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About Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1909)
THE MED FORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDgQBD, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1909. GRAND CHANCELLOR VISITS LOCAL LODGE Knights of Pythias Plan Elaborate Reception This Evening In Their Hall for Officer. Ous Mosor of 1'iirtliiiid, the grund chancellor of the Oregon branch of the KiiiuhtH of I'ythiaK, arrived in Mcdford this morning and will bo Riven a reception this evening by the local brunch of the order. All mcm- bors and visiting inenibciw of the or- dar are urged to ba on hand to greet Mr. Moscr. The local lodge of Knights is grow ', ing in splendid manner and ore in i tho best of condition.' Tho visit by the grand chancellor in his regular annual visit on business. ROOM IN DECHUTES FOR . HARRIMAN ANO IRRIGATION WASI1INOTON, April 22. Secre tary Hnlllnger has deoided that Har I rimii" may build tho Deschutes rail i road throi gh tho canyon, mib.jeel In ; corluin inslrictions which -nil be im pospd. The perniissioii .viil bo uii'lcr f tho distil et understnnJ'n that eo i f wtructioi. shall commence iuinicd'.: etly. Rnilnuid rights me not to bu acquired as thoy have often been in ' tbo past, to be held indefinitely, un der a "dog in the manger" policy. ' merely to keep oilier companies friuc tho use of the rights of way. Oregon people who are now seem convinced that the prospect i , excellent fur the ctoiiKlniclion of the road in the near future nod t Im t noil ters will be adjusted so thai the rnii roud and llii' rerlunuilinu s"rviro muv 011-opcruln. II is impossible lo say exact ly what will be decided as In the plans of the ...i 1...1 n... :.. il.... reciiiiiiniioii si-iM.i- i is lo carry out the original ulea-. II is pnilialilc the secretary will not licccpt Ihe roenninii'iiilutiiui nf tile re oliiiiuitiun servi igiueers lo en tirely iiIiiiikIiiii Ihe lleschiiles plans, but will so mailers that the arid lands involved may he reclaimed if it is possible lo do so. REFUSE TO S'GN WATER CONTRACT, j KLAMATH FALLS. Dr., April 'J 'J. j, Several of the InmlmviHMs mulcr I I hi first unit nf llit vcrimM'iil irri I t'.'ilinn system luivc rd'usi'il to sign I tho mler iontr:n'l rciiiiri'J liy tin' J iteeliiMHilioii Service. Il is held by tlics( I hnl Ihe eonl riH't is in smiii lnstiincoK no! uci mill' e ilw, wiiiiu 1 portions of it mny he eoustrueil to i moan that the land cannot he sold v until all llie payments for the water , i l'i i ti t have been made, i) This is tint the intention ot the - j; ernmonl, and it' this det'eet should ; h exist il will likely he remedied. L Our nf I lie main points objected In i hv tin laiidnw ner (he connection; with the liin-ju'ie limit. Vndcr llie oonlrael no one man is allowed water; for more than IliO acres. In order, to net n round this some of Ihe owners ; have deeded a quarter section of land ' to their wivo and to each ! llnar! children. Now tin- .pie-lion aria's,' uhal will become of llie laiul in cast-' the owner should die, when it would fall into the hands of heirs who al ready hold contracts with the Iteela-: niation Service. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. I K. N. Sui'll lit Kmil Anilrcn, 1 itores in township ;I7, ruuije 'J W II. K. Koiuil. to l. O. Iitnran. I lol 1. block 1. MtMll'.ml Alfred l.ctiher In Finest ('. Itriys, laiul in stM-tiou township .'tit, ranc -I W ... i 1.. It. UiNnvn tt Austin t'. liati- : itall, l'J.;4 u'lls tn stvnon i, township .1,. rauc 1 N F. I.. Ton Velio to Ainit-s II. Milos. JU ai res in l I. (' til. township ;lti, ranre '2 . . t'arrio t'ouuts tn Francis X. A Musty, -I acres in section J0. I township :tt, rauuo 'J W . . I C. T. llnllnway In Finest 1,. y. Wal.. land in section ' township .17. ranp' '2 W ... 