Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, April 28, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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City County Will Refund in Water
Amount Paid for Extending
Mains Along Streets.
One (if the most important sub
jects the' people of Mcdford have
keen called upon to decide is the
charter amendment permitting the
application of the Huneroft aot to
extension of the wuter mains. Under
this amendment it will he possible to
extend the mains to consumers
throughout the city, the money they
pay in for the cost of the extensions
tut be refunded in water rentals. In
accordance with this plan, the city
council Tuesday night passed the
following resolution
"Be it Resolved, by the city coun
cil of the city of Mcdford, that it is
the intention of this council to issue
to each property owner who shall pay
any assessment on account of any
water main, a certificate therefor,
which shall he receivable in payment
for water at any time thereafter used
upon said premises for the full
amount of said payment, including
any interest."
. As the city has no funds, the pres
ent plan has been devised to enable
everyone to secure water. At pres
ent only about a third of the possible
consumers are connected, and it is
essential, if th interest on the bonds
is to be met, that as many consumers
ns possible be secured.
It is of vital interest to the wel
fare of the city that the charter
amendment be voted favorably upon.
City Council Accepts Bid of Warren
Construction Co. for Mile of
Bitulithic Pavement.
At the M. K. church. South. May 2,
at 11 a. m. special Pythian service.
All member of the K. of I'. and Py
thian Sisters and the general public
are cordially invited.
The sermon will be in demonstra
tion of the principles of the orders.
Let all members of both orders meet
at Castle hall at 10 a. m. and inarch
to the church in a body. ISy order
Heinrich Conrad Dead.
MKKAX. Austria. April 2S. Hein
rich Conried. former director of the
Metropolitan opera house in New
York, who suffered a stroke of ap
oplexy several Any died peiice
"fullv here Tuesday.
California Raisin Day.
California invites all the world to
eat California raisins on April 30
pvorv dav for that matter, but partic
ularly on April 30, which has been
dded to the calendar of festival oc
casions as a day of rejoicing. East
California raisins on California any,
April 30.
Have the Mission Furniture WorkB
make vou a cedar chest in whien to
place your winter clothes. These
ohests will keep the garments free
from moths and dust. Shop on cor
ner of Eighth and Holly sts.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dereigned will apply at the next regu
lr mMtinir of the city council, Mad
ford, Oregon, Tuesday, May 4th, for
a lioense to sell malt, vinous and spir-
itnna Honors in less quantities than
one ballon, at lot 7, block 21, in Med-
ford, Or., for a period of 81 nontns'
Dated April 21, 1909.
Hello! This is f61 the Industrial
Exchange. "Give me the messenger
and exnress deDartment." "All right
Always on deck." "HowVbout that
hoy who ran over the lumber wag
onf" "Didn't run over no wagon. I'll
tell vou about it. He just skiddooed
so fust over the rough roads his tire
came off, so he had to re-tire, of
course. Boy number two had no
bike. Aiming to make speed on foot
he fell on the curb, sprained his an
kle so he's hang up for repairs. Now
boy number three oh, he's not so
fast as number two,' bnt gee, how
pure-footed he is, besides he gets
there p d q. Ring up the "Exchange
messenger service, !!,' and see this
bov whirl. ' ' si
Joe Hep says it is the best show o
Mickadoo he ever seen. 34
Great Interest in Thursday Night's
Wrestling Bout With Thomas
' Fine Match Scheduled.
Oakdnle avenue will be paved at
once with bitulithic pavement from
the south city limits to the west line
t rnurlh street. 1 ho contract was
awarded to the Warren Construc
tion company Tuesday night bv the
ity council. The curbing will be put
in by the Mcdford Cement company,
whose bid of 40 cents per foot, with
1") cents extra for curves where
irons were ordered, was accepted,
the total cost of the paving and curb
ing is estimated at approximately
.-?.". 17 per lineal foot to the property
owners. This includes the cost of
ntcrseotions, and the price is con-
iderably lower than that of the pav
ing already made, the paving com
pany having made concessions so
lull the cost would come within the
limit specified, $.').2." per lineal foot,
there being insufficient funds in the
it v treasury for intersections.
To Pave d'Anjou.
The iji3000 the city has for inter
sections will be prorated between
Oakdale avenue, West Main and East
Main streets.
The ordinances awarding the pav
; contract for d'Anjou street from
Sixth to Eighth streets to the Wur-
'en Construction company were nlso
passed, including the ten-year main
tenance contract at 2l' cents per
juare yard.
