Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, March 27, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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    Boost the Development of the Rogue River Country by Subscribing Liberally to the ne Medford Pamphlet
lly far the laigeut and best news report
of auy paper iu southern Oregon.
The Weather
Cloudy weather is promised for to
night and Sunday. lYohably light
No. 7.
HLES 113
Returned Two True Bills
and Three Not True Bills
-Commends Work o! Sher
iff Jones
Tin.' grand .jury lor I he March term
it' llit circuit court has filed itd in- ,
port und been discharged. The yrantl
jury returned two true bills and three
nut true bills besides considering
many other matters.
The report of the jury is as lol
lows :
To the Honorable 11. K. llauua.
Judge "f ihe circuit courl :
We, the grand jury til' Jackson
county, Oregon, duly empaneled ami
sworn in Ihe above entitled court at
the Mnivh, 1!H!, term thereof, re
spect lally -iibmit ami offer tor your
approval our report.
We have diligently inquired into all
cases wherein persons have been
t harmed of crime, including all ense-
brought 1 U' attention by ihe ael !
til' committing magistrates in holding1
persons charged with crime to await
our action, anil all cases wherein par
lies have appeared voluntarily before
us atitl net-used others of ihe com
niiMin of crime, and all cn-c-within
the l;mwledg" ol our
culing officer:-. Iu making ihe inves
tigation we have endeavored to bring
hi rue bill.- against tho.-c persons
only where the evidence warranled
sach aclion. We have returned into
court indorsed a- true bills two indictment-
and have returned not true
bill- three indictments :imi have re
turned l.'i indictments ihroui:h mat
ters brought In on:' altcMlioii by the
The Courthouse.
We have made a brief examination
of the conrihoii-c. jail and outbuild
ings. We would respectfully recom
mend lo the county court that two
new e!o.-et he provided in the court -hou-e
yard with modern plumbing,
and that a scplie tank he added lo
the equipment.
We recommend thai a telephone
booth be provided by the proper of
ficials for the u-e of the public in
the hall- of the eourlhou-e. Wo have
i-ited all the offices connected with
ihe public -ervice about Ihe court -l.ou-e.
We did lmt make a thorough
examination, a- the books of Ihe va-rjoti-
official- are being experied by
oiiler of the conn I y court, hua we
order of the county court, but we
think the public to be congratulated
upon the high efficiency of the va-riou-
officiaU now in office.
Jones Commended.
We e-peeinlly commend Sheriff
Jones antl hi-; corps of deputies for
their prompt service in bringing wit
nesses subp-enaed. We hnvp visited
the eounly poor farm and ree
bnilding detached from the poor-
house foi- the isolation and care of
consumptive-, who come under the
management, and to provide for the
care of transient person-; whose phy
sical condition has not become well
understood to the manauemonl.
Wp recommend that suitable
-helves he provided by the comity
enurt for thp cam of the prc-ent
owner, map- now being prepared for
the u-e of the assessor.
We commend tlie ponrhousp and
poor farm management for the neat
ness and care with which Ihe inmate;,
.ire treated and the economical man
agement of it- bu-iiip--.
Having now fully fini-hed our la-
..'..ii i. .i... .i .
w e re -pec 1 1 in i ;i -k hum i mi-
report be received and placed nn fiU
and that we be discharged.
J. R. WICK. Foreman
J. W. I'.ON'AR.
.!. M. TitADKR.
r. m' ulevjxs.
w. p. rorxTs.
Dr. C. R. Huy. who w.i arretted
for fni!i"g to report for jury dutv.
was find mulling and co-ts in the
circuit court upon his explanation of,
misunderstanding. He supposed
that he had been excused. n his nt-'
torncy promised to attend to the mnt-
Apple Culture Solves Proi
lem of City Man Dream
ing Rural Happiness
Tremendous Movement
Stali.-lii-s by ihe Medford Commer
cial club show that " per cent of the
newcomers into tin northwest during
the past year I urned to farming,
-toekrnising and dairying, while of
(he others more than "ill per cent
look up orcharding ant! chicken
Li'uv.itig iu di-tricts tributary to the
-ol 1 IimI communities.
