Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, April 20, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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Human at Least.
In Auierlnin player who fulfilled
Hrvornl London iMiKii.oiiiiMits under the
late Sir Henry Irving tells a story of a
young man employed as the tragedlau's
dresser when Irving was the lessee of
the Lyceum theater. The youug fellow
had been recommended for the place
by Clarkson. the celebrated wlginak
er. Irving was as exacting In matters
of makeup as he was lti everything
else relating to stage equipment, and
he succeeded iu impressing Clarkson
with a deep sense of responsibility.
Shortly after his euterlng upon bis
new duties Clarkson called upon bis
former employee. As Clarkson bad
noticed that he did not get as many
orders for wigs from Irving as be for
merly did, lie bad begun to suspect
that the dresser was accountable.
"Are you making Sir Henry's wigs?'
Clarkson demanded, without prelimi
nary. "Sometimes."
"Do you calf tbat a wig?" sneered
tbe caller, pointing to an article on
tbo dressing table. "Do yon mean to
tell me that you believe tbat thing
looks at all like a wig?"
"No, sir, I don't," hotly replied tbe
dresser, now considerably Irritated,
"but I do mean to say as bow It look
Uke the 'air of tbe 'nman 'ead!" 8t
Paul Pioneer Press.
Character of the Montenegrins.
Nowhere la lore of country more In
tense than among tbe Montenegrins, to
whom exile is tho greatest of punish
ments. When Mr. W. J. B till man was
there In the seventies all tbe free men
were away fighting, and he observed
kow, when a messenger was wanted,
the official took a man out of the prison
and sent him off, with no fear that he
wonld not return. One such messenger
was. sent to Cattaro, In Austrian terri
tory, with 8,000 florins for tbe bank,
and duly came back. Another asked a
Russian at Cattaro to Intercede with
Prince Nicholas for his release from
prison. "But you are not In prison 1"
said tbe Russian. "Oh," said tbe man,
MI bare only come down for a load of
skins for So-and-so, but I must go
Into prison again when 1 get back to
Cetlnjc." One guard watched all the
prisoners when they sunned them
selves out of doors, and If he were,
called away a prisoner would take his
rifle and do duty for tho time. London
Heard at Breakfast.
"I used to bo a weather prophet in
my home town," conllded tbe new
boarder as be speared ft potnto with
his fork.
"Sh!" commented the comedian
boarder laconically.
"Yes, and every time 1 look at that
steak it reminds me of a winter a
"How so?"
"Cold and raw."
"Quite clever. How does the coffeo
strike you?"
"That reminds me of a November
day cloudy and unsettled."
"Good. And do you notice that the
landlady is watching us?"
"Yes, and she reminds me of a March
"Tell us why."
"liecause she Is cold and stormy."
And the look that the landlady passed
down to that end of the table would
have congealed a red hot stove. Chi
cago News.
Lincoln's Speeches and Writings.
Lincoln's great speeches are short,
but how Dt in expression, how packed
with meaning! Take, for example, tho
one delivered to his friends on the
eve of his departure for Washington.
Like the second inaugural or the ad
dress at Gettysburg. It contains no
superfluous word. Every one tils Into
place as perfectly as the carpenter's
braces nnd timbers Into the completed
As a writer, Mr. Lincoln was most
painstaking. He sought always the
simplest, shortest und best word. He
knew that the simplest and shortest
word usually is the best The real se
cret of his grcntness ns a speaker and
a writer, however, lay deeper. It was
the supremo greatness of his soul
which shone through bis words that
charmed and still charms the world.
J. A. Edgerton.
Th Insanity Plea.
"Sir!" said the young woman, with
what seemed to be indignation.
Tbe young Oian looked embarrassed.
"Yes, I did kiss you," be admitted,
"but I was Impulsively Insane."
"That means that a man would be
a lunatic to kiss me?"
"Well, any man of discretion would
be Just crnzy to kiss you."
