Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, April 14, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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A QuMf Story About th PstH of IK
Lt Emptror.
It 1 fttufi'J mi ittiilvtfUy by in
Kfrii- iff l';iri il.i ih- 1atf mu-tut Iii? rintriim J"H,iK.r Of '...ilia did
tot fli- Mrjtlilfi two day of -arh otrwr
by tin unnid'-d if r' of tm Wldl
t)e mvI Miiiil liiifj n-iiural r or
yarttiiij '.winy, iu- d'-nil t Mm im
perial irff'hfM w nrUti'lail arye)r-
IM. Kfl'wl,i vvmk a.ont to
Ji Hi malevolently luurdrTous or
blKhly HtJifoiii.'irilik' old wiMtfi dreg
ft-d br uiir'fiiirt.-ji' r'-Intlve lnVt tint
trnve with inr, This U-tt tin? nay
Hh f'rf- a ihrt iir old baby, o of
lh? iui-tir' ymxnAt broin--r, (."bun,
t hjmi'ikI the llirnne him prHtturiuioly
prewr. tin h-;h of China.
Khmii; fu had Ionic t--n mjplr-Iou
f Id wii aunt mid hud .niiM'-d to
lint her In a iwfi- plarc. Th !
jr lowgr X"t ahead of h-r ne;.h-f-w
nml inmit- him n nriourt while
b wiztwl t(i cornnle'e ndn of (fov
vnmw.t. On h-r d-athl-d hint .No-
TrHll-r TkM All tittlM! tbtt K'a'id
coun'iJ to mi nit r'huij lit fa ut an a
wi pttMr ti the throne and the father
a rcjfnl. it remained to dlpme of,
the llvlnic eiuiwror. Aftf a eonfer
urt iHi"'ii the ehlef .-unii'li, I'rlnre
TV Ink, the rhicf of the linjerlnl fund
If, ami Vuaii Kid Kfil, an niil.i Me
enemy of the 'mHrr. it va nn
afrtinred to the world that Kwjii.k Mu
had a chm' of heart ilnx-ii? ami I
ilk' hi ii"' iirh! hi vi-neriitde aunt. I
At 10 tiilnrk In tin- HiomiiiK thj
cantlre t-i.i-ror wa U-Hed In 111 -!
eluded aiarttfieiitN by the eblef eutnK h
arid two aMlalantj. The chief eunueh
aanouii't'd to Kwiiuk Mi that in view
f hU uuut'a inar departure It wa
Bot Heeiiitv for hiiii to llnicer on. Ilia
jlorloii" treerji c wa il-lred In hear- !
u by liN iimtfrlal am -entora. The J
qiiti'-h laid oti a table aoine opium
pllli, a pa knuH of gold lea and a
tltb cord, way In that the emperor
too Id take hln ehol'e. If h did not
faflp hfniHelf to any of theae thlnjffi
within three lioiira the etjiu-h aald
Uial lie and bin hhxIhI would Im;
compelled to atranle their Indored and
Im I M-rial ruler with the Milk cord.
The youu man did not have to h
ttld how lo lino nny of the articled,
J it China opium polaontiiK Ih eominon,
and It la not rare to produf death by
Wii'iliK K"l'l leaf, which wsila the
Iftoltla and fa tinea Npeedy Miirfoeatloti.
Knanx Ku, watched by the two UHrilat
ant euiiin hn, preferred to h wallow the
opluiu plllN. When the chief uunueb
came bai-k at the npoli!lcd lime lh
riuperor nun nncoiou-ioiia. itnd he ex
pired nt 5 o'effx k In the after noon.
Tin 1 (if ft nt I'll VI hiik linmedliilely pro.
claimed emperor, The next d iy Th,c
An died, hiippy In ilie kuowledKi' that
tlt IuhI net of her lotift careec wan a
afalemiiuullke murder of her nephew.
The Nowatt Dtptptin.
The ItilcHt term t'lven to d.iHpepHla
hen It liappetiM to iiflllct the fatliloiia'
ble woman In "nulo iinmmuu," the
dm tor explalulntc carefully that all I he
uffelit'N food poMoiiH her and pie
Tenia dli.rethiii. Then ahe, poor noiiI,
dleta In very fear of her life. No cud
uf MiiiH are helntf made In ihe uealihy
ael on Ihe name of Ihc dlene, and
fri the pHetido InvalhU to nay that
they u j it Mt Hulk liiHiead of inolor ln
ylleH uior cruel Jchik. Itnl ihe fact
reinaliiH that the avenge nine called
"aulo (xiUonliitf" Im only the I I fash
loued d.vpepHla. perhnpH more virulent
heauc (.f I lit- rl h final t It ji I m the
everydnv fare of Heme (hat can afford
to polnon I hctiiHclvi'ft w It tl the (food
Ihh.k-H of (hi- nr. ,.,v York Trll
ane Th Attractive Title.
Chm li'M M M. Iiwiili in it .llnii'T la
Nw York ib'iihil Hie hilm f London
Tiuih tliai hi ih arrhiKi intirket
AtiM-rl' mi iii'-n wMe iii ii (llH.-miiit 1
"It Ih truiv" Huh) Mi. K hviih, -111111 i
a itaoO ijiii ny of ..ur h.-ln-H.H ninny ,
foielKiHTH. tail ih.-y ih.n't iiiiniy them;
as IIH'li; they iiiui-rv ItiMill ih ItlleN. j
Om it lit Mn hi.- ( itilo u lady mum) In tin
"'IfH a pity Haltle lliingN. Ihe New
York lii'lre-tN, iI.m-sh I tl ml out (tie true
ehiiriMicr of Uial wl-k d l'rlm v rtmui
plguoll hIic'k tioae ami l;I eimtieil to.
Hnllv lined to rem) a i like n h,v '
" 'Mnyhe.' ali 1. she'i h,ii lulled In
hl ni mo In read only Ihe tide'"
A Long Drawn Out Name.
Mlrifl ToUem.irlo' of l.oiidou wiihled
Caplnlu Mloiif mi I'd i. 4 JuHt. The
cereinonv lok plae nl ihe Ham par
IhIi ehureh, nml the noihe lu the dally
prcsM eoiitiitm-il the drlde'H full name,
whh h m-i'tipled three mid one half
linen of Ihe new ape' Very prolmhly
MIfm Tolleimo he h.-UU the tiiiiiierh-al
re ord for chi Kilmi iiitnn-. fm 'he In
Ihe poKiieMiior of sixteen. The otlhial
11k t N iih follovVM: I.v.iha 1 ' I Ye
ronlra Knyth t 'inline ( ".vmsh llvhln Ito
wi-nii Adela Thyra t'f-othi Yahel
ltlaiu he l.llhiH I i.vKiirt I'lmitaireiiet.
Miirper'fi Weekly.
K viiii Hlr l-rederlek Treven" leelure
hna not revealed nil the truth iilx-ui rn
flliim The Inlntt oonlrOutln la front
a third form hoy. who Hinted thut "ra
dium In iiii IuhikIiihi) Hue nutatd
whleh London inbmen ehnrurt a ahll
lluf tftrn. "-Loudon Nowa.
A Fir Trip lo an Aeroplane With
Wilbur Wright.
One of lb adw-ntnroos piriM wh
have been aloft i;j Wilbur VVrijfM'a
; aeropl.-me de-ril- hit wnjtion aa
follown: "I wwJ"l Into a -anai
! cor ered . m t ra w 1 1 j ff i . mou n ted
oil the -nter of th- oil I-Ottered
: wlfifc of Uie aeroplane, with a wooden
; croMlitr for my fet to keep toe
, we'w tightly home- Wilbur WrUebt
: climbed over the wire fayn and wood
; e ban that attach the forward rud
! der to the iinifi win4 and caurtt to hii own place on my left,
j The fa miliar fl'iial waa tftren. WJ1
' bur Wright f.-iiteiil the two lower
: button of bJt Ja ket, sot we had nii (
i blm do many a time bfore. Then,
jr-llmhlnsr hH seat, be pulled hla -
fioakwl elofh rap well over bin rytm.
leaned forw ird, l;exitatel a M-cond to .
' see that the man at the wln lip was
i ready, reN-aw-d the catch, and we were j
I offyen, off. and with Midi a nih
that we Heiried to have leii nhot :
forth from the mouth of a caution.
