THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. ORKOOX, SATURDAY, APRILS. 1!)0i) AY YOU KM QIY? Do you EVER STOP to think what you are PAYING yearly for RENT? If you will do as others are doing, call and let us help you solve the problem of building your own home, you will live more contentedly and prosper. We are supplying the best of LUMBER, LIME, PLASTER, CEMENT, and everything for the construction of a residence in every corner of the town 1 LI 23 9 m AMUSEMENTS At the Savoy Theater. j Well yon know t lit Savoy brand of j .iiMini; pietuie-. Kvery I tint you st-e : new hill ymt llun il is hetier tliatt j l he hist one. 1 hat a lai't. Inn, and they ni.' uetliiii: heller all the time Tonight V enlerliiimiieiit U one thai would satisfy I lie most fal idion-. for dramatic. hiloricnl. trawl and coin ed v pictures arc hmvii. e;odi ope In - iiX a headliner i't' iN kind. It' ym want to l'i atnii-i'il. t'or.'i i ymir blue-, attend Ihe Savoy IoimIiI. t l-'ntivi change ni' program t"timi'- row nii:!ii. Adiuioion liir, "The Gingerbread Man." Kri "uiie is 1 1 j U n i r forward to tin I'iiiniiiLr "I tin "(liniiciln fad M;m.' (hat dcliiilil t'til comic opera by Kied- j trick C. li'anLi-n aid A. I'.;i!dv: SlnniM', aid ewryoue will In whistling it-; pretty tune.-, and il i- dnnliitul it iiiiy etiiiiic opera in oar remeinhiiine- lias ijitii c as many pnMty one- as tin- aforon'd "(.iiiicrhrcad Man." l-'rnni the lime ilia! the apparently inani- mate tun- "f tin linyerhi Man i" ; llie baker- window ii'nve- and conic- 1 to lite until tin- I'inal fall of ihe -nr- : lain in lli la-! art. the pieee i- one ; loll" -eli.- o' -;n pri-i--. la M'-Jial.!.' , dialogue., and -dlnahou-. heaiit iln! 1 solo:. i -1 nre-n.Ui' number- and lab , li-aiix and iml, u ;..i.oitn- laupha-l hie e.imed dclinea t rd hy (lexer i edians nl' the Umadwax -lamp. .In-! ir thi- whul unbiimli lp with a lot nl pretty :irl- in a arirty beautiful costume- and you Inive a nectar fit for I lie nods. It is small wonder llia.t theatergo ers prefer mu-h-al (!: edy. tor c-ry-lliiujr Mich an un-i-ual a-ped and it nffcr- tt"li a varietv of enterlaisi menl and -o mn-di ainu-cmeiit i- ( rowileil ii lo ihe -mail -pro I three hour- that one i- traii-poricd l"f the time heiuir into a different land - a land where all is Unlit and brilliancy, pretty inii-ic. delight In I Femininity and the whole at nm-phere pre-enf-an enchanted aspect. The (limL-erhreail Man. with lit- my road i.f etiterlairer. w ill he with u- for the hrief pel km! ot ni.-lit. "i: Vei!ne-lay. April 7. The advance -a!e ..f -eai- lor "The Man." nhieh opered a! Hasl;in' tlit- iiioniin--'. N rapidly a--Miinine; en o rum us jiro port ion- and eeiyil)inir ioihi to a packed Iioum'. And tin- -lmw will evidently deserve i t . lor a iiumher of Med ford people who -aw the production in Portland Ia-l seu-oii claim it to lio the best -how that ever Mrurk town. - vill all . Comedy Bill at Bijou Tonight. Toniiilit is the last iiiylit of the e-i iit hill at the Ilijoii. The vaude- ketehe- and specialties are u the comedy order anad never to hrinu forth i-ipples from (he uce. Two reel of moving pie - a re al o included in toniirht ind tlicy are j'od ones. "How (!! !!cn" i- a coinhinutioM ie ti hi 'halile i-ireuui-lanees. p -r! oi mance is well worth see In ill" future the Ui.joii will in ijiinclio't with the Sulli- V ( 'on -id! ne audeville eireiiil, -ni;c - .od ai-i- will he put on. A imvi: -j. picture fen I a re is hook ? the Mitosi during the coming "'I'lie Tali Lnimjiiralion" film i he evhilnied. The picture is of th" tie-i and most interest inn -ecu in llie city. President Tuft en tal.ii L- ilm oaih of office, ihe