See the Free WEATHER BEST LVtK j FOURTH YEAR. ll KILLED BY HUNDREDS Believed That Wholesale Slaughter Has Spread Through Whole of Asia MinorHorribIe Reports CONSTANTINOl'LK. April 17. slain in il e Moslem mussniire at Allan ami .Mprsiiis ai'i'iiriling t'i rc pui'ls rc( t'i l(l I'l'i'i' today. Tho niiis-am'? is said to lio spread ing In ot'ii'V lovn and will vry like ly spr.-ail .ivt'i' II. i' wluili! o, Asin Ml r.ov. Kannlirs iiri' applying the torch everywhere. Iltitiilrpils of liuililini: lmve lit'tin ImriH'd. The Iniinlii'K drnj:ired women niut i infants into the streets and slaugh tered tlleni by hundreds. I'.aliies were I'liniiii.'il in two. From all reports, the tnassiiore is j still -pre.idin.i.'. It will lie several j days hel'ore troops ean . the it- ' nation in hand. ! Hundreds u" women and children j are Herini: Ilie country enoeavorin to muke their escape. I Wells have heen poisoned. From i all reports this will lie a tar worse slaughter than was the one of 1900. YREKA RAILROAD WILL BE EQUIPPED WITH MOTORS i ! YHF.KA. Oil.. April 17. The Vrekn railroad will .-In.rlly he equipped with I a modern motor car for use on the road, which will lake the place of the little motor that has heen in op-( eratioi: lor lime. Tile present j car i- tar loo --mall to meei the re- quit- ills of the road, and in order to aivc heller -ericc the company I has ordered a laru-e gu-oline car ofj the same type practically as those in j ti-hc in Hie .Sacian to valley. Thej ear was ili-ML-iii'ii and plans and pat-i terns imide lv lite -itperit: I t'N.i.'ilt. 1.. Wallhers.' of this place, and is i l'il 1'lli1' lo older. The car is expected to he here with- ' in a iii'Mith. and il is'i -Iim..I that J when il has lii-eii placed in commos si..; Ihe pics, .nt siea'M ca l's will n,a!"l hal ime trip a day, the motor will it'"-1! N'ti. 11 u'oiim norlh. early in tilt' l;inii:'' : i" lite c'c:iil not' ! r p 1 1 1 1 H ! MI S' Kl coiiii; ...till! in:' Ke 1 will al-o .lav. the Mr-. V.."1-. a fitter from on the largest San Franci-co houses, arrived in Medford. where she accepted a po-ition as fitter Montgomery's. has has for Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Culy are i-pondine n few days in Medford. MEDFORD DAILY TrTR FANATICS APPLYING THE TORCH TO . IIS JN WHOLE OF KM IJL VAN Trip Offer WORK STOPPED TEMPORARILY ON OIL WELL Waiting (or Reamer to Arrive So That Casing Can Be Put In to Shut Off Flow of Water. Work upon the oil well on the des ert, which is he'mu sunk hy the Des ert Oil company, has heen stopped temporarily and will he resumed only upon the arrival of a hottoni reamer, so that an Hindi casing can he put in to shut off the flow of water, which is interfering with the work. It is expected that the reamer will arrive within the next ten days ami work will then he resumed. For the greater portion of the depth of the well the eight-inch eas ing i- in place. At the hottoiu, how icr. the size of the well was cut to six and one-half inches. Now in order to stop the flow of water into the well the hotlom must he reamed out. ami the eUtt-inch casing put in. The indications continue to he of (the lii'-t as regards the striking of i oil. The well i- down some Pfltt feet 'and from all indications oil will lie found. SAYS SOCIALISM MAKES DESERTERS IN ARMY NKW YOHK, April 17. How Ihe Na I it. nal Civic