The plat of Woodlawn addition
was relerreo lo ine sireei eommiuee.
The addition lies west of the Hoss
addition in West Mcdford.
Oakdale Owners Appear.
Property owners of Oakdale nvc
iiie, including William Ulrich, Scott
lavis, Father Van. Mr. Halley, Dr.
Kcene and others, spoke in favor of
he pavement. Dr. Pickel and other
properly owners ot West Main spoke
extending the pavement to the
west city limits, and n petition wns
eceived front other West Main prnp
rty owners protesting against huv-
ug to pay for intersections.
Mayor Canon and all couneilnien
were present.
Joe l.a Salle, who meets Thomas
at the Angle opera house tomorrow
evening, and who by his speed and
fairness in his former Medtord
matches has won u homo in Medford,
met the redoubtable O'Connel of Port-
laud at Eugene last Friday night and
Classified Advertise meats
WANTED By young man, a room in
private house, close in.. Z, care
20 I
WANTED Poultry and eggs: top
market price paid in cash. Rogue
River Pish Market. Chicken yard
134 South Ivy street. 37
WANTED A girl for general house
work, who can sleep at home. Apply
at No. 627 South C street.
WANTED Weed Lumber company
logging and railroad camps open ac
tivity May 5th. Mills 10th to 15th.
Those wishing employment write or
call on Weed Lumber company,
Weed, Cal. 35
' .- X 4"eWS, , .
r ' . 'I '
: i J I'M
is nit
f . lsS y , v
fcnX si
?1va t if
h- f '1
WANTED First-class solicitor to
sell orchard tracts; man with auto
mobile preferred ; good salary to
right man. P. O. Box 418, Medford,
WANTED A chambermaid at the
Franco-American hotel, Yreka, Cal.
Morrison & Lash. 34
WANTED Man to work on rauoh,
who understands market gardening.
Address P. 0. Box 225
WANTED U!woodchopper to chop
conlwoe-d and tierwood. Address P. O.
Box 418.
WANTED Stenographer, for offioe
work. C, Tribnne offioe.
WANTED--Good pasture far horse;
do nire fence; plenty grajs and wa
ter; no horse taken for less than
one month. Walter Moore, Phoe
WANTED Girl for general house
work; one in family, lady. Inquire
at Exhibit building.
FOli RENT Furnished housekeep
ing rooms on ground floor. Second
brick hoitso on J street south of
scltoolhousc. 35
FOli RENT Furnished rooms with
board. 325 Riverside ave. 35
WASHINGTON. I). I'.. April 28.
S. A. 1). Puter of Portland bus ar
rived to have a further conference
with the land office officials and the
lepartment of justice relative to the
institution and prosecution of civil
nits to recover title to Oregon tim
ber lands that were fraudulently uc-
Itiircd. Puter is particularly anx
ious to sec tne government regain
title to many lands now held by C. A.
Smith and the Benson-Hyde syndi
Roseburg Robbers Caught.
OAKLAND, Or.. April 28. An ex
iting capture of two robber sus
pects by Sheriff Kenton of Douglas
county was made here on the Hart
ranch. The men are wanted for
robbing several Roseburg clothing
dealers last Thursday night, when
they secured $150 worth of valuable
clothes and silks.
German breakfast cheese, small 10c
package, large 15c package, at the
Rex Grocery, Mission block.
He it resolved, by the city coun
cil of the city of Medford. That it
is the intention of the council to is
tie to each property owner who shall
pav anv assessment on nceouiu oi
uuv water main, a certificate there
for, which shall be received in pay
ment for water at any time there
after used upon said premise for the
full amount of said payment, ineltid
ing any interest.
The foregoing resolution wns pass
ed by the city conneil of said city
this 27th day'of April. 1909. by the
following vote, to-wit : Welch aye,
Merrick aye. Emerick aye, Wortman
aye. Eifert aye, and Dcmmer aye.
-ApptWd April 27th, 1909.
W. H. CANON, Mayor.
Attest :
City Recorder.
Joe Thomas.
wrestled that celebrity to a draw m
a bout that lasted two hours and 45
minutes without either man securing
a fall.
Thomas is without doubt one of
lite best men on the const, hut he will
have the time of his life in putting
I lie busy French boy to the mat. This
match surely ought to be a hummer.
both men are in top-notch form.
WOOD VI U.K. April 28. Clovie
Messner of Oold Hill was reported
in a recent dispatch to have become
temporarily insane at Grants Pass.
