Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, April 26, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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i L .. ' ' " ! " f .1.. I Ji.t'PJl'lU MP)
Medford daily Tribune
Official Paper of the City of Medford.
Published everv evening except Sunday.
Qborob Putnam, Editor and Manager.
Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof f ice at
Medford, Oregon.
One moot by mnil or carrier. .. -M.60 One year by mail.
Fair tonight and Tuesday. Light frost possible tonight.
A rare and salubrious olimte soil of remarkable fertility
benutiful scenery mountains storoil with foal, cupper and gold
extensive foreHtH Ktrcams stocked with speckled beauties game in
abundance a contented, prof res-iive people such is the Rojrue
liiver Valley. rr
Average menu temperature J; negreea
Average yearly precipitation 21 inches
jacksox cor STY ;.Mi: LAW'S.
The i'mii'c la.vs of OrcL'im. corrected and revised
been published by the state printer. It is the first time in I
many years that an effective inw law protecls both aine
aiid 'fisli. There are many new features, and on the whole
the l.-.w i.mvides for better prolecfim, than any previous
law has. Those sections of the law that will inleres! the,
sportsmen of .la.-Uson county and southern Orejjon an
as follows:
'Deer--Killing of females alM lawns proninueu. open
season for bucks, August 1 to N'ovember 1. Limit, five in
one season. Unlawful to use dogs, to watch trails or licks,
to sell flesh, hides or horns, unless tailed, to mut ilate car
cass to disguise sex.
Moinihiiii sheep, (nih'ht)w Perpetual closed season.
Silver !nii squirrel -- pen season. October 1 to ,lan
uat'y 1. Ground squirrels exempted.
. ';,.,-.s. ()prn season. October LI to February l". Lim
it, !15 in seven days. Sale permitted between November
If) and December b"). In Klamath county open season irom
September 1 to February L
Geese ami siran Klamath
September 1 to April I
I demand upon the president and congress for action, the
imau responsible for the present situation in breadstuff's
vehemently denies that lie has cornered the market. He
is mrely it merchant, lie foresaw a scarcity. lie did no
forestalling- He simply bought wheat when he knew it
was cheap and he now has it for sale at a profit.
So say they all. Few of the daring operators who have
attempted with more or less success to monopolize mar
kets have been willing to admit that they contemplated a
corner, and the one now in evidence is not likely to do so.
juq I There are laws in Illinois against forestalling and against
corners. .1 here is a law also, winch has been upheld by
the supreme court of the state but rarely enforced, prohib
iting dealing in' futures.
Gamblers in wheat are shrewd enough to point to the
high price of cash wheat that is, real wheat as proof
that their speculation is not responsible for the advance in
futures, but if it had not been for the manipulation of fu
tures there would be no such demand now for the actual
grain. These operators probably have bought and sold
many times over all the real wheat that there is in the coun
try. Iiy such methods they have gained control of a great
proportion of the visible supply.
It is not so easy to see how the national government
can reach these evils, but states which permit manipula
tors to monopolize food and filch unearned millions from
the pockets of. the people are shockingly remiss in their
duty to themselves and their neighbors.
count v open season from
A I the Xaxh- William Wh.-liui. New
Y .ik; li. Veiil. Albany; I.. A. Cniili--hank,
tiiMiv.!i' A. i'i'i'1. I'ihiImihI; ('.
K. Slein, K. I''. Kni.l'l. Chi.-umi: S.
tliinimin. mini, S;in I'Vaiici .-o ; V.
Ii Meyer. T; tun : S. ('. Townes
lliminiiir; .1. ('. H.iMe W. . (.'iiii
ibill. II. S.-hill Fiiiii.mmo; J. A.
I Mcllciny. New York; 41. Tuck
jei'. Sun Francisco ; John Mcnier, Chi
cago; X. Knllnk. l'oi'U I...1; W. II.
Stewart anil wile. II. .1. Ooie, Cole
Min; Sam Slnnisc. Charles ICchn.
San I'miiciM-n ; C S. I.owlai'd, lloi.-e;
W. I!. I'ealher-lolic. A. '' Media.
SI. Louis; Kit! Scntl a:i". wife.
!(iianls I'ass; II. S. Smith. I' W. 1'n
bcr. San I'Vancix-i. ; V. V. Unli'i'in
land wife, .Chicnj.''; Williicn tl. I'.lutl.
I Peh'oit ; .1. Md'onrl. San I'rancisco ;
JO. 0. While and wife. Los Anireles;
I K. O. Incle. Run Frnneiseo: C. IT.
i Smith. (i.Uil Hill; Sam Friedlich, W.