10 .jj .Mni-o Ihnii r.rirtll.tlOO.OOO telephone mossiiKi'H were sent in tho United 8lntcs last yenr, the number of in - Btnmients in servico bin inn Knwn to i ioeed the 7.000,000 mark. AMUSEMENTS MUSICAL STOCK COMPANY AT THE MEDF0RO THEATER K W. Walters is as busy as a cran berry merchant those days, getting ready for the big opening ot mw new slock company, which occurs next Monduy night, April 20. . Kor his first bill, Mr. Walters has selected a scream of u burloscpio on the famous Gilbert & Sullivan opera, "The Mikado." This will be a splendid vehicle with which to introduce the new company, and besides all Ibis, for the opening night there will be a grand free concort by the Mcdford band, a big display of fireworks and u magnificent present to the unmur ried lady who is lucky enough to get the seat under the mistletoe. There will bo two shows each night, tho first at 7:80 o'clock and tho sec ond at 8:45, with prices within reach of all, viz.: 25 cents for tho entire lower floor and 15 cents to the bal cony. Strong Bill at the Savoy. Have you seen "Tho Cry From the Wilderness" that powerful, intense, yet simple, soul-stirring drama of Alaska, the land of the "midnight sunt" Well, if you have not, you have niixsod it motion picture treat and it's up lo you to get busy and attend Medford's popular moving pic ture Ihealer tonight. The balanco of Ihe entertainment is up to the high est standard obtainable and includes Ihe beautiful pastoral drama, "All Well That Knds Well," and a gor geous hand-colored fairy story pic ture, "Whal l.ove Wills." They can't be beat. The Savov. One dime. RECOMMENDED GUEST LEAVES BOGUS CHECK I'.KUKI.KY, April 22. -K. I,. Van Meter, a guest al the Carlton Hotel, I reported In the police this morning i . ' t, strau iiurpnrluig lo he Iv ij (u;n ia--cil a bogus check on liiin fur .fsu. The check was drawn in the Itank ul' Southern t'aill'ui'nia. Iiuiiis Inn! a number ul' letlers of rei'iiniiiii'itilaliiin t'r.mi several of Van Mrt.'r's I'rieniK in Southern Cnilfor nia iut riiiluciiig hiiu anil Van Meter fell an easv victim. GENTLEMEN IN WHITE HOUSE AJ u Bfi WASHINGTON, April 22. Sena tor Tillman of South Carolina has ipaid Ins t'ir-t visit to the White limine recently in seven years mid received a cordial "reeling from President Taft. i His appearance in Ihe execu : live offices created oiiitr a sensation. !'fhc senator walked to the White Jli'iiM' unaccompanied, hut left with Senator Mcvcridnc til Indiana, tiding to the Capitol wilh the laltcr in his auloiutibile. Mooker T. Wasliinltm was waiting; to .sec the President when Senator Tillman arrived. The South Cnrn liuan was immediately shown into Mr. Tuft's office. The call was purely of a social nature, it was declared. "1 came," said Senator Tillnuin, "to s,v if the office-seekers had fried any fat off the President, but thev; Inn e not fried a pound." A-ked why he had never visited the White llinisp in tin- pUs, Snintor 1 TiH-inan rplieil : "1 waited until n ;,r,.ulli'ttian s;.it in.' BRITAIN ISN'T WORRYING ABOUT THE AMERICAN NAVY l.lMON. April oo. 1 Umf. ler to his constituents upon naval ns ; fairs, Winston Spencer fhurchill, IIUI0 j President ti,,. 