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About Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1909)
M FOURTH YEAE. BIG HARVEST IN SIGHT FOR LOCAL GROVES Investigation Shows Early Promise of Abundant Fruit Crop Will Materialize Little Dam age From Frost, j RECORD PRICES FOR FRUIT ARE PROMISED Here and There a Grove Has Been Slightly Touched, but Little Real Damage Has Resulted. "I find but little damage done Mod ford orchards by frost," said ('. A Malboeuf, district freight agent of the Southern l'acifie, who spent Wed-' nesday looking over Kogne Kiver val- j ley groves. "Here and there urc spots . where llie Host tins touenea, uiu ine damage will not materially affect the total output." Fruit Inspector Taylor and Pro fessor O'Gara both state that the damage by frost is not heavy only a few orchards having been touch ed. Some damage has been done to Hurtletts and Oargoe pears, but none to Cornice or d'Anjous, and but little to apples. .The apple crop will not be as heavy as first expected, except in certain localities. None of the foothill orchards were touched. The Lewis, Iturrell, Hop kins, Gore, Myers, Bennett and other famous groves were but . slightly touched, und in most cases not dam aged at all. Record prices are assured by the failure of the crops in so many pro ducing sections. ROGUE RIVER SHEEP BRING GOOD PRICES K. K. Ilanan has purchased along Hip lower liogue country in Curry county .10(11) head of sheep for J. '.. I'clton & Co. of Hoseburg and Ashland. These sheep include about 20110 wethers and :!000 ewes. Of this number about ,'iOOO head will be brought to Douglas county ranges and the remainder pastured in the const districts during the summer. Sheep prices average aboiil the same as lasi year, or possibly a litllc bel ter. Messrs. Pelton and Hunan have ul-o purchased about Sltlt head of young steers in I Cumins county which they are preparing to drive to their ranges at Fort Khtinalh. Tin- first drove of -too will start about May 1 anil the second about Ihree weeks later. NEW GROCERY STORE BUILT BY CALIFORNIA About two necks, ago ('. A. Fowler left bis California home and cuine to Medford. Like nearly everyone else in the civilized world, be had heard of Mcdfonl and its r ir Il didn't take Mr. Kowlcr very long to make up bis mind that this was exactly the place he wanted. lie pur-clni-cd some bits on Jackson and Woodcock streets, went to the Woods Lumber company and ni-dered lumber for a store building and put some cai iicntors to work. Mr. Kowlcr will carry a complete stork of general merchandise. WASHINGTON. I). C, April 28. The ceuate judiciary committee has re(Mirted favorably on the nomination of Judge Hean. The president nominated Kdward K. Ciishnian. a brother of Represen tative Cushmun of Washington, for federal judge of the Third Alaska division. edford Daily Tribune ROGUE GROVES : i BIG SUCCESS Professor O'Gara States That No Damage Occurred Wherever Fires Were Built Cool Nights in Groves. SUCCESSFUL FIGHT AGAINST JACK FROST, Hereafter Fruitgrowers Need Not Burned to Death in Church After Be- Advocate, Closing All Mills Until the Fear Loss of Crops Through i ing Murdered In Adana j Prices Are Sent Skyward Man Unseasonable Weather. I ' District. ' trfacturers Meet In Tacoma. "Smudging in Rogue River valley j orchards has proved ti big success, this year," states Professor O'Gara. pathologist for the department of ag-; riuulture, who has superintended the, fight against .frost und pests in this j section. "No orchard in which smudges were built have been touch- ' ed by frost. "Fires were built through the or chard at intervuls. Old fenco rails, stumps, logs und any kind of refuse were used. Sacks filled with shavings waste, etc., were saturated with oil and placed under the logs. When the thermometer nearcd the danger point these were fired, and the heat thus generated saved the fruit. "A remarkable instance of the ef ficiency of smudging was shown on the A. C. Allen place, where the house orchard, located oil u hill, was Dip ped severely, while the commercial orchard, ou the surrounding lowlandL was untouched. Smudges were used on the latter. ".Many of