Free Trip to the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition See the Contest Manager Medford Daily Tribune FOURTH YEAE. MEDFORD. OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 1909. No. 153. COSS IS GRANTED NEW TRIAL ENYART WINS FIRST SHOOT THIS SEASON Gun Club Is Already Planning on the Ttournament for August, When Experts From All Sections Will Be Invited. ENYART NAILS TWENTY-SIX SHOTS OUT OF THIRTY Pleasant Afternoon Had by Members of Rod and Gun Club Tourout Light. J. Knyart won the first shoot of the present season by taking 26 shots out of 30 at a recent meeting of the Medford Hod and Gun club. The was perfect, and while only a few members of the club were out, a most enjoyable time was had and the scores showed up well for the first time in the field this season. 91ready are the members of the club planning for the 'entertainment of ex pert shots from u!l sections of the United States who are expeoted to le in Medford next August, when the onnnnl tournament of the club is to he held. Last year Medford and ri euiity received a great deal of adver tising from the tournament, and this year's will be larger nnd better than ever. The scores made al the first shoot of the season were: Shot at. Broke. Kuvurt 20 Lance 30 23 Outfield 30 22 fliden 30 20 Seely 30 10 Smith 2-r 17 Higham '. . . . 30 14 Collins -' 14 Phlcgar 2.". 8 GOVERNMENT DECIDES IN FAVOR OF SCRIPPERS KLAMATH FALLS, Or.. April 27. Again the famous 37-10 rase in the limelight. This time the decision is adverse to the individual applicants mid in favor of the snippers, Ihe commissioner of the general land of fice having reversed the register and receiver at the I.nkeview office. Under Secretary Hitchcock this ease va- closed, ''is decision being favorable to the timber and stone ap plicants and the homesteaders. Sec retary fiarfielil reopened I lie ea-c and ordered a hearing before the officinls of the Lakeview office. Their de cision was adverse to the scrippers. The en-e was appealed, with the re sult that the commissioner lias found jp ihe corporation placing the scrip. RAILROADS AGAIN , SCORE IN MISSOURI KANSAS CITY. April 27.--Federal Judge 1'hillips today issued an order ib-solving the temporary injunction recently obtained by the circuit at torney in the state courts to prevent the 18 railroads entering Missouri from returning to the 3-cent passen ger rate. Judge Phillips ruled thnt nnless the state officials and state courts kept out of the case they would be held in contempt. Daniels for Duds largest clothing store in southern Oregon. 33 WILL NOT REDUCE RATES WITHOUT FIGHTIN COURT Railroads Reply to Notice Served by the Commission to Reduce Their Rates to the East. ROADS ASK FOR A FURTHER STATEMENT REGARDING RATES Hill and Harriman Attorneys Notify Commission That Rates Will Not Be Reduced. SALEM, Or., April 27. Replying to the notice of the Oregon railroad commission to the effect that the in crease in transcontinental freight rates is excessive and unjust and that a complyaint will be mude to the in terstate commerce commission unless the rates prior to Junuury, 1909, be re-established, the attorneys for the Hill and Hurrimuu roads advised the commission today that the rates would not be reduced without a fight. Attorney Cotton for the Harriman roads in a letter to the commission says that the commission can assnme no uction to be tuken by the rail roads to substitute old rates for the new ones. Other roads have asked for a fur ther statement of facts. R0SEBURG TO HOLD BIG STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL HOSKIU 'RG, Or.. April 27. The date of the proposed strawberry fes tival to be held in Kosebnrg has been set bv the Commercial club for Kri day and Saturday, May 14 and 13. The two days will be given over to displays of strawberries. A program for both days has been prepjnred. On the evening of the first day the wom en will give a musicnle. The occasion will also lie taken ad vantage of by the importers and rais ers of blooded livestock and a large parade of animals is expected. The Ashland bulge of Klks. accom panied ly members of that bulge froit) different towns in southern Oregon will visit Kosebnrg on Saturday, the second day of the festival. The vis itors will number about 2"i0. Douglas com ly strawberries are the first in the market each year, and mis fact will be widely advertised at the festival. It is proposed to secure photographs of the best displays and ibis parades and n-e lliem in booster booklets. BIG FRUIT CROP IS ASSURED IN NEHALEM KKWItFJiO. Or., April 2, Cherry. prune, pear and apple trees are load ed with bloom, and Xehalem valley has never bad a better prospect at this season of the year for a bumper rcroi, of fruit than is in sight al the 'present time. P.arring killing frost nnd cold rains, which are always to be feared in the spring, the fruit crop will be a big one. The Weber. Hus- scll Canning company is arranging to start the big cannery here with the opening of the berry and fruit sea son. and will be prepared to take care of all that will be offered. Daniels for Dud largest clothing store in southern Oregon. 