Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, April 14, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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    ? litii i mm t v-r Mm t fitni
Social iH Person! :l: z:s"ZZirz, Hit EMi rW
ye.-'. tr.STa VJr.'.-
n? 5t Every Day Trousers Made
frk-es 51.75 to 53.50. at
The Wardrobe
tttff .'Hi,!.'.' ',: -
. ... . .',! ;
fit Te lii-
r ... - ' ' '
... v .
'fir, tS' rl'. I 'St. j
d 'jut yum, tut vt ittvy '
'-.-1 c-' V.W W.-
MtJr y-sif 'Zy 4 i, 'u4 O. - 'Si-- u . ? -n t..- . .rsr'-o i
rtUi0tf r . ' ' , r. - n -j-. - '"ii -..''-
J( tw t. y i 4 , ' ' S- O - . . -' .!: iv v' i r :.f .-
H fc-" '' " A- i-f V'"'-' iJ AS- J ' J -yf.-: U - 9 1' i :hV t V-.
tjr . j; ' ., ,'f vrJ'-'w. k: Vv Xt 4.ixrrj
. U';t'.f i'. 'Jfr U' h VVl TO VCC
WvfvKi fct'.Wt ?V vii4U! ;vt rfW j j6cv? ' j DETH CF HI5 FATHER
' yA fy'mS ;- fV tifsfty y ; 'Ik ft 'A V.tM. ,,r,: 34 V- v-
?i 4- vf . Ov ' V - - - ; h Yf-A -, Jr . ' 'A iy .j 7
MfkJ V'l ";t ItA Vniit4'4 &'4&ftti Gfft- :-'i- v"V.r
.j ' ffvfrf I ',0! .,-f. !-,' f" .'f J'f--.- : if ri v i.- "Uv r v ; -'
W; yAr.r ',Y'kf, k" ', V'jf.y.: , ''..;. , r-.'--' ',-- i"
What to Do
E f,l;VI'il)'i k;o 'f -
(let Your IViends to Work for You
I.' , .,! ,..,!,.,. . .J I .!.,.! , :.., 'It,. I l.. .' 1 !(!' .. '. . -t Ih-ir M'l-'TIp
-,i It I),,', !..(. it, t ttlKy I, .i (, Hi M.I ..
.,vl,.., ,1 ;W'.- ,,. .I.tli'l.l,' 1 1,. , ;., , ! il'-hl ., lh tl.'l.'V if VM '!
J, , t ,1 (,j ,i li i i, n, 0. ,,. it, ,,,i ,,rln-t, r-tt""l-" "' f"i'l"ff - "t Hi"
-., I,.
Write All Your I riends
Write livery body fuse's Friends
Call on Everybody You Can
IU im',1jI.' -toil fiiiftK will dl w.'i wild toi mi ml (iIii'Uiii intrmliH vui-ilf o rjJ
Make livery Iay Count
Stop Everybody You Meet
' ill OHl llii.' ti't r"ili t-rMMit .mil nn i i 0 j'tii.
Work While the Others Sleep
hlim yiui lii-(.il- V'-u 'tn ft-. -..111.11.11-;? tui tMiitiflf liK-Kih il. ynijiy on thin (fraud tri
(f'lHhf III" lei WMlOlHI
(iet lUisy
Rates mid Credits for S4ibstriptions in The Tribune's
Alaska-Yukon-Paclfic Trip Contest
I'n .hi i I'll. ..
M I,. S'nx ulil Mml I ..1 1 v . r I
lull til Ml 411 Ml
.! lii I on
I inn .'mi i l .mi
ii i mm suit ! riO .1 no
I .! : 1 1 1 iii Inn ,'i mi il mi
THE 8()UTHrriN onECONIAN, by mull only
MmilliK Nrw (llil I'n.r
l .i I nun ,'iim H no
ii urn '.'mi .75
1 1 biuil' wur. v' x.- i''j
t t,.-- , --tt..'.- t .: )-
.I.'--"; -t '.'' ii.,..- i-.-v .'.'i
- . ,,. -- r; !.' ; - ''
'r fwr:r (. .
Modern Building
Tne tej tat j-itwti met tr -has t! btsititii iri wart, for every day lost means capita) tied up
atrf t rransL. E cir sunere trtt yui srrty ti mwty days over methods used at present
Mfesart rf iriuoyt twv-iit-c-nt tiimpaiiws 6tsipri) after your own ideas.
