Boost the Development of the Rogue River Country by Subscribing Liberally to the new Medford Pamphlet UNITED PRESS DISPATCHES Uy fur the largest uurt best uews report of any paper iu southern Oregon. Dfltedfer The Weather Indications point to cloudy weather for tonight and Sunday. Hih nouther ly winds. FOURTH YEAR. MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY. MARCH lil', W. No. 2. Partly MANY GREET osEGiiS goss LOCAL BOYS mi PAYS TO LOAF FARMING N TURN THE in GRANTS TRAIN BIG CROWDS ARE OUT IN ASH LAND AND TALENT WILL BE HERE AT 3 O'CLOCK P. M. AND WILL REMAIN OVERNIGHT. LEAVING EARLY TOMORROW. Reports In. in Ashland are In the effect thai a large crowd was on liaml in liuth Ashland ami Talent this morning to greet the ( train being run by the Southern Pa cific anil which is due in .Meillurd al :l o'clock. The large crowd which gathered received much valiutlile instrin-liini along agricultural lines. Lectures were given, and deiiiiinstralii.ns also. A 1'oenrd-breakin.r crowd will prob ably be tin hand this n rtcrni.1111 in Medford tn greet the train. A linii (Uet is being arranged for the per sonnel i.f the train this evening. The train will reinain In Medford nil nielli. leaving here al "::)() a. in Tuesdav. LEUPP MADE GENERAL CLEANUP OF HIS OFFICE ('oininisi..ner l.eiii) was placed in charge i.f the land office by Prosi dent liiii.scvett tu make a general cleanui. And lie has done so. He bud made more radical changes in the administration of Indian affairs than were ever before made in tin history of the bureau. And lii.iisevpll stood behind him al c very step. The storm of .ippo.-ilion that arose against I.eupp. both from the politicians who bad tor year- re--iinlcil the Indian office as their le gitimate pork ban-el and from the arioiis "Indian liel'ei" societies of New Kimland. who put their tads into operation, dill not move b'oosevell. Slice, when criticism had been most bitter, he siiid to I.eupp. '-It' thev would bring affidavits to me by the carload supporting it petition to turn on out. I would throw them down into the lire mid tell yon to pi ahead." If I.eupp can irel that kind of back in.' from President Tuft, be will slay on n while longer. MARY FARMER TO DIE ON NEXT TUESDAY AI.BAXY. X. V., March 22.-Governor Hughes today declined to ex tend executive clemency on behalf of Miss Mary Farmer, who was sen tenced to death for the murder of Sarah isrennnn. Nothing now stand in the way of her electrocution al Auburn nn March 2". INDICTMENTS AGAINST IDAHO MEN DISMISSED Itl'dSK. Idaho. March 22.--Follow-in? the instructions of Attorney fien rrnl Wickershani. the iiidi-tiucnl-ngninsl John I. Wells. Patrick Downs and John Kincaid. which charged a conspiracy to defraud the eovern menl of limber bind - in Itojse county. Tdaho. were dismissed iu the T'niled States district court today on motion of District Attornev I.ingenfcltor. 4-V4 4 CALIFORNIA IS STILL STEALING OUR PICTURES mnn M. Ttir-der of Lou Ang'bs continues to have hi- 4 nerve with him. when it comes to chiming for California nil of the 4 picture nf toenl F.'encs in sntli em Oregon. Some tone r,g.i tie took the imw famous picture of 4 n log i.'r.",ne vine gtnwK'i: with 4 in the pity limit" of Mclfnril. 4 lat.r 1 .1 ii "In a California vin.-var.l." ami sent it out on ..U of p.,-! card". 4 Sunday a traveling nian. well known in Mc.If ml. blew int" 4 town from Sacrament... Ife pro 4 rec-lcl t.. look Frn.I Blakclcv at o !! and tli.'n -h'Ove.l him a 4 l...-t i-ar-1 i-iirclm-nd in s?,o:i 4 ni'Ttn. Fre-1 nearly fell over, 4 for tie-re was hi" b.