THE MKDKOJlD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKEfiOX. WEDNESDAY. APRIL. 7. IQOf). Medford Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of M.-ili'-.i-.i. 'illjliHhwl evt'i-v evcniiiu cxeept Sun, lay. MEDFOKD I' L' Ii L J S II J X i COMPANY GEOKOE PuTXAM, Editor and .Manager. Admitted aa Second-Class Matter in tin- i'-tnf t'n.-i- at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One moiitb by mul or earner $0.60 one w-ar by u,n,l ItOtUK It IV Kit I'KMtS. The finest quality of pears tlx- u..rld pr-- !m-e an grown in the Rogue River valley. Conditio).- .1 soil and climate combine to prodtv-e a perfect fruit, -'uii as la January sold tor -flU.Ufs a !o.v in London u,.i !:!. Gradually the pear district ol' the i-oiin'r. r,hiit.;d rH until the perfect .spot was found, where air .vd .-.siinljine and earth united. Here is the coming pear r-ci.ui of the world and here it will remain, because no oilier .-...-eiion produces the quality and the quantity tin- quality that .stand shipment across the continent and lriiit a ear, and the quantity that makes a yield of 'S-) i.i acre. 'J'hree-quaj-ters of a century ago the peai diMnct 1,1 most eonscquence in the Union was located neai Essex. Mass. In succeeding years, first one ami tl.ui .mother section of the eastern states became renowned for h pears, hut today the attention of the practical horticulturists ol the nation has been directed almost altogether to the north west coast as the ideal pear section of the continent, and his .Rogue .River valley is so far superior in its merits in that line of production to any other portion of the north west that it is now engrossing all the interest. This con diion in regard to the production of this delicious fruit gives the .Rogue .River valley practically a monopoly of the best markets of the world for a product which is cer tainly the easiest to grow of any fruit which is planted here. Nearly all Rogue River valley land is adapted to pears above any other fruit that is grown. There is practically no limit to the yield, and the public are eagerly seizing upon the nearby tracts now offered. 1 t has only been a few years since the public in general was initiated into the secrets of pear-growing or its possibility as fruit venture. The heavy growers have been wise for ten years past, but did not take the public into their confidence until the annual returns realized from car lots sent to eastern markets im pressed the outsider with the fact, that here in pear culture we have a bonanza equaled only by the belter class of gold or copper mines. Cc.r-i- C. C-iIv !., Ft'.-. I l ! Ki-ii.uim. !i....J b ..-.!,.. Jl, i town-hip W. Ir;-.- I V . 1 ' W. Ii r.:,-i ... I . ! N .. ! ,u!rr, I.i ..) in I.. .. ; . 1 '.V . ! M..ry K. I hi,.,.!,.-!! i :,: I is. t.. !i-n.. ;. .' i .' j Al:t!-. '.ii:,!.. I '-'. :. s.i-i.. i. a i v j c...,. i..-.. li ii- . I I. A :. ... .hi I.- i..!.li;..i. i.. A ;. .,. i Mi v A. I'.ii;;-.,,, i,, .1 it. I !..!- .ii;.! i,. i.;. ( I f-.r. 1 lr.'i Kn.ln;, .1. U'. :.. I. A'l-n. .r..--.l ir, ,lil3i..l. 10 S.i-j.- I.. A.!. :: I.. A i.i.- V. 'I'Im hi.. i-. ,r....-i:v i.i A-lili.- .1 10 h Ii. liii-- 1- J.,l.i, M. I! .. :.. - - - Si uii.l 'Si. I.,un-lii '.I'. niiL-i- IK MO Win,;. in a. ! f-r i., v. r Watt. iiM .1 ! 'In-:- .1.1 !! . --...i-jall..... 1 1 ;:.-! . ;i.'0 Id-it Afi.!.-r-i.i, .1 .... I., l-i.-.l i-i. ;.!.-. I..! i, i.i... i. i. I-,.....- ...iiim..!, i.. .m.-i in II. A. I.. I. a in, (. I'i'-lc.-. .r....-i'l in A-lilatnl. Ill f.-.. 7tl. .'- ' - V-tat, -L&iLi, xi cr COPyBiSMT AN EASTER DESIGN cr a bunplow. just as happens lo ttr.'ke your ta:te. al.vas ob tainable at owner's prices at gj our sliop. ana ici us again i.n- prtss you with the fact that M.iiford prices are today more reason able than In any other town i.i the west, when the prospects o! the city are taken into conideraiion. It will make one (eel awfully well contented with life to own one of the properlies in which we are dealing, in case the oil district pio'.es tu be what we think it will be. How is the time to y.