71 iucjiyr xj rtTTlTXtI?rtTtm7ti?fsi K 1 K()I!1T.TR K('io N , W.EDN KSDAY, APRIL 21, 1905). Compare the Quality LETTER OF CHIEF BIGBY IS PUBLISHED; DEFIES SPRECKELS ll is, t:ml always has been oi.r aim to supply our customers with goods of tho highest I II - P 'Jlilj ; mv E-Hj"-ii fp? v"02 s'i "lunlity and to that etui ' I W&S&U- 'fPife' '1'i'ilil.v to our line. Tho utock" makes our line of high-grade Cnntu'il Goods most oompk'tc. Our Benrioe always the best and every uccommndutioa given our customers. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed Nash Livery Company Best equipped in Southern Oregon. Give us a trial. H. C. BONNEY PHONE NO 2331. Ladies' Guff Buttons COLLAR SETS AND BEAUTY PINS. Fine Watch and Jewery Repairing a Specialty. Martin J. Roddy The Jeweler NEAR P0ST0FFICE MEDFORD, OR. P. N. eummlnQs T. W. Ou&ood Osgood & Gummings ivii Engineers The Best Equipped Engineering Office in Southern Oregon Surveys, Maps, Plans, Specifications, Re ports, Estimates, Etc. - Water Powers and Water Works, Paving and Road Making, Sewerage, Railroads, Irrigation andDralnage Office Medford National Bank Bid. GOLDEN GATE CEMENT At SHORTY GARNETT'S J. I. RJT7ABT. PrMuItnt. J. A. PKHRY, ViM-Prefident. JOHN S. OKTH, CMhler. W. B. JACKSON, Al't Ckier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MBsroiD, ox. CAPITAL $50j000 SUKPLUS - - 5 10,000 Safety Boxes For Bent. A General Bank in Bus Jiem TkwisACtacL We Solloit Tour Patronage. SAN' FRANCISCO, April 21. -A Incnl liowspiiper publishers what pur ports to he an ot'iciiti let tir from the liH'f of n.-v i;i;:i.y to a. n. Sutler, preMiK'Mi i'f the lto;ivd uf I'o lit'e ( inmIi-.-.iirci', in which lit said ihiit on November Iti lasl he was culled upon ut his office hy Dudolph with he'iii; , MroMinU'tl hy "crunk r" with li't :i -oci;ile uf brothel dive-keepers, mid dcmiitulc,( his rt'-''iial ion as chief of pdiee. liiLi'ty, in liis letter, said that lit- le:iied tile cha r-;t.- a; a! defied Spree kels to . prne them. He then ashed tor nil o port n 1 1 it y lo nn't't the charges bo fore tin1 commissioner:-;. FOREST GROVE TO VOTE $70,000 FOR WATER SYSTEM FOWKST (iliOVK. April m.-The proposition of voting bonds to the amount of 70,000 for a new water system will he placed before the tux payers of thin city at a special elec tion to he held April '27. The proposed system is to be a gravity system, and the water will be uhtiiined from Clear creek, a stream in the Soda Sprii district. The re servoir is to he located on the Rux ton Hill, and will have a capacity of 2.")0.000 gallons. The maps and sur veys were made by A. L. Kichnrdsnn, an engineer of Gleiulale, Wash. GRADING BOULEVARDS H ASHLAND SUBURBS 'J hi street department of the city; of Ashland is busily enaed and has 1 hi-or. for some time past, in some ex- j tet r, v ej.ulitij,' operations in the sou- ) tlicra suburbs, in a section of the city m M.natr.in avenue south id' Ashhuul (streel that was recently incorporated '. .' ',' 'is liaa's. Cut- and I ills are ' ' - im"'1 !i '! will nPH-h improve t lie heay cades and make much more acre- ;lilc some of the lamb- id' that seethe!. Water mains are a!.-o beinj; extended aloat llie same street. - Tidings. Closing Out Sale ! LA GRANDE PLANNING MONSTER WELCOME I.A (lli'ANDK, Or., April 21. When the Oregon-Idaho Development Con gress meets lien April 27-28, I.n Grande's business streets will bo il luminated with hundreds of extra lights. 'Jin- furl that ri'prcsoitttilivc iiicu tint coritiii front Idaho, Orepm and l-jistorn Washington hits lpd the local boosters, hcatled by Publieily Maiuiirer Fred B. C'ttrry, to lay tuto rial stress on cntertainnient. ATTEMPTED TO COMMIT SUICIDE; IS INSANE KUUKNK, Or., April 21 I'tiul Axel, who wits run into a week ago hy u southbound traiu near Junction ('ity, and who wus brought to Eugene for treatment, was today committed lo the State Insane Asylum. Axel, who had been employed on BushneH'H farm, sut down by the track nnd apparently tried to commit suicide by throwing his head across the rail, but he was only severuly bruised. GOVERNOR BENSI0N IS INVITED TO CONGRESS