Federal ion is opposing socialism In this country was told by Sot li Low. former president of f'o liuiihia university, in the course of an address last night hel'ore Ihe mem hers ,,f the Nalional Metal Trade as sociation. '')o you know." he asked, "llinl there are Sunday schools in this city where socialism is taught to little children ' Their literature is on our hnltlfships iiml i-irciilates in our ariiiv. m-'jini' dcseiiion and mutiny, lint we are doing what we can lo counteract that propaganda. We he. this It the re niol of Hie labor j I'.'lti'Pll. Sull IIKMI j and Mr. Milchell -n i;tl;-m in theit : lend, as have lain. I i-s i the fell r. tit'iaper hecn Ciahtiu' unions t't.r ' BUYING BULLETS TO PUNCTURE AUTO TIRES A well known la .X of cartriti'.'c anlntne ni.el' . at vvasluiving a ihe Sat unlay, .lists who h.'.g am not goii.e auto, pune allet Ihrouali, Iff he - the road. it th"ln lire or tk-. tore a the "Til. uor-t. t.t uiw ,..uien ui' Sometime: part of the torists are the the men refuse road, hut seldom. Hut the women are roc kl ess drivers and seem to take n delight in trying j to cripple a horse. If auto eranks keep n a tliev have been started 'nut this yoar. it will end in violence, j a the farmers are up in arm'." to the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition on Page 2 -MKDFOKl). OK KG. OX, CLERK FILES HIS OUT IN SIK I MONTHS 559.323.32 Of This Amount $28,000 Was Spent Upon the Roads of the County Salaries Next Largest Amount. Fifly-nino t li tt--ii i il . three hundred iirid twenty-throe dollars and thirty Iwh cents was what it cost Jackson county to rim during Ihe six if.onlhs led April 1. 1!)0!). according to the report just compiled by County Clerk W. f. Coleman. Of this amount the largest share was spent on the roads of the county, which took the amount ol' $2S."71.70. Salaries come next with $K!1 4.01. Then for present own ership maps $."1(100 was spetit. Indi gent expenses totaled $1107.;V"i. To maintain (he courthouse (he sum of f'll'Hi.L'7 was needed. Current ex penses required another large sum $-'l'l'lS 1. Court expenses took a hnneh of money. The circuit court required 1701. The justice, courts look .H0"i."8. while the juvenile court expenses totaled $78.0.". For tin care of prisoners Sheriff Jones drew gu the enmity exchequer lo Ihe amount of $-107. AO. The inty poor farm required $20-13.")!. Khclion ex penses totaled $1(137. Other expenses to an amount of $713.03 mndo up the Mini. The County Debt. The semi-anuiuil statement of ihe county clerk as to the outstnndiuir dehl of Jackson county -hows n to tal amount of warrants, both princi pal and intere-t. outstanding nn April 1. lfnn. of $1 11.M0S.31. The amount of nionev in the bauds of the county t rea surer a pp! if able lo the redemp tion of count v warrants is $3H,".0!. 07. leavnii; Jack-mi coimtv di-blor lo I,.tl:, of $10li.3ni.21. E1G CELEBRATION OVER RAILROAD ADVENT Kl.AUATII I'AM.S. April 17. I'.u-in"-.-. men of lliis city as a wlmlf are in faor of a L't'aiid 'h-bralion on IJiii'road day. The arrial of (be t'ir-t train i- to be made a day of ' 'eucra! rejoiiMi'ir ai.fl it i- intemli-d to ha .'ciir -io! - run f'-om the Caii -Joriin .-it! - a- util a- i'nm I'ort .worl: on ihe mailer of -.ecu rite.' rates , from Sacramento. San Kranci-'-o and Portland. it is not known ju-t when the first train will arrive here, but :t is staled bv entrinct-rs iii charire of Ihe con- .