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About Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1909)
THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, THURSDAY, APRILIQQO Social and Personal GREAT DANGER OF WAR SAYS CARNEGIE Fvv.d flillutt of Grunts I'ukh U in Mi'dfonl mi biiKinertK. Ella Gaunyaw. public stenographer, iioom 4, Palm building. Mr. mid ?'r K. K. Jtodfield of (.1 iialn iii i Kfd'i'inK i' fpw days in th city. Mrn. .lurvuy, a nolud act raw, ha arrived and will hsmmI the M. M. M. (Tub in th'sir operetta. 29 ( ty);iitm(u ItVtimcs is in Salem on t jmifi'ssionnl tiincHS. 1 M. M. M. Club 2U fi Kdwaid Wnlkor of Butte Falls is i fr.riiiH 4onif days in tin; oily. M. M. M. CI iib 211 W. J. Krcoman and Frank Amy and thoir wivos wore recent visitors in Jacksonville Madeinoisello Kpinard, a recent ar rival from France, in employed to tearh the M. M. M. Club latin and Hindoo. 20 Mrs. J. (iujfiion of Modfonl waa viaitiiiK friends in Jacksonville on Wednesday. M, M, M. helps one to got rid of that tired feeling- 20 B. II. Harris was at the courthouse on Ifiisiness recently. M. M. M. Club 29 Mrs. V. T. McCrny and Mrs. J. F. Campbell spent UViliH'-nlnv afternoon in JaekKuiiville. Phone your orders for sweet cream cr buttermilk to the creamery. Alius Laura Pom .' Appleate lias been visiting friend- li iiif; in the valley this week. M. M. M. Club J! Mr. and Mrs. W. 1. Iloldridp nt Talent were in Jacksonville and Med ford a few hours Wednesday. Orders for sweet cream or butter milk promptly fillcft. Phone the! creamery. C. II. Svnicox In.- puifhaed (he Wallm'i' Womls buildinjron Fast Sev enth Ktreel at a of $10,000. M. M. M. Club M Krie Anderson is a visitor in Med fttrd fnnn the Blue Kcdjje ilisiriet, where he owns a number of mines, M. M. M. Club '! William Marl in of Beanie was a recent visitor in Med ford. M. M. M. Club J! I. J. Stacy made a trip to Table Hoek on Wednesday. M. M. M. Club 20 B. F. Chirk tin, returned from n, trip to northern California on busi ness cornier ted with the ellin? of pnsoune engines. M. M. M. Club Never Before Has the Peace of the World Been So Threatened, Declares Magnate. NKW YOItlC, April 22. Andrew Carnegie, president "f the Peace so ciety of New York, addressing the annual meeting of the society today, stated that never before during this nriienihon has the peace of the world been so soriously threatened. He declared that a fresh cloud ha arisen on the horizon and though we were assured that an overpowering army and navy were the best guar antees of peace and that if we wish ed to keep peace we should prepare for war, that this was a fallacy, as i the increased armaments of one na tion means the increased arm anient of another. Hivalry in this was was intensified and dangers from war be came intor than before. Why th Menu Was ChangW. Tb culinary department of an East Indian household, if the story of an American traveler who has recently re turned from Calcutta la to be believed, la managed far differently from an American kitchen. "Here we employ ao Ethiopian expert at so much a week," says the Philadelphia Record. "There a cook would disdain to place a weekly valuation on his services. (Its conditions involve a flat rate of ao many shillings weekly for the furnish ing nud preparation of provisions. This system of putting the culinary depart ment out to contract causes a ponurl ousness on the part of the chef which frequently Is not for tho best health and welfare of the household. Short ly before Inst Christmas the above named American tourist bad ordered his cook to have steak for dinner. Broiled chicken was served instead. Pressed for his reasons for disregard ing the command of the bead of ttie household, the cook explained that the chicken had taken sick and If it had not been killed and served that day be was afraid ho would have lost ft." RATES WILL BE GIVEN TO KLAMATH FALLS FETE KLAMATH FALLS, April 22. T. A. K. , Fasett, Southern Pacific agent, relumed las! evening limn San Francisco. While in the citv. Mr. Fa-isett took up the matter with the passenger department ot an excur sion in Klamath Falls during the rail- ad celebration. The officers were wry iiiii.'b interested in the matter and oftered to do everything in their power to co-operate with tho people here to make their celebration a suc- Conscienttous Bill. "Bill hud charge of the animal tent," said (he old circus man, "and among bis pets was a leopard, the only one we had with the show, nnd quite enough too. This leopard