luueuiui jiAll.V TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORKHON. THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1909. "xrrrriti Medford Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Med for.!. Published even1 evcniim except Sunday. MEDFORD P UBLIS1L1XO COMPANY Geohue Putnam, Editor and Maunder. Admitted us Second-Class Matter in the l'ostotTii e at Medford, Oregon. S UBSCKI PTJ ON RAT KS : Ou mouth by wall or carrier. .. . 0.80 One year liy mad 10.00 XOTICK In ht'rt'liy xlvtn lltat Hie iiitdrrniyiii-il will ii'ly at llii r.eit iiicfliiij; of the i'iIj iliiril nf Mi'ilfor.l, Oregon, for licrme In sell limit, itiriiiK uttj apirit on liijiiori, in less quantities than on1 ,rulluii at lot l. I.U'k 2". i" Me.lfurd, Oregon, fur a period of nix months. MASS 4 IIAI.E. Paled March IS, IVUV. jikxkv or it roi.mcM. dictatoh. It is iiunoiint'cd that the appointment of a new fedeni judge for Oregon is delayed until l-'niucis .1. lleney passes upon the fitness of the prospective nominees. It is high time that the political domination of Oregon by this non-resident ceased and that Oregmuans lie pi niitted to choose their own officials. It is humiliating to this great state to have to accept the political dictation of a California!! who has no interest in Oregon except the lust for detaining and imprisoiiucj her leading citizens. It is doulilv insulting to Oregon republicans to liavt their counsels ignored and the advice of a uoii-rcsidcnl democrat accepted. For nearlv four vcars Mr. lleney has been political autocrat of Oregon, lie has named I'nited States attor neys, federal marshals and laud ol't'ii ials and caused the reappointment of immunity-bath heroes to minor oil ires asa reward for betraying their friends --and now he would select a judge presumably one in sympathy with his pros ecutions. If President Tal't is to continue llcuey's dictation in Oregon affairs he will complete the demoralization of the republican party in Oregon. c. i run lake uo.w M'i'itoi'inATiox. In making the ..0,((K( appropriation for the construc tion of the Crater hake highway, the county court and commissioners have fulfilled the desires of nine-tenths of the taxpayers. The caution used by the commissioners in making the appropriation is to be commended, as they wished to lie sure that the appropriation would have the sanction of the taxpayers. The petitions filed proved this the case. I'Yw people realize what it means to this section, what it means to all Oregon, to have the Crater Lake region made accessible. It will be the greatest resource this sec tion has. It will mean the greatest advertisement Oregon can possibly have. It will be to Oregon what the Yoseniite is to California. It means a continuous stream of wealthy and money -spending tourists from all parts of the globe, scattering dollars as they go. and talking Oregon through out the globe. Kruit crops may come and go, mines may yield and be worked out, great forests be cut down, but nature's greatest wonder, serene, hew ilderiiu:. entrancing in its beauty, is a fixture for all time among the eternal hills, a never-ending attraction to the people of the world and a joy forever. To the adjacent country, t.. all t tvi;oti. tlu accessibility of Crater Lake means a r.ovev-einlitm soir-e of revenue from the never-failing Mr-ram of s-..tM-er-. lli.iwi. lufx :hiI In Mat in I'hui'uix, or :i traelH t" unit I'ram mie urn to (140 , ,-iv. MATT A MIDI'S', I'liumir, Or. Nash Livery Company Best equipped in Southern Oregon, (live us a trial H. C. BONNEY PHONE NO 2331. LOW RATES TO OREGON DAILY During March & April From all Partn or tha Eaat R, MT.DroKD, OREGON M statf hepositry UatuMiahed 1888. Capital anil Surplus $45,000 Kuimrr?a $700,1X11) Highest Attainment in Systematic Banking Service Tin' .Inckson