I H Ihe hundred- of visitors lo ihe
room-: of Ihe Cimnnereial club the
majority, including: wen and women
from all walk- of city life, came to
the' norihwe-l to seek homes in the
turn I ilist rict ; not to become gen
eral farmers, but to take up some
-pecial pha-e of the work, and iu tin
greater number of instances it i
frailgrowii.g. The pradice of intensive farming,
nni'e especially apple culture, has, in
.1 measure, solved ihe problem of the
American trail of the fanner seeking
ity life ant! Ihe city man dreaming
of rural happiue-s, and the nearness
nf ihe irrigated di-lricls to the towns
u"d eiiie- in the northwest ha- serv
ed to -ati-f. both. Small tracts, tel-phm:c-,
rural mail unites make a
combiiialiitu of llie he-l of city ami
country, ai d thousands are pa-sing
ii-efiil and bu-y live- in these district-.
There lia- been a t remendoii
tuovemeut to ihe northwest iu the
I;. -I 1 I nmiilhs. when, according tn
the lie-t informal ion available, ap
IM'o.ximately UHi'.uOO persons settled
in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and
Montana, ami of these about iYX'MW
loealed in Wa-hingloti. northern Ida
ho and Oregon.
Iliiimi-. Inwa ami Missouri fur-i.i-hed
the majnrily of Ihe-e settler-,
ihe re-t comin-r from Nebraska, In
diana. Mini it ota, Kan -as. Pennsyl
vania, Ohio. Michigan. New York,
Wi'-I Virginia. Kentucky. Mns-achii-scl
l s, Vermont, Nevada and Mary
laml, with sprinkling from smith-Ae-tern
The Rogue River band. Cent ml
Point'- latest mu-ical organization,
made ils initial appearance Tuesday
morning, when Ihe baud greeted the
demonstration train and assisted with
the enlerlainmenl of the crowd- at
the irrigation meeting which followed.
Everybody was delighted with the ex
cellent pro-; i am rendered anil many
lotnpliments were passed on the hand
and their proficient leader, A. W
Moon, who ha- been teaching llie boys
for only two or three month-, ny
the Herald.
In appreciation of the hand's part
in the irrigation meeting. Dr. C. R.
Ray math- a liberal donation lo the
band fund, which was al-o material
ly augmented by a voluntary contri
bution from citizens.
The band i- one of our best assets
as a boosting proposition and thp
cit izeiis are givinjr the organization
every encnuraeement iu their good
KLAMATH i A ' I. S, Or.. March 'Jfi.
-More attention is to he given the
1 a. ;.,-i... :.. ...
' wi'i; "-i nt rvm uim u t-'j'ui .
imerie- that have been in opera-
tlx!) in
Hie various sections oi tins
county tin ring the past few years
have deiimti'-t rated the fact that the
Klamath ha-in is ideal for dairying,
but the campaign "f education has
progre-ed slowly, as the ranchers
have been more or les doubtful about
the matter. hVeently a creamery
was started in this city and it. too..
i-proving a -i e.-. with the demand
for its product far in excess of the:
supply. I
f-.'iptaiu S. A. Niekerson and wife'
f t'elina, ()., uncle and aunt of Col- :
.,;el Knink Ton Velle of Toln. arrived '
Sat ai de v to visit their nephew.
Randall Retumes With
News That Many Will
Visit Oregon
A. C. Randall of the Talent and
other orchards, uiiu of the partners
in the b'og ue River lnve.-tmenl com
pany, a member of a prominent gtain
brokerage firm of Minnesota and a
large invc.-lor in the valley, returned
to Medford Friday after a four
loar month-' ah-ence in the east. Mr.
Randall originallv tame here to re
cuperate hi- health ami ended by be
coming one of the big orchard owners
:t this section.
''I have been nil over the east, and
as fa r soul h as Old Mexico, but I
-aw no place where opportunities are
greater than in the Rogue River val- i
icy," said Mr. Randall. "I saw no
place of equal charm or of as good
"I stopped over in the Wenatcliee.
Yakima and other Iruit di-lricls of
Washington," he continued, "anil
while they have a pretty country and
prospects are excellent, they are not
in llie same class with those of this
-ei-tion and are not to he compared
wilh -out bel li regon.
"There i-. a great impiiry through
out the "ensl and great interest in
( hvgnii. No a day passed when I
wa- in our iiiaiiuol'I'ices at Minneapo
lis ami Dululli ami other branch of
fices, but that I was be.-icged with
iiiiiiirie-. Mn-t of my time was tak
en up in an-wering questions regard
ing Ibis country. There is going to
be a big immigration of prospective
inve-tois here tin- year, but most of
them will wait to take iu the Seattle
tair on their trip.
