TIITC MDDPOTJD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 3909. WHIN FRUIT TRFFQ IIIILLIUII I IIUI I I HLLU PLANTED IN JACKSON ture Show Great Increase in Or chards Free From Pests. "Oregon in (lcHtinud to become the greatest upple growing center ii. the world" is the uliilemetit which five mcmlierH ot the Ktato ooura or noru culture iiiuluile in their reports filed with Secretary II. M. Wilimmsou Millions ot apple and poar trees were planted here this spring 1,000,000 in JackHon county alone, which when in a fow years they hepn to bear fruit will place the apple and pear growing industry on a plane nueh an it has navnr tmft.rn Itnnwn With the exception of n might damage done to the peach trees and loganberry bushes, the extreme cold weather of last January did practi cally no damage to the trees of the state. Reports were filed from W. K. Now 11, president, U. IT. Weber, treasurer, and M. O. Ijownsdulc, A. II. Carson and Jndd Ueer, commit Hi oners. The crops this yoar, according to tho reports will average, with the ex ception or logHiiberncH and peacheH. There will be a light, but excellent quality cmp of these fruits, while tho apples, xiirs and (nirdier fruitH will produce 11 fairly good crop. The tips of the brunches owing to the gradual drop which the thonnometer took before the oold weather were but lit He affected and should bear well. The planting of new treos this year hnH surpaHsed anything ever known in this section. Millions of plants and trees have been set out with tho result Hint within the next few years the output of the state should be al most double that what it is now. Josephine, Douglas and Jackson counties were all reported as having planted ninny trees. Jackson county growers planted nearly 1,000,000 ap ple and pear trees, while in Josephine count v nearly fiOO.OOO grape vinos GAME ON SUNDAY Jacksonville Pitcher Was In Great Shape and Won From Grants Pass Easily. JuitkHouville defeated OranU 1'ahH by u wore of 8 to 2 laat Sunday. Mc Intyro wan in great form. Tbe hard hitting Grants Pass buneh onJy col lected throe Hcatterod hiU. Jacksonville got tn hilt off Os bourne. A muffed fly by 8. Wilson, a man bit by pitcher and 8. Kau bian'H drive gave the Paux their only HcoreH. OrantH Paw A.B. WilliamH, Ha 4 ThruMUer, 2b, c 2 H. Oaubian, 3b 4 S. Kaubian, c, of . . . 4 Woods, rf 4 KUivenson, IB 3 McCloud, rf, 2b ... 3 Cook, If 4 Qhbounio, p 3 IB. I 0 I 1 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 31 2 Jacksonville 8oiton. 2b 5 2 0 0 C. Wilson, .3 0 J () S. Wilson, rf S 0 2 1 Diint'onl, If 5 0 0 0 Wenill, of t 2 I 0 Mcliitym, p ! I 2 0 Ulrich, lb 3 2 2 0 (1. Htonl, 4 0 0 J. St. Mil, - 4 I 0 Totnl IIH 8 1(1 I Scoro by uinings Grants Pass 20000000 02 Jacksonville 0 3 1 ) 3 000 08 Stolen bases C. Wilson, II. I''au liiun. Two-base hit Ulrich. Threo baso hit S. Kuubian. Double play - Stevenson, unassisted. Bases on balls -Off Mclntyre 1, Osboume 3. Hit by pilidied ball Thrasher, Mc-t-loml, Ulrich. Struck out -By Mu- IlltYTC 8. bv O.shiiltrn.i fi. Ptmsnrt halls - S. Kaubian, Thrasher. Left on liases - Jacksonville 10, (iriuits Pass (i. Umpire Tube Brouse. Scorer Sluusell. Small Orchards Bearing and Young Groves on Easy Terms We have subdivided Into small tracts the famous Gold Range Orchard, two miles south of Medford, adjoining the Bear Creek and and Burrell orchards, and now offer a limited number of the choicest orchard tracts for sale on reasonable terms. This is your opportunity to secure bearing orchard, or young orchard, or both bearing and young orchard, consisting of the choicest varieties of pears and apples. The tracts range in size from five to 27 acres. The soil is the best in the valley Bear creek bottom land. The ' old trees on these tracts have produced record breaking crops that brought record prices in eastern markets for years past No such chance was ever offered before to secure such orchard