1 THE IfZDPOBD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEDFOBD. PRECOX. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 14. 1?9. u Want a Bearing Orchard?: THE IDEAL HONE A jU tr f nitr rtaJrt u.Hj a prwi qoahry, m th b, ti a Em va&ty. MS EXPEJtlMEJrr TV fi Gi Rij erciard to I iie south ef Utitttri. iijin the Be- Cm ta Barrtfl ertiarti. fcw ;re:l fw vra-j rwart-tJtJrj crx?i. WE HAVE SUBDIVIDED T ist hmS traeU. fra 5 t 27 arret. Mt btanaj a4 ir. tksrtk. tad ftv a fcafetf nxr fa- sa'e rusr ttras. THIS IS YOOR OPPORTUHITY. Rogue River Investment Co. Ill North D Street tit' -V: i a. a ' ti mm ttxnt m 'WikJftr ' at tee UtUfi TUiltr t$t Compare the Quality &wc 12 to v:ppT s ozr hr Ta tot CAk OIT ill.' Oct nni ' i th- Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware. Fruit and Feed MEDFORD GETS BOOST tMor BMwnoa m Wntiftf Up Wex ford's Maaiinf Alw Writw jo I-fc-Tirr-' g &:rae nrer rl-d .! x tin t:t are pr:T xzir r-r Li. a '-'-.jid r2z j n.-r 2r a i-es. vt a of I r--i -f ir..-'. ar4 ibe pa of wilt 7wkjd !x-d ii zj6r etc czyoysBt to : .- iTS An ti-re c.-rr:Md of oeu-r&D-- ce-rf-r;- w-Hi:. Swly y al ready h.fcve ;yr&e a resjr-c-s-iYe rVns ir ths fc-ars of t&e Mioni v-cer. Tby are c -t of ibe ae pv f 4rcs tiat yoa are-. zi vos ci aL fahinr a- th 443 t- y-j. Arthur Fir---i. A- i t- toe e:r-- swl:- 'A :b crri; K.-e-e R:-er -aliey. Next to Timber andCoal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. ' MrJDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Sank Upstairs 5ttrs. "3rant famfton Isaacs Instructor of "PUino. Tl$t 5J2ttloo A f Mi." l-far-, t) a tb fir e-1 Nash Livery Company ) j.j..-.! !, S.Mith'Tn Or--ti. Give 'is a trial. H. C BONNEY PHONE NO Z33I. SALEM I5EER ALEM Ls the nist popular f.r in Northern aJifrnia and Siuth'rri iregon. It ls ackriowl- 0, &- w the filial of th vry tt eastern 1. T'-lu-'t. All rx'rt are hut irue fteors are hke.I letter thaii r-thcrs. TTie pr-f for this as-r-rt;!. !i" in drinkir.e Sai-m heer. If you wish J" vi!:.-o.L ak f'.r Salem Uer and drink it. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION Medf-rJ Ip-.t: M-d ford Ie L Storase Co. jr:j r..r a.I- a little f:bi--it:-''C- .V;:L:.f -ry rL.rtiixe ic-t Thenc c.i'--d oe -diy that a jonrz r.ao b- ir: ard aii tr a vb. He 2,ot it- Kotiir -'ry rar'tii-e a-3t that ei'.aer- Tse turfcer a-.c -'"iri rr-E; prtri a- -;v.-her ai3 - c iceti 'ili- Th'- iniei lar aprt. Thy fca4 F-.i ft-rd of ea'h o;hr l sr-. Ku-aily p-:bii-Ler n::i ir.t' the utt- t""r of Ijma ar. 4 ir.oiaiei 11 -.iir:-- "ita the c?2;y lyster zerr. Toe yiis? mm b n:to Me: fori He got a b ard br: -lzz b-v far h waid r-nrd Li- -t r T::-:.". tae ntrai i: thu. haywire!. He piti ed a pa$r oat of a f lie one mzhi ax;d happened to r:'X:ce the name at the r-ai ff the ed'itor.a! eolarc-i- He eot i-:-v ar.d wrvte. L':feie -San. deiiv- red th iettcr a;:d The "M t.rr.e :-.,d- .i.t.' tce'.h-.r. N-w hre i.-h-it p ih..-hr fV'h.i: r.-oi: "f '.ae Iv-r-r. IV.vtT- a Fi!tT l;ron'-I;r-t i--ue .ff the M-dfird M.tgazir.e. Ar'l r.'tj'e ha: he -ay Medford: haie re-ri'.ei a epy of the :;"-t :, i;'--T "f Med:Vird" Masa--1 e.' p-.bh.-he.j .it the Jl- -.f FJ:er rr:-!r'p'ii- Ii '"!. i-t of 24 pfte 1: -i 3 c.nr It -tntair.-; nte-ip- f the prorciiient bab. b-ju-se of fed:ord and ntone- dex-nptive of -fpre-tt: -i' f-'ur-r- "f the valy A: it '-'i.Mi: - a h" ixi--e -f . h" arf he I;e :r."r- . h.v 1- of Medf.rd. "fI:-rd- Maea.ne U a candy ibe U'-.tr- f that hnst'ice v.n,!- -;,-. ;:ff j.-r t-.j-'-her and ter.oer Ar.'i :r l:r-f: n of rh.i-.k- f-r c "'it h redi:jbie p-.hli- :t:.'