THE MEDFORI) DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 1 2, 1909. LOW RATES TUNITY A BLIND ARTIST. Selections OPPOR If your fattier bought an orchard in the Rogue River Valley ten years ago he would have been a rich man today. A small sum of money saved from his salary each month would have accomplished this; but he did not do it and what he missed is plain as day. Son and Daughter Talk it over with him : He will tell you about this orchard and that orchard (worth thousands today) which he could have owned by a little effort. PROFIT BY HIS EXPERENCE AND BUY AN ORCHARD TODAY ' Five dollars per month saved for li'.e years will buy you an acre orchard which will furnish you an Income of many hundred dollars per year when in full bearing. The Orchard Home Company will Plant, Cultivate and care for the orchard in First Class Manner for the full period of the contract The company's offer to trk. two-fifihs of the purchase price out of the'erops is an additional guarantee of first-class orchard land and Call At Orchard Home 206 West Seventh Street or With Company Benson Investment Company TO OREGON DAILY During March & April From all Farts of the East UNION PACIFIC OREGON SHORT LINE THE OBBOON BAILEOAD ft NAVIGATION CO. SOUTHERN FA01FIO $38 from Chicago $30.50 from St. Louie $25 from Omaha $25 trom Kansas City 'orrcspoadingly lowe rates from all ucisr points. TO THE PUBLIC Write letter to ovorybody you kuow in the East and toll thorn about thoae low colonist rstos. 3en1 thorn literature about Oregon, or- send their addres3cs to us and ire nil) do it. In this way you can be a groat help in the growth aeu progress of your state. YOU CAN PREPAY FABES ; for anyone from any place if yeu want j t.o. Deposit tlio noeosaary amount with i our local agont and ho will tolograpb 1 ticket promptly. Sightless Paintere Work 8hown at af International Congrese. There used lo lie n saying among thi friends of tlio blind Unit "n blind mat can do anything hut paint n picture,' but since Miss Winifred Holt caiu back from tlio Internntlonnl congrcsi for Hie blind, held recently In Kngland It bus fallen Into disuse, for a eighties) llusslau bus demonstrated Hint a blind mini run paint n picture, and his wort wns shown at the International con gross. .Miss Holt told of It at I ho luBt meet Ing of the llllnd Men's Improvement club In New York city. The blind art 1st keeps each, of bla colors in a sepa rate box. and each box Is marked witt characters which to bis touch spell thf name of the color the box contains. As nilubt be expected, ho Is an In presslonlst. no knows that trees and grass ore green and sky la blue and clouds lire white, so ho lnys on bit green and blue and white In generous patches, like nny other Impressionist and tlio result Is a picture. "It wasn't a very good picture," laid Miss Holt, who Is herself a sculptress and may be supposed to have u critical taste, "but It wns neither better not worse than n grent ninny oilier pie tures that are sold right hero In New York." Another font which was reported te the congress of Die blind was the sav lng of two lives by a pnlr of blind Eng llsh boys last year. Two sighted per sons were drowning when the blind lads henrd lliclr cries for help, swam to them and got them safe ashnrew New York Suu. i Inquire of Agents or write to ! WM. McMURRAY, Goneral Passenger Agent The Oregon Railroad 6 Navigation Co. I Southera Pacific Co. (Lines in Oregon) 1 PORTLAND, OREGON. Greater Norris and Rowe Shows Circus Museum .MenaqeriR. Hippodrome I - t I A Multitude el New Features Never Before Presented la America S-MARVELOUS BELFORDS'5 The World's Oreeteet Acrobste MELNOTTE, LA NOLE and MELNOTTE Europe's Premier Comedy High Wire A Arlliu 6 GRACEFUL GROTHS 6 Meet RemerkaMe Contortionists Ertant 4 FLYING LA VANS -4 The Most Seosetlonel Aerlei Oynoaste 6 GARDNER FAMILY'S Heroe ol the High Hortzonul Bare 3 MCDONALD BROS. - 3 The Foremost Trick Cyclists 8 ROYAL OKA JAPANESE TROUPE 8 TRAINED ANIMAL EXHIBITION Performing Elephants, Camels, Lions, Titers, Hyenas, Buffaloes, Kangaroos, Ostriches, kik, ueer. I , Taolrs. Llamas. , Ponies, Posts and Monkeys 20-JOLLY JESTINO CLOWNS-20 HERBERT RUMLEV'S SCHOOL OP EDUCATED SEALS