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About Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1909)
TMI MEOPOTO DAILY TBrBtrMB, MHPPORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1909 PHOENIX PURE PAINT IS ABSOLUTELY THE BEST FOR SALE BY- MEDFORD HARDWARE CO. TEDDY'S GUN OUT OF CASE FOR HUNT STOESSEL TO BE FREED AND NEBOGATOFF, TOO Ex-President Is Given Rousing Re- m ceition in Mombasa Cheered Three Minutes Straight. MuMHASA, April 11. Theodore lioOSOV ell , I'll I'll MM' president ((f tilt' United SI nil's, was rn a rousing reoepliou in Hiis place nl ;i cluh i!in niM' today. Hi' wits cheered for three minute- when he n rose (o address the el lilt. Me made ;i hrief speech thanking I he- nieiiiliir. u( the local ( ill for I heir reeelion of Into. 1 1 1 hunting material hno .-til heen unpacked iiihI (he hit; hiinl i ready to st ji 1 1 . Tomorrow Im u ill o nl in -hly lea e fur I he interior. CAPLES MADE BIG COUP WITH RESOLUTION sr. rKTKiJSiiimu, April -ii, - tieti. SIoomjI him) Vice-Ailmiral Ne hnatoff are to he set free, it is un derstood. Itnth were condemned to (lentil hy eoui't martial for surrender , inc- to tlm enemy in Russia's war with .)nuin Slonssel for iviiif? up Port Arthur, N'cho;ntoff for striking his flm; in the haltle. of Japan sea. J ut the Car ronillillleil the sentenced in eaeh cac to imprisonment in a forties- lor ten year.-. Nehoatoff, liieo! ami convicted fiisf, ha-, heen in ' pri-tiiti ,iut two years; Sloossel it car ami ahoiit one month. They oc cupy adjoining rooms in the eelehral cd fort ress of Saints I'eter and I'aul. The coming release of thee I wo notalih' pri-oiiers is forhadowed hy the htn ration today ol Uoar Admiral I iieiiorii'l'l and l.icul. Smirnoff, suh o din a le ol ftccis under NehoatoJ f, who were tried, eonviefed and iinpris- J ' oned w hen he v;is. ! NATIONAL COMMISSION j TO FOLLOW OREGON PLAN SAVOY THEATER TONIGHT. .AND. .THURSDAY ' A strong dramatic entertainment, featuring THE CRY OF THE WILDERNESS Kdison's masterpiece, .itory of Alaska, the land of the midnight Min. Natural marine seenerv. OTHER FEATURES ONE DIME WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to 5. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs WASIIINCTciN. April ''J. "l!..l.'" 'ntl'. H'iiip rrri' li Si'iiatnr i'lmnilirrlinn, ronipli'ti'tl 11 oni ilVlnl u lit-ii 1 . ,l;iv Viri I 'iv-ili'iil Slii-l'iiiim muim-,1 ii iv,ilnlmii tll:it ,i ii I in n- llu' cii-toni tr;t atriit for hull m ri'iihu'x, l' i i u I" iMtiLmiht; M-iuil-ir- mill li'iiri'-rntilliu'.-. llu1 llMiiknii: pnvili'm', iiml :ill pnlilu iln- .'llllh'l.l-, .l.'l'll , llllli Hlllil-MlilMI- ll H. III.' 1 1, .. lull. 'I t'.'llon Mi'j On- .In-,. ..I ill. 'II I.Miii- ..: .,l!i.-... VI,, l ,;,,, I,,-,,. I I,.,,,,!,,.,-. am'- -..'i.'l.u Ii. l..iuul tin-. .11-. I, mm imI.I,,.,! In- ,ln,', .. 111,.-,. . , I -1 .t tt I. )in ii,'...'- II.- -.1 ..'ii l ,,,.'liii n ii,,. HU-I..III I'n -1 Ii.' hi. ..I,- u. ,. ,., - ,,1 III,' i , -' I 1 '.,'.. 1 " 1 , . I , I 1 1 ;ill i t I,' "i'MMu 1 I 1. In,:: ii,',- ; ,.. 'I'll,., h,. I. 1!:, , .;. n 0.. 1 ,,,!, ,1,1' ii ,- '. -.-' .: Sli,. i.i.ui -r: I 11 t..,l.,. 11,1 "v 1. t,.r 1 li,ii..l"!.,i'i .n,.l I . 1 1 . 1 in, 'ii lii-i- thviv! H.i.- lit" i'li-1 1 il.'il 1,, . ol all irinl,..l 11;, ill.. 1 1 .!!,,! In I1:.' M'liii!,' ,r 'i i :n ln'ii "! I' 'l!i li,,u-,- Ii 1 . i.,,',il,'-- 1,. ill, 'I ;,,.!.- ,..,,.,, ,:l ,.'. lllflll'M ' M I'd t U"l -i-.'ICf . DIES FROM DRINKING n WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE no Htr SAN Wi'lSi O. April -" A IlUllpi-nehant f-M vx.