WAXTKD- Fiisl-fl.-iss solicitor to
sell on-hard tracts; man with auto
mobile preferred; no snlHrv to
rijfht man. I. 0. lox .118. Medford.
VA N'TKI) A chnmherniaid at the
Franco-Amei iciin hotel, Yreka, Cal.
Morrison & Lash. 34
WAXTF.D Apprcnlice to learn
printing. Apply Tribune office.
WANTED- Man to work on ranch,
who understands market gardening. '
Address P. O. Box 22f
WAXTKD lwondcliopperH to chop
corilwood and tierwoe.i. Address P O 4IS. '.
wild fowl.
i.. ;.... it,.. ,.l" viinl.- LA.Y kiiiil; inesli ; K. IVck. Sun Francisco; Geonje A.
I UlllllllllMI II "Ml HIV ii." " ' ; ... ,. ., ... ... T
, 1 , . , , . . ii i ,an , nl tun. . h. Minor, laeomii; L.
boat or power boat, swivel and pivot guns, blind over 10"; Swin S rllll(,. s K(,1v ,.itv.
feet from shore, fire and flashlight at night in shooting;!.;, s. r.uihries, Fngie Point.
I At the .Moore K. I'. (iilclmst,
F i 1 1 1 1 i In Wiumic: A. W. Snodcrass.
Chinese ilieilsillll - Unlawful to kill in Jackson and j Portland; Miss Huberts, Grants Fuss;
ilver. copper pheasants and!'- "- i"'"'ris. satem: t. a. .Menu.
rorllaud; K. s. linrluijjr. .Minneapolis;
W. II. Currin and wife. Minneapolis:
.1. K. Mart. Kiifjle I'oiut; C. Itroem
slon, Salem ) L. II. I'nrkin. liushucll;
T. II. (lihmlriek. Mod ford; .1. ('.
Sykes, Fortland; (b.oree K. Osgood, 3AL3
. U. Ilcvcr. Inc. .ma; liasetiall etui),
(Iraiils Fuss; tlcofee II. Schwiii'r.
I ( haiupnign; 11. F. Hill. Portland:
j .1. din (Ireenberg. Taeomn : G. R. King,
San Francisco: II. t). Ashburv. Port
:land; (!. II. Tilliiifrhast, Portlanil; K.
XI. Houghton. Astoria; L. It. Minind
:nud wife, Mi-dfoi'd : F. W. .lohnsou.
i.- i s:.,,,.i... ..-., si.
l,iiuit..'0 in one week. w w. 'wiiiia,s. f. A. Wii-
WAXTFD Stenographer, for office
work. C, Tribune office,
iPANTED Qojd paala for hor9i
no wire fucu; pleuty gr&w and wa
ter; no horse taken for leas than
one month. Walter Moore, Phoe
WANTED Girl for general house
work j one in family, lady. Inquire
at Exhibit building.
Josephine counties, golden, silver, copper pliet
Eiglish partridge, Hungarian partridge and Hob White
quail shooting unlawful.
ywj Open season October b" to December !". Limit,
ten to one day, twenty to one week.
Xrttint. snnriiiti Trapping game animals or birds pro
hibited. Robbing or destruction of nests prohibited. Use
of poisoned grain forbidden.
Tresitt.s - Unlawful for hunters to enter growing grain
or upon premises without permission of owner.
NViorr and tetnliiifi birds (rails, plovers, snipe, etc)
Open season October I lo March 1
Setting fire to tule swamps forbidden.
Trout Lawful al anv lime to catch in Rogue river and
..... . . . , Panicls tor Puds. Largest
tributaries with hook stud line. Limit, 75 in one day. Sale ,., j m,ui,.r Oregon.
prohibited. Night fishing forbidden. (In Klamath conn
FOR SALE Furniture for sale cheap
227 S. 0 at. 33
FOR SALK diaije busfbtis property
at. a bargain, on long time; eaey terms.
Address P. O. Boi 418.
.1. W. W. Williams, l'.eacon.
ADDccrrn nuADorn ijuitu
ty limit, is J.i or H) pounds). Tower, gas, lime, poison- LOOTING FREIGHT CARS
forbidden. Sawdust, waste, etc.. must not lie cast in stream.
II mill is license- - One dollar a vcar tor residents, four
dollars a year for non-residents.
Wire screens All inlets to canals, conduits, ditches.
null races, must be screened nv wire screens or grating to
SAX FRANCISCO. Cal., April 28.
l-'.tui- men were arrested in ibis
cilv ti'dav charged with looting
' freight curs of the Southern Pacific
railroad of merchandise to 1111 extent
-f -f.'ill.nnu 'file ringleader proved to
In- a eteran railroader. The inves-
prevent fish from entering. Orating device must not ex-. imniiim was started us the result of for saI.B 20 :icr
ceed one-half inch mesh.
5 and 10-acre tracts Just '
within and adjoining city limits, at a
'aergain, on S annual payments. Ad- -dreee
P. 0. Box 418. !
FOR SALE Two and one half acres i
in city limits, main street, two-story
house, outbuildings, water tank and
gasoline pumping plant, good family
orchard and garden spit; most de-,
sirable location in the eity; almost at
; your own price. Jacksonville Real
Estate Co.. Adolf Sohnlg, Bgr.
! TOR SALE Look at this : 80 acres
1 ,i miles east of the 101 ranch and
, Hi miles from Wollnn P. 0.; 85
acres adapted to apples or pears,
: 5 acres lo grapes and 10 acres to
pasture. This some of the finest
i fruit soil in the valley, and anyone
i desiring this sort of land cannot
afford to lose a minute. Price $6000
j on easy terms. Benson Investment
; Company. 34
'ttinpiiini.- o! mi-. -inj- fivifjlit inm
nil MM-H..M-. .if tlu milrv.
'; i;hi:ai couxei:.
ll.miel- t.,r 1 ul-. Largest cloth-'-iili:
stnre in snutbern Oregon. 32
Classified Advertisements
WANTED. - - -1-
WASITH l'."i!u an, I ee
i.Kii-'.et price paid in ca-h
The firm of "Wheat King I'alteu is said to have cleaned
n) manv millions by his corner in wheat. At any rate.
Mr. I 'at ten has unloaded and skipped from the maddening
roar of the pit to the .piicl and seclusion of a Xew Mexican
ranch, where he is enjoying life, having in a few months
pil fered enough to live in luxury the rest of his days. And
the public, as usual, is paying the freight.'
Commenting upon the bread corner, the Xew York
World savs:
With wheat and flour soaring in price, with loaves of j wf N ":-( h'ulre"'8
, 1 nlsa mouv- plain so wine. Mrs. Ias- ,
bread diminishing in size and with nn increasing public mitpr. km south a t. 32
; top
l'ih Markot. 'hi.ktMi unl,
1 ;t 4Jou lh hv tvfct. ' 3T j
VANTK1 A pirl for iroueru) house
work, who can sloop nt home. Apply!
nt NV tLr South C stroot. !
ohard adj'tinicc city limit;, cn ooim
ty road: fino lon'.tn; lc?p lovi
loitmy noil: mile from poMnffice,
courthouse, hih scliool : leading va
riety of Trnit ; 6 ncrrs pears, 10
.-I'Tps npploi, '2 acres ponchos, some
honrintr trcos, nlfnlfn nnd garden
patch: jriod 4-room houso. ham.
outh:iildip;s. household poods, farm
inir tools, 1 cow, 'JO chickens, 3
welts to irrigate poitton of land if
necessary; $3.i0 per aoro, tonus.
Jacksonville lien! Estate Co.. Adolf
Schuljt, mannjrer.
In order to introduce our line to
the ladies of Medford, the celebrated
Onyx Hosiery will be placed on sale
Monday and Tuesday.
Bargain Prices
All $2 and $2.50 Silk Hose for $1.50
All $1 and 75c Embroidered lisle 50c
All 50c values for 35c
All 35c values for 25c
No choicer line of Hosiery was ever
offered In Medford.
Lingerie Dresses
We have just received a large sam
ple line of Lingerie Dresses, which we
of f.-r at ONE-THIRD OFF regular
Summer Jackets
A fine assortment of covert cloth
Summer Jackets just received. We
offer these choice and dainty crea
tions at
1-3 OFF
Martin J. Reddy
The Jeweler
CCPVHIGMT"' I ''"" m -' " W "
vnu can nlwnys tell the cutaway or
I'rnok cual suit made by Krenzer.
It is always so exclusive in style, and
its mnke. fit and finish are so ele
iriint ami perfect that it is always
subject of admiration. When you
want a swell suil of clothing have it
made by
J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co.
Importers andTailors
UpstairsPalm Bldg., Medford. Or.
P. C. Hansen.
Tom Moffat.
will call for KrBHISII and dis
Ho of snmc at anv time at a
Medford Postoffice.
reasonable charge. Address
We make any kind and style of windows. We arry
glass of any sine on hand.
Medford Sash & Door Co.