yv-Mt parade alorur IVnn 1 ' " einie is -hown in all it- CURE YOUR KIDNEYS. Do Not Endanger Life '.Vhen a Medford Citizon Shows You the Cure. Why will people continue to suffer the agonies of kidney complaint, back ache, urinary disorders, lameness, head allies, languor, why r.ihnv themselvcH t heconie clironie dn. when u cer tain euro is nl'fci-cd t'lIll? Dnan's Kitiiiey I'ilh Is the remedy to ue, beeauso it ireH to the kidneys the help they need to perform their work. 1 1 yen have any, even one, of the syiuptoiiiH of kidney erase, cure your self now, dial tea, dropsy or Rrieht 's disease net;; ii, read this Med ford testimony: Inhn 1 a - tn. I'..rttii!i streot. Med ferd, -Or,, says: "E wj s afflicted with kidney trouble for twelve years, and, although I doctored and used many remedies, I was not helped. I suffered severely from pains " my back and general ly rclt tired end worn out. Learning of Dean's Kidney Pills, 1 deeidei t'i try them, and procured a box at Hawkins' drug store, I had only t aken t hem u short time when 1 no ticeil a (ireat inipriivtinent. I contin ued and was soon benefited in every w:iv. I ran remniinend Dean's Kidney Pills very highly." For sale by all dealers. Price HO cents. Foster Milburn Co.. Bi-ftnlo. N Y., solo agents for the Tnitel States, tnke no other. OUDIXAXCK XO. Iti7. Au ordinance to amend an ordi nance entitled "An ordinance to reg ulate the construction, alteration and lepair of sewers and house drains in the eily of Medford, Oregon," being ordinance number 107 of said city, passed and approved October titli, 1H0S, uml providing for uiTtuin re fundments in certain instances. The city of Med fold doth ordain us follows : Section 1. Thai section -X of an ordinance of llie city of Medford en titled "An ordinance to regulate the 1 ( onstruction, alteration and repair c.f sewers and house drains in the city of Medford, Oregon, being ordi nance number lli" of said city, pass ed October (ilh, 1 !M1K. he and the same iv hereby amended to read as follows.: Section A. A fee of .fj.-'itl will be charged by the city engineer and col lected hy the city recorder for each connection to cover the cost of set ting grades and filing in Ihe city en gineer's office a record of the, work as completed. All moneys collected foi sewer connection shall he paid ii to the city treasury to the credit of die general sewer fund. Section 2. There shall be refund ed to each person win ha- paid into Ihe city treasurer the sum of .".(() for sewer connections, pursuant to section 4 of said ordinance prior to it' amendment, as a foresaid, .'rl'.. Ml of said amount so paid, and the city re corder and mayor are hereby author ized and directed to drn w warm ut s on the city treasurer for said amount ' f 'J..ifl in eiieh instance and to each person who ha- -o paid said sum of f.'i.iltl. taitl payment" lo lie made out, of the general -ewer fund. The foregoiny ordinance was pass ed on March UiMli. I !)!. hy ihe fol lowing vole: Welch .;ye. Merrick aye, I'tueriek aye Worlimiii aye. f"ifert ab sent. I temincr nye. Approved March I'd, WftH. W. H. (OXt Mayor. Attest : RKNM. M. COKUN. Recorder. 43 No time to write Ads Medford Furni lure to NEW NEW A COMPLETE LINE OF NEW STATIONERY IK ATTRACTIVE PACKAGES; VALUES FROM 15c TO $1.00. WE LIKE TO SHOW OUR GOODS. DENNISON'S WAX INDIVIDUAL COLORS. Medford Pharmacy Near I'ostoffiee. NOTIfH. Xotice is herein given that the city recorder will receive sealed pro posals for the sale t-t 'JI.O0O worth of special improvements bonds until I :liO p. m., April 'JOtli, 1001. Said bonds are to be issued un der the liancroft bonding act in de nominations of .t.")0; and $'JoO, and will hear interest at the rate of 0 per cent per annum, payable semi-annu-laddy at the office if the city fremi ti rer of said city. Purchaser to pay accrued interest from date of bonds to time of deliv ery. rouncil reserves the right to reject any or alt bids. Mated Medford, Oregon, March UO. l!'0!t. BKN.I. M. TOIiUNS. Which Is the Best Way . to build up the Panama c;mal has been decided. It ha- a!