11,,,,,-d f Trade, de elarcs tht n,i ire fatal ..hsession eoulil lieiiunib tlie brain of any states man l ban lo suppose ther is suoh pro I'iuiiiI aiitaconisin b, 'tween Rival Hri- 1 i'ni ul (ieiniany as can only be .solved by war, bceausc through their j eoinnu'i'cial interests alone these two 1 ! countries are necessary to each 'other. In a general detense of the irovern lllllll ; inenl's naval policy Mr. t 'limvliill i flatly declares that it would be ab surd to build ships airaiusl the I'nitcd Jlllin J Stnti's. and that it is not the jjovern jmeiit's policy to take the Americnn navy into consideration in frnniini; 'he Hrilish innal csliiuatcs. "Itecausc." he added, "we do not beilcve thnt there is any reasonably probable nay, humanly eoncievahle - combination against the peace mid ( frpcdota of the British people, which would include the American uavy." APPLEGATE FIRE WIPES OUT HOME Family Goes on Picnic and Returns to Find Home in Flames Origin of Fire Is Unknown. The home of I J. Hampton, over in the Applegate country, was entire ly, destroyed by fire on Tuesdny eve ning, according to reports received today in this city. The origin of the fire iw unknown -owing to the fact that the family was absent all day and returned home only to find the plnce-in ushes. . A woodshed was ulso burned, but the burn, which stood at some little distnnce, was intact. Mr. Hampton und his farailv start ed in the morning for a picnic on one of the streams some distance from homo. Ho took his wife and one child with him and spent the day in cruising some timber land he was considering filing upon. They re turned home about (i o'clock and found only tho glowing embers whore once had stood their home. The family remained in the barn overnight nnd went for assistance tho next morning. Mr. Hampton will rebuild at once. VALE BANKER'S SON DROWNS IN WELL ONTARIO, Or., April 22. The two- year-old son ol Air. and Mrs. L. J. Hadley nf Vale was drowned here by falling; into n well. He fell head first into the mud and water and strangled to death. Mr. Iladlcy is a prominent banker and business man of Valt and ihe son was his u-ilv child. N'OTICK DF FLHCTIOX. He it Kesulved, by the city council of the cily of Mcdford, Orepui, the mayor approving, that there be and hereby is called a special election in said city for tin- pnrpo-e nf Mibrnit tiui: tit the olcr of said city for their approval or rejection three cer tain proposed a i mci i d men ts to the chiirter of said city, (he first heinjr entitled "A proposed charter amend ment, of the charter of the city of Mcdford. Oregon, uiuendiiii; section twenty-five 2't) of said charier; the second heiny; cut it led 'A proposed cha rter amendment of tin1 city of Mcdford, ( roion. pro vidian for I he levyini; nf assessments on properly benefited thereby, for laying water mains in the streets of said city, and providing for the payment of said iissesMnctit.s in instalments and for the issuance id' water main bonds by 1 cily, irrespective of any limit - ' ,,ti. in or rest rii'lion contained in said charter nu the power nf mi id city to issue bonds or other evidences of in debtedness and providing for the terms and conditions of said bonds;" and the third being entitled "A pro-' PommI amendment of the charter of! the city of Medford. Oregon, provid- j ing for the assessing of real estate ( , lor Ihe cost of streets on which said J real estate fronts in certain in-j J stances." ' j Said election will be held on the! Jimh .im nf mno i.,.4. ti. I limn-i ..f (1 .. I c ....:. .1... Ihe city recorder is hereby tiiruct- ' 'I to (five notice of said olootion as provided by the charter in the ense of I the regular annual election. j The following are hereby desig- ! naled and appointed as llie indlint; i jilaces and the .indues and clerks of ', said election: First ward - I',, Mi,,,. i.. ., , , j V . il . i ; , ... I '" ' itutciunson laiiusdcu build- ' , ..