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About Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1909)
THE MEDPQRD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TinJRSDAY,APRIL 22, 1909. FREE TRIP CONTEST All Aboard for tbe Alaska -Yukon -Pacific Exposition THE MEDFORD TRIBUNE AND SOUTHERN OREGONIAN WILL SEND SEVEN YOUNG LADIES TO THE SEATTLE FAIR AND PAY ALL OF THEIR EXPENSES FROM THE TIME OF LE AVING UNTIL THEIR RETURN, INCLUDING A WEEK AT THE FAIR AND A CRUISE TO VICTORIA. PLANS OF CONTEST Medford and surrounding country has been divided into six districts. The young lady in each district re ceiving the highest number of votes will be entitled to this splendid trip. The one receiving the highest num ber of votes names the chaperon. Any young woman in Southern Oregon is eligible and may nominate themselves or be nominated by friends. Votes are determined by subscriptions, and are accord ed to contestants in whose favor they have been issued, according to the length of time of the subscriptions. DO YOU WANT ONE OF THESE GRAND TRIPS Kit; 1 . 2 240 ff it i s rafO i WMffi R 1000 f f&v ! 9 1800 I tTli $ fsSSii -J-tj-Ass:,:. 12 3000 l tTSi A . W3Rl2J The Southern Oregon RATES AND CREDITS For Subscriptions in The Tribune's Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Trip Contest: The Medford Daily Tribune Months. New. Months. 12 .... 6 .... Old. Mail. Delivered. $0.50 $0.50 1.00 1.00 200 1.25 1.,'iO 500 2.50 . 3.00 800 3.75 4.50 100 5.00 fj.OO by mail only , New. Old. Price. .1000 500 $1.50 . 400 200 .75 THE VACATION OF A LIFETIME 1 ALL IT COSTS IS A LITTLE EFFORT TO INVOKE THE AID OF YOUR FRIENDS. Get Into the Race Early-Win One of These Vacation Trips WliV not be one of The Tribune's Contest Party yourself? Show your friends that you have a little get-up and then see how quick they will come to your aid. What t0 Do Read the suggestions below caretully and go to work. You can win one ot these delighttul trips just as well as someone else. Get your order blanks and get to work. Let EVERYBODY know that you are m the race. Get your friends to work for you. If you find someone that does not take The Tribune or Southern Ore soniau. get their subscription. If they do take it, get them to pay up in advance. See everybody; it makes no difference where they live, you will get credit for the ... i. i . i - i 'ti .. 'ii 4.1, ; .i i. i. ji : i , c ..t 1 : i Tir..-i . ti . . -. .. money 11 you collect it ana pay It in. J.I wiu neip you wjji uue yiiM jii vuur lusuiei, rug.irmcss oi uie resilience in uie miusermri . yy rue ail your jriCMas. Write every body clue's friends. Call on everybody you can. Be ladylike and everyone will aid you. Don't wait for an introduction introduce yourself and tell them your am bition. Make every day count. Stop everybody you meet. Cut out this advertisement and carry it with you. Work while the others sleep.. Show your friends that vou can do something for yourself. Dream about going on this grand trip during the hot weather. Get busy. Rules, Regulations and Conditions RULE NO. I Any ytung lady or woman living in Southern Ore gon may enter The Tribune's Great Alasa-Yukon-Pacific Exposition Trip Contest, having one of the application for membership blanks (ask for blank) fWled out and indorsed. RULE NO. 2 There will be six separate districts from which to enter, described in this prospectus. RULE NO. 3 A new subscriber will be known as one who has not taken The Tribune or Southern Oregonian for 30 days. RULE NO. 4 Any district that may have only one candidate run ning will be declared off and said district will be merged with district closest to it, an apportionment if contestants from said district added to the on with which it is merged. RULE NO. 5 No premium will be given with any subscription other than the votes given. RULE NO. 6 Votes are not transferable, and if a candidate drops out of the race she cannit give her vttes to another. RULE NO. 7 The right is reserved to change r modify the rules of the contest or add to them, at any time after ths opening of the contest, provided such change is deemed for the best interests of all contestants. Address all communications relating to the oontKt to CONTEST MANAGER, TRIBUNE OFFfCE, MEDFORD, OREGON. Contest Starts April 15 $10 in Gold WILL BE AWARDED TO THE PERSONS WHO FIRST SEND IN THE NOMINATIONS OF CANDIDATES POLLING GREAT EST NUMBER OF VOTES DURING THIS CONTEST UP TO MAY 15th Nomination Prizes $5.00 will be awarded to the person who first sends in the nom ination of the candidate polling the high number of votes up to May I5tb $3.00 will be awarded to the person who first sends in the nomina tion of tbe candidate polling next to the highest number of votes up to May 15th. $2.00 will be awarded to the person who first sends in the nomin ation of the candidate polling the third highest number of votes up to May 15th. Nomination Coupon Good lor 500 otes Date I9B9. C0NTE8T MANAGER, THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE and SOUTHERN OREGONIAN. Dear Sir: I herewith nominate as a candidate In your Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition Young Ladies' Popularity Contest Name of Candidate Street and Number Tbwn Yours Truly, Name of Nominator AUrest Town Six Different Districts Are Provided DISTRICT NO. I AD of Medford east of Central avmim. DISTRICT NO. 2 All of Medford north of Main street and west of Central avenue. DISTRICT NO. 3 All of Medford south of Main street and west of Central avenue. District No. 4 All of Jackscn eounty south of Medford, Includ ing Ashland, Phoenix, Talent, Barron, all of Klamath and Lake counties and northern California, except Blue Ledge district. District No. 5 All of Jackson county north of Medford, Includ IngCentral Point, Gold Hill, Woodvllle, Trail, Prospect, Weilen, Browns boro, Eagle Point, Lakeview. District No. 6 Jackson county west of Medford, including Jack sonville, Sterling, Applcgate, Ruch, Steamboat, Watkins and Blue Ledge minmg district, Josephine and Douglas counties. What district de you or one of your friends live In? Send In your nomination blank at once. Don't delay. Delays are dangerous. Contest Closes July 3