gavo BUI more trou ble than all the rest of the menagerie put together. It was certainly an ugly brute. "Well, one day when we were show ing in the Midlands 1 had come up to London to arrange about some advance business. I was entln ray dinner in the hotel when a telegram was handed to tne. It was from Bill and read: 'The 1 eo pn rd tin s esea ped . i ro wl In g about town. What shall I do? "That was Just like Bill. He had to have explicit directions, even In an emergency like this. He didn't want to nntke a mlstnke. "I Immediately wired back to Bill, 'Shoot him on the spot.' I didn't think any more about it until a couple of hours later, when I received another telegram frmn conscientious, careful Bill, asking. 'Which spot?'" Thev recommend that it would be best to run two special execursion . . , Relative Hardness of Precious Stones, trams. I mm San I-n.nns,-,, and Thp n,huv(t ,,,, of ., ..not t 1 ortlaml Hloc ennl.l raver ,,, s 011slT Oolormlnoil lij- tostinR all tli. intoiinocliiile. points along the tho power of one mono to make line. Thoy oonlil lioth Im ai-rnnueii I scratches on another. If n diamond Is as to arrive lion- tin' same ihiy, rullx-l with one of Hie points of a ami thev helieveil lluil it conl.l he topaz, the topaz point is blunted and arranne.1 to the I'nllnmns here i '. wl'k" s1ec" 0,1 i.-itor- would be given the j . , " , . ,' ..,...,., thai w renter pan lie eount l . f the two da to -;ee 1 ItKLLINdllAM, V:.i... April 22. i earchiitg about in an upper vet ' with the finder. Out if the topaz Is rubbed arnlnt t In dianinnd the lat ter Is unaltered and the surface of the former Is marked with a scratch which can be rdnovod only by fur ther n.Jlcliinr- flitivn It lu .iti t lie linvla pockei to uiseowM- uhni lie Had hro- of thU mK.oas o comparison that a ken while jamming lii body against j scale of comparative hardness has a heavy piano which be was attempt- been formed represented by ten sub iug It uioe. W. Holland, an employe stances, of which diamond is the high- !of a local trnu.-fer company, dicov -M lered that be had broken a rib. est and graphite the lowest iu the scale. It Is a curious fact that these S. C jWhett of A.blaud was j He wa not a are of his inj-ny at flml dl:lin(,ml ami' tt black rc.vnt .Med ford visitor. j first, thinking he had snapped a lead j pi,, are iot1i chemically the same The Industrial Kxchauge is in need ; pencil in his pocket. How the ac- J substance pure enrlMn. Jewelers' Clr nf a lot or pari of a lot dose in tojeident occurred U a mysiery. The'eular. perate a market place and fuel wrv- :man wa pushing with all hi- weight againl a piano when others who ping ound m-l runieut the ) the Keluntge to start the very nece-uv departments, and il will help on. Fx press, messenger and In ui id t v ?er ice "doing things" all the time. Phone Mil. Office 2fl S. C si reel. D. (i. 1'itiu. Mgr. 2! T. C. Slr;nii; ot Talent was trans acting iuiine-- in Medt'ord Wednes- ,lav i Contracting and Journeymen Paint- c. a. Pinrti oi Kauie Point as rt; erSt Attention. ri-ccul miImi in M.-dford. TUM.t, wiu he a meeting in Uedmen's Me- Helen Wall ha- returned to i...n C.....-.I.... a..-;i oi Good Reason. Mandui- about heard a .nap- , ' 1thlr ,,,, vi.nnt o tick had ; mui-c UOOii tne OSS which a poorer vll- broken suddenly. The man gave no , Ker U1iuht sustain through tho death zn and continued puhinp the piano ! of a pip. Old Major Currie. however. ; until lliey hnd tln- jsttvet. resume lie V.te A-d Vonbiiid t -pe. di. - I,. I her parent-. The Ludl. 'lin-n.iu rhnieb n. Ml-. Kcib o,, We.l and had a ei p'.: '20 wer pue-M l II M..01. 1 ' i Mel. lion! .... b-e studies ,i Moil -oeiel :il the home of '-iwiv at'tevnoon a il tone. About 'd H.;l u:,- in - Til il-dax. lt,,r the punxise of eompletinc oreanif.a- U1,n tion and the election of officers. All painters am! painting contractors are re.;pevted L be pre-ent. as the char ier arises, 2d T. C. WIHTl. Seeretarv. f th. Library Meeting. There wilt be a tneeline; ot' tho li brary board lln exeni-e; at the Med t'ord book lore. l-t'.'iiant Ini'-ities. LAHIKS. Probate. tluariian Lotta Owens et ah; or der made for --ale of real property. Kstate Charles b'iiii; and Keheeea Knitg, minor-;: inc:itorv and appraise inent filed. K-;tate .1 W. t'iark; will probated. Kstale .1 M lleekath.wn : order made uppointit'C May '29 as day for final settlement. A Good Friend in Time of Need. N ean ha. a b.-tter friend iie:: t v. '..ttir.l with 1'oln- or diar vh..ea than rh.Mi.h.-rlaii.'