Ic came to Woodville April 15 and
fell in with two boys, aged 16 and
17, who induced him to go to Grants
Pass, where he spent his money with
them in n of shady repute,
while the trio was visiting it. The
two other boys escaped and walked
home to Woodville. The case is one
that should be investigated by the
grand jury, as these two youths are
said to admit taking $15 from young
Messner. At any rule, they came
back with new hats and shoes.
KLAMATH FALLS, Or., April 28.
James H. Wheeler, who is down
from Fort Klamath, states that he
has just returned from the mountains
nt the head of the North Umpqna
where he has been trapping during
the winter. Mr. Wheeler has been
camped in the mountains since Octo
ber, nnd he stntes that in January
there wns 17 feet of snow around his
cabin. He brought in with him fi8
martin skins, a half a dozen fox and
a number of coyote and other skins.
He spent the winter entirely alone in
his snowbound cabin, taking his sup
plies from Fort Klnmath.
FOR SALE Choiie bualoeis property
at a bnrgain, on long time; tasy torms.
Addrem P. O. Box 418.
FOK SALE 5 and 10-acra tract just
within and adjoining elty limits, at
sprgain, on 5 manual payments. Ad
dress P. O. Box 418. '
FOR SALE Cheap, easy terms: One
seven-room hguse and one acre of
ground, close in; price JflSnO. $500
ca-h, balance in one yeur; will take
"1'nited Wireless Telegraph stock
lor all or part of value nt $35 per
share. C. E. M.. Box 721, city. 58
EOIt SALE You can't beat this
130 acres, 75 in cultivation, 14 in
prunes, 2 in apples, all in bearing;
all fenced; 25 acres in wheat and
oat hay; crop all goes if taken at
once; good house, barn, etc.; 1
miles from Myrtle Creek on county
road ; price $4500. The King Real
ty Co., Myrtle Creek, Or. 39
FOR SALE Two and one kalf
in city limit, main ttre
house, outbuilding, ! taak MM
gasoline pomping plant, good faafiy j
orchard and garden apt ; moat da- j
Birable location is the arty; ateoeA at :
your own prioe. Jacksonville Heal
Estate Co., Adolf SchnU, Bgr.
FOR SALE I-ook at this: 80 acres
l'2 niiles east of the 401 ranch and
iy2 miles from Wellan P. 0.; 65
seres adapted to apples or pears,
5 acres t grapes and 10 acres to
pasture. This some of the finest
fruit soil in the valley, and anyone
desiring this sort of land cannot
afford to lose a minute. Priee $8000
on easy terms. Benson Investment
Company. 94
Genuine imported Swiss cheese,
40c per pound. Rex Grocery, Mis
sion block. ' : . j '
POR SALE 20 acrjg -i .cung or
chard adjoining city limits, on eoun
ty road; fine; deep level
loamy toil ; mile from poatoffioe,
courthonae, high school ; leading va
riety of fruit; 6 acres pears, 10
acres apples, 2 acres peaches, some
hearing trees, alfalfa and garden
patch ; good 4-roora house, barn,
outbuildings, household goods, farm
ing tools, 1 cow, 20 ohiekens, 3
wells to irrigate portion of land if
necessary; $350 per aere, terms.
Jacksonville Real Estate Co., Adolf
Sehnls, maaager. -
Ella Oaanyaw, pnblie stenographer,
oom 4, reus ininiaiag.
or a bungalow, just as happens
to strike your taste, always ob
tainable at owner's prices ats
our shop. And let us again im
press you with the fact that Mcdford prices are today more reason-'
able than in any other town in the west, when the prospects of the
city are taken Into consideration. It will make one feel awfully
well contented with life to own one of the properties In whloh we
are dealing, In case the oil district proves to be what we think It
will be. Now is the time to get In on the best investment possible
to make In Medford town property, by calling on the
Rogue River Land Co.
Exhibit Building, MEDFORD
Before You Invest
- IN -
City Property
Unimproved Lands
Mining Property
Mills-McCall Building
APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of
Fruit Trees ' ; ' .-;'Vv
Largest Commorcial Nursery in the Pacilng
Northwest. Nol in tbe combine. Competes VV
all first-class nurseries
L. E. HOOVER, Agent
urk, was
nd Snn-
. who have
The latest styles and lem Cali-
- plain and fancy Shoes, I
In various hues the MModfbrd
ties in shoe wear.
and Summer Foogear for ladle
and children at the right price
S. H. Duffield & Son'
Medford Iron Worils
E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietors is en-
All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits,
'ed States.
Boilers and Machinery.
Agents in Southern Oragon for gh't letter