SALEM, Or., April 21 Governor Menson has received a copy of the of fioiul call for the 17th National Irri gation Congress to be held in Spo kuno, August 9-14, 1909. Oregon will be entitled to 15 delegates, each city of more than 25,000 population, ten delegates, and cities of less than 25,000, five delegates each. The board of control of the congress has sent an urgent personal invitation to Governor Benson, President Bower man, of the senate, and Speaker Mc Arthur of the house. FIENDISH SLAYER OF HIS BRIDE TAKES OWN LIFE MONTEREY. Mex., April 21. Francisco I'urdo of Galeanti, who slew his young bride and then cov ered hor body with vile inscriptions, traced wirh his finger in her own blood, committed suicide in prison yesterday by hanging himself. When l'ordo married Miss Iiaraonu Rodriguez, a terrific thunderstorm in terrupted the ceremony and supersti tious friends predicted an unhappy ending of the honeymoon. ECUADOR TO CELEBRATE CENTURY OF FREEDOM ADVERTISE Y0BR WARTS IR THE TRItVRE ARI RET RE8ULT8 WASHINGTON, P. C, April 21. Contemporaneous: y with the opening of the exposition at Ojiito. Ecuador. August 10 next, '!i;.t republic will cel ebrate the lOOt't anniversary of its independence, the first of the Latin -Ame" 'in republic- to have that hon or. Sei-ivlury Root appointed Ernest Henry Wands of New York to bo tlm American commissioner. FULTON WILL RESIDE IN PORTLAND HENCEFORTH l'. W. Fulton, ex-l'uil -d States Senator, will hot ome u permanent resident ot I'oriiuud about May 1 While in Portland re. anlly Mr. Ful ton engaged a suit :I offices m the Fenton building, where he will re sume Hie legal practice, beginning about tho first of tho month. While he wilt continue u law partnership with his brother, G. C. Fulton, ut As loriu, Mr. Fulton intends to niiiku Portland his home in every sense. Ho will be joined bv his family early in the fall. COTTAGE GROVE RAISED $4000 FOR ADVERTISING COTTAGE GROVE, Or., April 21. The pcoplo of Cottago Qrovo are raising u fund of several thousnnd dollars for advertising. Tho commit tee appointed for this purpose is meeting with success. About $4000 has already been raised and encour agement is found with all classes of people. j of otltl pieces ot plain ami fanny China, including Haviland China Bavarian China Austrian China Old Dutch China We have about 100 pieces of Fancy China and odd pieces in the above make goods that are worth In a regular retail way $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50 each, that we are going to put on sale tomorrow at Your choice lc each If you want a nicel'oioe of China at .just about one half its regular value conic in tomorrow, but eoino early as tho quantity is small. Tho curlier you conio tho hotter he assortment. HUSSEY'S StudebatkerAutomobiles Wagons and Vehicles thf rpst OF THEIR KiNn Mads for value. Car of fine stvle of uoods just re ceived. Call an take away an easy riding SIDE-SPRING VEHICLE, tr, better yet, an E. M. F. 30 H0RSE POWER, 4-CYLlNOEft. No JAR in life can touch you, nor any OBSTACLE hinder you to gain your goal, while using ether. F. Osenbrugge Studebaker Bros. Co. Warehouse Medford MEN'S LION BRAND PANTS The Best Every Day Trousers Made Prices $1.75 to $3.50, at The Wardrobe MOTORCYCLE HAS THE SPEED RECORD 1 LOS AN1FLES. C..I , April 21.-- j Jake de Rosier is today the premier I sticod marvel of the world. On the I Coliseum track yesterday he estab- I lishod the nmrvelous lecord of 80 1 miles in !7 minutes. -9 .1-5 seconds, including the time consumed by three stons. Pe Rosier vv.is using a seven-horsepower motorcycle. Eddie Lingenfcl der of Chicngo, on a single cylinder four-horsepower machine, was four and a half laps behind the winner. The new record set by De Rosier sur passes any previously made by any owner propelled machine, including automobiles (nil locomotive?. To Orchardists and those: BUILDING COUNTRY HOMES Why not have your home, garage, packing house, barn, gardens tennis court, trees and shrubs, also roadways planned with an eye to beauty, convenience and economy? J. A.Mcintosh, Architect THIRD FLOOR UtOPORD RATIONAL BANK BUILOIMG.