County IJnuk respect fully solicits your account, subject to your cheek, with rtie strongest guarantee (if safety ami off iciiccy. We iit'J'ur the highest attainment in systematic banking service, which as sures the greatest eare in overy finnu eial transaction, with this obliging institution. W. I. VAWTEK, President. O. R. LINDLEV, Cannier. via UNION PACIFIC OREOON SHORT LINE THE OREOON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. SOUTHERN PACIFIC $33 from Chicago $30.50 from St. Louis $26 Ironi Omaha ?25 irom Kansas City rrtapou.lnigly low rates from nil otier uuiota. WHAT PAPERS SAY ,-"t: n" SAI.l M. !' ' :- liie.'ti:-- . : I if r, i.,. livoiit! !he v tor tile ce:il!r.l t.. .1 i t'.-itlainl. Stonier o- . ic c,,.i1 11, e .. liter 1 lil'.ltl'lt ; i- l.itra :,. u-. Winch.-. i:.- -in' THE ROGUE t IWltiiml .1. initial) IWtlrtml .iivf-tors li;tt pwivh..-'fi (lie Mmi IhMio (nut ot' laml one htu! p half mile uorthu.t of Vmrl Point in Jurk-on t'ountv. The ti.-U'l U I'rtiil ami altult'a Intnl. nitd the pnoe niitl ivti per aciv. Ae- 'onliiii: to The Med ton) Trilnine. ierv ". hui'i in the tract mi.m i h irritfttiion. " " " M-l to applet So .,.,; he ioi v ut :nivli it; onth i t'l'itn. Near Jurksouvilie mi ihtr-iiir Itas -et out (5000 shool ot thr Tokay i;rupe. and in the same xicintty there are 1 0,000 aciv- of htu-'li In ml pee iiia t ! adapted to it?, pioduetion. In the Koue ner di ttiet, ueiw ot oivhard sold re i -ntl for 1S.000. it at the rate of 100 per rti'rv H-.i: i-Mpiiat !n'iu oiinide ieotUMi- f.u km c 10 th:s t.itnel a- one to ieid ha: d-ire re In ru on ip I'-tnie''? t"r::t 1 1 vit 11ea v pri'it- are reah;e tnMu Hiir and appl. ov h.ivdir:, a; d the rviiiou produee the tine-t Mehe in the world Vvw: fntti: K.' river has attained t: di-i;i';t tnarkels .i npnlation that '.eetitvv Uv .' t t-e world's bel pnei. A- a p-ar p: I'lieiin; atva it i- -nr.plx ith-;;t s rival on the clohe There h,te U v iustanees xxheiv eari'-atU lv n- , f. ; - nxor iM'ar. hux e lnouirfu in Ne N'ork ii ml Unidon maiki-:- price 'i-; (; , that swn altno-t talmlon The ef leet had leen to make the K.ue vtx er i ... rountrv a literal i..'ld mn.e m the ! - , V fruit iiidtistrr. ' ;;i l. ?h Kverv foot of Ian t h i eon.e to he j IVji,..,' proiim. xxilh the rnimics; iivam t ut; yu, . and nearby f..!vt added aeN in .trier lh rvuion's wealth. To it fruit j -,.,-iations If. ) J . .1. ' x. pioanemjf H-innnie i it mien t.i vot:Ta a TRUSTEES AUTHORIZE PLANS FOR HEATING PLANT - . Man-h J i A; a i '. 'hr K-;iTi .. !r-:tee -late na!:e a!;im 'rk ptepair p'af.s va. he.uititf ltar : Mo.ov r..n-pa: x :n;d ,:;M-, i: re der't t ilh..t;.-.d L nui've ar- TO Tim PUBLIC Write leu. r in everybody ti know ii the Ka.-tt und tell tli.m ahuut these t-u colouint rates. Send t !u in literature il-.nit Oregon, or s mi I :!ieir o us and will do it. In this way M'li can h.- a i;r':it In lp ii ttn growth iid irort'Hi ot your stt. YOU CAM PREPAY FARES ir mix one from any piao if you Wftut "o. lepoiit the uoeessmy Hltloimt with iir U'v-al utt'Mit ;itul he will tIerupb vl promptly. hi.fui:.' , f Aetif er writ to WM MoMlKKAY. v?ea- r:il lset:jjer Aent :.c x r K;i !r.'.id Navigation Co. V'Ulhfrn P.irif,o t'o. .Line in Ongon) POKTLANU, ORK0OX. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs aS--SijK 7 New 1909 Model Electric Irons Now $5.00 Why not iron in comfort this summer.' The Klertrie Iron heats in three minutes no wait ing, no changim; irons. We will send you an iron FREE on ten days' trial Write, telephone or call at our office. '20 West Seventh street, opposite the liitr Electric Sinn. 80GUB RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. I illiOU'iMlI - tor ill,' pt;l';. Mil' .'1'1'1V ,i! ,.' ill,. Ii. lilt' hus;,'-! it! h, l'11'l-..