Mexico Attracts People.
"Texas and even Mexico is attract
intr a great deal of attention iu the
middle we-t. There is a heavy move
ment to the-e regions. went down
in sf.,. the country . and I know from
per-niial observation (hat llie country
tloe- noi hc'jiii 1 mpare with the
Rogue River valley and lhat there i
nol half llie chance for money mak
ing, while 1 be cl'mia te i- not to lie
mentioned with lhat of southern Ore-
"I -a w no cit y wit h as
future a- Medford ha
turn well plea-ed with
promising a
and I re
our inve-1 -
inenl- here
:d will J i -nimbly mere
Mr. Randall
home and evpei
near future.
ill make Medford
hi- familv in tin
SIMSPI R. Conn.. March L'ti.
The bodies of Mrs Amos Miller and
her two children were found in tin
KnniiiNiM'in river t!ii- morning. The'
children I tied logeiber before
drowning ensued. Through a nnle left
by Mrs. Mm,.,. ,1,,. probabilities are
strong lhat -be took their lives and
her own win!., niniiallv unbalanced.
High School Notes.
The chorus ('or llie dedication nt
the high v,..m,1 Aptil fi are prnetic
iiiL' every day under Mi-. I". I'.. Gore
The pupil- -M-i! make a creditable
-howiiiL' .'iL'aie-t llie ij'iarlcl tr-un the
O. A C.
We were ta'.orcd uitb the ple-ence
ol two of the -,-lionl board this week
--Mr. Cochran and Mr. Porter. Mr.
I ochrnii Lrave us -onie u'ood advice on
- , -
I member of llir
w . ,t
elas, of 'HI. left lu-l week for Port
land. She i- mi--fd bv her cla
The rhetorical- . -l.-rda v atler
liooll were iu ehari:e .if the Ire-llinen
All in-truclie and efficient prograu
wa- rendered.
fliter-cla-- -j.ilit ua- I'ou-eil !a-'
.,.,.!. 1V ,. f, J game. Let ..
, h ,;,. , ,,..!.,., ,,.. ,
j(. , (J . , . , rf . , r. i
,.,. -,..;,., i
ti... i;r.t
line re-n, leil ill II I.e. I - I . I In' see -
, i . ,1 ,-,.c. 1,
.'id "a- won bv Ihe -euior -
, t - n
in-n bv a .core nf
i u i , , ,
Tnlk with Dr. Pai-p unouM rnl Aerirt
i l.ol tra-T. fir eillne... prep,rtT.
Knili oat! Magnate Discusses Business
Prospects, Saying That Money
Must Not Be Invested in Inaccessi
ble Property.
SAN I'RANCISCO, Cal., March 'J7.
- The fad that President Hill of the
(rival Northern railroad and Edward
II. Ilarriman have been consulting at
various limes and places during llie
pa-t two day- is regarded as an in
dication that Ilarriman is lightening
hi- grip on the railroad situation in
ihe northwest.
The special trains of Harrimau am!
Hill, consisting of four ears each,
are today standing at Hurliugame
station south of this oily. The I wo
tailroad magnates are in hourly con
ference. Regarding business, Mr. Ilarriman
-aid : "The farmer of ihe northwest is
lieh and i- getting to he richer. This
is satisfactory because many of us
depend upon the farmer's condition.
"Prosperity depends upon the man
ner in which money is invested. There
will be a financial depression if the
count rv lias a tendency to invest t ho
tumiey iu inaccessible property -uch
; s new railroad- and other schemes.
making it difficult I licet money
u -horf notice."
KLAMATH PALLS, Or., March "J 7.
-T!ie mm emeu I lias been started
for the improvement of the Klamath
Fall--Lake icw road. A meeting was
held recently by the directors of the
rhanihcr of commerce for Ihe pur
pose of discu-sing good roads.
Lake, eounly merchants are dis
nlisficd with their pre-eiit transpor
tation faeililie- from Allurasaml are
auxinu- to -hip their goods by way of
Klamath Tall-. The !y difficulty
in lie1 way is the condition of Ihe
loads between Klamath Palls and
Lake view. Lake eountv is ready to
build good muds from the county
-cat to the eountv line, if Klamath
loiiuly will do the same willi the
mad- from the county line to the
railroad at Klamath Falls.