-,.,, , . . , u's. judge, A. I. Ullhnard: ltidces ' .... I , , ,.. ,v , ; ami oierKs. i. v Mavis nod V C Taylor. ' Second ward -Polling place. Ho- ' tel X:ish sample room; judge, Chas. I. lliuclrigg; judges ami elorks. II. i H. Harvey and Win. ITri.-h. 1 Third ward Polling place, city i ball; judge. (?. Sclicnnerhorn ; 1 .lodges and clerks. 1 1. .. Thierot f and : S. V. Davis. I Tl. C , . . . """-i: u- lesouiuoll was pass ed by the city council of the city of Medt'onl, Oregon, this 201 h day of April, A. I), pill!), by the following vote, lo-wil : Welch aye. Merrick aye. Fmerick aye. Wormian aye. Fifcrt aye, and Demmer aye. Approved April 'JOth. 11)09. W. H. CANON, Mavor. Attest : BEN.T. M. COLLINS, City Recorder. PORTLAND PLANNING BIG BOARD OF TRADE Plant are, almost completed for tbo reorganization of the Portland board of trade upon n scale that will insure its success and give that city a grain exchange with the support of all interests. While the plans for the reorgani zation have not yet been completed it is stated that the present board of trade and the Merchant a Lxclmuge will be merged into one organization and the entire grain trade cemented instead of having two organizations to support. Already, it is stated, thousands of dollars have been practically pledged for the support of the reorganized institution and handsome quarters will be fitted up as soon as the nego tiations arc fully completed. Personal Mention EVERYBODY'S MAG AZINE has come back to town on a visit, after nearly two weeks' absence. He says he hopes to stay quite a while with a number of the best families; he brings with him a lot of new stories good ones ; his health is much improved. MEDFORD BOOK STORE RUSSELL'S STORE NASH HOTEL NEWS STAND Medf rd Time Table SOUTHT i aco-io raHjWat. I KortnbooBd j o. ltlOregon KzpruM j 5:24 p. m. No. 14Portland Gxprese 9:411 a.m. Southbound Xo. lAICalifornia ExoreHS.. . 10:35 a m. Va llnn Pr...i. Pvt. t Q.OHn m I , " "- Y No. 223Prom Grants Pa.... 9:15 p.m. No. 22.riFor Ashland 10:1R p. m. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY No. 2Loavea Mcdford 10:45a. m. No. -t1 1, raves Mcdford 5:35 p. in. MotorI.cavcs Mcdford 2:00 p. m. MolorI. oaves Medford 9:00 p.m. No. llLeavcs Jacksonville. . .1 9:00 a.m. No. 3Leaves Jacksonville. . . 3:30 p. m. MotorLeaves Jacksonville...! 1:30 p. m. MotorjLeaves Jacksonville..! 730p. m. I MAIL CLOSES A.M.P. M. Northbound 9:19 4:54 Jouthbousd 110:051 2:50 Bfcgle Poiit ! 7:B0 2:00 Jacksoaviile A' . . f 1 0 : 2 0) 5:20 ASK. vDIAMOND Orfiwa for lMcinr Sort hunt Boll nl CllmaM. 7i"w olt 'i'i u is-.i ii. Atorct&- loui. 1' n.l nnaft In Tour MflrhhnrhmMl. Mro . i'l"ie 'niti-r jour .1. ,i.t. nJ ia P,l"l nf eiT Hnl frM fnr tw, tfoohii Sssrunsiiioeo ktuvs sricoh MosonMr wt Spielers Perfume 35c THI OUNCE Toilet Water, 25c kind 15c Toilet Water. 