This seemed to ease the strain, and.
no Jury being present to muddle af
fairs, a satisfactory verdict was reach-ed.-Phlladelphia
A clergyman went to bare bis teeth
fixed by a dentist When the work
was done tbe dentist declined to ac
cept more than a nominal fee. The
parson. In return for this favor, Insist
ea later on tue aenuai -nme
of the reverend geutlemau's own ,
writing. It was a disquisition on the
Psalms, and on the fly leaf be had In-1
crlbed this appropriate I00"0".
"And my month shall show forth tny
praise." Harper's Weeklr. I
A Study In Anatomy.
Tit Imiin la tho lt-mlpiMrtrr of the
nervous system and cumulus the cen
tral ollict'S of the Aiintolnkal Tele
phone company.
When the suburliuu nerve center
says, "Hello, central," the brain cither
replies "What number':" or "Uusy" or
"Out of order," as the case may be.
Somctliues the wires are crossed and
tho compauy fails to declnro any divi
dends, thus placing the entire brain in
tbe bands of a receiver.
From tbe brain issues the spine,
which is sometimes useful In matrimo
ny, although rarely strong enough In
man for practical purposes and con
stantly growing weaker the longer he
Is married.
On top of the head the hair grows,
or Is supposed to. In some cases, how
ever. It falls to grow despite tbe most
painstaking efforts.
In ladles there are two kinds of balr
Tlx, tbe Imported and domestic. In
gentlemen also two kinds namely,
permanent and transient. Tbe perma
nent Is seen In wild men, the transient
in civilized men when young.
At one time all tbe bain were care
rally numbered, but tbe practice baa
been discontinued owing to great pres
sure of other matters. Llpptncott'e. .
The Father Pipefish.
"The best of fathers la the pipefish,"
aid an angler. "He hatches the little
pipefish, and after they are batched
he carries them about with him till
they can take care of themselves.
"ThlB flsh has under hla tall a sac
In It be bears the pipefish spawn.
Thus the spawn hatch In perfect
safety. They are not decimated, like
the other fish spawn lying unprotected
on the bottom of the sea, by every
hungry passerby. No; they all hatch,
every one of them.
As soon as they hatch the fatber fish
splits, or nature splits for him,, tbe
sac. and all the little flsh drop out Into
the sea, but they cling to papa. Wher
ever he goes, like a gray cloud those
thousands of tiny sons and daughters
surround him, and on the approach of
danger they pop buck again Into tbe
sac Just as baby kangaroos pop Into
the sac, or marsupial pouch, of their
"The male pipefish is, In fact, the
female kangaroo of the sea."
Wills and Edmund Kean.
Irving used to tell with dramatic ef
fect a story about W. O. Wills, the
drumatlst. who, among other services,
wrote for hlru the play "Charles I."
When Wills was a boy ten years old
ho was token to see Edmund Kean
play Macbeth. In the murder scene
ho was so nffected by the realistic
power of the actor tbat, seized with a
severe attack of nausea, he hurried
from tho box. Teu years later he was
lunching at a chop house in Fleet
street wheu a mau entered, sat down
I at a toble near him and ordered a
i meal. He was a perfect strnnger to
I Wills, who, after a few minutes' pro
I plnqulty, was again seized with a fit
of nausea, from which he had not suf
I fercd since as a boy he was at the
j theater on the occasion mentioned. He
' was obliged to leave tho room. When
! some minutes later he paid his bill the
i waller said to liltu: "Did you see tbat
gentleman nt the table near yon?
j That's Edmund Kean." H. W. Lucy
i In Cornhili Magazine.
An Anticlimax.
"I Just dropped In to thank you for
that medicine you sent home by my
wife last night." said the grateful pa
tient, grasping Hie doctor warmly by
the hand. "I've been laid up on and
on for years, have tried all the patent
medicines on the market and been
treated by every doctor in the neigh
borhood, but your medicine was the
only thing that ever did me any good."
"It's a pleasure to have you come
here to tell me th'." replJed the doc
tor, highly elated "Most of my pa
tients arc not so thoughtful. But that
prescription Is my pet favorite, and I
never yet knew It to fall to cure a
couub if taken in time.''
"Cough?" echoed the patient. "Why,
I didn't take It for my cold. I used It
as n liniment for my rheumntlsm."
A Thrifty Hungarian.
