I THE MEDFORD DAILY TRl'BUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON", SATURDAY. MARCH 20, 1909, Medford Daily TribuneiCONSTiTUTiON back Official Paper of the City of Medford. I IN PRFSIDENT'S DESK Puhlisheii ewrv evening except Sundav. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY Geokge Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoffiee at Medford, Oregon. ROOSEVELT EVIDENTLY DID NOT NEED IT, FOR HE HAD IT NO WHERE NEAR HIM. S UBSCRIPTiON RATES : One mouth by mail or earrisr. . , .0.BG One year by mail .16.00 the Tit i busk's it i urn day. 1 This is Tho Tribune's birthday. With this issiKs the paper enters upon its fourth year. Its earoor has been more or less stormy. As is the ease in newspapers started on insufficient capital in towns too small to support them, life in its early stages was a stren uous struggle, and at times its fate seemed destined to bo that of the sparks that fly upward. But the .Medford spirit sustained it the patriotism and tin personal sacrifice that have made the eity what it is toriav, made The Tribune possible. Few realize the part played in the life of the commu nity by The Tribune. The difference between Medford and other southern Oregon towns is due in no small de gree to the fact that 'Medford has had a live daily, con stantly boosting, constantly preaching unity of action, con stantly fighting for progress. And that is the reason win there are no mossbacks left in Medford. Since the present management took charge of the prop erty, the paper has striven to be a credit to any eity the size of MedJ'ord. As good a newspaper lias been published as circumstances permitted -i little better perhaps t!ian business warranted. The paper ranks as one of the lead-, ing small eity papers of Oregon, of recognized prestige: and influence throughout the state. The Tribune has enemies but the paper that has no enemies has no friends. The Tribune recognizes no one as an enemy, but considers all friends at the beginning of its fourth year. The Tribune has critics, but "To escape criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing, and The Tribune has something to say, something to do, and in tends always to be a vital force in the life of the commu nity. It has the courage of its convictions. A bitter personal fight has been made against The Tribune because it printed the truth. It has fought anew the old battle for freedom of the press. It has been boy cotted because its policy could not be controlled. Its editor has been thrown in jail, unjustly convicted and fined, slugged on the streets, and denied justice by two grand juries. Hut having established the justice of its cause, The Tribune, with charity for all, bears malice towards none. Medford can support one good paper, and The Tribune will be that paper for its value to the community is rec ognized. It will be enlarged and improved in a news way. Competitors it has, and will have, but they "are of few days and full of trouble." , Today The Tribune circulates nearly a thousand cop-, ies daily. It distributes monthly $1000 in payroll, all of i which is spent in Medford and Jackson county. All of j its stock is owned locallv. It is a Medford institution,! and will grow with the city. It has had a liberal patronage trom progressive merchants, and tin still better support for the aim is to make The Tribune a paper that everyone will be proud of. TUK DEMOSSTUATIOS THAIS WASIUXOTO.V. Mauh 'JD. 1'rcnidi-iit T:,t't hus ordered tin n-turn of the Con Htiliitiuu to t lie executive office. When he took eliare of the nation's n'fttirn then was no copy of the his toric document ut hand. From neon on Thursday, March 4, until iiiglu, ull day I'riduy unit all tny Sntnnluy, until uft i i 4 p. mi., the nf Cairn of the udmin (.tuition were conduct c without the ;iHHiHtnn'c, i lie guidance, or evrn the presence of thi tic red instrument. At ' :R the president lappenod to want the Constitution to look up the subject i f inauguration day. It could not be found either on t!' president ml desk r in (he presidential bookcase, Kx Mec rotary Koeh, who happened to be in the president 's office nt the time the -.oddeji tieiirch wan instituted, hustled i iit into hi d mom and was Kime a long time. "They didn't need the Constitution here under the last rdriiiniMtriititni. Mr. President." remarket oi:e of President I'aft 's visitor. T'i- president laughed lenrtilv and checked c renin rk that Kino to hit lips. "I've not it. Mr. President." cried I.oeb, rushing breathless into the room. You see. I knew where it was to be found. I had it in my keeping, for T had to use it