No store in Medford shows a line of hosiery at 35c a pair in either men's, ladies', misses or children's goods that are equal In either fineness, style or wearing qualities to the line that can be seen here every day at 25c a pair. Men;s Hose A new and complete line nf regular 3oe and 50c qual ities in either plain or fan cies, an especially fine Hose for low shoes, here in sizes 0 to 11 V2 t. pair . .'. . .25c .r0 dozen men's seamless fast colored Hose; will out wear uny 'J-'jc hose in the city: here in ull sizes, colors black or tan, l."e pair or two pairs for 25c Ladles' Bose Blacks, tans, lace stripe, drop stitch, in lisle, silk lisle finish and pure maeo cotton ; sizes S's to 10: regular or outsize ; equal in every way to any 35c or 40c Hose in the city; on sale every day, pair 25c Misses' and infants' lisle thread and mercerized Hose l"ic to .."c pair, and the best value to be had in Medford; any size or weight, in colors black, tan, white, pink, blue, -to., etc. We have just put in a line of ladies' summer weight Vests, Union Suits, etc. If you think you are paying a lit tle too much elsewhere, come in and let us show you the style and quality we have to offer and at a saving in price. New line of fancy Back and Side Combs and Hair Barretts, just received, 10c to 75c each. Don't forget we are the money savers on all your kit chen and house furnishing goods. HUSSEY'S coPvmcHT I " B ' On a Spring Stroll yuu can always tell the cutaway or J frock coat suit made by Kreuzer. j It is always so exclusive in style, and its make, fit and finish are so ele git. it and perfect that it is always a subject of adtuimtion. When you want a swell suit of clothing have it made by J. A. Kreuzer & Co. Importers andTaikie Upstairs, Palm Bldg., Medford, Or. At I., w r.-li. Minneapolis; II. .1. Smith. St. I... ill-; A. M,. Mullen, lio-lon; Tl las I'.nrliin.l. Unite; N. II. Alger and wife. Y. I. Thompson. Madi ; T. (i. Milehell. Portland: V Adonis. Illne Canyon; John tl. Mill... Apple gule; II. li. Christy. Seattle: tl. H. Fees and wife. Fred llollenlicel;. Sae riiinento; K, l. Stevenson. Kuyene: .1. YV. DelVics, Portland. At the Nn-li Y. .1. iiin.ii-. Port land; .lack Slater. Portland; I'.. S. tlnlliiie. Faule Point: It F. Leeds, San Fiviii.-i : Y. F. .letfnes. Port land: I 111) I it' lllltl. S.Ui Fl ailrlseo : .1 (I. II. .VI. Pollhllid: K A Wvethoff. L- Table Hock; 1.. li Suilt. Portland : S. else,.; Mr. : Si. I.oiiis; I.. A. Wester Cloud: .1. lloftmiiM. Mis, O. I 'lioinpson. i li i .1. city; II. Smith. via Fl an . Meeker.! .1 Thompson. San l-'i ini - tiseo; V. I). Arlington, St l.onis; Mis. Fuiina Neiilig. San Fl. ison; ' I!. I.. YYoodhouse. Berkeley: S (I. Mcj Lean. New York: .1. S. (ierslel. Saul .Francisco: Frank Presley. Portland:: .7. K. Slelieus. Sew York : Louis Thors I San Francisco: S. S. liosenstadl. ' milk promptly Chicago: II. II. Pace. I.os Angeles. I -raamary. len.. That is just where the danger I lie... Yea must cur- these troubles or th-y may lead to diabetes or Hright's disease. The best remedy to use is Perm's Kidney Pills. It .Mires all ills which are .-auscd by weak or diseased kidneys. Vedford ne..le testify to per manent cures. M . S. listen of Me.lC.rd, Or., says; "I riveixi'd very gratifying results from the use of Puna's Kidnev Pills. I sut ferrd from what doi-turs raited rheuina j I i on cause.l from an rxia'ss of urir arid mi tny system. My kidneys wrrr out of order and the trouble served to run down mv general heMth. I could not . sloop without lie.'oming dirry and was' freling miserable, vhen Dean's Kid-t e.-v Pills rau- to mv attention, and 1 procured a box at H-..-kinK' drug store. I was so cucaurag -1 that I continued fid was soon entirely free from the com plaint." Far sale bv all doalc-s. Price ml cents. Faster Milbtirn Co.. Mnffalo. N. Y sol' agenta for the l'nited States. ttemeiiiber the nsme IloanV and tr he no other. t 2R7 Recorder. Ordern for sweet cream or hntter- far F7v, WE ARE GOING RIGHT UP your way today. Why not have us stop in and give you an estimate on the cost of wiring your house for nil kinds of electrical service. We'll do the wiring reasonably. If your house is already wired bear in mind that we keep all softs of electrical sup plies nnd devices to help you get the full use of your wiring. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION CO. 23 South Central Avenue. filled Phone the St. Mark's guild will meet with Mrs. Sncdicor Thursday. April 2!', at 2:30, nt her house ou I street. All dtrnngors in the palish cordially in vited to be present. .K3rrZ.. . Bicycle Lost. The party who took a bicycle from the Nickell "addition had better return same to Oregon Granite ooui)ny and avoid trouble. 36 Martin J. Reddy The Jeweler for Diamonds NEAR POSTOFFICE MEDFORD, OR. Special Sales Same as last week We invite yon to come: We hnve no hesitancy in asking anybody to come here and inspect our special sale goods or any of onr reg ular lines. Whether you know it or not, no matter what you may think about the matter, one thing is abso lutely true This store sells goods on a smaller margin of profit than most stores, and a CAREFUL examina tion should prove this. EXCLUSIVELY FOR WOMEN Baker-Hutchason & Co. CENTRAL AVE., JUST NORTH OF JACKSON COUNTY BANK Order Now Extra Heavy Manila Clasp Envelopes For- Medford Commercial Club Pamphlets PRINTED WITH YOUR CARD AND ADDRESS PRICE 100 Envelopes $2.00 250 Envelopes $3.50 500 Envelopes $6.00 1000 Envelopes $10.01' The Tribune Printers for Boosters SAVOY THEATER TONIGHT mid THURSDAY KENILWORTH A beautiful pro.lueti I S.-.m's ,,vel A BAD SHOT A screaminii mirth pnnlneer. BEHIND IN HIS RENT Another lau-h.rapli. ILLUSTRATED SONG ONE DIME E-BU-8A THE ON1.Y lAWFUL PILE CUBE Because E RU-8A CURES PLLB8, and DOES NOT eontaia aareetiea, mrry. eoraine, lead or anr poiio&ont draff. U. S. Dispensatory recommends every io- fredient of E-RU 8A. Dra Inwi make "fnU and mislwdiaf tUUmsnte" trims. Tatrefore, the sals of all other or narcotic pile medieinee is fflefal sans tasy arfaat tae braia aid spinal marrow, predaca eoastipatioa and t' r. IIU U sat far aats at apian Joist. OalT drorfitts if klfksst stax i( sadoras HO MaaWard Tnnty, Baflc Paarssac. Ckaa. trl laakiaa' dra stars. hi!Jl1T!nmenu. .