33 SUPREME 0 T JUDGE UNA FOR REMARKS DURING PROCEEDINGS Four Principal Grounds Are Cited Which Relate to the Admission of Evidence and Remarks Made by Presiding Judge During Trial SALEM, Or., April 27. Upon four principal grounds relating to the ad-1 mission of evidence and the improper remarks of both the presiding judge and the attorneys, the supreme court today in an opinion announced by Justice, Bean reversed the case of the state vs. Coss and ordered a new trial. The court held that where the de fendent attempted to prove an alibi the judge should instruct the jury that tho exact date of the commission of the ullcged act is material. The remarks mude by Judge Ilon nu during the progress of the trial are criticized by the court. Tho fact that the judge permitted evidence of facts to be shown that were not in cluded in the indictment is also held as un error sufficient upon which to base ii reversal, while he would not permit evidence to be presented to show the bitter feeling of hatred for the defendant held by Mrs. Beoht, ' the divorced wife of Loss. HOOD RIVER WILL TURN OUT MANY APPLES "Hood Hiver will he producing 1, 000,000 boxes of apples annually within the next four years," declar ed E. L. Smith, better known as "Hood Hiver" Smith, recently in Portland. "The crop this year will not be valued at less than .IIM), 000," he continued. "Last year's crop sold for a quarter of a million dol lars and many more trees conic into bearing this year. In fact, 1 never aw the Hood Hiver valley looking more beautiful than at the present time. The prospects for a great year arc splendid." Mr. Smith eniue to 1,'ood Hiver 23 ars ago. lie has now largely re tired from the apple business, having mid bis valuable holdings. He spent even years raising apples in Cnlifor lia before coining here. He says ithcr purls of Oregon will ultimate ly produce a- g 1 apples as (hose raised on Wood river, and spoke of the fine oiialiiy of Newtown Pippins icing grown now in southern ); on. JOHNSON BOOM FOR 1912 IS UNDER WAY CHICAGO. April 27.--The boom of Governor J,,hu A. Johnson of Minne sota for the democratic nomination for president in 1012 has arrived in Chicago in the custody of Sam Wood of Minneapolis, formerly of Kvnn- ston. Mr. Wood thinks tins is the psychological moment for starting the "Johnson for president" propa ganda in Illinois. The big feature at present of the plans of the boost ers of the Minnesota executive is to hold a national mass meeting of dem ocrats in St. Paul on the first Tues day in next September. Daniels for Duds largest clothing store in southern Oregon. 33 CRITICIZES The trial of H. M. Coss npon a statutory churged preferred by Car- rie Stagg, a 14-year-old girl, who was employed as a domestic in the Comb family, attracted stnte-widc at tention during the fall. Coss was indicted by a grand jury and after a lengthy trial was found guilty and sentenced to seven yenrs in the pen itentiary. A stay of execution was granted by the supremo court until such time as they could review the case and Coss was released under bond. The stay of oxecution was served upon Sheriff Jones just with out the gates of the penitentiary in Salem as he was taking bis prisoner to that institution' to commence the serving of bis term. Since the time that Coss was con victed the complaining witness, Car rio Stugs, went to Grants Pass, where she mude a similar complaint ugaintt Dr. J. E. Castuin, who wus arrested und urraigued, but who was not tried, owing to the fuct that be and the girl were married. KLAMATH FALLS TO CLEAN UP FOR CELEBRATION "KLAMATH FALLS, Or., April 27. -In preparation for the celebration of the completion of the railroad, Klamath Kalis will have a "clean-up day." It is the desire to make the city as near a spotless town as pos sible ami put it in first-class sani tary condition. With the extensive street improvements being planned for the year, which will probably in clude the paving of Main street its entire length, the town will be one of the most attractive spots on the coast for summer visitors. JAPANESE POTATO KING WILL HAtE MEN CELEBRATE STOCKTON, Cal., April 27. -George Sbiniit, the Japanese potato king, who recently purchased a fine ivsid e in I'.ei'keley. is planning to give a hundred or more of his Japanese laborers a trip to Sail Fran cisco while ttie emperors cruisers are there, and will dress the men in new business suits for the occasion. The laborers will be given a steamboat l l ip to the liny City at Shima's ex pense. Their outing will cost Sbiuia 2000. FOREST FIRE RAGES NEAR TOWN OF SISS0N SISSON. Cal.. April 27.