-li.v.-.l Si.t 4 line miii". n lifelike a. nnvliing aoiel in, .It- it . -is the legend. 4 'Pla-sr mining i" ''H'forni.i." Mr. P;- .pr i i ah.. nt To receive 4 a v. rv cantrip letter. 4 -444444 4 4 4444444444 Talk with Ir. PJ houlrl ynu i1irt orchard trauti or bniinens proprtT. SECRETARY OF THE NAVY ASK ED TO PRESENT 13-INCH GUNS FROM BATTLESHIP TO .THIS I STATE-MAY ACQUIESCE. SAI.F.M, Dr.. March 22.-lu a let ter addressed lo Secretary Von I,. Meyer, of ihe navy department, Gov ernor llensoii loday requested that the two lil-inch guns from the bat tleship Oregon, which is being dis onintled at the Itremerton navy yard, be presented to the .-tate of Oregon. The agitation for the guns was slati id bv the Salem board of trade. NOTED AERONAUT AND COMPANIONS ARE LOST l.tIS ANtil'.I.FS. t ab. March 22. Lost iu a blinding snowslorm which is riming in the Sicra Madras moun tains and over the Mojuve desert for .'II. hours, t'uptaiu A. 10. Xueller, the fatuous aeronaut, and five companion- who u-.-cuded in the balloon 'Alnericnn" Saturday al Pasadena. are still mis. iut: today, and it is fear ed 1 1) : 1 1 they have perished. A rcs- pnrtv has bei rsrani.ed. I.Mlic '". (iilliam. a mining mnn who for merly resided ill Walla Wulhi. Wash., is one of the balloon party. ROOSEVELT LOOKS OVER QUARTERS ON STEAMER XF.W Ynl.'K. March 22.--lioose-velt. his sou and daughter l-'lhel, arrived early loday from Oys ter Pay to inspect their ipiarlers on the steamship Hamburg, on which they will -ail with their parly tomor row. 1,'oo-evolt spent a pari of the .lay at the offices of the Outlook. anil reliiscil to meet res oi news paper men. PAT CROWE TO ASSIST IN SEARCH FOR WILLIE WH1TLA PoXTIAt'. III.. March 22.- Pal I'rowe. the famous reformed kid napper, left this city today for f'lcve lan.l to u-sis in the search for Wil lie Whitln. who wa kidnapped from -chonl iu Sharon, l a., anil whose use has attracted n.uiitry wide at tention. PLEASANT PARTY TO MISS HAZEL RAGSDALE 'On Saturday night a number of friends of Miss Hazel lingsdalc sur prised her and a most pleasant eve ning followed. Those present were: lbiel 1,'aMsdale. Knid Hamilton. Ina Cochran. Kuth It.mtb. Frankie Uf- lult. Don Lloyd F.lvv 1. Harold Cocliran. Harvey, Lloyd Wilson. I BY FEDERAL JURY Malheur County Stockmen Accused of Illegally Fencing Over 85. COO Acres. POin'l.ANIl. Or.. March 21'. The ; T..I..I II II 1-1 ! railed States grand .jury Saturday re- Sl'MMAKY. turned seven indictment!) in '.he fi.l. ral Two hnsc bits Stout. Jones 2. An-...ii-t again-) various pen-inn f,,r vio -'lei. Struck "111 Hv lclntli' S. by laC.oi. ..I" gov -rniiient statutes, clii.-f of Prob-t P i--. il bill- Sander-. n:. which was that again-)! William Ifanl.y, VjI-,,n 2. Hil bv pil.-lcr Donegal!. i prominent slo.-kman of Malheur cull Pane-. Sabin. Clark Fumed runs !. . v. vi ho in ne.Mo-.-.l of illegally fencing iii-nvi-.-.i -:,.oori and s.i.ooli arves ot Ih notiln- di.Miain :m Ilriincv i-ounly prior !o Jmie '-J.- I'.ios. inh.-rs .ha-g'-it with si.nilnr offenses ..f -uall r 1. 1 a u m . t u 1 1 e an- Antol.e Vey .-id .I...- V.-y. for ill-g.-l f.-nring ..f 41.11 r:.-ri-s anil l.o" ai-ti-s. i es.ei't i vcly, in Mer nir uii.v: .l..l-e Ituvd. fur the illegal 1 1 i -1 . i-nri- nf ali. nit ai-r.-s in I'nion . ,,.,,1 i-rn! ICo'li.n f,.r ,. ralca't f.-o-i.g -f P'" :-re. in fnion .,.Miiv. Wiliinm llanl.-v h-ld to nii-w.-r lefi.i.- lis- crnwi .'mry l.v Ihe Pnited 't,. .ieii--ioner last fall, i.nd 1. i-i.w in- I. r! for I lie 1.11. g-! ..ff.-n-e f ti-r-i.-'ig e;,v-rnnieiT land. hile I. en, I, rarr:,-.t- tiv I.