the fine orchards, such as the Marshall, Gore and Meyers tracts, will have fine crops through smudging." On the other baud, those orchards. like the Hopkins and Hurrell, which did not smudge, will have fine crops also. CASEBIER FARM ON BEAR CREEK SOLD The sale of the J. M. Casehier farm j of It.ll) acres, situated on Hear creek. between Ashland and Talent.' for a I sum amounting to $110,000, is report-j ed. and the survey for the final pa-1 pers is now under way. The buyer j is an eastern man named Glasgow, j Most of the acreage? of the place, is cultivated land and (here is a con siderable amount of fine Hear creek bottom land included in tile deal.. There are Icn acres set to grapes and five acres of orchard, the whole tract beiui: rouiiled valuable fruit aereau'C. Tidings. S'POSIN' BIG BILL GOT THE MEASLES WASHINGTON'. I). C. April 28. Iniauine tile White House being quar antined, and against -ucb a childish di-ca-.e-ns the measle-: yet that's nbat may happen. Young Jim fox six year old. son of Representative Cox of Ohio, a democrat at thai, visited the prrsi deinl with bis lather last Wednes day. Young Jim is now down with a well developed ca.-e of measles and Ibereb hangs the tale. Had the pl'esjilcut been infected? It happen in this way. Jib Cox ha - a great admiration for President Tafl. For a long time he has been anxious lo go and see him. On Wed nesday of last week his fnther took him over to the White House. In his usual fashion, the president received his young caller, tniked things over with him nnd finally gave him one of ' his autographed photographs. When Jim went away he was the hap piest boy in Washington. MEDFORD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, SLAUGHTER OF CHRISTIANS BY Massacres Continue in Ttowns of Asia Minor and Africa Meager Reports Indicate that Thou sands Are Slain. HUNDRED MISSIONARIES ' SLAIN BY FANATICS BEIRUT. Apjril 28 Scores of scattered villages in the Villayet of Adunn were the scenes of massacres today. Meager reports indicate that thousands were killed. KASABA, Africa, April 28. It is reported that the Moslems have kill ed every Christian here. LONDON, April 28 A hundred Protestant missionaries have been killed by the fanatical Moslems in the Adana district, where their char red bodies were found in u church which hud been burned to the ground. The missionaries were either burned to death or murdered. ASHLAND TELEGRAPH OFFICE IS ENLARGED Owing to the increase in business in. southern Oregon, Manager Wilson of the Western Union company at Ashland was recently appointed tele graphic money transfer agent for all of southern Oregon and muny points in northern California. A consignment of instruments for the installation of the i-uad repeating Dipiipment for the new printing tele graph system to be set in operation over the Western linion Hues has been received for the relay office at Ashland and experts ure expected within a week or two to install the same. With this appliance it will be possible to send tit) words in a minute over one wire anil the message, fed into n machine at the initial point will come out printed on a perinn nenl record from a inacliine in the destination office. The equipment is an invention of one of the offi cials of the W. I', company and is called the improved printhi'-' tele graphy. MONSTER CHEESE IS , OVER A YARD ACROSS Thte largest head of cheese that 1 was ever shipped to Medford was re- ceived by the Rex Grocery today. It' is a large 'unpolled Swiss cbce-e and measures a yard across and weighs j over Kill pounds. It lias been long J claimed Ibal a perfect cheese must I of necessity be large ill order to prop- j erly cure the interior lo the uio-t perfect flavor. Il ibis i- true, the lex cheese niu-t be a dandy. ( Hitherto merchants have been afraid to order In such quantity, even knowing thi' superiority of the arti- 1 cle. for fear the trade would not justify it. Hnl Medford is progress- GAME WARDEN UP FOR FIVE YEARS KKII BUFF, fnl.. April J8. I). : M. Bond, deputy fish and game war 1 den. wa sentenced today to five I years at San Quentiu. Bond was ( convicted of killing an Indian whom i hp caught f ashing out of season. The defendant made a motion for a new I trial, which was denied. LUMBER MILLS ISORDERED Timbermen Plan to Curtail Output' in Washington and Oregon Until Conditions Improve.