Prepani j aa I waa for a quick start.
the terrific intern ataered me.
tlms to ha, ihem,lve, drtnltcly u :
w over. ThT- wa. a thud in tue:y " oistingiusneu i.aroiu'. imr,
rear only ileD which
ha 6rrntxni to tluf ground on rear'b
log Ihe eml ut the nrartln rail. No
need to wirrry nlonl lliat, and we t
were teln L-cnll.v Nwaynl In a '-film j
atfnottnlieri-. We were i-Jimbing up- I
ward ijjodrniiely f:iHt, to Jndffe by the .
way In whi'-tt th'' Krotind wua allpplnff
wnr h Hot a minnto inter I
eren thin hud "topped, and we were i
Jowly ad .iii'lnif wltb n Kently uo
duJailoK iu"'loij whl'-b nnide one arntle
at the thought that thin -oti)d end In
"f!ut how (lifelvifig Ir wiin! 'I'he
enMiitlon vwnA tfnit you lire iM-lng
cradled In Die ufr 'u arc moving no
gently that you could not come to any
harm If you ffll. There In not mu'rh
wind, only a gentle breeze nothing
whatever lo dltturl you. And reason
Inxlntfd: Voti are fravnling nt forty
mile an hour Vou have got nothing
to up port you. Down there, fifty feet
awny, under that purple heather, Ih
the hnrd ground waiting to wreck you
and the machine. Jf the engine stops,
the air, whU-li Is now lulling you, will
turn traltur and let you full rruflly.
Jf the pilot furp'M liiuiNclf for im In
stant, you ijiii jr riisli downward (it the
speed of an expren train or you insy
overturn ultogpllicr
"Ouv, two, thrrt' ii ud four rouiids of
the tick). Minutes Imd Iciigtl.t'iH-d out.
the novelty hml Png -d, and I al
lernatfly gaed iitouiid llly or watch
ed the motlonlcHM Mkuii that liad never
proffered a woid r ult'ij a hIkii that
he wits n wit re ut my preHennc I' res
ent ly wo touch, when I do not know,
for I felt no Hhor-lc wlmti-ver, hut lifter
a few Hf'mtiN of this Hllent glide the
iniiehlne "tiu-M (m n Htop, mid It Ih
"Vi nli-p tint toKHln-r, nml 1 break
(he t-lii'ii' i- w illi my i 'tnur;iHil(itloiiH
and ihaiikt. 'Yes,' replhd Wilbur
U'riyht brh-lly. 'J'Ih ii. ItxikhiK round:
'.Now. wouldn't I make voti ttred?
I Ihoimht I was oji. in 1 1 iy Mtarllntx
rail, mill I am :;') ;inN nwny from ll!jiMiu. -,.r il,,. imviua' of South uk-
Tli. sun wm In my eyr."' '1,1,-ng.!
' ' .
Th. Treatment of Erysipelas.
AMplnivall .(add f New York r-
oniiuendx Ihe uv of strong earbolle
add nalnted on the Murfaee In iihi-h of t
er,ipehis until the mirface Ih whiten
I'd and then followed by swabbing
Willi ahohol. 'Ihe treatment must go
a hair turn beyond the border of the
eruption (o destroy all the Kenns. The
uuheitt-able lii-hltm. burning and throb
bing are relieved at oihc. rover noon
full-, and genenil HymptoiuH arc. re
lieved. Th.) nulhor ban (rented suc
cessfully sUty hi veil eitHi-H and five
eaaen In whh h II failed. No senrrlng
reHitltt. The Hiiperllelnl layers of the
hW lu eouie off at In mild sunburn, and
the eotiiph".toii Is Improved. Medical
Und.ryround In Paris,
t'luli-rmunij imssuufK Tor pulea
trlnna nu to tin laillt at vurlotm txiluts
tji'iM-ntli Ihe ( KlyHwa, whlcti
tlic cotiNtnnt Ntrciini ,,f motor can now
ii' liopiissiiliii. from morning till
cvi-nlmr i'lic otmcKiion of other I'nr
Ik rttrrciH 11K0 linn cniwn lo mi uliirm
Int; i-Mcat. unit nil t liornuKtifnrox
lll'OHtuI tllC lp.Mil nl'u tH'Kt.l U'tlll
trnltli for huiirM, niornln 11 nil after-
lltMiu. If the I'll. imps l'lsees tllllllclx
prove a sun e e; nlhers vlll he i-x, u
Vltteil III the cciilcr uf 1-ails, uial f.s.t
passengers H III in future eress lint
over sireels, hoi imih-i lliein
Tyburn Tree.