- n Uw fr - ' I ,1 ! . r. .1 ,- .ii-.rn.ii-. :ndi.-t.d to ll, e f.-i- r : t g.a-.l I.--)- D-.n-e 1 wlc.e: ... .Ina-lv in v. M-lt..). ,-m.i! Fi ft or are i".' -.1. o- :,v a.h.-r:i-i. g w:-v. Tb-v have r:,,-e,l a ...,1 .tim f '!." f-r tbi- purp..-e. Milton ha-rai-e.l sli;-ii and FrcMMitcr 0iill When they -tart,., ..oi lie iv b-,..-il P. be to rai.-e $1100. TABLES TAKE VISITORS IN, THOROUGH LY TROUNCE THEM AND SEND THEM HOME AGAIN-GAME WAS SOME BETTER THAN THE ONE A WEEK AGO. S ' 'li'.v. when Iheir little ,.f arms have grown stronger. And their little blue eyes have learn ed clearly to see. (Conn Hall started lo write this, bin he hadn't Ihe heart to go on, so we will say something nice. 1 And say. just as a friendly tip to our Jacksonville Jriends, Ihey had I otter do a little work on the dia mond while their h,,es are g I, for the local bunch may decide nol to give them any inoiv games this sea son. And while this advice is on tup. one might gently whisper to the local 'iniich thai they might do a little ex Ha work IhemscUvs Put to get in Ihe running. Did you see Ihe game.' We guess those boys made up for their Insl ga did Ihey not ? Ib.w did you like Probst's work in the box ,' And how about Captain Short ie's work on second "nil J - with the willow? Some style to it, wasn't there.' (Hi, no: the Medford boys havn't any gin ger; we oimhl to invite a few more Jacksonville tenuis over and show them the game. Laying aside all kidding, the game furnished Sunday was a- t'til I of pep 1 or as an enchilada. While the game might have been belter, the assem bled multitude had a good lime. Probst is a real find. He play like an old warllor-o and knows Ihe fine point-. A little later and be will be a classy kid. All Ihe boy'- did well. Jackson ville didn't exactly expect whal they got, but Ihey got it ju-l Ihe same. Only one thing remains to be said. Cn-ov's Colts are eoinini:. Ifeuicm ber the name C-a-s-p-y-'-s C-..-1-t-s spells Ca-cv's Colls- that's all. I Mi, yes ; the score vn I I The score : .1 ACKSiiNYII.I.i:. All. If. Wilso :, 1 Donognn. 2b I tl Sexton, ss .'. Wiysou. If i (I Wcndt. of I Dunford. rf .1 tl Uriel,, lb 2 Stout, .'lb ."i 2 Melnlvre. p 1 Total l:i MI-'.DFOb'D. Ali. tl . (i I in. i i 4 n i Fiferl. :lb Mile-. 2b . Jones, lb . I-aacs. cf . Wilkinson, A I. if . Clark. If Sabin. If . Sn udei-son. I robsi. ,. YOUNG MAN DRINKS POISON: NO MOTIVE KYF.IfK.TT. Y:i-h.. M-h 22. - In- -lead of l- .'i r r M pianio-.i. iuL' Seattle III . morn ;.l II I Ifivcr. Or . A. F. M.i.k. a-cl 22. .Iran k ca rbolic acid w itl, f a tal r.-ult -. II- "a- :.pp..rei-t! u. g I -pints ,v li.-i. he paek.-.l hi- tri.ek t..r the joumev. He lia.l bc-n vi-ilift: Um- , , I, roll,, -law. V..fc-- r j Sv.-llat .1 The the a: lo.n.v C..i.oi,.-r.-iai . I'll. !.: .let.-v- II o e. I to time llicir lob. .Tl 1-i .,, , u!,,.-: ic e i-i-- that . wbi. b - i -o" ' '" '-" - ' 'b'-. I. ii- ,i,e ..n.l ill ii.i.'. -i -! v.illl 1 -imIh-.I- .-! ii -.....! -.-;.t !:-:!,t.. it i- , r.-;.'l..- tl.- ,' -n -: i- a 1 ii,w-tn .cut. i Salem b.nlt :;:.s 1 -u-(- in 1!". NAMED THIS MORNING SWORN IN AND GET TO WORK BUT LITTLE TO COME BEFORE THE JURORS. The work of choosing Ihe grand jury for the March term of court. which opened Moudav morning in Jacksonville was completed early, the personnel of the jury being: j. W. Ilrown, S. M. ISIedcns, J. f. Wick. Fred Mathews. J. M. Under, W. F. Coiuids and Louis Knipes. the jury was charged bv Judge llauna. There is bill very little to line before lllelll, according to the strict attorney and other officials. NEW WEEKLY PAPER MAKES APPEARANCE 'The Saturday Ueview" is Ihe name of a very creditable ten-page weekly which made its appearance lasl Saturday in Meilfnnl. h is the work of M.. F. Worrell, who shows thai he is no mean hand with Ihe edi torial ipiill. Different departments re found covering society, real es- talc automobiles, the home, and all matters of importance to the city. The maga.ine should become to Mod- lord and locality the Spectator to Portland. The editor in mnking his bow brief ly out lines his plans. He writes: "Our persisten! determination will ie lo make the Satuldny Review i credit 11 ml a help to the beautiful lillle city it seeks to represent, at whatever labor and cost, growing and expanding with the city's growth. I'lirthcr than Ibis, our inollo will he not so much promise as performance. we ask f's poiisi eness and i he e.i-ot.erat ion in a coinmou iiiise - the upbuilding of our homes anil city, the iipliftinugn of an inlel- igent citizenship." ORIOLE MINE TURNS OUT TO BE A BONANZA The Oriole mine a( fialiee turns ill lo be n bolianii of the first mag nitude. There were 17 1-2 Ions ship ped to the Taeouia smeller of ore which averaged $210 per ton, says he Observer. This ore was taken from a -Ill-fool ledge, iu which Ihe nigh-grade mailer was contained in vein from six inches to four feel uiilo. The balance of Ihe ledge will on high by the cyanide process. HOTEL ARRIVALS. At the Nash Mis. II. Harlruni. b'oseburg; II. F. Uruce and wife, M. A. Ifiggs. I. liiggs, San Francisco ; P. Friedman, Louisville : James llar- .-. C. F. Cl..-k.v. Marvel: C. S. Swenyca anil family Walla Walla; J. II. Me'-slcr. Mcilin; T. II. Fox. (i.-ilioe: J. C. Pen, ll.-lon, Table Hook: W. (I....,!,, um. Wall,, Walla: C. Keek- ell. city; C. V. Ilouman. Portland: F. F. Poolcy and wife. F. If. Poolev. Philadelphia : F. W. lilaiicbard, .la's. Lyon-. Portland ; Mrs. S. Kimball. Daw-in; Scth L. I!urgnr. Portland: George P. Story. San Francisco: K. Wyckolf. 'faille Ifock: ('. A. Hover. Portland: F. A. lionehcrt. Sun Frnn . i-co: II. M. Day. Porlbind : C. F. i A alls. Weed; .1. G. Silvers, eh, , N'ew Yoik: D. W. Hamlin. II. .1. Lbs,, sn rranei-i-o; M. F. Meat's, city: J. I . .Ilwcll. city; W. A. .1, s. Jack-on villo: Mr-. M. Sanders, San Franeis-.-..: l!ou dp iot Conner. Table b'ock. Al the M ) -(. W. Stone. San l-'rauei-co : J. A. Ifosc, Kenowiek: J. Kill ana ugh. Kllgeil": II. A. Lewi-. Porllainl; L. Yi-tor Gillard and wife. London: Hob Ciunmings, Portland; W. L. Merrill. San Francisco; J. I P.uriis. Portland; F. M. Collins, Scat tie: H. X. Cockerliiic, Albany; If. S. F.onncit. A-hland; F. F. Ucevos, Port laud: Marcu- W. Ifobbins, Grant-p-s; F. G. Prink, !'. M. Scull, G,e.-- le, ; J. S. P.ail.-v. A-blimil: G -go A. Coble. Portland; Mr-. Frank Striek laden. Mi-- M.-N'nir. A-hlaiid; A. II. I ,.,i-in-. Portland: C T. Sanford. -hh.i,.l: I'. M. Diilloi-. A-hland: Mi- L. A. W I-. Portland ; 'I. Nvgaard. Grand Foil.-: I.. Fuller. Portland. ll Ib.gan. r-a'i Klam-i-co: Harvey s,;,,-,-. J S I'.ailc. A-hland. J. W Lai:.-,.,e; S. M el -. A.-h- :t,.., ; A. M.'l d. Gi.liee; F. A. Mr-b Grant- I'n-s; S. M. I P.i-bee; Patch. .-,u : Fail it Moore. Jnek .Sn.ill..; Arthur Cookling. Grant t'i --; I' A. Wo)-..,, and wife. P.i-- , . V. D, : H I.. ' 'rnig and wife. I'ealla. 'q V,. Wick-lrom. Talent: .1. II. JMnpt-. Dcppcl. Portland: A 1 Je--in,. Central Point. A AN OCCUPATION TAX MAY BE PLACED ON EVERYONE WHO WORKS IN ORDER TO DERIVE REVENUE IN LIEU OF THAT VOTED AWAY. An onlin.iiH-.' Mint is muHinn imi.-li ili..-n.ssiiiii siiiiniii; ei'i.ens nf Orants I ass Hint is dtTiviii;; some i-ititiiiicnilM tinn ii ml ii yivnt ilcrtl nf irit icisni. ui' ."'iilt'in'iliiiii In tin' cii'H'iniiiit, was intrn I'uretl liv tin1 inii ncil ut its nii'.'tiii mi Tlmis.lav niyht. ami ut tlinuili tlir first ami scroinl rcatlinyK. This onli iimih'i' was iH't'i'ssary by t In loss nf (lie salmMi n'Xfniic ami itropiisrs to pl.u-c an oi'i'iipal ion tax upon eviry ritivii of tin- city wlio wurlis. no mat t r wliat his vocation or culling. lny tho nian wlin can prove that ho has ami inti'inls to lmvt nothing to do, will (h 'apo Iho ;ix .n it .) hy this new city l:-w. Tho amount rf taxation rnnRrd trom fpUt to l")ii. The proprietors of "soft ilrinl." cstalilishineiits ct nt the heaviest. These will Ih. reipiireil to p;iy inn ii year. Keal i-slnle ilealers lire next nn the s.aie. livery man who " peuMlcs land" who lmys or sells di-I. or deals in real property of any hind, whether his office is one of the attractive mid uaily di'co rated "slnlls" on "real estate row." or merely muter his hat. inns! pay the city if"))! a year. The men who keep .'Mitoinoliih s for hire must p;iy $."it) a year, sliiitin rink proprietors will pay ."i(l a year, as will movine; piclurn show nianayrrs. The whole list of n vocal ions ami voca tioi:s is coveicd iloclors, lowyers, di n ! ists. join n;i lists, printers, merchants, t'loctriciniiN, sinevors, ennineeiH, ilrn fists, ,'nitl mi down lo common Inlmr f'i's. The city sohms' idea in present int; te oidiiiiince, -i h-jmt iho main chiim made for proposing (,,. ,.w ,)W is that ".trauts l'as neeits Iho money. .hi 1 iii-ciN it liinl. ' ' Many I hint's in Ihe niallef nf pnlilir iuiprovenientH, es pecially yond streets, are denired, ami ahsoliifely needed, hui to have I hese I lie cily mie; hae iimre money. At it will tail to net the needed .'-.mount hy direel .a.:it ion, t his scheme i.f i in porting u high ccnpfil ion ta is proposed. It seems mtilo certain lhat. Ihe ordi nani'e will become a law in Grants Pass, bo) the big i)estioii yet to be ilecided ami upxii which the council entertains grave fears is. where is (lie mnn who c;:rries n stick big enough to collect the lax! LATE LOCAL NEWS. George I. Story o' San Francisco is again isiling customers in the valley. K. A. Wyekoff ame in Sunday from bis Table Ifock ranch. C. E. Kvmm of Weed, presidenl of the Me.Itio-.l ll:,r.h),ii mpany. is -pending a few days here. Jap Pendleton of Table Ifock wa a Sunday visitor in Medford. Mr-. H. Han nun of Ifo-eburg ar med in Mod ford S la y lo visit lelaliies near lowu. J. II. Messier of Merlin and T. II. Fov of Galice were Suniln.i' vi-itor-in Meilfold. A. I. M. -I.e. nl of Galice .pent Sat urday ill Medford. Fail P.. Moore nf Jacksonville wa ll Mcdforil vi-ilor Saturilav. I-:. A. Wil-on and w ife of l',i-inark. V. D.. and It. L. f'taig and wife of Parnia. CI., are roeenl Aleilford ar- rivals. F. G. lb-ink and F. M Sctl of Greelev. Cob. are recent arrival- in Medford. Harvey Silver. .1. S. liailev. S. Moorehouse of Ashland, f. F. Wi.-k--liom of Talent and Augn-I Je--cn of Central Point recently vi-ile.l in Medford. If. S. Hennctl rind J. S. liailev of A-bland -pent Momlav in Medford. M,-.. Frank Siri.4 faden and Mi--MeN-air of A-blan I were visitors In Medford Monday. A building boom i- iii sight lor W.-l Seventh -tree;. J. D. Heard i- to erect a spacious home on hi proporty a' the end of Fn-t Seventh -Heel, anil City F.n-.'ineer F..