NEW YORK, March 27. There
were rumors hero some time ago thai
I'riuee Kite Frederick, the kaiser's
-econd son, would come to this conn
!rv next summer to attend the Souder
ela-s yacht races off the Massachu
-etts coast. This was later said tn be
i incorrect, and it is now reported that
I il,o roval visitor will be the third sou
. Prince Adelhert, who intends to pay
i vi-it to Newport, accompanied bv
lis vitc. who was th.T Princess Dng
".ir of Denmark. It is said Hint he
.ill be the guest of Cornelius Van
.1. l. f- t ormtek, ymtrs old. a
-ei i' i ,ni ol ihe Mexican Hud civil
vjt r , died ut the confederate home
!h-i e ye-1 pi day as tW result of a
Ji-t biiH dealt hy 'MimM 'nrnming .
fullnwer iht1 noted itain and bank
fdmer-. the .lames and Younger
ho -. A fa roner's jn y ret urned a
M'l-die that M"( oiTniel' carne lo his
d.-nth finm a blow d.'il'ered by Cum-ming-.
but a- Me Ton: lick wa- llie
iiL'i're--ur, ( iirnniiii'.'- iv;i- held blame
N'KVY YOliK. Mar- h L'ti. A lie An
gela K ' r ri life, the ife of fieneral
l.e;Hidri Uornente. an offir-er iu the
' ( ' u bat i ;t rmy. i- recnveriiiL' at the
1 tiencrnl Memorial ho-iutal here atler
. ... '
n.'Whg nnueigone llie verv rarest op-
. . , '
, eratlon nt having spleen I'om-
f plelelv removi'ii. She is progressing
i o well that she will be out of the
hospital shortly.
California Girl Becomes
Bride of Coolie Cook at
Seattle-Few Witnesses
SEATTLE. Wa-h.. March 27.-
Mi.-s Helen Gladys p.mcry became the
bride of (imijiro Aoki at 11 :-(.' this
morning in Trinity Parish church, the
.lily witnesses being the bride's pnr-
tul. a country man ol AoUi; A. I at-
ter.-oii. secretary lo Ihe rector, ami
the Rev. II. II. (iowen, who perform-
I Ihe ceremony. Accompanied by
Aoki, the bride's father. Archdeacon
John Kniery, appeared at the mar
riage hceii-e clerk s win now at I u
lock Ibis morning ami secured a
use. The couple hurried to the
Savoy hole! and joined the mother
I daughter. The party then en
tered a carriage and were driven to
he church.
Thus i- the romance which has
I kett the coa-t ended. Miss Em
ery. Ihe (laughler ol a prominent
churchman, fell iu love with the dap,
a t k employed iu her father's fam
ily. Trouble in llie Pinery family
followed. The mother sided with Hil
da tighter. Local demonsi rations
aL'ain-t (he couple can-etl Ihem to
iea vp California for Seal I le, where
the ceremony was performed. Ihe
bride'- la I her giving an unwilling
consent. Aoki is an ignorant coolie
and the well-bred girl's hifntiuilion
ha- been the scandal of San Pran-ei-co.
Aoki -old hi- sweel hearl 's
letter- lo Ihe new-papers to make a
lew dollar-.
NEW YORK, March 2(i. The Rev.
Joseph Hiller of Niiiissau, Island of
New I 'rovidence, the Bahamas, has
arrivpd in Npw York with a view to
working toil by manual labor a debt
which lie owe- to R. C. William, a
wholesale grocer of this city. The
amount is $1'J7. Dr. Miller is an or
dained Maptist missionary, hut had
been conducting a small store iu
Nassau. It was in this venture that
he became indebted to Ihe New York
WASHINGTON, March 2(i. -The
govornment lias taken important
steps to stop the waste of fuel re
sources of Hut country by making
test of the coal of the Rocky moun
tain region nt the geological survey
plant in iJpnver, Col., the purpose be
ing to determine what coal- of this
region are capable of making coke
that can he used by the great met
urgieal interests of the west.
I.OS AS'OKI.K.S, March "li - Ac
cording (o a dispatch from Indianap
olis, former Vice-President Prcident
Kfiirb.'inks, aneoinpanied by Mrs.
Fairbanks and their daughter. Mrs.
Timmons. have left for Pasadena.
Il is expecieil the Kairbanks party
will remain
months, where, it is reported, lie has
' '"'
., .
