1H K MKD1-OUD DAILY TRIBUNE. BEDFORD. OUECON. MONDAY. MARCH 22. 1000. Medford Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medford. Published evprv evou'uw except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY George Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoi'fice at Medford, Oregon. I.rnv. At ! !!. give PRAYER. ! j.rc. .l.-r-.r. tn loh- in to nrj.-il not to i;i-d prayr. Tti Jove i to prny mil In live. SUBSCRIPTION' RATES : Out month by mail ar earner 11.50 Oae year by mail $3.00 . t ' ;., thi- .lurk- MR. REAMES CORRECTED Former Di-trirt .Att..nii-y A. K. li.-umr- in Siniilav' Orc'"liinii. tnk.-- the -iiir-ni- -urt lecision in the I'titiuun lilvl ii-e. I" Mr. Iti-inin ..ti ui.r.l-. ll. -luion of the Inner i-iiirt, which th- higher .-..ur! n-o-r-c.l. "i- ir.-i.t. ;ii! i of the curl- i.f tin- IiiikI t" the inn i,..l u it h-t.n:.!in " J A u new trinl i ieniIiiiL'. thi- pi.-r i- h.irreil I mm .h-. ii--iil tin- j i a-e. The opini f Cbf -) u-t C-.ii. --nU f..r it-.-!! ...! .-..-..liy i -ets f..rlh the luw t.f KM. Mr. HeMlne. arliel.- .k. l-r it-.-.'! :, V'raihieiilly x.rtr- the -pint "I Ih.- .r -Hli.- The r.-i..iii:i!i-. -: ir- ,.,n the ilelVn.liil.l ill-.. -""k t.T it iiii'l .l-line I - iillili..!- ...ir.l Inn. I'.nt heiiiiT wi nly i.tta.W.l r.-.rtr.lllii' n...:i.-r- i...t ltn ci.t '" tin- eu-e. an. I ,li..-.l in the fi.l-e iiu-lit limiti" i!..H.-I hi- i.rr.-l. n, - .ri-..im.enl an. I .-..in ieii..n f..r the a.li.-rti-ih- there ..-- in it. ih ! - t..r of the Trih.llie ha- a rii.'ht I., .-..rr.-.-l a fen the ln.i ni - -1 .. l.-n..-i il -Mr. iJeaiiie- make- The .let'eh.lant .!M lili ! hi- in.ll. ln.el l when he l-n M.-.lt..r.i ihe eve "I hi- arre-, ai,.i .lid le.t lili.-w the eau-e "t hi- arr.-l until he ha.l heen in ihe It hnn- jail -..me lehe I...U-. He i... Wen that he would he in.li. !.-!. ..r that he ha.l ett-l. . .I. ,li. It I ! ;. erne ,h-r : . . f iin.ri-.ninent. The .leten.lant wa-n..! kintr in' erti -elnent . T!.- a.lt ert i-.-n ei.i hat eaine to hitn a- .ine wholly ! ihe metli...l- ..I .la. i-.n .-...ii.ty ..t:i einU. nml 11..1 "f hi- n -eekiiiL'. If il v.a- .,r.li rl.'.wi ! him. h-ha-n'l -een the ni..i.f-y. an.l he w.il.l ii"t take -1 an.l lhr...i;.-li i' a'aitl. The ilefell.lant never un.te a line l..r the I lr.-..i.i:.l:. an.l it ..nl.l n - -1 he iirinle.l if he ili.l. Thai paper pnhh-h.-.l an mil. in-.I a ml ... the en tire pn.eeediiie-. ami having no irieti.l-hip t..r the .lelei .lat.t. u.i- a!.!.- :.. pa- llK.li the merit- of the ea-e. nn'.n I ami .niprejn.iiee.'. Mr. Iteaine-' arti.-le i- fnrthenn..!'.- .-..n.-ln-ive t : the ti-ith ..! hi- .)fl-repeale.l a--erti..lii of frien.l-hip f..r the .h fei .I n t. i ;n -r l v.f W. lit. l ..e i- ..... 1:. ! 1 r f 1 r-iv. r tfnt will r.-.-.h T.. the tl.r..ne ..f -h- li.f...ite One. !:;.(.::...:. .- .r. ' - :r- . -Tnirwny ihr.-e-e ..iiinin arti. e n, .f 1':. ore....... ... ta-k !.,r ..' -V ' V ' !'. ' "' . tu.j (.t,i-. n ?, . j..i!..'i --n-rwav or c.,, M-,v v.- :...-,..!. Han sn.l lsr...w Hi-n at. l r.:.. ,. ..;.-ri. r j...v f (,.av. - 1 ;. ... : I.e. -.'irniii,.- 1;. tifrew. CLEAN UP THE CITY. All live. fnh'rri-hiir n- -(.jimt- an i;..u i.r..-r! uru'n.L' M-.-ii' ! rh'jtn il, y- ih' P'Tthtini .I'tiiniiii. In a -..iimiun.-nii-M hi l!n kane SNjk-.!iuui-IiMtw a man .-iii: -(- t!it "Viti-ant In!- !' ':' -vU- into (.'JTilfii- and n-fd i,r l:li nrnarn.Mil.il ai;i! .r:uii.;.l piir. i-tn thai paHr -k- "Why imi ' Why not. iii.wil ? 'I'lu- ijupstmn ot U' ..-al. tl,. run V'.trtiao ami ot't'al. i- a n--ir' cm' ln-r.-, - en h: tin- !ar-j.- -;t . o . .rh n river inN-r-t'ctijiL' it. It i- in,;. nan! :-r ili. ..I -r .--imi: i- nitv. ami thr lan.'r tin niudiunit in--r iiii-.ria'il - ',U- i,ii.--!i"!.. in renn up. t :.! ril ..f filth, to l--'r..y l.-a h.l - 'ti: that Ir-in it i.utiir hrcod- i-wi inii-.. Thoij-ar.H - ji- thi- ! n.-t - i! - tirifhtly. proHTly. -i-aTi thi r rmi--. Man !. Th- v !,., i;ot ur( Mkfmi. 'iiUMti-nf i"iia!iy. I h 't-fi V--1 v . "f thi-,r n'ijhh-r-. Thf othr (lav -jr! Th- h.-i..!.- -h- h.-l !. a ti.v .f joy .I lM-atity in a hoiih-.M. a n .-tthhorh I 'I ).. .-.ti n.J-r...- M'-ti, a i.-ii:hl"r'- r.:,i i.-.ir'y !..t kiii.-.J hr l- t h-r.- .1 tr.i-.-l ' A lit tle work. fff..rf. e;"-t,--. i- i.ot to h- ni in th- ha '.a'. air-M- -I ls .htid'- ItlV. .If-troy..., l,y a 1 . -it:! . r. . - h.. .lal ft .1. h- .1 sty Bui thi- man ntitiL' I" thi SNkaa- .ajH-r nuik th- ..M- . T tf.-tinn that acant ht- -ltal.l lw n-'t .-:.! k.Mt .(' r ihhi-li a!..! filth, hut Milti ai.-i Think -f thi-. Aro not v. -.-tah!.-- .tvt crahlc tn i hi--tips? Arc no fl-nvi-r- rimrf airivpa hit- than hurilm-k-? I- imt a -at - j. swpotf r tliini: than a ni'itilati-l tin an 4 l-n'l it h.-tii-r to rai-t a t m 1 that su-tain- 111- than a jiara-itic h.-.-.n-r nt ii-ca-t to a ropi--kippr jr liPt liot.rf Winch will t'arlli.T ! -ell a a. ant lot ami luniil up the iifi-hhot h-.nil, .nil tiatki' it l--ii a I i a or a mo-(iiiti.. a ro-i- or h heap of no!, a h;ol of catihayr- o; a t t fii lt torn- ..)' -ipti..n ' A vranieM, a llnwer hc.i; maki th'-f on .oit wtciini !.it-. Th'-tv iin-i-prinp -nnlii:ht lot- to .parkli on ch-ati. innorrnt. -ji -.w n In antii il. healthful, noun-hin thiiiL-. There in tin ilaw u aiiL !- -iiiilit",'. mi'jhl lovinplv uandrr, utn'lal and nna-haini'il. fjikf your pn'iiii-''- hcaniifnl, and hy th' uav valnaifl.-. In-tcjid "1 a man of rnhht-h. uhcie tin raiw are thr -hinin .iihain-!,!- ami hN.'in -are the ehiff rmi-ir-an-. rai-se I'ntatoe-. -1 rau herri'-. h'titn-e, ri.-c, -ucft -a-! ( 'lean up . !inpro e ! RURAL CARRIER S LIFE NOT PATH OF ROSES DIED SUDDENLY SUNDAY FROM HEART FAILURE "Th- vn-issit,,.). h of br l.f.- i.f :. ru p in) I'nrriiT " nnylit )r- lic t itle nf a r-.-n rtri'iit I'-t'-t r.''.-!-.-.l :) p-tt.ffir hp:-, it 111 1' nt . ' rihitt t i 1-x jut in: .' ..f .T Trpiitl.:nn ..f i iir!i. Okl:i. ' ri a r-ffiit .i.,caHt..:1, v. Icl s. r ii)' Ins route. In v. is tij.'t hv a vi. .lot vin-l-r.irtit. t.-r rtJiii-ij it. In pn.c.-Pfh-d a lutl.- .'.av fur'li-r w I, -n it w a f -i in i- ttt.r.iwn l-v : w in. I T)- iimc hit tn:ul tiiat!" tvas . at tf-ri-.l n .t tin nirr"iHidii y .-.. intrv M- i--i'i.v.t i-d tn..Hl t.f 'I,.- inrit! -tud j. . . -1 ..ain 11 In r.Mifi-, lv h: . tn- (:.--..:' .itiirriii't..) tv " m.;' 1. i. j .- i.r ! ir.-, v h' h ri.iii..!l.-l tutu ti. .'lit :i t- ii.--:m.I f- int.. a pl.-n.-.i f i.i . ..r-t- -ti. .avi iifi- and '.jnip'1'..-M! Trintlinm ' t nl...-i an- .isi,t..,i t.-, nonil- fell; 1.. ; fc ' : J i- i ti ft LT. niih's h'tiir WAKTED TO SEE TAFT AT PRESIDENTIAL DESK 'l have sf. n Vr.'- 'liMi- Tf 11 n-urU i-viTv .ith.-r walk it' I t.- -u.d ,-Tit. l t.. Idnk it nil tuni at hi ni 'tc Wl.it.- Hoti'1. and witnt.d l".k m "ii Via; at hm d.-sk ni tin- W). u- H "ii v-,iii Rev. .I-Oiii W..-I..V Hill nt . w V...1- "Wh.-ii I i..t into ti;s itffi.'.-." ,-.t timusl Ir. Hill. "I 'aid hi tn that I w:i (.mindM if lh o. t . ko.. (.rr-. tu r h ft nut to t.dl h nut" cat: -a that t ho v wt.nld 'now visit the l...ly .-i of .!. nixalom nml t-e h.-r tni irK-. ' t'"t vii.) initcnd that th- wM v.sit nv and ifi' hnw the hnl w.rk- "'Wcll,' jin - th.- pr....int with s l.'Mjuh. 'von H'-e htm flotkin n w. ' " T)r. Hill nan one of the xpeiUnn l. r who nrfompanipi) r. - T.iff dttrmtf ht campaign in the west. ( iii ( 1 1 !: ;v ..f 1. Mit.t. v in. .in,..- H : -.1 1 "lv L-..-.. I .,!!: I,. I . T ' t.!-.ll.t..-f r. r: i , ..t t'- .-hnn -II - ' ,. I'. li-t hi- h-.t -hat, V..;. . !. ..-1. -r-a'h ..ff.-.-r. - Mr- . . I... 1- U-i: r 1 , .. - Vi-I-1 i-j every -.r.l irnptie that ,. v.a. .t- ..! -r.,-. an-1 the life . MM-i'it!." L O w RATES TO OREGON DAILY During March & April From all Part of the East UNION PACIFIC OP.EOON SHORT LINE THE OEEOON I RAILROAD S: NAVIOATION CO. SOUTHERN PACIFIC $33 from Chicago $30.50 from St. Louis $25 from Omaha 525 trorr. Kansas City ! 'mspondntfiy !'? rati a fruin ail' t;.- viDts. TO THE PUBLIC ! Unt- i-i'.rr :' ".'.' bu-ly u know ' n Th.- t'.:i and ; V, v. .11 a. -at theje '.d-n; t r:!i-. : ' !, iiicra'iuri: ' J.-.n. tin-cN. ir --n i r addresses 'u v ainl n .- will u' i!. la this way 'i --in 1- l j it i.. ;: in ih" ijriiWth 1 i-t'-r M.'.ir !itte. YOU CAN PREPAY FARES -r att.'i.i !": ::i :ii:v j-afr if v.-u want a'a-uui with he v- ;1I t lejjrapb lti-t'-, t- . f Aif-a!s i.r write to W M. M.-MI'RRAY, r.. rai I':.--- i;-- Agent Dm dr. ir-'i Kuir.. . l i Navigation Co. :t!n rt; . Lin in Orrgon) PtKTLNI. -tRKOON. ht..l dr.-..ni-.'i ' .lt.it 1 f-.f, I i r. ..t M -oiilhern (ii' wi it. - - n ! i "p- We are Making a Reduction of On all Tli.. ., I. ,: f ,(.., 1 1,, . 