HER! OBISLER SCHOOL OP COMEDY ELEPHANTS QUARTETTB OP CAKI WALKINQ HORSES ENCHAMTIMa PONY BALLET ONE HUNDRED STARTLING ACTS LUMBERMEN ANXIOUS TO HAVE TARIFF SETTLED Lumbermen of the. Northwest' heartily wish the tariff question wns M-tlleil, one wny or Hie other," said K. K. MoCliirin, of the Cowlitz River l."gging company today. "The most of us would be satisfied with tile $1 duly mIioiiI to lie levied, but whn I we wuiii is to linva the matter iiuickly disposed of. '' : i f company hits several rafts of toys in ihc Cowlitz liver, which we liuxl no market for. because (nriff legislation scares the lumber mill men cimI they will only cut what they can sell from day to day. This keeps Hie lodging camps from starting up nud iln- mills operating: at full capacity, although orders are on hand for mil lions of feet to bo shipped, once the nie on tariff is definitely fixed. "When tin! mutter is finally settled, i'ic milU and lodging cumps out here v-ill bnvo more thaii they can do, as -lock- of Oregon fir have been let run down all over the country. What ever congress does with Iho tariff on lumber, let it be done quickly, is the i rv of all our men out here in the N'lirlbvvesl. TREMENDOUS LAND DEAL IN MEXICO CLOSED l.i is Allgclo: deal I'll of ,M ANGELES, April 1(1. Los capitalists closed today n r more limn two million acres land. The amount involved COUGHS UP TACK HE SWALLOWFD YEARS AGO Olympian Stadium ! CHAHKoN. (i.. April 10. Elton t r ... H;,l.,.. Million Hollar New Maainrla I'arki-r. six years old, son of Mr. and ' A Mle-htw llalvaraliv nl Natural Historr . Mis. J. W. Parker, has coughed up a Jammafn jaariai KHiava " - n '"", ooiMTuorii ii.i.-ir his iinr lor three venrs. It GRAND GULD UL.I I TtrCINvj O I ItfcC. I rMriAUEt " i the strangest medical eases on recoru. j qui me snarp ineK in us downward course had not torn the delicate lining, caused inflammation ii ii 'I enclen the boy's lite, is a source of wonderment. Although none the worse for his experience, Klton says lie is glad the tack is out. Tt was just three years ago when Klton sat on tho floor playing. A enrpet taek hud just been put down. He spied a bright tack near him, and babylike, it 'vent to M- mnnffc oil k I.. iImhJi Hwm Mnrnlna ft 1A;JA AsVilU, 50c. Children, 25c. One Ticket AdmlU You to BverythlBfl Medford, Saturday Apr. 24 2 Performances XII is nearly $.'1.0(10,0(10. The properly was purchased from the Wood-Hngenbiirlli company, of Suit J.uke City. The north end of the ranch is sixteen miles west from El Paso, while it has a border of 170 miles on tho United Stntos. The pur chasers are E. J. Marshall, J. S. Tor rence of (he Union Oil company; James If. Adiims, FT. S. Stephenson and Henry Eisher. The company will be known as the P.ilonias Land and Cattle company mid owns JiO.OOO head of cattle. It will raise cattle on an extensive scale. HYPT0NIZED MAN TO FACE FAMILIAR SCENES Stretch at Santa Horn, Cnl., in 1874. They have resided hero almost con tinuously. His widow and one brother George, survive him. No arrange ments have been made for (ho fuu-ernl. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 200 10 10!00 500 Building on Sand. In New York nearly all the (all office bulidlnu-s have their roiimliilloua on (he qiilcksnnil. In It or under It. and, as a rule, they are more illlllcult, danger ous and costly to build than nnywliert else In the world. It Is required to pr vide absolutely safe seiuriito supports for from tlfly to n hundred column fifteen or twenty feet apart, euch cur rying loads of from 100 lo 2,000 tons. Thirty feet below tho surface tho snnd Is found compressed lo a hard, dense mass, which undisturbed will carry safely a loud of (toon or S.OOI) pounils per square foot. When, therefore, the bulldluic Is not ton heavy and (hero Is no expectation of deeper fnunilntlonB being built. aloiii;siile. the new founda tions nro oftcq .Inlil on the surftice ol tho Band, which bus from one-half to the whole of Its area covered with them. Frank W. Skinner In Century. NEW HAVEN'. April 10.