SA .KM. Or.. Mar-., J Pro,,,,.
nent bu.ioc. . -. . '. John, have
I et, t,o, icd the r oh .innii-sion
t.. a-, lan.i ii
noil better t rat fu
l.eii. : Iii-iii -eh c .
without nwnl ti
Ore'ou Knilwiiv
h ,
pnnv to install a dep.: ,-t St. Join
The petition frion Si .lol , was I
i .uvi-d ve.lcld.iv lifleini.oii.
Ii -- mil lb : Si J, Jiiis is
ty. of at I'm.! -KHiC inhabi
lii iii-l :-!i:c 1 1 I furni-h
I u Is
heiuy freight toiinage. Nevertheless j crca-es in pcusioiis to fleorge W. Pe
llicle i- no depot in St. Johns and no i l.-rs. (Iconic Pierce. Cook riamble and
lelegraph office iu Ihe city, except at fleorge W. Ilaylen, and lo grant in-
the new North Hank road depot, two
n.iles or so Iron, thu business district,
Hater Discusses What Re
daction in Tariff Means
to Northwest and to
City in Particular
"All ihe dig lumbermen of the
northwest are uniting in the fight
against the lowering of the. tariff on
lumber," says Edgar Hafer, manager
of ihe Crater Lake Lumber company,
whioh controls thousands of acres of
local timber land, "and while in Port
land recently I was surprised at the.
high feeling expressed by timberniea
ihero ami in Sealtlo. Hut, realizing
lhat the reduction of the tariff by
:tll per cent as is provided iu the
Payne tariff hill now before con
gress, will paralyze the industry in
(lie northwest, I am not surprised
at the united effort being made to
fight Hie lull.
"There are many companies in the
northwest who figure on $L.r)fl clear
a thousand feel. They have made
their profit in the past by the vol
ume of their business, hut cat it iu
two and they would he forced to shut
up shop.
"The reduction of (he lumber tar
iff would have' a direct effect upon
this section. The limber which is
-landing tributary to Medford would
-land just so much longer if the flood
id' Canadian cat limber was allowed
lo come iu. Por mills could mil he
operated at a profit.
"There is considerable talk about
.- leduction of the tariff making the
lumber cheaper for the consumer ami
likewise aiding the conservation
movement, hut this will be found to
be nothing hut a fallacy.
"If the efforts of the timbermen
count for anything, Ihe tariff will not
be reduced."'
'I'll! mysterious disappearance of
Kpliriiim llcilheig of Ciinihei'liiuil,
Wis., while en route lo Ashland, says
u dispatch, accompanied hy his
daughter, has liceu partially cleared
up. Ilcdherg disappeared from the
I rain al ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; I . Or., August 5. IIKliS,
and it was supposed he mel with foul
I'or months m (race what
' oi.oi.iis o. i.n.-e oo-,,.,
. oubl be found of him and the search ()n.gon will nls,, bo a member of th
vvns ah. ml given up. Several weeks , execinivi inmitlce.
"K" " 1 "lls '' 1(1 ' The iissociiilion intends lo nltempt
vicinity of llcruiislon. Or., bill even i t(, ,,, lm,,.r (vav a mv,.,n01l Mmt
ibis iliscovery was not deemed suf- j will result in planning bv the govern
ficienl to identify the remains as be- ! I of several cast-and-wesl Irunk
ing Ihose of Ilcdherg. 0. II. Iled-j roads, I feet in width, und further
berg. Western I'mon lineman, local- j desires lo allempl to interest the
.-.I here, and a nephew of Ihe missing ' siales iu building system of radial
man. has just received n Idler from roads, one loealed with relation to
an official at llcnuiston lhat, iu ml- ,,ur coast line another having rela
ditioi, to finding Ihe head, they have'ij,,,, t() ,. ,.lm, l,,,,-,.,.. tlir,
also found a coal, In the pocket of connecting Ihe capitals of the orig
whieh was a railroad lickcl lo Ash- j i,,l 1:1 stales through lo the Pacific
biliil. Or , signed wilh lb,, name of K. coasl al l.o.s Angeles via New Or
llcdben.'. duly witnessed. The ticket leans. Texas, etc., and a fourth run
was sold August I. HMIK. U;K H,,.,,,,, ,,e ,:,,ne shlM M1(
terminating iu San Francisco'
SAI.I-.M. Or., March SB.-
! (ialloway and J. H. Knton, la.x mni
mi-si rs, arc compiling Oregon's
. iax laws in concise form. Thev
I'uoiisaeo ,e oeneii, ni Doin jIr K. Mi ni.,sl won, tI1rit p j,, m.,r.
i 'h" "'"l"'" m"ml"'rs "'' ,hn , " .ony being perform-
I commission. No assessment is re-1 ,., ,v t(,.v t ,.