- i.o1ie. Ch.ol-e-a and lharihoea Heine, I v. It ahvavs eniv.. V'oc -uV by Leon IV ILikitw 1'hainiaev ( A Hoaling SaUe tor Burns, Chapped nanus and bore Nipples. hud but recently returned from lu- dia; lie therefore whs ustounded at receiving a visit from a laltorer's wife. "Lost a pi jr. eh" tie repeated pruff ly. "Well. 1 haven't pot It. I don't col tec t pics!" "Hepttitr your pardon, sir," faltered the woman; "but, you see, the pig died." 'Well, d'ye want me to jro to the funeral, send n wreath, or what, wo man?" be fumed. "Oh, no. sir: Indeed, no!" was the re ply. "Hut we're poor folks, sir. and we thoucht that, beitt' the hiirest pig In the neighbor hod. y.n'd jrive us s t It i to e!p." -London Tit litis. Refusing th Cure. "Cu'iivtiio tlif ;Kpiaintanee of wom en :i" you i:;n." said the woman to the p'rl. "Snnonnil oursolf by women. T!;ey are tertaiu protivi ion airalust eabniny Women who have many w ...... 'i t'r'.-i:ds ate never so awfully n n ;; t.::.Nl about. It's polio." it you h tve done''" nskM A- a he iberlan alia I -ole 'Cha: !ent. almost in-lar,tl'. inrv i-i ery e w itbont !ea in; . Kor -ae bv Let e h'U f.. s.uTn. ehapped hand i e w ii!,w( erel- :n pain of a burn a:.d unles. the lit re. heaU the part 'car. li iee 'J ce:ts. II. Ha-Uni- Thar- "1- lh: the !,.rl "No. kin.w It lo tiavv ii-ered the woman. "You -ii't. I d rather be tlead than t0 a-s.v iate with women. " NORTHWEST BANKERS TO MEET IN SEATTLE SKATTI.R Wash , April U2.- - For the enttrtninmcnt of some S00 bank ers wh are pxjwotcd to nttend the tri-stat luinlcflTw' convenlimi in Se attle in June, the Soattle clearing house has voted $15,000. ThU ia the first meetinjf of the Oregon. Wash inirtoa and Idaho bankers. XOTh'K, Niiii'-o lu'rcby i;ivon thp uti h'rsiiMM'ii will ;ijni!y at th- next rv;u l:ir jiu't'tiiii! ot the oity r.Mtncil, f .-d -fonl. OrocM. T-.iosday. May -tth. for a lii'pnse to soil niHit. vinous and spir itons Hipiors in less iviantittes than one ballon, at lot 7. block 21, in Med ford. Or., for a period of six months. Dated April 21. 1900. GKO. M. RORPEAFX. Now Yor Pr Realistic. 5s V !" i' 'is'.-rv. Ml S hroo.-h-or 'r " v.. n.t.-rfnt realism. Pon't " 'MtV llo-Yos; yon .an al in--- -tio - m.'k In ttor t.t IV trof S'Un-'tl iv M-ht A R. sties, Brd. Mr Slcktutn -N... sirne. monej -ouhln'l buy that doff. He's a cross betwevn a St Hornard and Mr. Tee rev (who is not ontntutntlo And St. Vltna'-Pui-k. In conrorsatlon confldence haa a (croster gbara than tt. Rocbefeo-caold. You don't have to Die to Win But death does not loose your family the Invest ment you have made when you buy one ol those ORCHARD HOME TRACTS on the installment plan. If yon are sick, lose your job. or are unable to continue payments at the time specified, additional time is allowed, and if, at its expiration, you are unable to resume payments, you will be allotted suf ficient land to equal in value the money paid in. In ease of death, cash payments cease and the com pany continues the management of the property, deduct ing the unpaid balance from the proceeds derived from the sale of crops, after which a warranty deed will be given vour heirs. Irrigation is King of the orchard, and our tracts are all under water. They nestle on a gentle and protected slope, where the frost never lingers and the sun showers his godlen splen dor. Here apples receive a perfect color, for the soil is the best and conditions ideal for fruit raising. An orchard without water is not an absolutely safe commercial venture, but at Orchard Home, dry seasons may come and go, for with abundance of the life-giving moisture, all uncertainty of yield is a thing of the past. Why Always be a Slave Selling your life, a week at a time, to some employer, who hires you because lie makes a profit on your labor f Put your savings in one of our orchard tracts, pay for them as you work away, and while you are working the trees are growing and will soon be able to provide a liv ing for you, free from dictation, an ideal life, next to na ture, in the bright sunshine of an ideal clime, where the song of birds and the drowsy buzz of bees replace the ceaseless din of the city and the wearisome monotony of the daily grind. Are You Satisfied Iu the contract against every contingency and the orchard you buy will sell for double its cost to you as soon as it is in bearing. Let us quote you our terms they are most liberal, reasonable and within the grasp of all' Write or call at Lrchan dome ompany 209 WEST MA IX STJvEET MEDFORD. OREGON" or Benson Investment Co. If