J. A.Mcintosh, Architect
Wfepims vA Vehicit. tJ i1 ef th-'ir kirn). maiJe for value. Car of fine style of goods just re
oatvt. Cfctl r. tiu any an eav nding SIDE-SPRING VEHICLE, or. better yet. an E. M. F. 30
HOfiSE POWER. 4-CYLINDER. K JAR tn Me can touch you. ncr any OBSTACLE hinder you to
ria yvar pal. titl niinj t'j,tr.
F. Osenbrugge
Studebaker Bros. Co. Warehouse Medford
S'RES Ai:D ZO'il.
h'liti'-. " :is tinv n few seaus
- r ? f-
; "J- ,
nf-J.t if-- Ju
"f it' -r.
'.li'-rMTlt -lli'!l;L'
i'i:Ut 'it 'l;-ItJ iJf ff- t
;.' tl iv. in !.".
' i,. ii; iJ.r.. ;)!. -r of Her I
;.i'- i't fl; h' d- -f r :.r-nri i . -.
;,f K' Mu ;. II" 1 a Ii-uM.ijj
ii .j 'i. -'li (M ir- ('i:iI'T M'fl n i.ii'
I. . .-(M-f
M I I I I W 'f t IIM3)lIOII.
M-i ' ( 1 tlw- .ii.? liuudr-it'i
.nun '-ru ul Ui iiirtU'ln l'-U. 'J. II'.
till i'iruu li ni-all and in-n
l:,slf nii'i 'ftiirlt utin r'Tfillarlr t.i lit-
i: ;.ti-r.'ir I flic f Mi.Muri N nuid
t ti.'ivc i li;ini;iti;ti:t Uxtkiiit' Oijt ;ir
uln. -Ii will yii l.l IiIik 17..V". Mr. Mry
ti. h'H-vir. mil! U-.uh Km l tiir' pr
ii hHIi iMMiklnux f'ir i lie in
i. 1.1 ii Im n-iH.ri.-d. f I'fMMi.
Mr Iri'ilcrlik Tn-vpi, (he PiiifiifUl
invi'ou. fn nf thp fart tltnt a
i.HllMfu Ium llilii' Ik tij n' upt'lietl in
t . ' 1 1 I - 1 1 . v, :tr:j Tl.i- ptilillc lo a -i-cpt
null .iiiitioii I'm :ttioilni riH.rt t
On' filt H v .if On vvw irfiiliu'Mil.
I ,(il.iin Ft':ilil AiimIIi(mii I i us Is.'i'll
toll. no ii..ftuill if ItK.OOO l.y
iIm Virtffci.iti ini.liint; ;iiid will -iiirl
him ti-ur mii -I it'i It r i"l.-ir ixH-ditinti.
I I. - w III r-tii IiIh r.iiii'.us Khlp. I hi;
! I'. 111. r-r Ml.' 'l; it li lu
1..- ;il.--lit llw or i ti'.ns.
Short Stories.
At tin pi -tl iiilc of iih-re;tst- lhi
! i-iiiai Ion .f Oil outury In l:l;t ill
W 1 !i; . I ft; i.rlil li-mr- . v
"t. ii r niiirru'il (i'i'n inj'li-.
Ii i (l 1' ii i ! .-t'lMn'ii ;nnl oin. i ' :.
llil.-.- nni'-r.i!-.
Arin nth i'i-r iilill Im'THik f'irj'ii
rnilHloli;i H-ilit supply m-:ir tin
Mrtiiilv lltl. ii'hit itlhin, linv dl-ti.v
inil wji;ti in UiotiKlit o ! n burloil
ptvhiHl'irk forfHt It Ih'n 4iM) f.H't l.f-
lll'tltll tl) Mflllll
'1'lie Oulon dill) of t'blrago baa lived
up to Ita naiiit with a nine coorrte dhi
nrr of wUlfh rvcry Hera, with the ex
ceptluii of tiriMd und butter, waa au
oitton prrparatlon. Tit rlub motto
la "In Onlou TImti- la Htrrug-tb."
The Royal Box.
Vi tor I'.Uiiii tju-: i ifing to J:tpMii
ri-t Au'i
Kins A!f'nv ft Sirnlfi. the ujt ar
dent royal ruotoroit in Konjfe. bas te
cume an honorary uitrakr of the Roy
al Auvjiwibiiif (Hub of GrMt Britain.
Tb Itlu? uf Italy ban arx-epted au
honorary irjjtrsljip in the American
NaraLiraaM'.' aiwriatkn. V if tor Em
manuel la the author of an authorita
tive wort on the colnw of Iialy from
the earl t day.