-III.M! r .,!, ,,.,,,( ill' I 1 I .itr.ii .i: L. j,;.... ,i,in:.i" to ; :: lill' -i' A. r."ni!!i, ,..,,...,.,1 ... , PENDLETON WANTS GUN AS WELL AS SALEM i.l I.' .h.- i, . i r nml ho hibruv i the lioiitiht Sf.n;iff this su:;.:v,r We are . Making a Reduction of J On all SHOES j Except Oxfords ! c.w. m nnii nn j ITU UUlMiLU F. .V. eummlniis T. W. Osgood Osgood i$- Gummings Givil Engineers The Best Equipped Engineering Office in Southern Oregon Surveys, Maps, Plans, Specifications, Re ports, Estimates), Et. - ti'jfpp Powers and Water Works, Paving and Road Making, Sewerage, Railroads, Irrigation andDrainasie Office Medford Xational Bank Bid. Compare the Quality AWCNsK .,.- I U ' i rrt d f ,.-le :.rned Qoivtt m.t ceiiip',-,- Our ervu-e -. w li. fc-t nd rerv h, v.r, Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaxvare. I:ruit and rei You will find your wife's judgment in usually better than your own, and you will find on consulting her that she docs not approve of paying out good, h?.rd earned dol lars for rent, when there ure so many good properties on the market at reasonable figures in Medford. A woman has a keen eye for location, surroundings, etc., and her judg ment ean be relied upon in making a selection for a home. Bring her with you, and make a personal inspceliou of tbo good things now of fering through our agency, and you will never regrot it. It is almost time to "make garden, and it is high time for action in securing a home where you can enjoy the good things of in this wonderful vm ley. Don't delay act now. Rogue River Land Co. Exhibit Building, MEDFORD A SPRING GREETING. awaits you at Kreuner's tailoring slre in the form of the most tempt ing and charming line of new s:yies and fabrics suitable for overcoats, firess cluthes and business wear. Ovv i nif lo uu lucknowledeil skill in cut tiiif? and fitting, we van put the bet wurk. the newest ideas and the lutest fashionable fad in your garment4! with all the snap and sniarmess de ) red. J. A. Kreuzer & Co. Importers andTailors PALM BUILD iNG, MEDFORD, OB. ;. E. Hlliiofr.r A. O. Raad.ll Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS 3 Sub-Dividers and Developers Rogue Elver Valley Or chard Lands. h ii. 1 fruit lands, bearing and young orchards in small and large tiaeta, for sale. Wo plant and caro for orchards and guarantee property to he as represented. Experience JVot JVeeessary for thoso who purchase through us. They secure the adrise and services of a consulting horticulturist, an expert on fruit cul ture in all its branches, who for several years has exceled in the growing and shipping of fruit in the Rogue Hirer valley, record ctops, record packs, record prices. 1 1 1 North D Street, Medford, Oregon APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of Fruit Trees YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Comnion'ial Nursery in tne Pacific Xoj-tliwest. Nm, m the combine. (.',-ipetes with all first-class nurseries L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD. OREOON. Medford Iron Works E. O. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits. Pumps, rtoiiers and Machinery. Agents in Southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. WHICH DO YOU PBEFEB? A broiled stejk with mushroom auct a aauce l la Bordelaist, or served with fried oniooal You have never eaten erne that will Rive your palate the delieioua seiisatiou or yonr appetits tha quick surprise that on of our tender, juicy ttetki will give them. We have everything to or.ler on entreeb. ail ready for the fastidious appetitt it The Emerick Cafe Open All Ni$h yCtvs. "3ren "Kampton Isaacs Jittructorcf lano. T.Ul 5tttbcd Take the Tribune for News MEDFORD SASH & DOOR COiiJPAXT PHONE 2291. t!;'4; ,m"- l,k V'"" Be.e. Pta... r i. K "f. F.stnre. and , klU, 0 p .o. oe Griiii TBEKr. KXrvious SUTftJ(0 8 EVEXTH SCBHKTa.