The ,..iii. ii 1 1 n i y .nut
t ld' d to nmiiiruiorile. by I
tikinvuhir !ione phhed In ihe r
ttiiv the He of Tblll'li mi lions
the lnn tloii oT IM - me l:id itnit -1 , street. It l" hNh he IllfelitliMl of '
hit ui.i.lesty'M olll. e of WorkH to t I
within lltt n.-iik mlllnuH a bronze
tiiblei ihiu' ihe Insetinilou: "Tburu
tn-t. I'lii' trhuiulur toiie lu tho road-
wnv. neventy live fi-et north of t til?
mini. Imllt titoi the nlte of tin mulent
K'hIIowh known iii Tyburn tree, whh h ;
wan deHiolMHHl In 17'Ht" Umdon j
lie de I
I IIH of 11 ; i , I
Lillian Russell Tonight.
LUJiun i-j3?srli liitff ttren pinttid the "noted ma ai.d diuh-T-r3
of Iowa.' The actrs-priina
dofina a- bom iau'. Ci::.ton L'i lhat
iiate and a-? c-hriBtt'ied Helen Ijju-j-
Inard. It wan the late Tony
i'utor who heleote.' tht euphoniotw
i rid pretty stage name of Lillian Ku-f-ell,
then a tender j-!i of a snrl. but
who na-s destined be-onie the
greatest htage favorite of her time
;:i Ari.erican Hbt opera, and who is
now taking firt rank amor.fptt Amer
ican comedienne.-.
The new htate capitol building at
Ue- Moine-f la., which i. neariiiK
completion, will have a hall of lame,
and the commissioner: recently re
quested MUs Kussll to send thera
her favorite photograph for a place
jrj tbe honored collection. The diva
(lid better, for fahc has generously
k f rivate eollection her
lavoritea portrait. . It the painting
which was done in Pans in )!00.
The painting is valued in eiees of
i i')0)0. but will be Miss KuHell s
ntribtition to her native state.
I)urii:ir h-r Ion..' i-uy.'i ?rnent in Sew
Vrk rity in hr present comedy.
"Wildfire," Mis- Ifugsell jerniitted
the ouintini! to be displayed m me
lobby of the Liberty theater, where
.1 attrneted the ;ittention oi an cm
and even elicited ihe favorable
expression of the dilletanti. M. Iu
ran has caught the salient charm of
the Ktmsell personality in the pre
Kentment of the artiste. His portrait
reproduces the glorious tints of the
Ktisscll complexion, but what is more,
counterfeits her beautiful expression,
which is the well-spring of the mar
velous charm this woman possesses.
There is no more eloquent expo
nent of the directoire gown than Lil
lian Kussell. She wears three dif
ferent dresses in her racing com
edy, "Wildfire," this season, and all
are of the latest mode being Miss
Kussell's ideas of the combination of
the Parisian effects suited to Amer-i-an
taste. Miss Kusj-ell has so com
pletely worked out her ideas that she
has been the recipient of the sin
cere form of flattery; namely, her
eritics have said that the prevailing
fashion of directoire gowns suits her
perfectly. "The shoe is on the other
foot." She has made the fashion as
far as her 'owns an; concerned.
My the
TOHS. City Keeorder.
Kids will be received for the pav
ing of Wcsl Main street from the
..utt lino nt Laurel street to the city
! jt s.p,, Htreet to
;ihe. cily limits; for the paving of
! ' feel from Hear creek
i bridu-e to the city limits; and North
ni(!;dMle ;r-enue from Seventh strwt
to ilie south line -l West roiirth
stn-i-t imlil p. in. April 27th,
I'mlilcs may !
application to the i
had by making
iiy engincor and
bove work to l.e ilnnn accord
ing to the plans nml pccifinations
lor Ihe paving of Seventh street, now
on file in the city recorder's office.