-t ruction work that it will be some time next inontli. It is likely that the celebration will occur about the first of June. STATEMENT COUNTY FINANCES SATURDAY, APKIL 17, 190!). TAFT ANNOUNCES THAT HE VISIT THE PACIFIC COAST IN AUGUST SEMI-ANNUAL COUNTY COURT GOT RtD OF A BIG PILE OF ! Audited Bills to an Amount of Over ' $7000 Establish New Roads in County Approve Phoe- ' nix Incorporation. The recent session of I lie county 'court was a busy one. Much business ;of an important nature was transact : ed. Mills were audited to the amount of $7noti.n;. Au order was made drawing a warrant for $20. -It) in favor of Sher 'il'f for land not in Jackson county on which taxes had been paid. U. II. Miller was appointed deputy assessor; also U, Pal rick. An order was made approving plats of Wain ul addition, Kenwood addi tion, I'eiison addition. Jnckson'8 Sec ond addition, Tut He's Subdivision, Crest brook Sibdivision, Wolter addi tion, all beiuir additions to Medford. The resignation of William von der llelleu. road supervisor of dis trict No. 7. was accepted and Thom as N'. Coy appointed to fill the va cancy. The resignation of Iturtoii K. Ilurd, road supervisor of dist riot No. I. was accepted and I,, flretfory ap pointed I o fill the vacancy. An order was made incorporating (be town of Phoenix. In the mutter of the petition of Fred Miuthorne for county road; Frank A. (iri.-ez. J. II. Whipple and Samuel Mathis were appointed view ers. . la the matter of lite petition of W. N. P.roone ct al. for load; Frank ( J rise., John Murph and Denver ( 'incaid appointed ieucrs. In the matter of I be pftit ion of Jc-i-e Nee i burner for road ; Frank firi.-e, .1. II. WliippV and Samuel Mathi- appoiitti'd iewcrs. la mat (t'i of road pet il iom-d for bv Milliiirn Knapp; Mn- load was cs tublMied. IS THE VMSHINGT0N PRIMARY LAW DEFECTIVE? OIAMIMA. Wa-b.. April 17. -The attorney general is wTcMlin; with the nni'-lioii whether tlic aucndment to the di i -ct prima ry law tle-it-rn-il to re iir- otT vie their parly ;! ..( i, aliil or rait. Atlorney (!n cr al Hell is inclined t beje e that the sectifHi U void becau-e h ref erence is made in it in th- title of the bill, but lias not formally determined upon his decision. Mis Ifnth Merrick has relumed to spend the Faster holidays with her pa rent". WHO WILL BE LUCKY ONES TO GET FREE TRIP? Contest Is Open to Ah . miiiy Ladles I of Southern Oregon Trip j Will Be Full of I Interest. i Who will i;o lo Ihe fairf Who will be the lucky young ladies jto win free trips to the Alnska-Yti-; kon-Pacific exposition at Seattle? Who w ill be the ones to see the ; .ureal t-how free of all expense from the time they leave Medford until they return ? Who will be The Tribune's guests, t rax cling in Pullmans, stopping at fir.-t -class hotels, visiting and loiter ing in all Ihe splendid show palaces, seeing I he wonders of the world brought together in a small compass, taking in all the freak shows and amusement s of I he "Pay St reak," (lieu cruising about the blue waters of Paget sound, all free of expense? Ho you want lo go ? If you do, get 1 iulo the race. If you can't go youief, don't you know of a friend who wants to see 'all iIicm -i'jbts without -pending a nickel? j The Tribune will scud you or your friends (o the