-Charles Austin Asten, the man who mystified ami puzzled physicians here by hi lapse ot memory and lost identity, will be taken to Now York to day. in order that he may see Hie streets and scenes with which he is supposed I" have been familiar. In Ibis way it is Imped that the mist may be cleared away from his brain While lipyno lized Asten has talked incoherently of his former home in N'ew York, bul otherwise he remembers nothing. When not hpynoti.ed. his mind is blank, but enough has been learned lliroiiKli experiments made on him to indicate that he cniue from New-York-. M. U. liuck to Frank Camer on, water right A. E. Smith lo Oeorgo Porter, lot 3 and E 35 feet lot 4, block 1, Willeke's addition . (o Medford J. K. Howard (o ,J. C. dod love, (17.4(1 acres in town ship 3(1, ruiige 3 W Anna C. Bostwick to J. C. (lodlovo, release of bond for deed .lohn Jlighnui to John D. 01 well, 15.0:1 acres in Med ford .I. I). Olwell to (ieorge A. Wot ton, lot 7, block 4, Nickell additiou to Medford I'nited States to Jessie Wil son, 80 acres in section 29, township 33, range 3 E ...patent United States lo Kose Do Oroot, 10(1 acres in section 31, township 31, rungo 2 E. .patent I'nited States lo heirs of John (. Scliallbnm, 160 acres in section 1-1, township 34, range 3 W patent J.illic Uonoy to William A. Fur ry, 10 acres in section 4, township -10, range 2 E . . . Herbert Arthur Fergus to P. E. I'rentner property in Ashland 10 PIONEER COMMITS SUICIDE IN CEMETERY COTTAGE GliOVR Or., April 8 -Heury Long, .19 year of age, n pio neer of 18.")2, commitled suicide in tho cemetery here about noon yester day by shooting himself in the head with a revolver. firoofling over ill health during the past year is thought to have unbalanced his mind. 200 10 Reliable Seeds So much bis alreaJy been said on the importance of buying your seeds from a reliable dealer that to repeat it is only waste of words. BUSi Seeds have proved their worth our increas- business is proof indeed that merit alone ha made the II. Lilly Co. fore most seedsmen on the Pacific Coast. Send catalog, 120 illus- E .'.' Ch .TV 1 f rttlTV C I IXPzVZJh " for An Organ's 8ecret. Swit'zerlaiid lias a church which te rery proud of Us exquisite music. This Is tho Church of St. Nicholas at Frei burg. At llrst no startling novelty Im presses llself upon the visitor, but when (he magnificent orcon bCRlne to sound surprise mid ilellKbt are mingled In (lie hearer. This organ Is of Im mense size. It has four niiinuiils, sixty four slops aud 4,li:i pipes. Us great peculiarity Is, however, Its vox hu mana stop. There are vox humnna lops In hundreds of ennuis, but none which In nny way nproaches the per fection of this masterpiece. Mooscr, the builder, was repeatedly begged to build others, but Invariably refused, and his secret has been faithfully kept, for. except the organist, wlio la also the tuner, no oue Is permitted to In spect (he Interior of tho organ. Now York Mall. Worked Both Ways. A popular hostess In l'arls nt whose dinners and receptions the best of the floating population1 mny be seen has discovered a new way to make hei dinner gliosis at ease. The day of the dinner a man nucst received a note like tills: ".Mr. Illank will have the pleasure to escort Miss Hash. She Is musical, doles 011 'Salome,' attends the lectures of Professor Know-all. She attended (lie Press club bull, has had gowns made at Worth's. Her father bus much money, and she lins traveled In Spuln and Italy." "ilreflt plan," snld the man who bud received tho note. "I knew what to talk about, but when Miss Dash la-gun to aak me about the last races and the next and some other thing I beaan lo think that she re ceived a letter also." Steer More and Blow Less. If the saiiic amount of effort ex pendisl 011 (lie automobile horn to get people to move out of your way were used to move (he steering wheel slight ly so as not to seem to bear directly upon the persoii 111 front, and If you should steer around waitons In the road, as nine times out of ten you must do In the end, rather than blow and blow the born In rain efTort to got them to move, much loss friction would be caused and the speed Increased. Wo think it Is much better to pass care fully and a quietly as possible. Of ten jou are noticed hardly at all, and you can generally tell If warning la necessary. Outing. , II M)S ASS s(js-"" -strip- flOI.n IIY ,;a