A certified check equal to fi per
cent of the estimated amount bid
lor must accompany each bid, made
payable to the city of Medford to
he forfeited if the bid is accepted
anil the bidder fails in contract there
for. The city council reserves the right
lo reject any or all bills.
A bond will be required of the
successful bidder equal to HO per
cent of the contract price.
Hated April 7th, l!'0!t.
Titv ltocorder.
SallowntBi Tran.-rfnnned
to Dusky Beuntv
A Uik ikia htramci (iKmnn i
mhtn Jcliraterr tort, untie. x.ur 41
llh tllC faUlLUII jlnw W it. " .il
ctn hcAhhf ( miTf ih m r
ii.e k;n the ikin frt' o i
kct-'lrtitvtetliretruint'lii.'it t . .
ti.i ttmiuUtri thf tny .-j,. r
conuihute theMiof ,'1 1 , ,
h!. utile ukI bmnrttr K
in 11 ccnAin protn t i.p i, .
ninham and (rtcklra it 4llit
or riiMjfuxt to tun i 1
Sititi lik n un,f Tt ri,n-'-
htcM iiimu'iH'K io1 tir."t
uC A
n 1
Prepaid KaUroad Order.
"Scrcethixg wkieh of eoaaiderablc
ia threat to tat public geaeraJJy and
, waica ia perhaps noi geaenJly kaowa
j ia the Titfm of prepaid order now ia
effeet betweea atati aa of the Southern
: i'tcii.c eorapaojr and all poiata in the
JniteJ rState. By ffieara of thia tytMm
j tiekta may be pu.-chaaed at Medford
; froni acy ptwe ia the Unittd State and
j ia.-.:led vr teiegrapaeJ direet to the par
ty to (on nere. Sleeper ae
coiaroiatiOL and! amoonta of
eaab in eonaecttoa with these ticket
' may also be forwarded at the same
'time.' tf
Medford TimeTable
16'OregoD Exprtm J 5:24 p. aa. i
14;Potiaad Expreo :H m.
Boa Ui bound j
lSiCalifornia Ezpreaa.. .110:35 a m. '
i No.
I No.
N. 13 Saa FraBciato Exp., .j 3:20 p. m. 1
No. 22-5:From Graata Paaa.... 9:15 p.m.
No. 225-or Aaklaad 10:15p. m.
No. tiLaarea Uedfora 10: a. i
No. 4;LeaTM Medford j 6:35 p. i
MotorLeaTn Medford j 2:00 p. i
MotorjLearea Medford j 9:00 p. i
No. lLearei Jaekaoarille. . . 9:00 a. i
No. 3LaTea Jaekaonrille. . .j 3:30 p. i
MotorLeare JaekaoBTille.. .j 1:30 p. i
MotrLearea Jaf kaooville. . 7:30 p. t
matt. CLOSES
A.M.p?. M.
. 9:19 4:54
.10:05 2:50
. 7:20) 2:00
. 1 10:20J 5:20
iootbboaad .
Ha-fle Poiit .
Ornwn t-r I'm If Nort hw ft Boil tad ('llmat.
! i-tl j nt ell l--t -tI. Aak for Cttta
locur. I not onus"rite
Da, iiionr uf )onr ilinli-r, .nrl rill 11 an I
700 pitf-kft r flon'-r M'.-1 frf fnr "inr ImuM
i0IlAfiD IU0 CD.. rMTUND. 8M60N UtO tTOKiNt. WUM
Medford Pharmacy
Near Postoffica.
Color blc ntliner of Furniture,
Pr.ipcrics Carpets, Woudv ork,
Walls, nuke home life happier.
Our cvprrt dfcoraiive sptcialiit v'
vi-it your rity soon. Withmil ohli
C'.itiir, vim he will ilicusi the fur
niiliint;s for your new home.
Wfir lor HKmlM
J. C. Mack & Co.
F urniture and Carpets
C County 2
aL Kraroa3. oazooff j .