-n c-ter-hlie s,-n e npro .-.! ill,- -union-;;- r.itn. Mnr "ph, :i -.iitm ino.My-.M'Wii ears mill u hi was f..'ii!d dead in the h.-iU;i of Mr, 1 i.Ml-nu; :tt -J.-.-J K.lM street tliift ' Id-, morn in i; It his poekel was a ooaln'-hU emptied hottle of ori.-ier-ploshiie -anee. The deati sailor hud itT."tM,.n . ln'.ny drinker and lately had Mnken to driukini the saueo tor epi Kome ims in whatovor tpianlitios he make,-,m(i find it in tho ehfnp rt-tau- nnts. Sovoral empty botthv were WASHIMiTON. April eont'eieiH-e helween do-. 11. After eph N. Teal Secret a i Sliipp aiil the national coiiserx at ion commiion would fol low the Oregon co?ninision's plan alnio-- without change, as the (reoii hody had worked out the unsl praeti- j enhle llieory yet devied. Teal eon- i ferred with i'iuchot nt the hitter's teejiie-i, a- a memlier of (lie commit- j lee to formulate plans for nation wide application of ihe conclusions of j a! )asi eoovenlioM. and conference-. FAANKLIN K. LANE IS FAVORITE WITH PRESIDENT, WASHINGTON, April JJ 'I'hnl ri.iuMn, K. I. .in,' .,1' Caill',,n,ia will -in ,., ,.,..1 liiiii-, !l a- a tni'iulicr ,,i' llu' li !,.-M', ,-,,11 1in--,,! t- l,,.hi. IifV,1 m.H. In- I'rin .1- Aillfixli I. " '- 1,1,,, ,',..'- ' ,,t i,:i,' t..- -,' .I.'! 1 ii,-. ;l ;- l.ii., n Ilia! -,',.:'., 1 II, .ll;,,, l'.ll- ,n,' 'lioir ,111 111,. Ii. Mil I'll,- ,.!!. ,l,,r,. In th.. I all I..':,,-, I".,'. Il....,.r. I- -.11,1 t.. lllM- I iii,. ,.)., . 1 . , , , 1 1 ,.1 r,,.-!,.,,i r,it 1 ,'- I, -ai , ,a ,'xpii,. I,,,- -,'1 (,'!,'. mil', la ."I TUNNY OLD ENGINE TO BE SEEN AT A. Y. P. 1 A I- HI IT. Wa-li . Ann! '.'L' I o ,'..",,'!iv.' N. I, .1 illlillillliM' wo.'.I lull'.,,.: Willi .111 ,'ri.,rii,,,ti- ln-ll in, ,,il ln-,1 - U-la.'l.. vvlii.h llaalial ilia !u-l ttaii' ,,1,-r i- iii.w kimuii a ih, Hill r:iila -ysliMii, lia Iiimmi in.,ac!il .;(.. -!i,,p- !i,ti. t',,r a'i oriia ulii'L pi ,M,aral,M v t,i it,1 talv.'ii t, til.' Ala--ka Vulvoi: l'atili.- ONin'-iliaa as a part -!' Ilio raili.'.i.l I'v'iitiil. Th,' t-n-cine It'ok lli.1 a mtTi' t,iv lic-ule N 1!HS. llu hiiU-r,n mouul. aiul the clootrio liHinutir. whii'h will nlso form part- of tile ohilitM. Closing Out Sale of odd pieces of plain and fancy China, including Haviland China Bavarian China Austrian China Old Dutch China Wc have about 100 pieces of Fancy China and odd pieces in the above make gnotls that are worth in a regular retail way $1.50. $1.75. $2.00. S2.25 and $2.50 each, that we are lining to put on sale tomorrow at Your choice $1 each Th'-oMh error thw w .1- made 1. n; ye-iet'dn"- auverlise-met.t. 1: . l.e ! a uiee pieee ot t'hma at ja-t atiout oup-iT'i'-u" value : i" oror!'uv, hrj early tit it is -maiv I'he von win-1 'he be;!.; HUSSEY' 2. 12 - COPYRIGHT- Ii -"mB " . ap cpJL I -..'. 1 On a Spring Stroll yon can always tell the cutaway or froiMx coat suit made hy Kreuzer. It i- always so exclusive in style, ami it make, fit and finish are so ele uaul and per fret that il is always a suhjeet of admiration. When you want a swell suit of clothing have it made hy J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. Importers andTailors Upstairs. Palm Bldg., Medford, Or. Baseball Goods- Tin- I in si ! m 11 scmmhi is lippr and wc ii it sli nwiiio i hi. must . . .ii i; .l.-t e lin of Sjinnlil iun nn! Hiiifh ! inula. Baseballs Wagon tongue Bats Catcher's Shields and Masks Large and Small Gloves 1 .-mil all ii.'ii',ijilipi-ii;ili,i fur tin, atioiial (tame. A new shipment just rci-cived of Ti m,;. h'lirkrlx. Hulls mnl X, Medford Book Store Take the Tribune lor New! tint in lii. nom. M. M M ('liib