-I.T i I,. liiinld a buiiealow near bv. The Fruit Growers' Tru-t company i planning to erect nine modern bunga lows on Ihe tract teeently sold by Dr. iiid Mrt. J. M Keen. IE WILL FIGHT HUNDREDS P0UF1ING INTO CAP ITAL CITY TO BE ON HAND WHEN LUMBER TARIFF IS DISCUSSED. WASHINGTON', March 22. There l- no single item on Ihe tariff .sched ule as proposed hy Chairman Payne and Ihe ways and means committee that is arousing Ihe inlcrcsi that cen ters about the reduction of fill per nt iu the duly on lumber. Lumbermen are pouring into this city by the hundreds, and when lum ber is reached iu the dismission hy the house and warm and hitter fight is expected to dovedmp. The lumber men are slanding pal and have adopt ed tin. time-worn phrase "Hundreds for defense but not one cent for trib ute." The schedule as ptnposed will low er the duty from $2 lo $1. Hundreds of lumbermen operule upon a $1.50 basis so that a reduction of $1 will leave them only a margin of All eenls a thousand upon which to work. The lumbermen slate that the tar iff reduction will t.ot make lumber any cheaper to the consumer and will not aiil forest conservation. COUNTY COURT WILL TAKE ACTION WEDNESDAY A number of prominent ciiizciis are eiiyiigod today in cireuluting pot i-lion-i in Ihe neighborhood of phoonix and Tnlent lo tho lounly court nuk ing Mint body to npprnpriiito $:t(),(i00 as JiicUsuii ooimlN's slum of tilt eonsl riiol ion of t ho ('ruler litilio rontl. In tinier (hut petitions might hi r- eived from this section, (ho court on Siilnrilnv tlt'lVrrod notion on Iho iiuitler until Wedne.-.liiy nf this week. The court went I lionmghly into the mailer m Saluniny unl stated flint ii Wednesday they would tuko defi nite notion regarding the matter. Dr. K. H. I'iekel, Dr. .1. It. k'et ( )-.enlirugge iiml ('. I. Hutchison i:rc nt work circiiluting Ihe poiilinns. ROGUE RIVER RAILROAD COMPANY REPAIRING TRACKS Williuin llarnum, division superin tendent of the If. Ii V. railroad, is lepairing the terminal yards in Jack--.oiiville hy putting in new nteel untl ties. 'I'hc company intends lo put on .1 large motor car with a enrryhiK en pncily of Mil passengers, and will make I rips to .Medford every two hours. The steam cars will lie used chiefly for freight and 1iagtfap;o. I'o-I. PART OF CASEY'S IN TO AH TOMORROW Advance Guard Comes to Medford From Portland Others From San Luis Obispo. Pearl l 'as, y (mil the advance guar.! if the Porllnn.l Niirthwctera league .l-'yeis il.-part for Mcilfnr.l, dr., to 'light at 7: to n'l'leck an. I expect to gi't ut :.. a. -tin ii at spring practice at the -nl,, lie, ,1 llr.-goll llietriipoli-H illiinediiite Iv. wiil.-s '. .1. P.-train in the Portland ' Iregioi ian. Somct llii.g like a llllif d"Z .11 l.allloHSI-rH lire . xpectl'd to be on :l.e Irani will, I ancv. wliile the balliiici' .1' the ten,,, will arrive about the mid ,!.- ,,f tin week. Tl.e ) 'iilifornia coll .o.g.-at is in clnirg" of Will (I. McKae .n.l will leave Sail talis Obispo tumor low- or Tu.-s'lay for Medf.ird. 'fhe coiiiincnceMieiit of j.ractice by the Vortliw. si. -in incaiiD Hint the fan of p.iillaii.1 will finally g-l ib.wn to bn-i in s- aiel out tin- double .lope sheet whi.'h will be ..a tup w;,hi the next few day,. Al t three .lavs nf keeping ; tl,.- two teane. will ,leonnn, rHte Mist how much of Ha iilcrellHi' ill popil a, um i lik.-lv to be noticed at the dif I. r.-ui t'fv ha, .'lies" before mid Another thing al t the advent of ras.-y's l '.ills is that Ihe Pacific Coast league season will shortly I uiiigu 'ate-l. aid with one bllll.-ll playing regll !:ii liall ami the otli.-i battling in prji-- t.-e. thllls Will 1 If extremely live !v for Mr. Pan and lbs friends. Casey-!) sipiail. when the eati-e gang is at, Med ti.r-l. will number marly SO balltosK , ... Seme w ill 1.)