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About Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1909)
THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, liKDFORL), OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1909 Medford Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medford.'-- PiililiHhnd every evonimr except Sund.-i'. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY George Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted a8 Second-Class Matter in the Postof fice at ' .. Medford, Oregon. I" SUBSCRIPTION KATJfio : I" 0e oU by mail or earner. .. .$0J0 On jrear bj mail I4.00 f 1 ! !4 ! River Valley. Averngs mean temperature 06 degrees ' Average yearly precipitation 2l inches TODAY'S WEA THER PREDICTION. Fair tonight and Friday. Poss ible light frost. A rare and salubrioua climate soil, of remarkable fertility beautiful scenery mountains ato red with coal, copper and (old eitenaive forest streams stocks d with speckled beauties grams in abundance a contented, projTes Hive people ench is the Rogue IS IT TO LAUGH OR TO CRY? Henrv Watterson, in the Louisville Courier-Journal. and make outcry, one straight scale of revenue duties, so that he who runs may read and he who pays taxes may know; may read as out of an open book of big type and words of one syllable; may know to a dollar just what he has to pay for what he eats and driuks and wears, by reason of the tax. The proceedings in congress would bo a roaring farce but that it is a game of hokus-pokus. The country takes little interest because it realizes this, has no hope of relief, and is sick of double-dealing, -hypocrisy and cant. Old High Tariff, in red leggings and black velvet, is ranting about the stage singing "Once There Was a King of Thule." The Star-eyed Goddess has not the spirit to resent the insults of Mr. Laffan's jokesmiths, like Niobe, all tears the while, like the lady in the play of whom it was written " She pined in thought, And with a green and yellow melancholy, She sat like patience on a monument, Smiling at grief.", WHAT GOOD ROADS MEAN. 'comments as follows on the Payne tariff bill : Does anything in this life seriously matter? Is history a hoax? Is consistency a jewel ? Was Napoleon at Water loo? Was Wellington? Oo out upon the battlements at midnight and solicit information of the winds thril blow ! If there is to be a protective tariff there is n reason why it should not be share-and-sliare alike anions nil who demand special legislation of the government. er am! over the editor of the Courier-Journal lias said that he ox-1 tlicre is hauled back from the towns to pected to see free trade expand in New England as The department of agriculture has compiled figures on the cost of transporting the products of the farm over! our country roads, showing the average cost per ton per ! i i . I nine on uin roaos in oatl condition cents; on wet, sandy ' roaas 0.5 cents; on dry, sandy roads 4 cents. But con sidering all the roads, the average cost per ton per mile wnicJi it lias cost the tanner to move the animal crops over our present roads is 25 cents per ton per mile. There are hauled over our country roads from the farms to the mar kets or shipping points nearly two hundred million tons of staph; farm products annually; in addition to these, .he farms, products rest now for drunkenness or disorderly conduct where there were, a dozen before. The removal of screens anil the opening of windows and doors so that the public may know what is going on has proven a good thing. Pub licity is a great regulator, not only of business, but of saloons. Liquor dealers are usually their own worst en emies, and the prohibition wave receives its impetus from their own actions. When they won't be good, virtue must be forced upon them. Dwellings and stores are being numbered. Street signs have been put up. Needed crosswalks are being laid. Obstacles which threatened to stop the paving program have been overcome, and the paving continued. The sewer system is being completed, and a way indicated to extend the city water distributing system without any money in the treasury. The city boundaries will be extended and the city's progress towards a greater Medford continue uninterruptedly. '' Efficiency governs all branches of the city's service. Medford is emerging from the overgrown village into the city. Many village customs still remain, that in time will be 11 umbered with the yesterdays. There is room for much improvement, but it cannot be brought about in a day, for evolution is a slow process. Meantime, Mayor Canon, the city council and city of ficials are "making good." , tionism enlarged here in Kentucky; cheap raw materials 1 in the one case, subsidized raw materials in llu other, con stituting the impelling cause. Nay, more, he has ovrr and over declared that, as manufacturing enterprises de el oped in the south, the demand for "pap" would develop! consisting of fertilizers, feed, coal, lumber, hardware and tiw i;t. , i. 1 lut "1 "loi n uiu xctnuer musi nave, amounting in quan tity to at least fifty million tons annually, making a total of two hundred and fifty million tons which the farmers transport annually over our country roads. Bad roads are a source of loss in other wavs. The st.-i- likewise, although the geography furnished in ready fields j tistics prove that they make farming unprofitable- they and cheaper pre sses an obvious advantage lo tin- souili ; cause fruitful farms to be abandoned, and rich lands to over Hie north and east, the plea, neerthclc. "We don't i lie in waste; they are largely responsible for the isolation want the ml bing to stop until we, too, hac got rn-li. and growing dissatisfaction with countrv life. whi,.h ,,f I'l l. .11... ." i . ..!.. ' ' all manner ot living, should be the most healthful, the most truly helpiul and tree; they. increase. its. solitude by pre 1 l . . 1 : 1. : 11 I . . . . i . .j ..1 .. .. x ... v.. 1 , .... 