A certain Hungarian peasant named
Jan Hirsch made a business trip to
Budapest, and while there he had the
Idea of ordering a hundred visiting
cards. When he returned home he
found to his dismay, thst the cards
bore the name of Mavisch Instead of
Hlrscb. It was only a printer's error,
but to Jan nirs. h It meant a loss of 1
shilling and sixpence unless be could
make use of the cards. He according
ly purchased for the sum of a shilling
an official orm nf re" and fll,e1 tt
with a request to be allowed to alter
his name to Mavisch. His prayer was
granted. He Is now Jan Marlsch.
London News
"What do they mean by an endur
ance test?"
Two chaps bragging about their re
spective makes of automobile." Lou
isville Courier Journal.
Beautiful tvidow-Do yon know, I'm
forty years old today?"
Onllnnt Bachelor-Madam, yon are
twenty. 1 eor believe more than
half of what I hear.
To Prune a Cherry Tree.
To I lie Editor: From n conversa
tion held with a curtain fruitgrower
a short lime ago, I judgo it to bo a
general impression among fruitgrow
ers (hut at no timo may ouo pruiio n
cherry ti'eo with safely to tho tree.
While iti s true that n cherry tree
will not bear pruning' lo any great
extent, yet there is n time nnd mun
ner iu which n cherry tnny bo pruned
without great injury to the tree. If
the tree has attained to such height
as to make the guthcring of tiie fruit
difficult mid the owner desires to
cut his tree down lo a proper height
without greatly injuring his tree, he
may do so by observing the follow
ing rules :
Wait three or four days after the
fruit is gathered, prune with a sharp
say; make your out just above two
healthy buds. The buds should be
opposite to each other; and be sure
to cover the wound with a wax or
paint to prevent checking. When in
the fruit business n few years ago I
tried this plan and found it worked
But it wasn't a circumstance com
pared to the fun those young ladies
will have ns the guests of The Tribune
at the A-Y-P exposition.
WASHINGTON, April 20. Secre
tary Nagcl, who independently in
vestigated the immigration problem
on the Pacific const, it was learned
today, will report to Presidont Taft
on the subject. Nngel's report will
over statistics regarding Chinese
and Japanese coolie labor in Cali
fornia and deal with the situation
generally. Tuft believes he can
solve the problem without agitation
and it is generally believed ho will
assume nn attitude more sympathetic
toward Ihe Pacific const than did
Bui il wasn't a circumstance com
pared to Ihe fun thnso young ladies
will have as the guests of The Tribune
nt the A-Y-P exposition.
NEW YOHK, April 20. A judg
ment against the government for
$112,000 was obtained today in the
United Stales circuit court in a suit
brought in recover the war inheri
tance tax collected by the govern
ment from tho estate of Leonard
Lewisohn, the millionaire copper man
who died in 1001.
The estate at the time was valued
nl $10,000,000 und a war inheritance
tax totaling $227,000 was imposed by
the government nnd paid under pro
test. Knhseipiently, as n result of the de
cision of the courts on the case of
the ctale of Cornelius Vunderbilt.
$11."), 000 was voluntary paid back
into the I.owisohn estate and the suit,
now successful, was brought to re
cox er the balance of $112,00.
But il wasn't, a circumstance com
pared to the fun those young Indies
will have as the guests of The Tribune
:it the. A-Y-P exposition.
Estate and guardian Fannie G
liiniseyc; order lo show cause, why
salu of real estate should not be
Guardian litttl Owens et nl.; or
der made for'snle of real estnle.
But il wasn't u circumstance com
paled to the fun those young ladies
will have as the guests of The Tribune
at the A-Y-P exposition.
yttrs. Hampton Isaacs
liutructor of "Piano, Tlt 5tttl
Stuew at TUetaeac. Xernt OrM Street
SALEM is the most popular beer in Northern
California and Southern Oregon. It is acknowl
edged to be the equal of the very best eastern
product. All beers are good, but some beers are
liked better than others. The proof for this as
sertion lies in drinking Salem beer. If you wish
to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink it.
Medford Depot: Medford Ice & Storage Co.