tracts. Rogue River Investment Co. Ill NORTH D STREET AN EASTER $ DESIGN or a bungalow, just as happe tainable at owner's price at our shop. And let us again Im press you with the fact that Medford prices are today more reason able than in any other town In the west, when the prospects of the city are taken Into consideration. It will make one feel awfully well contented with life to own one of the properties In which we are dealing, In case the oil district proves to be what we think It will be. Now is the time to get in on the best Investment possible to make in Medford town property, by calling on the Rogue River Land Co. Exhibit Building, MEDFORD wero planted. These were, mostly of tliu Tokay variety. In Douglas, where a large amount oi' elearinn has only ree.enlly heon done, the slopes are being set with apple ami pear trees in largo quanti ties. Many thousand aeres tiro bo iiifr cleared, and from the tendency t tin present holders of the land have hIiowii ( 'oniinissinner Carson is of the opinion that inanv thousand more trees will be set out in the next few j yea is. Comment.- upon (hi1 general move- j men! for the betterment of (he or- j elinrds .-diown by the fruit growers ' werti made by the commissioners in their report s. The growers have j aw nkeneil to I lie fart h;lt a Wi'll ' sprayed and well pruned on-hard will give iiineh linger erops than will one! only poorly eared for and are now j heeding tin inan iv.i,i-1 made by the ili-peelor-- I'm Jie In t lei inent of' their orchards. A-s a recall tin- no) u badly di-i- ' sea-ed etmn i- U. t I in Ihe Male t I" Hi-egou. a - ri dlea-e '' Knmn io hoti i u' i-.t i Moon found ami elevtiiMialed Til.' tlili gvnee oi one in-- ti-.-lm- di .may with the po-silnltly of a M- ge ot the brown , tail moth a the I. (; m found he- i .fore it eoultl- Mi'f.t ! ttnt' was tie- I strove. I and ot her s!ipi:ti-itl . watched, i ! ! doiuj? Ih AUTOMOBILE OWNERS LIABLE TO ARREST that, the pens and flocks were ready for the strenuous season which U sure to follow. In most dLst-riuU the actual work of shearing begun today, and it is plouty early enough, consid ering weather conditions. It will cost the sheep growers of Oregon about "JOO,000 to remove from the backs of their sheep tho li)0!) fleeces. The average price paid for shearing is 7 cents, while in some f section t where dirt is heavily im bedded in the fleece, ail extra cent will have to be paid to make up for the loss m wear and tear of shears. It is estimated that fully one cent is lost every lime a 'dirty" fleece is re moved, as the sand wears the blades of the shears badly, and a day's work will completely wear out a new pair of shears. The cost of blades is $1.26. WANTED Timber andCoal Lands, Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs P. C. Hansen. Tom Moffat. We make any K'i; I and si vie i:f windows.' We curry ,b- "I any size tin hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. Stirs. 3rmt Ifamptort Usaacs Instructor of "piano. TUet 3ttett)o4 Stuoto at Mul6c. ttortt) Or.nje Strut Aiitoiii'ihili1 owners an. li;it)li In jtr rost fur nul complying with the law whom I liny Imvo IriuiHl'orri'il old li i'i'iisos In iuw mai'liiix's. A iiival miiny luic tH'.'ii ilcl.'cU'tl by Ihi. Htal.M ITirial. ami tlic hocrotarv .if Nluto'fi i jnflii'.. lui i-iinil an .(lit't In tln i'f-; j foul dial nli! lici'iisi-n liiiisl mil lie ! . traiisfi.t-rril In new marliinrs. ' ' Kvi'i-y atit.ilnnliili' licoiiKt. is acoom- ; Jpanii'il liv a iliiTiiitiun of tlir rar. A I lici'iiKi' I'min a t'lulillar In a Wliili-1 jSl.'ainor, fur iiitluimo, tlu-n, is nn i I'laMtm of tin1 law. Only line lieen.e . w reijtiireil for every lintehine. ASHLAND MOTORIST TO ORIVE TO FAIR Greater Norris and Rowe Shows Circus. Museum Menagerie. Hippodrome If the phins of smne id' Akhlaml's uinsl iMithiisiaslie nuttnnsts dn not p amiss, a special enx.ilende of unlit-ni'tlnle-. will