The ItaUer tia decided to aetl five of
bia caitlf T be eMtates to be sold are
Jaefferbof. near Duwte-ldorf ; Benrath,
In Weutphnlla: SiolwofeJs and Brae hi.
In the Khenntb province, and C&atle
ErdroapuMlorf, in Hileala.
Train and Track.
The Peijiiitylvauia railroad when Its
tinea under the Hudson rlrer are oom
plflwl will ruu Vi train dally Into
.' York
The pmp- .i . pH-trltk'iitioii of ibi'
li ;i-iiui i .iii- mil way yteiu would
n-'iuiri' :ui nullity for the new epup
in. hi of iiIhiuI l.V'.0O"."'t.
W Iii-ii. fn .lulu. :i thtoM-b tl;lill j-erv-1-.-
n hl In nJ l.clUcrii t :;iivcsini
:in. Siiiirle It will .x.-.i'd in loiiiith
i In- run froin S:ni I r:i t: t to mv
V. ri. Tli. .tis'MiN-.- U :.Pn.,i :;ii,m
u..!'. nml lln ir.iii. i!l u.-c i In- T".n-i
;tinl lira .us ';illy. l-'i-it Worth mid
1 it'll wr. i.'ol'r;ido a in I S"iuln-ru. 715
. Ilnrllniriou and yuiii' y and
linat Norltn-ru roiuis in voverlns ii.
Facts From France.
Fraiu-e h;is thrt-o-tifihs of an :t'-re f
forest to each inliahiiant.
t .'on ri.;i.m , : iulrtMlnoed iut"
Fran-e l.-y a.k'MU in 17','.
A inanufaeiitrer of artNtio furniture
In Paris has jut eoiiiplrted a . ha:r
tb. fore Uirv of which an- of ..1M
ir 'Id.
Anion- t,,. iweiiiy-frauc pii-es i"
rir. Hi-Hi.. i tn Fnin.-e ar Pelaimi Aus
trian. ItiiSiiin. Swiss and Uu-Mnn L''i
l tli1 i'te:i( of 14 p,.r ci-nt i f
the I r.-n.-h clns
The J3.9S Kind.
Some cotiMiiiiers wonder Imw cortai i
Ity retailer., .an s-ll chpnlillhi
fvidenlly 4-oin)niseil of seventl itn-.
f.-r S'AMS when repulable furriers le"
Thein tliar ene chim-hilln skin Is u-rlli
:ih"Ut S-u. Th-y should consull rtr'i-r f.-r ;:tt ::it. :-'irt writer t- 'i-'
that the "conies are a w !e fnlk. - Fur
Things Theatrical.
Sarali llerutiardt U H'iIur to revive
"Cyrano de Herj;erac."
Wtllinm T. Hodire will coutinue p.aj
tux lu "The Man From Home" throuifh
out the suuitner.
Kvan Vincent hua been euUKd for
the cast uf "The Head of the House."
In which Adti I-ewid hi to star.
The Shuberta have obtained two
Ktittltali auccesaea, "The Truanta" and
a musical ioniey. 'The Kin of i'.
Jack lAtrluier, a tkou-b cvmedUu.
Best Known Man of Hia Time.
A writer in the (Vniury s;iyst uf Mr.
Ro.sevelt: II.- haves the presidency
the best known man of bis time. Hi
uaiue and feu lures are known to more
persons throughout the world today
than 1hoe of ni)T iber living perfon."
Sure of It.
The Irate ,,t;..A klmeplf
I before the culprits. -Vouii,' ui:iu." de
jmanded he. with the utmost sternntss.
i "have I Hui:ht y..u kissing y dauEh
terV If b IhN Uc i V -.' .,-.1 irt nlnnire the
younp visiter hr.o confusion It must
be confessed that Hie old ijedtlemau
was ereatiy mistaken, inasmuch as the
J-ouuk il!.r uviiKi-d the greatest
-I hop,., si-, - . s;li(1 -lut.r,. is 1H
ailstak ale ut it. The lichis are none
'oo l.ri'ln. ,,; i would be much umr
tltied to learn Hum, after all, I wa
kissiiti: the b- usemaid." New York
Melbourne, which cunsisted of thir
teen huts and waa known as Bear
Srass at the lime of Queeu Victoria '
acceaaion. Is now classed as tbe aev
ntb city of the British empire, comluK
tn after I.oucloo. Liverpool. OUnfrow.
Waochemer. Blrmintfhauj and Calcnru.