- WOULD FORCE BRISK DEMAND FOR MATERIALS SEATTLE, Wash., April 28. A delegation of prominent Oregon lum bermen are today conferring with leading Washington millmeu discuss ing ways and menus of improving the condition of the northwest lum ber market. They plan for the fur ther curtailment of the output from Washington and Oregon mills until Conditions improve. The plun will be taken up in de tail. Many lumbermen of both states are openly advocating the closing of all mills until the demand becomes brisk. INCUBATOR NOT SURE SUCCESS IN OREGON The incubator has not proven u pronounced success in the hatching of chicks, according to the results of an extended series of experiments carried on by the department of ug ricultpre. At the Oregon station it was dem onstrated that, notwithstanding the fact that hens sometimes break eggs and that they sometimes quit their jobs and go off to woman's club meetings things the incubator is never guilty of still the hea is a belter brooder than (be incubator. The incubators used hatched 78. .1 per cent of eggs, and the Ileus !)(!.. 1 per cent. Hut the most vital point is that the chicks hutched out under hens weigh ed heavier Ibau those hatched in in cubators. The mortality of hen batcbed clucks was but 10.8 per cent, while the mortality of incubator chicks was M.'t.l per cent. Ilen-hntch-cd chicks made a greater gain in weight than inc uhutor-hnlchcd chicks whether brooded by bens or brooders. All epeiiiuents showed that the hen hatched chick is stronger und belter than the other. ONE HEATING PLANT FOR ALL BUSINESS DISTRICT N'liHTII YAKIMA. Wash.. April 28. North Yukiinu will lorn a central bcjiling plan! by which the business ili-lriots and a portion of Ibc resi dence districts will be healed. The plan! will be in operation before Ihc return nt coin uculher in Ihc 1 After an in e-l igntion which has leaded oer n veal' a corporation of leading Ini-ine-- ine'i has been formed at il articles of iiicoi-Hiratioii of the Ynkiuin Ccnll'al filed with the i tru-tces of llie alntg company v audilor. The ii'aliou are Alex Miller. A. K. Larson. O. A. II. It. Scolder and John 1 Fletcher, Hughes. Be-ides I'tirni-hini; li-jht. tin; company uill furnish 1 1 t water on a meter bn- TERRIFIC HAILSTORM SMASHES WINDOW PANES OKLAHOMA CITY. okln., April 27. - Dozens of window panes were mashed in residences and downtown biisines-t house her last night by one of the most terrifie hailstorms evirr known herp. 190!). TO DISCUSS EXHIBIT FOR SEATTLE FAIR Commercial Club Meets Tonight to Dispose of Question of Adver tising County at A-Y-P Exposition. MUST ACT NOW OR LOSE OPPORTUNITY Kiser, Whose 011-Painted Photos of Crater Lake Will Be Considered, Goes to Northern Pacific. The Commercial club w ill meet to night to discuss the proposed exhibit at the Alaska-Yukou-Pacifie exposi tion. Speedy action is forced by the fact that Mr. Kiser, who will pre pare an exhibit of Crnler Lake paint ings, has joined the forces of the Northern Pacific. A letter from Will G. Steel from i t land tells of the need for aetion as follows: "Two or three days ago 1 saw something about the proposed ex hibit of Kiser pictures, and us 1 knew there was a probable change in Mr. Riser's business, I took it upon myself to hunt him up yesterday and learn the condition of affairs. "While in Portland a few days ago, Mr. Louis Hill, president of tllu Great Northern railroad, entered into u can tract with Mr. Kiser by which he be comes the official photographer of thnt company, under extremely fa vorable circumstances, and wil) enter actively into the work just as soon as a cur can be properly equipped, which is being done regardless of expense. How long this will take I do not know, but certainly not very long, so 1 would suggest that if anything is to be done at Medford it had belter be done as soon as possible, or it may be too late. I think it is mi important matter, and believe you feel the .same way: so I have taken the libery of writing to you about il." R0SEBURG SECURES ADVERTISING BOOKLETS The new lioscbuig and llouglas (oiuity booklets were delivered Fri day, the edition comprising 20.000 copies. 