! .piired .,, be made by Ihe tax com-lsavs ,. f,.,,',ral Point Herald
M;'r"h HHn' Wlli,'h! ' he brides are Ihe charming dnugh-
, -, .ne enough tune for the com- ters of Mr. and Mrs. florden and Ihe
sSic,s to prepare the proper g,- are tw,. of Ihe best known
; blanks nml fonns and familiarise and si ...,r r
i g n dep. i ! ibeiiiselves perfectly wilh the eondi- f i. .ii,., ,,.y.
-. Ihe c,l-1 i,is i t,e different counties and' The wedding took 'phice at high
l-v"r-1 j n, i,,ws n r which Ihey must op- ,. ,v,i(., wM ,,,,n),jn
1 "I"'" "'''. wedding dinner wns served. The fol
:i.lion com-' . 1 1..,..; . w ,
UASIIIMilUN. .March '. Sen
- ; al..r Chamberlain iiilroduced his first
, bills lodav. Thev arc : To grant iu-
creases m pension I
$lfi to survivors
lot' the Indinn war.
Sixteen MdiGtments Re
turned by Grand Jury
Three Plead Guilty and
Are Fined-One Fights
A ik'U'i'nmictl effort, is being "umilc
(o enforce I In; law regtmliug tlio pur
chase and sule of ilcer hides, wilh a
view lo stnttin llie lauhter of deer
mil of season. The e;niad jury re
lumed 14 indictments against as
inan.v persons for sclline; and truns
pirline; deer hides.
I-Yily. Kuril and John Doe McDon
ald were indicted for selling deer
hide. They are accused of having
purchased deer hides iu Ihe hills and
of selliii),' them lo dealers, who tun
ned I hem.
J. S. Sin););, A. Siiif-ler mid W. D.
liolicrls, who were indicted for hav
ing unlni;!.'cd deer hides in their pos--ession,
pleaded jruilly and paiil fines
of '." each. S. ('. 1,'oherts, who was
also indicted, is piiiiK to fight the
iase. Warrants are out for 11 olh
ers charged Villi the same offense.
Speaking nl' the law on the snhjecl,
Hislrici Attorney Mulkey states:
Law That Is Violated.
"Il is unlawful foe any person to
liny, sell or offer for sale, or receive
for any purpose, or Irniispnrl ur car
ry any deer hide wilhin the slate nf
Oregon, unless such hides shall have
Mladicd therein a leather ing.
"These lags may hp gotlen from
justices of Ihe pence, who procure
Ihem from the ty clerk, who is
furnished ihem hy the stale game
.Many persons violate Ihis law
through ignorance of ils provisions,
and I here is no provision in u; law
granting imimmilv hecause of lack of
knowledge. It is unlawful totrnns
porl or carry deer skins if the same
have mil been lugged according to
SAI.KM, Or,. March Uli.- (Ii.vem
or I''. W. Ilcnson has appointed Judge
I.. II. Webster uf I'oi tlauil us a dele
gate lo Ihe national good loudn onn
wiition, o be held al St. Augustine,
Kin., in January, I III . A letter from
Ihe National (In, id Umiils ussocmrJoo
.si, lies , il,,. reiiresenlutive from
Douhle Wedding.
A double wedding was solcmnied
V.'i.i s , ,i, i ' !
- !jr, it (l,,r,,. r u.,.,i' ' ,i .
lj.s rbn-i fj,,,,l A r?.. ' f I'
Wilhite and Miss Hessie Oorden and
I ...... ... .'"'. nnr picseni; ,,,. anil
! Mrs. N. McDowell. Mr. and Mrs. K. A
. Wilhite. K. I,. Olass, Miss Millie Oor-
den. Mrs. K. Maule. Mrs. James Pi-it-
- I
chard. Iioy I,. Maule. .Miss Blanche
Maule, Maltie (lorden. Miss Kleanor
Maule, Myra Askew and Mrs. T. M.
Miss Agnes Hrnnd and rs. Charles
Del. iu have returned from a week's
1 visit nt the Hliiu Ledge, mine.