--A for est fire was started by a hobo near Mt. Shasta Home, about a mile north of Sisson, yesterday morning. The fire raged furiously, crossing tbe rnilrond tracks, and burned three block signal poles, also damaging the main telegraph line. The box factory belonging to Cur tis lirotbers & company nurrowly escnjied destruction. Daniels for Duds largest clothing etore in southern Oregon. 33 TURK SULTAN IS NO LONGER TURKMAN Brother Is Proclaimed as His Succes sor and Is Installed Amongst Wildest Enthusiasm Great Crowds Attend. NEW RULE!? GfiEETtD WITH CHEERS BY THE MULTITUDE National Assembly and Mohammedan Church Jointly In Favor ot De position of Late Ruler. CONSTANTINOPLE, Anril 27. - The sultan of Turkey was deposed today His brother, Mchomid Hecluid F.ffondi, was proe'iiimcd ns his suc cessor. The sultan was removed from the palace and his brother installed amid the wildest enthusiasm. While the ceremony of enthrone ment was in progress great orowds rushed about- (he palace shouting "Ihu lyr.ini has fallen llnil to Re- chad." The deposition was declared upon jointly by the nutional assembly and Ihu Mohammedan church. The Sultan Abdul Humid is a pris oner in the palace of Cherughan on the straits of Hosphorus. lie was conveyed there by the Young Turks BALDWIN AND SANDERSON CANDIDATES FOR MAYOR KLAMATH FALLS, Or., April 27 --F. T. Sunders ind George T lialdwill have been selected as the candidates for mayor. There were 1 70 votes cast, Sanderson receiving 101 mid Unhlwin 71. Scattering votes were cast for lloivin, Deizel Slough and Wilkins. For police judge. A. L. I.envilt received IliO ami W. II. Harris I I. For treasur er. J. V. Sien s r ived 1 10 and A. M. Worden II7. Very li'tlc biicie-l v.n- taken in the election until nearly .! o'clock. At the opening of tln polls i number of friends of Mr. Sniolcson were on hand with printed tiekci-.. and IiikI the field to Ihctnsclv-s, is the liald will supporters had V'-'tc their own tickets. Finiillv sou Baldwin tickets i't'.nl' after over half of U; oim bad some I, but no! until votes were in. WILL FRAME TARIFF BILL FOR FILIPINOS WASHINGTON, I). ('., April 27. The senate committee on I'billipiiii today named Senators Hovcridge, llevburn and Johnston of Alabama as a sub-eoiniuiltee to 1'iaine.a ta iff bill for the Philippine islands. NEED NOT PAY BICYCLE LICENSE MAHPIIFIF.LD, Or.. April 27.--Owners of niltos and bicycles need not buy a license in Murshl'icld. This is the decision of City Hceorder Dul ler, who today sustained a demurrer entered against a recent ordiuntiee pussed by the city council levying the annual license. Daniels for Duds lurgest clothing store in southern Oregon. 33 CONTINUE TO FOOL PEOPLE So Declares Senator, Who Says the People Were Again Fooled by the Promises of the Re publican Party. DECLARES PAYNE BILL IS NOT DIFFERENT FROM OLD TARIFF Senator Scott Says to Reduce Tariff on Lumber Will fie to Cut the Wages of Employes. WASHINGTON, D. C, AprU 27. Declaring that the people are again fooled by tho promises of the repub lican party, which is revising tho tar iff to suit itself and also by tho Amor ican Protective league, Senator Hny nor of Maryland created a sensation on the floor of tbe senate today, when he declared (hat the people are boing fooled again us they will he fooled uutil cxtornity under federal taxation until njenscd from the contamination of politics and combinations "thnt practically own tho government." Tho senator analysed tho Payno tariff bill, charging that whilo cer tain schedules wore lowered thnt oth ers were raised, sA that the reduc tions were ineffective. Senator Scott of Wcsl Virginia s;okc favoring Ihe changes in the existing rales on coal, lumber, iron, steel, hides, wool, oil, pottery. He declared that as a standpatter he was supported by the Vst Virginia leg islature. Ill protesting agail. '. tin1 schedule cutting Ihe lumber rate in half he stated that nothing would be lefl for the lumbermen, who would be forced to cut the wages ,, th"j- employes. FRUIT CROP IN WALLA WALLA VALLEY UNINJURED MILTON, Or., April 27. Fears that the fruit crop of Ihe Walla Wal la valley had been injured by Ihe frosts several days ago have been generally dispelled by Ihe careful ill vcsilgalion of the orchards nnd vine yards in this vicyiily. In some places near the stav line strawberries am prunes were injured some, but lb laiauge is not considered to be great volume. Apple orchards. which were in full bloom at the tini ot the trusts, were iiiiureil in no wav PLANS TO SIGNAL MARS FROM WESTERN TEXAS Fold' VVOHTH. Tex.. April 27. movement has been started In indue W. If. Pickering, profess,, r of asl run omy of Hunard to moke arrnng, meats for signaling Mars from Wcs Texas. It i- pointed out that cond (ions there ;ii'- perfeci. NATIONAL SUBSCRIPTION FOR QUAKE SUFFERER USKOX, April 'J 7. - A nation iiilwi,iit ion Ih'JhIimI by King Miinu 1m- boon opened fur the relief of 11 siifttMi'is fruin the earthquake of la week. Six additional hodien ha ln'i-n recovered from the ruins at lit t'MD tenia. Danielfl for DihIh lnrCBt elothii store in southern Oregon, 3: