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About Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1909)
THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MgDFOBD. OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1909, Small Orchards Bearing and Young Groves on Easy Terms We have subdivided into small tracts the famous Gold Range Orchard, two miles south of Medford, adjoining the Bear Creek and and Burrell orchards, and now offer a limited number of the choicest orchard tracts for sale on reasonable terms. This is your opportunity to secure bearing orchard, or young orchard, or both bearing and young orchard, consisting of the choicest varieties of pears and apples. The tracts range In size from five to 27 acres. The soil Is the best in the valley Bear creek bottom land. The old trees on these tracts have produced record breaking crops that brought record prices in eastern markets for years past. No such chance was ever offered before to secure such orchard tracts. Rogue River Investment Co. Ill NORTH D STREET Compare the Quality ho-1 and every Jirriiminnfiiilirin iven our 14 is, jutd always ban been eur aim to supply ur customers with goods of the highest gild's quality and to that wiH mit'.yv jfjuauvj to our line, j ne 11(1 (lit; oti of "nrftfnrrfd stock" makes our line cf high-grnde Canned Goods most omplet Oerr service always the Mitomers, Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed Nash Livery Company Best equipped in Southern Oregon. Give us a trial. H. C. BONNEY PHONE NO 2331. GOLDEN GATE CEMENT At SHORTY GARNETT'S S. ENYART. Prtwdrnt. JOHN 8. ORT11. Cashier. J. A. FIRST, VlctPreildent. W. B. JAOKBOH, Ant CuMar. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK HIDTOID, OX. CAPITAL - - $60,000 SURPLUS - S 10,000 Safety Boxes For Bent. A General Bajik in Bus .nes TJTAnaaotetL We Solicit Tour Patronage. PLAY GRANTS PASS ON NEXT SUNDAY Manager Daniels Makes Arrange ments for Two Games on the Local Field in Future. Manager Duuiels ut' the Medford ball club lias arranged a game with Grants l'ass to be played at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the Medford ball park. Three weeks ago Med ford won from the Grants l'ass team in a walk at the latter city. The fol lowing Sunday Grants Pass played rings around the Jacksonville team at the Pass. While Medford has beaten both theso teams, Grants Pass has strengthened her team consider ably lately and the fans will see good ball Sunday. ' Medford has a strong team this season and the manager has arrang ed a Sunday morning game with the team from Hilt, Cal., last soason's northern California champions, for Sunday, May 1, and the fans will probably have baseball at home for the balance of the season. This year's team has purchased the best Spanlding suits made, paid off last year's debt and is in a fair wav to prove a financial success, if the fnns ' will do their part boost. The boys have had no financial aid from the merchants, get nothing for playing, are n clean bunch of players and are a real advertisement to Medford. They deserve a big gate at every game. Turn out and do your part Sunday. Watch for the dope on i lie lineup tomorrow. LIGHT ON DR. ELIOT'S "FIVE-FOOT LIBRARY" ItOSTDM. April 22. The twenly t'ivc volumes of masterpieces which President Elliot of Harvard recently said could be put in a "I'ive-fotit ti- 'hrury" and made a compU'le equip jincnt for I lie average man. if read 'with care and undert sanding, an' lo lie brought out by a New York pub- Usher in July. Of this number six have lleen edited lo date Pcnu's Sol 'ilo(ities." liobert Burn's complete i works, Shakespeare's leading dramas land light comedies, old Scottish lml !lads, "History of Hihlicnl Times" and jone volume containing two hooks on Quakerism. William A. Ncilson, professor of i English literature at Harvard anil a : personal friend of President Kliot. is editing the works. 'I'he last volume will be written by Itr. Kliot and will be in the nature of a treatise on the whole work, advice to the reader how to obtain the best in literature out of tenminutes' study each day and u general talk with the student of history, the dramn or se lected readings of the great master pieces who would pursue a systematic study of Ihem. N. P. C. OFFICIALS REPORT LARGE, HEAVY TRAFFIC ADVERTISE YOUR WANTS IN THE TRIBUNE AND GET RESULTS CHICAGO, April 22. Officials of the North Pucifie Coast roads expect an unusually large passenger traffic to that country during the coining summer. It will not be created whol ly by the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific ex position, though that will be a great drawing card. There also will be a vast volume of travel brought about by the large number of persons gi ing to the coast with the intention of becoming permanent settlers to the northwestern country. The business depression which has been keenly felt in nil the industrial and commercial centers of the east lias caused a great many woplc to seek out pastures new as the fields for their future exertions, and large numbers of these have come to look uKin the North Pacific coast coun try as offering them the greatest in ducement of making their future homes there. Already inipiiries are being made of the railroads in great numbers as to facilities for transportation, and res ervations are being made for sleep ing car and other accommodations away in advance of anything believed to be possible a short time ago. Bulletin of Methodist Church. Topic of prayer meetings tonight: "Second lesson in Life of Christ." Choir practice Friday evening. Rev. neuter's series of sermons "Seven Sermons on Sevens" begins next Sab bath night. It is the Logical Way Buy your raw land at a reasonable figure Have os plant aud care for until bearing Pay for it on extremely generous terms Crestbrook Orchard Tracts The Soil That Has Been Tested ' Beautiful Location Rogue River Valley Opposite Hillcrest Orchard Oregon Orchards Syndicate SELLING AGENTS ROGUE RIVER VALLEY Itudeb&kerAutomobiles Wagons and Vehicles THE BEST OF THEIR KIND Made for value. Car of fine style of goods just re ceived. Call and take away an easy riding SIDE-SPRING VEHICLE, or, better yet, an E. M. F. 30 HORSE POWER, 4-CYLINDER. No JAR in life can touch you, nor any OBSTACLE hinder you to gain your goal, whilt using ether. F. Osenbrugge Studebaker Bros. Co. Warehouse Medford MEN'S LION BRAND PANTS The Best Every Day Trousers Made Prices $1.75 to $3.50, at The Wardrobe To Orchardists and those? BUILDING COUNTRY HOMES Why not have your home, farage, packing house, bam, gardens tennis court, trees and shrubs, also roadways planned with an eye to beauty, convenience and economy? J. A.Mcintosh, Architect THIRO FLOOR MtDFORV NATIONAL BANK BUILDIM. r