1 ... 1. 1. .. .1 ,.1 ,, . . .:... .,, t . .. .. : W. ,! , -.1:,. , ,., ,( 1 I l:ienl,...lv I I. ! , - . ... , ... ... ! 1 :;...! ,.,..!.,!..... : T- !.-.: I ' - .., ih . .1... T' I FOR SALE H.'iie. h't ati l ! in 1 ;n Phi. x tn tr:i.-fs ta .rt fru-v . t .1. i. re. M TT I'.U.HOI'V Phjti. i, .. o HiiF iViykJ Except Oxfords c. w. Buy a Little Wagon i-i ill tin' baity oiit. In one of tin.?!' fwldiiiK or I'ollapsiblo ."-Carts at the Med fi 'I'd Eiiniituiv C.'s . just the jiiMtirr i-a)H-r, while the ae ii'ini man is eleaniii": your house. If you need anything new thi spring don't foriret ue have an enornioiis stoek t.. seleet ffolti ,'llld olir pri-es are ri''lit. Sole Atrents for the GLOBE WERNICKE Sedional Book Case Don't i.eiileet your Bonks wlienymi have tliis opportunity to iet a !li be-A'ernieke Our Special $4.50 Iron Beds is nuikiiiji a ureat hit. ill i; ..L r W'e also rarry a enin plele line of ( 'mnforts. I'.laiiket--. Sheets, et.-. W'e only ask you to .-all and be shown t !ir .uirli our different departments. Y o u will saw nioiiev. Medford Furniture Co. Dm 1 wmv You will find your wife's judgment is usually better than yuur wq, uiij yi.n will fiial ou CUUHultlDg l..-r thru nil. Joes out approve of pay int,' uut yt.o.J, lK'.ril-carued. dol lars i'..r r..-n:, v.bea there ere so Ti.a::y "......I .r i,erti, s .mi .lie m n' -t at reasi.oiilile figures ill Medford. A b'.mh Las -i V.-.-.i . f..r ..-i... -u: r..uu lin,n. etc., and her ju-lg mi. nt .-an le- r. l.f.l uj.Ju iu niak.i.' a selei tj.-u fat a home. Bring her with on. a-i.l a '-i";:,l in ! "f the good things now of fenni; thr.i. ah ...ir v. are! yu i tv.il n-ver Tegret it. It is almost , ..,.,,,!: Cr.r 1. .it." and it i- P.b time f..r ai-tion in securing . l.'.Mie v.h. r. y.a on ,, wy .1:-. s tl:i,-s ..f Irr- in this wonderful ) ley, Ii.m't .'leh.y :t. t t: .w. Rogue River Land Co. Exhibit Building. MEDFORD i T 1 l - 1 '.. r1 Jet r CY Uil ' 1 1 v ' "- A SPRING GIFTING. V nt Iie izerV tailoring : in i!. of ilie mii-t tenipt- : .1 . 'ItiU' !il-e ol uev.' , yir, . t;i - --.itiil.ie i..r o iov.,n. .-! :!i-- .1 l;'-i',e- , n.-ar. Ov. -.: ! : ':-iov i.-'-d -:;it it, e!;; . :? - .:! -; L:;jt-. w' i-.tn pnt the he-i v.-ri:. l!n- i i'- -, uUui mul t!ie i.ite-t ;' N- !';(d !H VOIU" Jiliniietlls ; ; '! ;!n' -ti.'ij. nml Miuir'ne- do--r..l. J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. Importers andTailors PALM BUILDING, MEDF0BD, OB. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs More Light for Less Money Sixt v-three per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Candle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per .hour and would use in iooo hrs. 110 Kilowatts which at locts. a Kilowatt f n 32 Candle Power Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour and would use in ioon hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a Kilo watt 4 Net Saving iu iooo hours iu favor of the Tungsten Lamp s 7 Rogue River Electric. Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. ( M'fice. ( Hi West Seventh Street. Phone No. 355. Opposite the Wig Electric Sign. ; I j.M ,w . t. I.. Hilwiircr A. C Kjndall L. D. Harris Rogue River investment Co. FRUIT LANDS -. Sub-Divnlffrs and Developers Rogue Hiver Valley Or chard I amis. :ruit !:it:-N, t.-rtDUt' and y"ung erohards in small and lur- t '.-1. t"r ' f-r !.:ir ; ar:d guarantee property to j -!! lit aL'l is 1 1 ' r i 1 u i . '.1 . Experience A'ot Accessary for tliosi1 win' jam l!.:-t;rl (rvic-s -i : -i.-'.i: :. : ture in rtl! :s t-raii. -. w the cr iW:i;u' at.d -liij-r-ir r-M'.T.i .-1 1 ; r. .-i.rd ; '.i --. :, i us. Tiny secure the advise and ut;, an exi-rt on fruit cul I' .r M-vrral ye tis has eiceled in 1 fruit in the Kogue River vaHey, -rd jiricf-s. 11 1 North D ,S;vcet, Medford, Oregon APPLES and PEAES and all kinds of Fruit Trees YAKIMA VALLEY NURSEPY l.artrest Coniii ei .-ial Nursery in tne Pacific Northwist. No- in the combine. (Ji.vipetes with all firt-elas nurseries L. E. HOOVER, Agent M !: It !() 11 n . ore 0 on . Medford Iron Works K. i. TI;oV1;Rh;i:. Proprietor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds ,,f Kn-ines Sprayin,!? Outfits. Pumps. Hollers and Machinerv. Anents in Southern Orptron for FA lb' HANKS. MOUSE CO. -'. .V. (iummlngs T. W. Osgood Osgood & Gummings Givil Engineers The Best Equipped Engineering Office in Southern Oregon Surveys. Maps. Pans, Specifications, Re ports, Hstim.ites. Etc. - Water Powers and Water Works, Paving and Road Making, Sewerage, Railroads, Irrigation andDrainagc Office Medford Xational Hank Bid. 7 r. tr"-Vw& ,U:; with fried onto -Ulli4"''1 'V l 'V'' '"V'r 'a'n 0,10 ' tfl '"' "' J'V ' : ,,r- '"'' e2l5 m j&Li.ifei W,. have ovr WHICH DO YOU PREFER? A I r.nl.d stc.ik with mushroom a sauce la Bord.laia. m '""' 1 with fried nninnat Vn.. Ii'ive never ....ren nnn ill ur alato the delicious ppetito the one of our will ffive hae everythnig to i-. all ready for I'l'ftite at 225 The Omerick Cafe Open All Night .: K KN Y K P rreid, it. 'Oil X S. OKTH. Cashier. .1 A. I'KIMiV. Vue President. W. B. .1ACKSON". Ai't Casiiier THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD, OR. CAPITAL - - $50,000 SURPLUS - - . 10.000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralEank in Bus nese Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. ttrs. Irene Ifampton Isaacs Instructor of "Plane. "tlst 5ttabc6 SMilc at y.ouBCi. ' V'r.njj 5tt.. Mi-:ni--owi sash & ,()()R rOMPAXY 1 mi oNi" -j-jm. "rid rt.i.vr. i.ihli,.,in . . . Office Fimr-, ,n) , '.rrira m .toe. cheap. ' " including TWd Work " ' ' " ' Orills F STREET, SUTa A.SD 8 !:Vv.vru STREETS,