number of m-vou. Sec our announcement. Full page ad on another page. jSAYS HE KENIGGED: KETCHEL DENIES CHARGES CI.'ANI) b'APIDS. Mich., April 17. Stanley Kclchel. the champion mid dleweight, will tight the breach of promise -nit brought against him by Mi" Kli.aLclh lloiimau if Ibis city i ! I he circuit t-oiirt here. I lis at tor nc;. - filcil a i-ci..! dmiial of the giiT- c'uirges 'odi N . ROBBER MAKES ATTEMPT ON SEATTLE BANK SKAT'l'l.i:. Wnsli . April 17. A rtiltlii-r I'liliTi'il tlic Arilf'i'ii'iiii Snvitis 'l iii-l li.-ink in lint hi'iirt ol' llii; Iiiim-iii'- ilit-lrifl nl 11 o'rlocU ihis itiiuii- illT. iiiUim! II :ill UlllIlT lilt' tt'lll'I'V liu.-i'. "(!'lc nil' -'IIIH' llliMK.y." Ill' ilfll'iihilf.l. Ir-lf;i. ..I -..mj. intr. 111.' i"!!.'V. A Mh "' 'I'. lire. thifl,f.l in i - lll'l- llll' I HI'. 'I'll.' Itlti..!' lIl.'M linni'il ninl firi-.l ill Sf.-ii-iarv ll.iirv W'flh. li.i-c ill". I: iiciir. Tlf li.illt-l phi ilil. Ii.n.'lv mi. iiii- .l.'ii... - I'. (ili'ii-i.n. (lie. i tin -iiv- In; h.'i.r.l llii- l.nll'-l ulii-l!.' Iiv. In III.- I'V.'iK'- III. .i, III" -I I'll I L'i'l- I" "I 'Hi 'I l'-'- ';liii'lll'i'il ill llll' -HI'.'.! t'1-..vvt1. JAPAN'S EXHIBIT BEGINS TO ARRIVE AT THE FAIR SKATTI.K. Wnsli.. Apiil 17. - Tim I'irst iiilnlmi'iit ol' Ihe lii display to lie niiuli liy Jupiin lit llio oxposilinn arrivi'il Ihti1 llii rnrriiiiif. Tn mi'n i'.'iiih' In liitnilli' il. UJNEiSSi No. 24. IS Tl WILL TRAVEL TO FAR SOUTH Mnst ol Necessity Pass Through MedfordMay Work It So He Can Visit Crater Lake WASHINGTON, Ajril 17. lrei dent Tal't will visit Alaska and the Pacific coast this slimmer, according , to an a iniounceuieul made a I the While House, today. ccording to his prosuut phins he will leave Washington abount Angus! I ninl tour the. coasl from Alimka' lo sou((ieni California. j lie is to spend June and July atj 'his summer borne at Beverly, Mush, f 1 The trip will in all probability cosj (,oiiu. ii is siauat inai ne amy noh go ii coMgn-ss niiis 10 pns me ap propriatiou of $''.', (100 for his trav cling expenses. An endenxor will be made lo liav the pie-idcnl -ilop over one day ii i Medford to give him a chance lo visit , 'rater Lake. Atilouiobiles xvill ht proviile) and (he mail repaired i aihaucc so (hat Ilie trip iimv he mad '. in a day. This wouh! or ilmblv hro 'the most effective bit of iidvcrlisiiiM Unit the t rater l,a',e boosters coul 'do. LAW BARRING 3AL0ME DANCES IS IN EFFEC IH'.S MolNFS. la.. Ain! 17. biwa--' anti-Salome ilance law weijf into effect todav. Tic h.w u "V ! by I he governor and provisi mad.- toi a fine and a ;ail s"i,'iin tor ivoiic eng i J w ; i "oi ii-ii.' I't deceit I, ia.'i t-l;i ! o impll dran t p,.y, c- i;im i ,, .r c i-'f. !;.' ct," IT , i . C : ,,,, ,, ,.f (I . law is lefl lo the hciff- and In 0 pilie. I.I -lai.' PRICES ON LUMBER AND SHINGLES TO ADVANCi ANCO) VFU. Ii. C April 17 f aimb'-r tirice. v. hifb ate st iff eni M-ii,- a" in'T'-a -ii.-: d"iauiid fr t ':: a la .-om! 'b- nor!':e-t, will adv anced -h-o'tlv n- fin rcsi,t (!' (-.ii J pi i'i.c- of I ,; jia-uiber of V t I'.nl i-b ' "oliuiibi i T-unbi'r & Shin;' Ma i; u fact urer-' ,w-ociatin vest;, dav. f ' :.; Mr-. K. Iicutoi:. who ha- been vjj 1 1 nig in i nc iii y i 1 1 home iiiiih h fri"iids, has rclurttcd to her home fi Myrtle creek. WAN'TFD- Stenographer, for work. C. Tribune office. FRO! ALASKA