-State Ur-positi-ry
Kstalislied 1SS8.
tal aurl Surplus $125,00OBVV?-' IW. I. VAWTER, President.
o... TAnAVW "rr''0 H t.lHni.FY. PuJiier
Have the Mission Furniture Works
stake you a cedar chest in which to
place your winter clothes. These
chests will keep the garments free
from moths and dust. Shop on cor
ner of Eighth and Holly sts.
It Can Be Done. So Scores of Medford
Citizens Sny
To cure on aching hm.-lc.
The pains of rheumatism.
j The tircd out fmjling,
! Vou must rearh the f-nit get nt the
J t'MUMf.
j In most cases 'tis tie kidneys.
Doan's Kidney Pills nre for the kirl
j neys.
j C. L. Bnone, coruer Ninth and C
UtreetB, Medford. Or., says: "I was
j troublod with rheumatism when I 6rnt
j began intiug Poan's IC-dney Pills. I
iid not think they r-'A do me any
good, but finany !' i-red a dot at
I'i fkius' drug store. T!o y proved to be
the remedy I require'. My kidneys
were restored to their normal condition,
and the pains and aches in my back
were removed. Doau 'a Kidney Pills
lived up to their repr :sentations in my
For sale by all dealer? Price 50 cents
Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole
I agents for tho United Stntes.
R 'member the nani. Doan 's and
I take no other. 46
Yon can double your money in a
innnlh. There are only three lots
for sale at the P. & E. junction. Thev
I will he worth double the minute build
! inij operntions nre resumed. That is
! as eertnin as the timber is in the hills,
lit will lake many factories years to
j use all the lumber that is brought
, down. These faetories will be located
I at the junction. Several hundred
' workmen will have to live near by.
A boardiiiL' house will pay bis when
i tin: liu lories are started. Then ihese
'lot will be worlb two or three times
w'it we nsk. Kemember there are
iotily three of them for sale, so you
j will miss it if you don't hurry. Onlv
i -00 each. Also two houses for sale,
jdirt cheap. See F.astmnn nt P. Si K.
Por Phoenix town property, both
reproved :.nd unimproved and three
I pood orchards, see Matt Calhoun,
Paoanii. Jaak.ion eouiitT, Orfon.
To have uu ilit v and price so
venlv lili iit -1 Cia' vo i will
find it both 1..0 t: 'il :ind
ulea.suruljle to hav fl-. io cur
tailorine work. Drop in and
see our new nr-rine fabrics.
Don't buy a hand me down
when V"H i-ftii tret a tailor made
unit nt Ihe "im.e price.
Highest Attainment in
Systematic Banking SwlGe
Tfaa Jackaon County Bunk respectfully
solicits your account, aubject to your
check, with tlx atrongeat guarantee of
safety and efficiency.
We offer the highest attainment in
rvgtcmntic banking service, which aa
sures the greatest care in erery finan
cial transaclioD, with this obliging institution.
O. B. LINDLEY, Gamier.
la.-liiuii reigns supreme, and new gi1
mculs appear in all their glory. Tn
lie miyhofly. you must keep np witli
the proeession. sn if your wardrobe
is nut up to the demand a visit to
Kreuzer's and a look over his new
fabrics and styles, wilt soon satisfy
your desires. The garments he makes
.-lrereeognited as the highest stand
ard of sartorial excellence, correct
in vogue, iuimaculnte in fit, and per
fection in style and finish.
J. A. Kreuzer S Co.
Importers andTailors
During March & April
From all Parts of the East
ORP.ODV flnnw. t run
HUVU4 Ajxnxi
$33 from Chicago
$30.60 from St. Louis
$25 from Omnhn
:$26 irom Kansas City
CrrcapoarJiugly lwe rste, ltBm
otbar poiata.
Write leu, r lo everybody you know
' the East and tell thim about these
low colonist rues. Send them literature
alwut Or,.,.,,, ur Sl ;.,eir aJdreM
to ns and we will do it. In this wa,
you can be a (treat help in tha orrowt'h
aro prntjrcRs of your state.
f..r anyone from any .lar. if y0 want
to. Deposit the necessary amount with
our local acent and he will telograpa
t'eket promptly.
Inquire of Agent or write to
General Paaaecger Agent
The Oregon Railroad Navigation Co.
Southern Paeifie Co. (Linca in Oregon)