-t in on the best investment possible to make in Medford town pro,:city. by calling on the Rogue River Land Co. Exhibit Building, MEDFORD cExrtAL roixr .wvakk. Central J'oint has awakened to her opportunities. Tin spirit of progress has alighted in the center of the most beautiful and the richest valley on the continent. Old animosities anil petty jealousies have been buried and co operation and unity of action have supplanted them. The birth of the Central I'oinl Commercial club, the raising of a publicity fund, and the enthusiasm and ener gy with which the citizens have undertaken to solve their municipal problems' argue well for the future and the fil fullmcnt of their aspirations. There is no reason why Central I'oinl should not have 0000 population in five years. It has I he country, the re sources to support il. There never has been any reason for the town's lagging behind other towns, except I he leth argy of her citizens, who permitted other towns to sur pass her. Cities are made or unmade by the character uf their population. Jf the people follow a progressive policy, are wise enough to grasp their opportunities, back up their claims with cash, ami act unitedly for the common good, no power can prevent the community 's growth, and the realization of their dreams. Medford will aid Central J'oint in every wav possi ble. The old feeling of jealousy existing years ago dis appeared with the niossbacks. Her people realize that no part of the valley can improve without every town in il benefiting, and the hope anil dream of the people of Med ford is to see the entire valley one continuous ebain of homes, so that it will be difficult to I.. II when w ,e- giiiH and the other ends. ( hir interests, our resources, are common, and all cities must work unitedly as the people of each town have been working unitedly" for the contin ued growth and prosperity of the K'ogue' Uiver vallev. ST. JOHN CANNOT SELL LIQUOR ANY MORE 1'OHTI.ANl), dr.. April 7. Th i ity uf Si. John has im authority t,i pormit tha Hale nf linuur in npposi tinn tn tho Incut option law, ami tho Ny loi'iil option Ihwh governs tho Hiiln of liquor in that city. TIhh is tha suh ..tunan of tha ili'i'tsinn liy .luil:a Mor liff in tha rirauil (ourt .Monday in hturling that Sam ('oahniu ha. I i latatl Oia liiptor laws. tu hi. (lamsion Juila Morrow points out thn distinction hatwean tha provisions uf (ho charter of St. John mid tint chin Uir ol' Mcill'nril, which, in tho liillar city nivas the city offi cials oxcltmivo control of the mile of liijuor. Jmto Morrow's decision nf- 1'iruis that of Justice of tho Pence Kred I.. Olson, and follows the de cision of Juilifu ('Inland, in tho cir cuit court, at the time the district " " "iforced the Sunday closing law .ipauil tlu- -.aloon. In tin- St. John ens,, decided this in, .mini: there s mi appeal from the conviction of Sain I'ochriin. who w cliiirueil with a v a, lali,, n ,,f i. I,,,,,, "I'1 law In scllinr; lupior in a pre cinel which 1,11,1 heen voted ..,1,-v " 1,1,1 1 "U-e the pl.,nlte,l pi,.,.,,,,-! j was within the limits of Si ,l,,h,,. ,l ' ''"I i.le.l that the local opt,,,,, , -Us led l.v the Iiii,..,,.,. I I the St. J,.h ,h;,,t,., ! REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. A K. Shcchau I,. f:ila ,,, ! Nealhiim. 1", n; acres -lion :ti. towushi). :;, - l,lli;e I W . I Kraii.-es ('. i,.i , .i,,,,,,,, : (I.i Jeruuson. propert n Ashland . W. H. Oslrander to U Schnlei land in township :(0, rant;.. , - W Kly.iol "THE PICADILLY." N'OTICK. Notice is hereby given that the oily recorder will receive fieuled pro-po-aN for I he sale of rJ.'.OOU worth of -peeial improve.. n-.-iit s hol.ds until I ::ill ,. in.. April '.'Olh. Said honds are to he issued un- ler the Bancroft holding act in de-i-oiiiinli I ions of -s.Mlil and $J-riO, and will hear interest at the rate of 0 per cent per aiiniiin. pavahle semi-unim-laddy at the office f the city treas urer of said city. I'oreha-er to puv accrueil interest from date ,,f lioi;ds to time of deliv ery. Council reserves the ri'jhl lo reje.-l iniv or all hifls. Hated Medford. lli-ee.,ii. March HO. llltlll. I'.rX.I. M fOU.INS. NEW NEW A COMPLETE LINE OF NEW STATIONERY IK ATTRACTIVE PACKAGES: VALUES FROM 15c TO $1.00. WE LIKE TO SHOW OUR GOODS. DENNIS0N S WAX INDIVIDUAL COLORS. Medford Pharmacy Xeur i'..s,,ITiee. Which is the Best Way L IhiiM i i i Mm I'arctnui canal has 1.1'l'lt (Ifrjilci!. I li.