-o hcMi ' cided that the be-t way to build up Medford is by keeping the money at i omc and creatine; payrolls. We se'i n!1 erades of imported and domestic cigars and can suit your taste if we kieiw what it is. In nothing do tate ditfer more than in the choice oi R.R.V. Cigar Works You will find your wife's judgment I in .amity ettdr than your own, 1 and . ill find oa consulting tJ her i,.xt fie dues nol upprove of paying .. oa, nani-cnnied (1mI laiH for rent, when there are mo market at reasonable i.a in Medfovd. a, HiirroiindiiiKH, etc., and tier jiclg a aelectioii fur a lioiue. Hriug ber lina of the good thinirs now of- many gnoil proj.erticH on ihe A woman has a Iceu cyi for hunt tn nt inn be relied upon ii makin W'lli ,mui, a'lii mal;; a persoaiil in?o feriiM,' our agency, and you will nev.T regret it. It is almost t iiiie tn " make garden, " and it h: high time for iirtinn in securing a home where you can enjoy (lie g tilings f rte in tliirt wonderful val ley. Don't dflny art. now. Rogue River Land Co. Exhibit Building, MEDFORD WANTED Timber and Coal Land s Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MfDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs .:. K. I.'NVAICI' I'r.-til . ii I . .1. A. I'KIMiV. V -Prrmilfiit. .loilN s. ORTH, (,'Mhier. W. B. JACKSON, An't Cuhiar. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD, OB. CAPITAL - $50,000 SURPLUS - - 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank in Bus ness Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. 3rs. Uvunt H'famptoR Isaacs "3nstructor of "Piano. "Llt ttl)o6 Studio al ?.Usnc. tcrlh Otana 5trtl HERE'S OUR RULE. To luie (iii.ilitv and priee no "W'ulv Mended that vou will find it both ttrofitnble nnd iileiiiirulilt' to have us do vour faifriiiif work. lrop in and sef our new si riuif fabries. hou't tiuv a hand me down when vol ean t'tit a tailor mnde s i i I nt the siirntt nrieo. W . W. EIFERT THE PBOORL8SITB TAILE SAVOY THEATER Tonight Saturday SPANISH BLOOD BESS AND HER GOOSE DUEL UNDER RICHELIEU LAPLANDERS LATEST PICTORIAL LYRIC ADMISSION 10 CENTS VAUDEVILLE At the BIJOU Entirely New Bill Tonight The howling eoinedy sueeess, "THE CRAZY DUTCHMAN" Two liijir rods of sensational nioiuy pictures. (See Ihe t ruined baby elephant nl the maliiu'e next Sulimluy.) (A special performance for Ihe ehildron.) New 1909 Model Electric Irons Now $5.00 Why not iron in com Tort; thin summer' The Electric Iron heats in three n wait ing, no changing irons. Wc will send you an Iron FREE on ten days' trial Write, telephone or call at our office, -Wi West Seventh street, opposite Ihe Big Electric Sign. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successors to Condor Water ft Power Co. APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of Fruit Trees YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY largest Commercial Nursery in tne Pacific Northwest. Nol m the combine. Conpctes with all first-elass nurseries L E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. Medford Iron Works K. CI. 'I ROW MR! I KIR, Proprietor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All k i ml s f Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Hoilers and Machinery. Agents in Southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO.