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About Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1909)
THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, a FLY TIME IS COHIING Our advice to you is not to wait until they get accustomed to living in your home REMEMBER We sell all kinds of screens for your home MM lb DYNAMITER IS HELD 10 ANSWER LIGHT FROSTS NEAR SALEM; FRUIT CROP IS HEAVY S.U.K.U. Or.. April l.iKhl ;'i..-i- Mfic rciM'hlly rjmrtt'il by frnit rnui'i in tin Inui-r t'rnil iliMrirls Clothes that Talk Man Set Off Charge in Tunnel Near Dorris and Must Stand Trial. IHIKUIS, Cnl., April U.'t. Kr.iuk IVlerson, wlin was en nl ii i t'll it s I lie man who set off the dynamite which wrecked llic (initit'l near lorri last Friday nivlil, wa imYcii 11 hcnriiiu in ! Jilde Itui lis' court nl I to i ri Mon day, lie pleaded not "iitlly and had j no ullorney lo r'j no -n it liim, a- In . said ho had no money ,-uid couldn't jjet anyone to act for him. I'cler Ntaibuek, foreman of ihe( tiiiiiii'l work, was I In t irsl witness. ! Ilo miiiI he had only known I'Ynnk , Peterson for uhoiil three weeks, or : ivhile IVlerson hud heeu employed in j he tunnel. Thai Peterson was in the' Uiunel several 1 iine thai e eiiini; " jollierin I lio men ami that he (Star- ! iliek ) hail ordered htm mil several ! hues, and had een led him out ami j old him lo l;o to the camp and not I i.ine hack lo fill' Inline. I Tile ne1 wilne-- was liobeit t'o, he steam shovel engineer, who tesli fie.d that Peterson Imd made ihrealsj u linn and exeral others about how ie wn- -ohm lo toneh off Hie 'Vheap lolm oulfit," Dial aller the explosion j lie i.), mill Kalpli I e iJuimic. the master n haute, were coimii over (o tlu e:nnp at .dice ID oVIo.-k and . ttlt'l l'elel -.!, v Im I. -id ill. 'tn that 11 h o! Im-, !. .i he.; 11. the ttllit e! ;ivd th.'l .ilo-t half a do .Ml men were killed; ilia' IVlerson aid he iine-,i'd he would -jel ahnut six month- for it. hnt ili-M when he yot nil they would a drink "n it . John Vo-t -aid Peterson wa- one ; f Ihe I ii -I lo ai n a! Ihe i mine ! ifler ihe explosion, and a-.-1-led him I Yost ) (o I he m:i t hine --hop, lie tad rcceiv ed in Mine- and eoiild teareelv walk Peter-on wa MM'ior i'hui I a t Y ifter Ihm,,.. o'.o ion.1--. lepnt Mtentf flaleh came to Wris and took Peterson to Yreka, rri vim ihe re lids mnrniiii. The explosion did -,"000 damage (of he hniii tunnel of the California j lorlheastern railroad, near here, and ij tired seven men. Twenty-five men. orkimr the t nnnel, were snved by ! stemn shovel between them nnd th ' "cplosion. -.urn "I'll. I r.ct O I l I i . hi-v tree- the . eas. priee this valle 1 rnsl nindii!i Salem, Init il i Ihotiuht d;'ii -atie ! In ell done lo the (' . vim - nerally are of the' . .1 ai 't-hl fr.wl- would he a 'it in tli lining on I o erloaded i .. It'eports received here n re to j I'ffeel that frosts have thinned j mii eiops to siieh an exlent that j s for western prunes will he. garni year. Kniil lres all over the y are in full hloom and a heavy now would lie disa-lroii-i. CONTRACTS LET FOR SCHOOL BUILDINGS KrtiKNK. Or.. April foniraeis have been let by the Kimem- selmol board for the ereelion of two eij;hl ruoia grammar urade biiih!ini. eai-h (o eol $Snt)lt. One will he loealed in Knirmoiini, a suburb in the east ern part of the eity. and the other in the Kairurotinds addition, in the ex treme western end of the eity. Con st rue) ion will be miller ihe super vision of . M. Alexander, a loeal eoiitraelor. You will find 'JO lines of eon kit's and eraekeis, oe to 'J.'ie per eartoon. at Ihe l'Ji;!try Cik 30 M. M. M. ( hth LMl vDIAMOND ASK, dr. ,, r r 1' iaiii N P.i Hoil mk.I eiituut. ':: . .". ; i.' ; Jgcsr ;v. t finf Sounils sti-Miio. (locsn't it fa.-t. never! li.'lcss. Hero is a shih'inent von can I'ank mi: llirsh Wickwire Co.'s Clot lies are without a ciiio.tion the liiost )cr t'erf hand tailoiv.l and ura-el'id Tinm.j dothes made in 'lie world tod iv. arc not advertised in inaMazine trade journals and everv other inediuin of ad vertising yon see every other line of clothes advertised' in. AVhy? Because they have more business every season than thev have eapacitv to 'turn out and are only second to one other clothing house in America for capli city. A few dealers who handle the II. YV. Co. Clothing: MARSHALL K1KM) CO.. De,.a rtinent Store. Chicag,,. WOOD IJROS. of Los Angeles. DESMOXD Mil OS. of Los Angeles, finest clothing store in America. SCOTT 15ROS. of Los Angeles. Rl'SIt IJROS., hand tailored suits. San Francisco. R. L. OR AY, Chesterfield Clothes, Portland. We are not howling about cheap clothes, except you par no more for H. W. 'o.'s clothes than you pay for other lines far inferior. Seventy-five percent of traveling salesmen for other clothing houses wear H. W. Co. made clothes. Seventy-five per cent of actors on thethcatrical stage wear them. ' The only line manufactured lliat will fool the best tailors for custom tailored if you remove the label. The only place you can find this niak of clothing for sale is at Ml -1- cr x ir.i? I; at last assessment, roll and see which is the l.i.-.,v.t . Southern On in ..r-ii;l .! I.i llh- ll li .hhlu'i1 llunw -.1'i- -J"..lOil M. M. M. hrtl- nne lo tt rid of t tirl fofllin 29 Spielers Perfume 35c THE OUNCE Toilet Water. 25c kind 15c Toilet Water. 50c kind 25c Toilet Water, $1 00 kind 50c tor a short time only. Medford Pharmacy Near Posloff m. SALtSM BEER SAJjEAI is the most popular beer in Northern ( alifornia and Southern Oregon, tt is acknowl edged to be the equal of the very best eastern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked hfttcr than others. The proof for this as sertion lies in drinking Salem beer. If you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink it. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION Medford Depot: Medford Ice A Storage Co. I ADVERTISE YOUR WANTS IN THE TRIBUNE AND BE SATISFIED SAVOY THEATER TONIGHT and SATURDAY Film de Luxe Boots and Saddles A thriilinp. intense war drm una ..ui,... ... . .. t- , ... h.M,.en the b..y in lihie and the I,. . t. . ...u miss; nnd strong mm v .i.;...... J-. ,r- ' ' ' I II .Tl LJ ONE DIME OTHER FEATURES