LONDON, April 'JO. Quuen Aloxim-j
itra, uie uownger empress ot tuissm
and l'rineess Victoria left this oily
today for I'uris, where they will join
King Kilwnnl. The royal party will
proceed thence by special irain to
t ieiiou, where they will board the roy
al yacht Victoria and Albert for a
cruise in tho Mediterranean. Ein
peror William of Germany will join
But it wasn't u circumstance com
pared to the fun those young ladies
will have as the guests of The Tribune
at the A-Y-P exposition.
CHICAGO, April 20. The rail
roads in the states suffered enormous
losses during 1908, according to a
statement issued today by Slasou
Thompson, manager of the national
bureau of railway publicity. He says
tho roads have experienced a de
crease of three hundred and thirty
million dollars in gross earnings and
a loss of $129,340,450 in net earn
But it wasn't a circumstance com-
nnrpii in ItiA fun thnCA vnnnr Iflijiee
, o
will have as the guests of The Tribune
at the AtY-P exposition.
At tho Nash C. A. Chnquctto, San
Francisco; C. M. Koyes, Pullman; E.
A. Mtmloek( W. H. Cleaner, Port
land; Ben Wormser, San Francisco;
M. A. Goldsmith, E. T. Belts, Port
land; I). T. Lynch, Cincinnati; C.
M. Strauss, Portland; It. B. Vun
Becth, Portland; W. G. Newell, Chi
cago; L. At. Goldstndt, Norman Hack
ett, J. A. Furov, Mrs. Mitchell, Miss
Mitchell, Clearwater; C. A. Boyce,
Portland; H. It. Torey, Syracuse; G.
J. English, Portland; J. Moyer, Port
land; C. S. Leuvitl, Boston.
At the Moore A. M. Holman, Port
land; Horace Pulton, Gold Hill; M.
J. Corwin, Seattle; Fred Van Gil
dor, Big llapids; Charles O. Cook,
A. W. Glover, Kunnelt; Mr. nnd Mrs.
C. A. Allen, Uitiismuir; Carl Murphy,
Ashland; Thomas Carlton, Eagle
Point; N. E. Harrison, Los Angeles;
J. H. Chirk, Applogato; Art Bnrtlctt,
Portland ; O. Adams, Ramsey C. Cole,
Ashland; George Gates; Joe Heath,
Portland; J. 11. O'Brien, Gold Hill;
J. W. IlcVries, Portland; L. F. Boyd,
Sun Francisco ; J. Kavanread, Eugene
E. A. Abbott, Seattle.
But it wasn't a circumstance com
pared to the fun those young ladies
will have as the guests of The Tribune
nt tho A-Y-P exposition.
New Cases.
II. F. Whetstone vs. Olivo Whet
stone; suit for divorce. Gus New
bury, attorney for plaintiff.
But it wasn't a circumstance com
pared to ihe fun those young ladies
will have as the guests nf The Tribune
nt the A-Y-P exposition.
Marriage Licenses.
George W. Mnuzey and Dora Wise.
But it wasn't n circumstance com
pared to the fun those young ladies
will have (is the guesls of The Tribune,
nl Ihe A-Y-P exposition.
Contracting and Journeymen Paint
ers, Attention.
There will lie a meeting in Hodmen's
hall Saturday evening, April 21, for
the purpose of completing organiza
tion and the election of officers. All
painters and painting contractors are
rcqpested to be present, as tbo char
ter arises.
20 T. C. WHITE, Secretary.
Have Your Summer Oxfords Fitted
Over Twenty different
f&ksnl sty,es in TAN and BLACK
or women.
All Sizes:;
and Widths fi
r;-i V W 1
Watch the Windows
Before You Invest
- IN -
City Property
Unimproved Lands
Mining Property
Mills-Mcall Building
Medford Iron Works
E. Q. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor.
All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps,
Boilers and Machinery.
Agents in Southern Oregon for
APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of
Fruit Trees
Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific
Northwest. Not in tLe combine. Competes with,
all first-class nurseries
L E. HOOVER, Agent
in attractive designs and fash
ionable forms for men, women
and children. Colored Foot
wear is the latest for the well
dressed and we have It, all
S. li. Duffleld & Sons
Successors to McDonald.