lene Ashland the mid dle of June on an exeutsion lhroni:h Oregon and Washington to the Ahi Ka Vukim I'ai ifte Kvpo-it ion. -a-the Tnlitig-.. The mad- are at their be-.l in ,lu m. the sea-Mn inot de light fill for eu.)nving out door life in this congenial clime, and the project - trip see in it an ideal way fair and alo getting bcti-r SALBM BEER SALEM is the most popular beer in Northern C'alif ornia and Southern Oregon. It is acknowl edged to be the equal of the very best eastern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this as sertion lies in drinking Salem beer. If you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink it. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION Medford Depot: Medford Ice & Storage Co. A Multitude ol New Features rtovt Bcftr PrwenU4 to Aaiartca ASKS SUPERIOR COURT I "ZZ , 7'"" '"!"" TO ENJOIN A JACKASS I . ls solm, mili,s (nm Unn. In I-iiM.Ule. whieli wnulil he enver.-il S'MARVELOUS BELFORDS'5 The Wortd'i Grwt.t Acrob.ti MELNOTTE, LA NOLE and MEL0E Burope't Preosler Comedy Mlgb Wire Artleu 6 - GRACEFUL GROTHS 6 Meet RacBrlutta CootartloaUU BiUpt 4- FLYING LA VANS - A Tbe Meet SenMtloul Aertal 6 GARDNER FAMILY " 6 Merge ol the High MorlienUI Br 3 - MCDONALD BROS. -3 The Poreorat Trkk CjrcUM SAN KHAN'CISCO. Cl.. April Jl. - A entiiilainl tn eiijniii a jnekat 1'r.nn lnvin itwity trrt.le was filed with llin eniinly elerk tmlny by .InmiM N'is'.iiiii, linkery mvnev. win. is the victim. The nminnl has been .Irivon up and ilnwtt tb. slrtets with the legend "Help tbo linkers keep their weekly day .it" rest. l)n mil pnt.rmii.e the Market Street eat'o." The aelinn is directed nniust va riotiA nl't'irers of lht bakeatt' union, who Are held responsible for the niRti. AUTO R0A0 TO BEACH NEAR ASTORIA COMPLETE tiy en?.)' itiitioiinlnle staires. Aiiinnt; those who luvf alrendy en listed to take their niaehinra nn the j trip are K. .. Hiiidie, K. V t'srlor. and Heiilou lt.nver. ASTOHIA, Or., April 'Jl.- The plnnkinir of the road through Qonr- hart Vark from a oonueotinn with the nmtn county hiiwAy to the bench, a distance, of About 4000 feet, was oora pleteJ jiMtunlay. This finishes the ntomofcie road from thu oity via 1'tubrellas in lout' handle f. Ilv ke".. all eolors the o t.i ( ii on. nt new Van 28 M. M M. Ilnb JO SHEARING SHEEP BEGINS ON OREGON RANGES The tremendous task of shearing the 1.700.000 sheep which run on the Oregon ranges has begun and thou sands of men are busy today remov- J inj the flces, which will brinR to the state about $10,000,000 of trood tnon-1 ey a littlo later in the season. Shear- j mff was begun last week, but in most j cases only enough work was done to 8 ROYAL OKA JAPANESE TROUPE TRAINED ANIMAL EXHIBITION Performing Elephanta, Camels, Lions, Tigers, Hyenas, Tapirs, Llamas, Buffaloes, Kangaroos, Ostriches, Elk, Peer, Ponies, Posts and Monkeys 20-JOLLY JEST1INQ CLOWNS-20 HERBERT RUMLEV'S SCHOOL OP EDUCATED SEALS HER OEISLER SCHOOL OP COMEDY ELEPHANTS QUABTETTB OP CAKI WALKINQ MORSES GNCHANTINa PONY BALLET ONE HUNDRED STARTLING ACTS Royal Roman Hippodrome Million Dollar Now Mofsagarta A Mighty Ualretslty of Natural History Olympian 5tadium Mammoth Aarlal Baalar GRAND GOLD GUTTERING STREET PARADE WW Loavo tka Show Oraaads Bvary Morula g at IO:JO A4atU, SOc. CMIitrwa, 3c Oaw Ticket Admits Vn to Briijlaotaj . -rss wn-JVff ii1 '.71: f 2 : y i m i firm imvmw 8 OTEL PORTLAND Moderh CoHToarr MODBRATE PBICH ONLY HOOF GARDEN IN PORTLAND iJ.iThe Tourist Heiulonartara s- "i v.u.uuiuia vaiier KNOAOE R(X)MS KARLT FOR TUB A.LAS&A TUKO EXPOSITION -A. A. !oaToa. , , SAVOY THEATER TOSIOH T..A Nl). THURSDAY A strong dramatic entertainment, featuring THE CRY OF THE WILDRNESS Edison's maaterpi.. STORY OF ALASKA The land of the midnight san. NATURAL MARINE SCENERY. OTHER FEATURES ONE DIME Medford, Saturday Apr. 24 2 Performances Take the Tribune for News i I'n Inmnt - SmnM. ft erawa ia nau( araW mi