50c kind 25c Toilet Water, $1.00 kind 50c for a short time only. Medford Pharmacy )r PovtoffW K (Cnutttg y Jmnk n State Depositary Eital"isbed 1888. Capital and Surplua 1125,0 Beaoarrce 700,000 F. JV. eummlais T. W. Oagood Osgood & Gummlngs Givil Engineers The Best Equipped Engineering Office in Southern Oregon Surveys, Maps, Plans, Specifications, Re ports, Estimates, Etc. - Water Powers and Water Works, Paving and Road Making, Sewerage, Railroads, Irrigation andDrainage Office Medford National Bank Bid. TO THE LADIES. Have the Mission Furniture Works j ,nake vo a CC(Ir t.Ilcs, ; ,vli(,h t0 plnce your winter clothes. These oliestR will keep the Rnrments free ; frora m0Hm , dust. shp on cor- ner of EiRhth nnd Holly sts. Prepaid Railroad Orders. "Something which i of considerable interest tu the public generally and which is perhaps not generally knowa in tbe system of prepaid orders now ia effoct between stati ns of the SouUiero Pacific company and ell points in the Jnited states. By means of this system tickets may be purchased at Medford from any place in the United States and mailed or telegraphed direct to the par tv wishing to come here. Sleeper ao- j emmodations and small amounts of j cash in connection with these tickets I may also be forwardsd at tbe same ! time. " tf I A Good Friend In Time of Need. No one can have a better friend I when troubled with colic or diarrhea thnn Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It nlwnys cures. For sale by I.eon H. Husking' Phnrmui'V. You can double your money in a month. There are only three lots for sale at the P. & E. junction. They will he w orth double the minute build ing operations are resumed. That is ns certain as the timber is in the hills. It will take many factories years tn use nil the lumber that is brought down. These factories will be located at tho junction. Several hundred workmen will have to live near by. A boarding house will pay big when the factories are started. Then these lots will be worth two or three times what we ask. Remember there are only three of them for sale, so you will miss it if you don't hurry. Only 5200 each. Also two houses for sale, dirt cheap. See Eastman at P. ft E. Junction. FOR SALE. For Phoenix town property, both .mproved and nnirapxoved and three good orchard, tee Watt Calhoun, Ptoenix. Jaeksen eoniity, Ortfoa. It is rumored hereabouts that tie Paoific & Eastern railroad will re sume trip betweene Medford and Ra te Point in a short time. HERE'S OUR RULE. Tojhnve duality and price ao evenly blended thnt yon will find it both orofitable and pleasurable to have us do your tailoring work. Prop in and see our new serine fabrics. Don't buy a hand me down when you vim uel u tailor uiude suit nt the nmc price. W. W. EIPERT THB PBOORIJSSIVU TAILOR ' Highest Attainment In Systematic Banking Service Vo Jotkaou County Bank reipeetf ally lleile your , Mtouw, lub jcet to your eaeek, with tbe itrongest guarantee of mUty d effieiesey. Wt offer the kighsit attainment in lyatematie bankiag service, which aa turee the greatest care in every flnan al traaMetieo, with this obliging In-lltmtion. 1W. 1. TAWTBE, President. a. B. LIHDLKY, Caehier. LOW RATES TO OREGON DAILY During March & April From all Parts of the East via NION PAOniC 0BOON BHOBT LIKE THE OBBOOM RAILROAD ft NAVIGATION CO. SOUTHERN PACIFIC $33 from Chicago $30.60 from St. Louis $25 from Omaha $25 from Kansas City Corrcapoadiogly lowe rates from all tkar sHiiaU. TO THE PUBLIC Write letters to everybody yea kaew n the East and tell th,m about Mimc low colonist rotes. Ssnd bboia literature about Oregon, or send :br addrease to us and we will do It. Ia ehle way you can be a great help ia tat gr.wt'k ami progress of yoiir state. YOU CAN PREPAY FA&BI for anyone from any plus if jm iut to. Deposit the necessary aasaa4 wtta oar local agent and ae will Magrapk Uekst promptly. Taaoirs af Ageata ar writ to WM. VUMBMAT, Oeaaral Paaaaaft lyit Taa Orefu Bltsn4 Tts SMllis Cm. Beatteta FuMi 0 ikaa ta MfM) rvwTLa rTD,