'fbe cover is somewhat of an improvement over llie former one, being printed in a combinalion of color- appropriate lo Oregon. Tile illu-t i'n lion- iiri well printed, show ing to a inca-iire llie fruils Ibal can be grown in itoiighis county. In its eiililely the book is well golleu up. and it is needles to as-crt that it will be ihc menus ,,f bringing many comers to this section of the great northwest. I'mpqiia Yallcv News. MEDFORD AND ASHLAND ELKS TO SEE ROSEBURG id and Ashland Klks are j Medio planning lo attend the lioschillg trawberry fair on May 11, which will lie 'Llk- dav" in Ito-ehing. and from I indical ions t be eitl will prove. ino-H , inter -ling. In re-ponse to invita tion the member-, of the loci I herds will vi-it Ifowi'hiiri on llie above dale, 'J-'iO troii''. making the I rip by -pecial train. They will tr accompanied by a musical organization. Among the feature- of thi' day will be a grand street parade, in which it is expeeted that several hundred Klks will lake part. In the evening the visitors will be entertained by the members of the local lodge, it being the intention of those interested to initiate a npmber of candidates into the mysteries of the order - just to entertain the atran ffera. No. 34. UNCLE SAM IS FIRST TO BOW TO NEW RULER United States Immediately Takes Steps to Recognize Reschad as the Sultan of Turkey. DETHRONEMENT OF ABDUL PERMANENT Mehemmed, the Fifth, Is Official Ti tle Formal Decree of Re moval Signed. WASHINGTON, D. C, April 28. The United States will immediately recognize Mohemmed Rechnd Effondi as Iho lawful sultan of Tnrkoy, uo cording to an announcement made ill the stale department today. Ameri can Ambassador Leishman has sent an official notice of the dethrone ment of Abdul Ilamil II. Tho formal decree removing Abdul Humid from all power of the Turkish empire was issued by tho Sheik Ul Islam, the head of the church, in the regular form prescribed by tho tenets of the Mohammedan faith. Mehemmed Reschad El'fendi was proclaimed as Mehemmed V. MEQF0RD TO PLAY HILT ON SUNDAY What p mini sew to he the best base ball game of the season will he play ed at the ball. park Sunday between the Hilt baseball leain and the Med ford Colls for a $l."n purse. The Hill team is managed by Pres ident Leaeh of the Northern Cali fornia Lumber company, anil under his management last season won the championship of the Northern Cali fornia league. A number of this team are imported for the ball (earn every season, and consequently the the team is unusually strong Cor an amatenr organization. Crippled by the lo- of c mil of llie regular leain two week.-, ago, tin? Mica I team- was ea-y prey for tho Ililt team al the laiie: place. Sun day Medford will Irr e the regular lineup nnd witl he out to win if it is in then:. The team deserves llie support of ex cry live man in Medford. Backed by no one, the boy have purchased 1 he be.-t suits procurable and are pulling up gilt -edged ball. Kvery i:ame Ibis season has been well worth llie admission, and atl that is needed lor a winning learn is the support the learn justly deserves. The O. It. A: X. team of Portland will probably meet the local team in the near future, as Manager Daniels innw negotiating for the game, and a trip lo llie noi'lli for llie local team laler in the season is probable in case the -eason proxc- a successful one. In order to -end llie Hill I-nuii back the -nine day. ihc game will hi' called :tl I :M S lay, GRAND GATHERING OF SUFFRAGETTES LONDON. April L'H. Many prom inent women are arriviu? in London lor I he quinquennia I convent ion of llie International Women's Suffrage alliance, the se.-sioiw of which will begin in St. .larue' hall Wednesday. The congress undoubtedly will be the largest and most influential gather ing that has taken place in the his tory of the woman suffrage move ment. No less than 'JO eonntrien will be represented at tho nonprenf, and the speeches, which are to be hi terpreted, will be delivered in every European language.