-r.- S.;ch a rracirtne in inthern ( i-, --.,r -H'-'i'd nim---: u-,!im-.! That i d" rcTh - ctf the ivt-jrce- of hV'irue River -. :-i'..v and f'!frd i- a -re-e eor p':.-ir, TV C-a Hat "3i.t i a'j- stroQ- ta yrip 00 a gut" " ay te m aua editor. "Xrw. tbere Jtcny tJrace, tW re foroed aeod rutr? veccer. wu Las bees ditc; oe srt sxocies f-e &a -What tt-t biicy ata tie nb Te vil ttr: a c xxb :te ia bre-iM that be ;o to writ a ei;3el to exery torr be 6." CUraffo Pc. TH Mignt Hv Dn Wft, "Tbe i!i6e firj diis't do ndiy. after all" Hot was ibat" "Wfcj. Jane t iale turned at to be a cook, aod Abb coast a a waiter. Bo they t" -2it-i r -S:. ted Mrs GWt Kid e t.'t rb 'bly Ukat ah u:dn't aV fr berter bel?" CWetird Plaro I :er He-S- TbiQk mamed life cclcc to be otse irand. sweet ic? be Te He What air '.-aid yoa pre?-r foe tbla mtrlcn"oil vsz? Soe I tbiak a mfllfoftaire -Haiti-nxr AmerVan AN- EASTER DESIGN or a bungalow, just as happens to strike your taste, always ob tainable at owner's prices at our shop. And let us again im press you with the fact that Mcdtord prices are today more reason able than in any other town in the west, when the prospects of the city are taken into consideration. It will make one fel awfully well contented with life to own one of the properties in which we are dealing, in ease the oil district proves ta be what we think It iM be. Now is the time to get in on the best investment possible to make in Mtdford town property, by calling on the Rogue River Land Co. Exhibit Building, MEDFORD Play in? Safa- Tec: I d man. re yon super tttiooa about diin with thirteen at tbe tab? Jack We;i. 1 bat d-pnda- TuCi-Iv;c U v.i-m wbaT? J.-t Wbettier tte rjpply wtU eqaal the de-iutid "bl aco Newa An Ad to Com(witin. "To j'-u fer.fl th.it di -tat!c? to a te ooeTapbr is a a oorvaiy of time 7 -Tes." answered the eralnent author -It mt y a be triable of looking ta tbe djtontrr to bow roog word re pe':l ""- Wtbinrto Star. APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of Fruit Trees YAKIMA VALLEY NURSEKY Largest Coum;.-. .ial Xurscrv in tne Pacific' -V.rthwt. tie combine. C.Mpetes with all first-class nurseries L E. HOOVER, Agent MEPFORD. OREGON. " 1 1.1 ?h B-BU-SA THE OKLT 1AWT0L PILE CURE Pm EBC rt.A CCBE." PILES, ltd r.E.i NOT otj utrtm. Btrcar?. j ' '. . . j'. . inlMU f B-1C-8A. U-i mak "fal aa4 BiBaaJiB( mtama" itra-. Oh jro0 piu! Ar-!. tnat Tkartfora, tka ami. of all slar or aarrotit aajiaw 1a ilifal a Pmn ! ! Mr vnnl! te'l r..thit.c - tk affort taa braio aad rpi&al mirrw. prlo eoaatipatoa aad arartt'!:t Irif lnV-. K:it V'u ar:::h ran. frBO A ia ast far aaJa at opmi u OeIt dnitj-.ru if kfkaat atmW ta( a4araa B-BOA. hfaJfaW PaaaatfT. Ka( Pkarmarv Ckaa raa( Kaakiai' 4ra( ftan. Hitloreal Net. Prt. Wii-. ; Tb?- ""tni'lt man S. tb- I up j-r-r. tl K.-ian oldl who ipt a : :r PpnaTiTanla Pna h Ik!. Easily Evpfained. wba: rL,j n-sn T.-cr brotbr He'- r-- V n hi'f r- 'ir sir. Mr. r.-.-tf-ri V-. lut oa!y my half brv-b'r. yc-u Lrow.-J-H'.cf. In the Esstatic Stagt. Tha Girl ;.A-.ic h.r fair twnd oT-r ihm iu-t a iittle. Anhur. We trow ou aili bvaa.-e yoa ar t-li't that v. And if oid not know it -itr; U.- ' ! . )-' E EVTART Prw.d.at. J A. PERRY. Vic, PTodfnt. JOHN S. ORTH. Caaalar. B .IACK80W, Atal Caaki". THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK medford. ob. STTpSs - .$50,000 bUKPLUS - - J: 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank- in Bus. ness Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage ft 1 I! T I c. YUKON iexiiru'x' . v' am, m