IJ THE MED FORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 12, .1009. TWO NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOWS FOR SALE Price $1250 Each EACH RENT FOR $15 A MONTH PAYS 14 1-2 PER CENT INTEREST See MOSE BARKDALL EXHIBIT BLD'G Labies' Cnff Buttons COLLAR SETS AND BEAUTY PINS. Fine Watch and J ewer y Repairing a Specialty. Martin J. Reddy The Jeweler NEAR POSTOFFICE MEDFORD, OR. YOU CAN HAVE TWO YEARS IN WHICH TO PAY FOR A $250 LOT Social and Personal , f Jacksonville spent bluster with friends living in Medt'ord. Mr. nnd Mis. jr. M. Taylor of Jack sonville spent Hastei with Mr. and Mrs. Otis Krause at Medford. A. V. Lynch of Ashland was a recent visitor in Medford. Hubert Nixon, J. McCabe, and Ed Kgli. all of Yrekn, Oil., are spend ing a few days in Medford. 0. Reddy. who is in Portland, is expected to return to Medford Tuesc day. He is the foreman at the Blue I edge mine. J. G. Penn of Salem is m Medford on n short business trip. G. Stater of Watkins is spending r few days in Medford. P. jr. Pierce of Jacksonville was n recent visitor in Medford. Roy Ashpolc of Engle Point is in Medt'ord on bnsiness J. L. Sharka of Grants Pass is transacting business in Medford. R. I. Childcrs has left for Salem, where he ex)eets to remain for some time. It removes pitch, paint, ink and fruit stains and grease of any kind in a "Flash." leaves the hands soft and white. Attorneys Kelly, Vnwter and Boggs were at the countay seat Saturday. WDolgT"wers, attention We oarry a full line of wool bags and fleece twine. Ysn Dyke's. Mrs. C. lined of Jacksonville, who has spent the winter in California has returned to her home. Orders for tweet cream or butter milk promptly filled. Phone the creaaiery. H. H. Harvey was a recent visitor in Ashland on business. Phone your eraers fer sweet eream i r buttermilk to th ere&mery. Mr. and Mrs. James Cronemiller cf Jacksonville spent Sunday after Ella Oaunyaw, public stenographer, ieom Palm building. Bob Dow. reputy sheriff, spent Sundav in Medford. Farceur, the famous Percheron stallion, will stand at Oscnbrugge's barn near Woods lumber yard. Sen son, 10, to insure $25. 10"). J. W. Hays of Gold Hill was a re cent Medford visitor. "Flash" is a household necessity' and is most popular with the house wife cleanses woodwork, sings, batb tubs, floors, paint, kitchen utensils nnd everything about the house. Don't put it off until tomorruw it may be too late. Buy these 32 acres, five miles from Medford, from the Benson Investment Co. for $1500. Good fruit or alfalfa land. 20 li. K. Steel of Idaho Falls is spend ing a few days in .Mcdtord on husi- j ness. W. S. Kcdficld of Phoenix is reg- i sterol at the Hotel Mooro. I II. E. Patterson of Ashland is spending a few days in Medford on i business. j ',. Bryant of Grants Pass is in i Medford on a short business trip. P. I). Blackder and wife of Ash- j land are registered at the Moore. .1. R. Gibson of Ashland is a vis itor in Medford. Ask the management of tho Uogue Uiver Valley railway about the in ternrbnn service which they are go ing to install. Five-cent fare to West Medford. -" j noun in Medford. Mrs. Amelia Klnier and Miss Elmer E. C. Gumbt of Salem is registered :t ihe Hotel N'nsh. B. Moure of Jacksonville was a recent Medford visitor. S. G. Simon of Albany is spending few days in Medford. Benson Invtsemcnt Company will raise the price of their West Medford lots on the day the R. R. V. R. R. intemrban service is put in operation. It will not be long. 20 Ed Andrews hag returned from a business trip to Roseburg. Norman Whiting of Eagle Point spent Monday in Medford. Classified Advertisements WANTED. WANTED To boirow, $700, good security. Addioss Buz 118, Medford, ' Or. 24 FOR SALE Choice residence prop erty, 7 rooms, closets, pantry and modern improvements, fully furnish ed; two fine lots. E. B. Sawyer, 207 S. C street. 23 WANTED Good pastor for horse; no wire fence; plenty gruss and wa ter; no horse taken for less than one month. Walter Moore, Phoe 'WANTED A 6 or 7-room house close in. See D. M. Tribune office. WANTED Girl for general house work: one in family. lady. Inquire nt Exhibit building. WANTED First-class solicitor to sell orchard tracts; man with auto mobile preferred; good salary to right man. P. O. Box 418, Medford, Oregon. WANTED Furniture to repair and upholstering neatly Hone; mattresses renovated; work guaranteed. Shop Sixth and Hartlett. 20 WANTED 12woodchoppers to clop enrdwood and tierwood. Address P. O. Bol 418. FOR SALE Cottage, strictly mod era, for cash. South Ivy street, second house from the park. Just eewpleted. S. J. Summerlin, Own er. ' IN WEST MEDFORD V ' u : " It costs you nothing to see the lots. Do it NOW, then use your judgment and REMEMBER that the Price of West Medford Lots Will be Raised when Ihe new interi rliau service is put in operation on the Rogue River Valley railway. You must uct nt onco if you would profit by the increase. Benson Investment Co. PHONE 3071. OFFICE OVER BIJOU FOR SALE Choice business property at a bargain, on long time; lair terms. Address P. O. Box 418. FOR SALE 5 and lOaere tracts Just within and adjoining city limits, At a bargain, on 5 annual pnyments. Ad dress P. O. Box 418. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Three furnished rooms, centrally located, also good barn. Inquire on premises. F. W. Walters, Sixth nnd Grape sts. LOST. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Two 2-seated hacks with tops; one has only been used about 2 months, the other has com plete camping outfit. James Bowl ing. 7th and Peach sts. P. O. Box 842. 26 FOR SALE Good young work horse, cheap. H. C. Glascock, l'j. miles north of Medford, or address Box 751. city. 20 FOR SALE Two and one half acres in city limits, main street, two-story house, outbuildings, water tank and gasoline pumping plant, good family orchard and garden spit; most de sirable location in the city; almost at your own price. Jacksonville Real Estate Co., Adolf Sehulz, Bgr. LOST On the streets of Medford Thursday, a Inprobe, black on one side nnd black and green on the other. Finder please leave at this office. 20 Before You Invest -IN- City Property Orchards Unimproved Lands or Mining Property VISIT THRIVING ASHLAND AND CONSULT JAMES M. POTTER Mills-McCall Building I FRUIT TRBBS 1 am prepared to fill ordan for tint elaaa fruit trees, shrub, palms, etc, at lowest price. Have on hand BOO Bnerre Bejc pear tree, 4 to f Met. As at Exhibit building. B. F. ALLBN. ATTENTION. All Members of the Commercial club are requested to attend the spe cial meeting at 7:30 p. m. Huesday, the 13th inst. Important business. "1 WM. M. COLVIG, President. Mrs. M. A. Worrell has returned from Portland. Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in Southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE CO. Which Is the Best Way to build up the Panama canal haa I een decided. It lias also been de cided that the best way to build up Medford is by keeping the money at t ome and creating payrolls. We sell al grades of imported and domestic cigars and can euit your taste if we know what it is. In nothing do tastes differ more than in the choice of eigara. R.R.V.6igar Works