- plavers of tried abil -,C. a, el -eille Will ll- Voll llgst ITS libs.. ii.t.-lv iinliii l. nllv as willing Ho- veteran-, "at of the collection I is I, iiifi.b nt l.v ex ted that some high .-lass players will be developed, and a fust class team ni'a'iiiized. LUMBERMEN DEBATE ON A OPENS GALLERIES OF THE HOUSE ARE CROWDED BY VISITORS DEM OCRATS WELCOME CHANCE TO TALK TARIFF, FOR WHICH THEY HAVE AWAITED LONG. WASHINGTON, March 2'2.-The galleries of the liou-e were crowded loday by persons attrncted by the iinnounceinenl of tl... .,..:.... c ., - ,..eoi..g ill UK) general debute on (ha tariff Mil "huh will occur this nflernoon. .Many democrats who h...- i... wailing I'r tn discuss the tnr- m measure will Kel busy now. Rep lesenlaiive Payne Introduced a res- ''"! ' P'ovuluig; that the house meet billy at 11 o'clock, which was adopt -l. The house (hen went int.. mill,.,, of the whole to discuss the '"II- Speaker Cannon designated Oliuslead of Pennsylvania as speaker niiuiig ine (teiiate. Payne was cheer ed when he arose lo begin his speech, explaining the measure and to ureo its passage. NO CHANGE MADE IN AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT The only executive department of Ihe government lhat remains unelmntr 'd through the passing of the reins !''!' b'ovcrinuent from Ifoosevelt to Tall is Ihe dcpiinmont of agriculture. Secretary Wilson, who now holds the record for having served in more cabinets than any other man in the history of the Iry, is still nt his i. Id desk and has announced that he has no changes lo make in the per- el of his department. lie has received letters of oonKrut i.lalion from all parts of the country from his admirers, who all say that his work has been of lasting benefit to the coiuitrv. It is likely that Secretary Wilson will serve at least ,i year in the Tnft cabinet, and possibly during the en lire adiniuistratioti, C0RVALLIS BEATS ALL RECORDS FOR ENTHUSIASM t'orvnllis beat all records for en thusiasm when she Inaugurated her progressive movement on St. Pat rick's day with I wo hands playing, hundreds of school children march ing, flags flying, banners waving, ev ery place of ashless closed and a genuine olil-linie Fourth of July sen timent prevailing everywhere. On the lapel of every coal was a tag bearing the message, "He a booster," while delivery wagons carried the same message iu boxcar letters. There was a card in every show dindow, and when the subscription paper was opened two banks led with .$;tlin each, and iu n few minutes .flKloo was sub scribed and this menus not less than a $111100 fund. SIXTEEN PLUS SEVEN EQUALS TWENTY-THREE N'ot miiay aiooas there was published in these cnlttnia ft news item to the effect that II. II,. Larimer of this city hnd - 7.1-ought to Medford 111 people from the The news item went on to state that he would not rest until lie had inn.le the number 23. N'nvv it seems that Mr. Lori- in.-i- is to make it E.'t at one fell swoop. A man in Lincoln, 111., saw the nrticle and wrote In Mr. Lnriincr in part tliusly. "I and my family wife nnii five girls would enmn to the northwest. Mc.lfor.l sounds good to me. " " lii'neral ill health is Ihe reason. " " Am member of the I. (I. . F. t'.lul of the Tvpngra.hi.'al union. T am firmly convinc al your lo- ,-al.ty is tl .tiling .".ad grow- ing i-ountry ar.l there F would be." 4 S Mr. Larimer will bring 23. Well, there are r.:i:t2 people ill -that would make 122,- iVIii if each did nr well. Xow what would w.i do with .-.II