1 1 ( J gri'ai politician is uii! aiiuiiu v iu:iu. jiii, , stand out against mm wnen ne is around in sin m icm, nmu ! hern. OH I fie-h Tariff is no iv-u-i ter of, or places. ' " - O I a f or property, or parties. Ah, well-a-day! It is as true now as ever it was that 1 protectionism is robbery under the forms of law. The I "infants" who in the beginning admitted this, but asked 1 it until they could get upon their going legs, are even older ' than they were. But parties will have to be born again j before there is substantial amendment, i The time will never come when "the business of the eonntrv" will brook "revision, or even discussion, llu venting that freedom of visitation and social intercourse which, as between neighbor and neighbor, as between coun try and village, should create a sparkle and brightness in a relation already too sombre. The building of these roads increases the value of the farms. One instance will sufficiently illustrate: One of these object lesson roads was constructed in Tennessee. llie authorities bonded the county for $90,1)00 to extend come when tlie 01 uiotll(1 svsteni. hands adiacent to it rose tV .i tin revision," or even discussion. The ...... u. j., . ,, . , unit. 11 1 ih'i n riilllt 1 1 1 1 1 l u irMi l l.c.l 1 00 u.-li y . 11 . . . . ... v f I ( "reforms." These are still the watchwords: I hat 1 county made a further issue of bonds amounting to .$180,000. and sold theni at a i iifmi uin f it!'-! finn 'Piii Uu' timrr ,s ,,ot il ,:,x: ,ni" 11 ,( 1S , u' tol,i: settlement is rendered more desirable, the population is e.gner pays ,1 ; that it insures steady work ami j nttl,li;twl. With the increase in population ,-omes increas wages; hat protection and the dignity 0! labor are , dIlwI, - . and farm products, and the consequent synonymous terms; that a cheap coat makes a cheap man : : ,..- (,., 1,,,, ,. . ., . . , ,. lii 11 f i 1 1 ... 1 , , 1 ,i , 1 , i 'e m larm land values. it h the increase 111 population that doit lias had nothing : to do with the development and ,1,,, .i,,,,,..,.,! (- ,. ,1,, ... 1 . ni-.wi.oi.iK- .mi., .i 1111 ( 11 u .-ii i demand tor products must necessanlv increase. The llosperil ol the count -v. onlv 1 1 1 1 1 1 :i t-i 1 1 - all lliese still' ana 1 mi; 1.1 in 1 caiuioi increase, it remains the same. There is an increased demand for its use. There are more markets for its products. The farmer finds his ..h,.i,... price of his products necessarilv goes transports them at a niimnuni cost to the highest walk their round count rv, so that. only high tarilt; all these st t'inallv. steel, sufficiently lubri-: eated by Standard Oil, has become the supreme being of! tin i i it 1 it 1 1 1 vicloin wlii,. it lo ...t..4 ....i:....i : r " M11UU1I..II1WN.-. . mi. .1- I...1 41... c " ' u 'Kill, 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 1 IIH- 1(11 I I It I . 11 K-...1 " in.:,,... 1... , !"! 1U' , , . 1.11111 III II I ,,.. ,..,. 4- I, 1.. 1 ... ... - . to buy run up to the moon in fay,,,- f the manufacturer.: ' ' " " mmmmm cost, 111s teed. coal. .....m, ,,uu inner ncccssuies. lie is affected ov , power and consolidations lias to sell priced in a fret ower- ing of cost and an increase of gains. -I-I... ..4..i:..i : . e ... ... in- mauMics 01 exports irom tins countrv for the ten . years prior to and including 1!)0 show that more than o!) per cent of the total exports were farm products. In money, this amounted to over eight billions of dollars that the farm products brought into this country. How much of that did the fanners get I How many millions of these dollars dnl (lie tanners bury in the and the market? mud between fields Mr. Cleveland got right lor a while by chance, but in the end ho fell a victim to the lue of the money devil. He never quite knew the source of his strength, nor under stood at all the complications ol' the tariff, lie was self confident, unlearned and sincere, having never sat in a legislative body, lie meant well. He did his best. Hut. he wrecked us. He is dead. Requiescat in pace! Mr. Tal't is a money devil himself--by proxy. All that he wants is as little trouble as may be consistent with the seeming fulfillment of campaign obligations made under duress. The original Wilson hill promised a little relief.,' There mav be a little even in the I'avne bill. What boots "a little?" I That Medford has a most conscientious and hard work- As well seek to bail the Atlantic ocean with a dipper ig f't of municipal officials has been demonstrated fre- as to revise the'tariff and leave a single schedule to mark '1"1,1,'.V during the past few months. Mavor Canon and the trail of its surpassing imposition and tell the tale of s,'voral ,,f. th couneilnien have practically' spent all their its fathomless ironr. The words of Hamlet must be liter- T V"." "i' .the city's welfare. The city is receiv allv annJiP(I. ,.Pf(;,, ir nt,uroth. ,,nf 1' n hn nonunistration-and that is what was voted 1 (.OOI) CITY GOVKItXMK.XT. ARE YOU? Taking Advantage of all Your Opportunities? If every women in Medford should take advantage of all of her best opportunities, she would visit this store Friday and select her supplies for spring and summer. Never has any store in a town the size of Medford been so well equipped with real dependable merchandise, and all at lower prices. Then this week and this day are especially advantageous from a buying point. You can ave on a number of splendid sales. We invite you to look. SKIRTS for HALF t$fcj I SEE THE WINDOW mm i-:tnm- 1" . A ' Not all of our Skirts, for we show soma 500 here, but a goodly assort ment of really good skirts are selling at half price. Of course we are los ing money on them selling them for about 25 per cent less than cost, but we must move the stock, so come and get one at HALF PRICE. EXCLUSIVELY FOB WOMEN Baker - Hutchason 6 Co. CENTRAL AVE., JUST NORTH OF JACKSON COUNTY BANK New 1909 Model Electric Irons Now $5.00 Why not iron in comfort this sununerf The Electric Iron heats in three minutes-no wait ing, no changing irons. We wilt send yon an Iron FREE on tea days" trial Write, telephone or call at our office, 206 Wt Seventh street, opposite the Big Electric Sign. ROGUE RIVFP FIFrTDie m Successors to Condor Water 4 Powr Oo. , f n,J ;eUo,l not r,,),!,,-, (Mai t() mvstifv I Th(, , , . rnM nnd thn io f