-i-i mi llf'tMl ()Y- oidi'd that itic ln'-t way t.i build up Mcdl'ord is ! Kim'mh th? limtioy "l I (mm niiil civa) itiLT 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 s . Wo soil ill' hhIcn of ifiipi h-UmJ am! (inmost ic cigars jumI can j t t oiir talo if wo kiu.w wliat it . Iti Ii'.iIiiiij; iln tnMi' (iii'fi'r tip if limn in ihe i-lioice l cijrura. R.R.V. Cigar Works ASIC as. .ill l sDlAMOND .-BRAND yUvs. 3xi.m Ufamfbn Isaacs "3nstrucicr of "piano. Tlsat 52Zctbo6 5lul at 7lsldnc. tcrtt) Olna Strtst MONTALS I Bat it doesn't say Good-bye I I v. hi'ii nut it into ill' si; I 6 H -- S I i is Y.iiM; wo ."iv s!'l!ii:'r in I 1 V, V . ii'. rd.jivi -li-.l,' I M- ni.t'iin Vifv. li-iis ill's I .1ti!i'i..n. l.:inicl.W;ihint a I Jli'jhiaiul J'arks, ami V.'m ii;'v.ii I lei'.'lits. Benson Investment Co. ( l' fire Over IJijou 'I'heatei' L'lnme 3071. Compare the Quality U ii and ahva s hu bten itur aim to .-inij.v our cLiHtoniiTb with godt oi the highest jU.'ilily ami tu thn: -ti-l M;rfW!lilW8IJMft t our In,,. Th, hi? 3Sf 'j'&'iL-J) jj2' 'zts v'3 ',t,,!itio" " ( " i 1 " '' 1 ' r r ' ' 1 ntoirl; " makes our it:- uf : ;; , -ra.lf I 'JMMK-.1 Qoodn most cariipletc. Our flf-r ice always I hi b'Bt and erery acvoai ljivci) :ir cust'iriitTH. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed F. ,V. eummlnis T. W. Osgood Osgood & Gummings 2ivJl Engineers The Best Equipped Engineering Office in Southern Oregon Surveys, Maps, Plans, Specifications, Re ports, Estimates, Htc. - Water Powers and Water Works, Paving and Road Making, Sewerage, Railroads, Irrigation andDrainage Office Medford National Bank Bid. L2 I. (.'. Hansen. Torn lloffat. We nia'a.' any k '!.! and stylo of windows. We carry tilass ol any size on liand. Medford Sash & Door Co. Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. ft MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jacksoa County Bank Upstairs Medford Iron Works H. (1. TU'OWm.IlHiU, Proprietor. R)UNDKRS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Undines Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Aleuts in Southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS. MOUSE CO. i .-A ! t- il W -sAl JBk-fTifc -rf ' 7N I! ' i , i i- AT EASTEK tahinn reigns snpivme, and new gur mouls itpiiciir in all their glory. To f.f iuiylxifly, y.u must keep up with ilic p;-M-i'ssi(in, 0 if your wurdrobo i- it'M up tu tho doniand a visit tu Kn'iicr's iiimI a look over his new hihrHv- itml styles, vill soon satisfy your dc.-irt's. The garments he makes .iii'it'ciiiiized as the highest stnml ;t;i 'il' sartorial excellence, correct im voiic. immaculate in fit, and per i". tipn in viyle and finish. J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. Importers andTaiJcis PALM BUI1D1NO, MEDFOBD, OB. Highest Attainment in Systematic Banking Service Tlio .lai-kson County Dunk respectfully solicits your account, Bubjcct to ynur ,-liccl;, with the strnng.-st gunranteo of sal'cty ami ct't' We ol't'cr the highest attainment in systtniatic banking service, which as sures the greatest care in overy fiuan-,'i.-,l tr.-insii.-linr- 1U,. l.i:n: : ate i i,.isit::rv ... .. u..s..,B ,, , . .' , . - sli ution. I.stal-..!,:;e,l ISSs. Capital and Surplus 125,000'J W. I. VAWTEB, Pneideot I!M..,irr- T(i0.00O iaJ0. B. LINDLEY, Cauhicr. ;i;sV . ;t.:.'" -s m 11 ft - ' - 9 & H,ll oiol t linoii ,.r- -W f..f ( ...I iti. !....( New m Model Electric Irons Now $5.00 Why not itvu in cnii'i.rt this summer? The Khvt l ie I run hi'.'ii in three minutes no wait ing, no ''hanging irons. We will send you dii Iron FREE on ten days" trial Writ-', telephone or call at our offi, e. '.'no West Seventh street, opposite the Hii; Kleetrie Si"ii ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Sueeessoi-s to Comlor Water Ik Power Co. .!. E. KNYAliT President. .1. A. I'KKIiY. Viec l'r.'sidont. JOIIX S. OltTH, Cashier. W. R JACKSON, Asi't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFOBD, OX. CAPITAL - - $60,000 SURPLUS - - 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank in Bus ness Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. iTm-r" ' irmrTnmmir Nash Livery Company liest equipped in Southern Oregon. Give us a trial. H. C. BOXXEY PHONE NO 2331. Take the Tribune for News