if others didn 't. " Taking the sacred document in his hand, the president I rid it aloft and announced that it shim Id, never, never leave the room again. Tt now re loses in a drawer in the president ial desk within ercli reach. Methodist Episcopal Church, B Street. A feast of good things at the above hurch next Sabbath. At II a. in. Rev. I.ewtns will preach on "The Might of Little Things." At .'i p. in. a lecture !o men only entitled "The Man for the Twentieth Century. At night the sub ee; will be "Ships V Are Sailing In." Come and ascertain the charact er of your craft, whether or not it will te.nd the stnnns of the future. Don't il to hear these interes'itig discourses if this gifted evni't"lt:-l. (loud music at .very service. Sabbath tehnol at 10 p. in. Kpworth league at 0:110 p. m. Seats free. Kvervhudv welcome. IT WOMEN ONLY KNEW Kvorvone who can should be on hand for tht tiou train which stops here Monday. Poultry raising, hor ticulture and truck gardening will he the subjects of the demonstration and lectures. Professors from the Oregon agricultural college at Corvallis will accompany the train and will have charge of the educational work Officials of the Southern Pacific will be on board to represent the rail road ami to see that the train is operated satisfactorily. The train will carrv seven cars. Two will be used for poultrv exhibits and two others will house exhibits. The exhibit cars will he the most complete of their kind ever operated. What a Heap of Happiueiw It Would Bring to Medford Homes. Hard to do housework with nn ach ing back. Brings you bourse of misery at leiiure or ut work. If women only knew the cause that Backache pains come from sick ked nova, 'Would save much u cod less woe. Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kid- IIS.VS. Medford people en do rue this: Mrs. J. H. Hnitsaiim, corner Twtlfth and C st roots, Modford, Or., says: "I suffered so severely from kidney trouble that I was una bio to do any housework. The kiduoy secretion were irregular futUl'O will justify eause "ie niueh annoyance. My stooping or lifting I had sharp twinges j in my loius. My health was much run l down, and at times 1 felt very miserable. Doau's Kidney Pills were brought to ' my attention and 1 procured a box at llaakius drug store. They helped me deiliolistra- 'roro tfta Hrt. I continued and was soon entirely cured. 1 huve recommend (d Win's Kidney PiPs to other suffer r. " b'or sale by ull dealers. Price "0 cents. Poster Milburu Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the United States. Remember the nanto Dunn's and take uu other. 40 A spring tunic that makes rich, red blood. Brings strength, health and haiv horticultural P'1"" to the whole family. Nothing equals Uolbater s Rocky Mouutian Tea ns a Spring regulator. liH cents at Chas. S;rr.ng 's. SAYS CORSET. NOT MAN. IS MASTER OF WOMAN XKW YOltK. March J0, Miss Klib ehetta A. C. White, th- recognivd oracle on mat tern of woman 's d rests, told more of the elongated corsets at the second dny's session of the Dressmakers' Pro loctiv association yesterday and last night. "The corset, and not man, is tnastei of woman," said Miss White, "('on ccited man thinks he i the master, but the whalebone and stiels ate really tin planters of woman's health, her beau ty. and the aibiter of the length of her life." Several models wire laced into the new corset, while Mh White explained tliv benefits and beauty of the latest contrivance. BAYS WOMEN'S CLUBS CAUSE RACE SUICIDE CHICAO. March Sit. Are women ctiianuut'HUis conducive to race suicide! This is tin question which is today tigitating the Chicago Woman 's club, the cause being a communication by Mrs. Henry Hoist an I. who astcrts that 'There is no use denying that the tquoakhtg of machinery in a meet inn "f women is distressing." "To one with immature nerves," she continues, "t is positively dangerous. Grandmothers, middle aged women, whose children have g-own up and ma tors unmarried women, with some world l,y experience can c.tand it, but young girls contemplating matrimony and motherhood should be kept away." i WE will give an othershowing .Saturday : of the latest crea tions of TaUored&DressHats We cordially invite (I e ladies of Medford and Vicinity to call and Inspect them Buy a Little Wagon roll the baby out. In one of those folding or collapsible Go-Carts at the Medford Furniture Oo.'s just the proper caper, while the Vac uum man is cleaning your house. If you need anything new this spring don't forget we have an enormous stock to select from and our prices are right. Sole Agents for the GLOBE WERNICKE Sectional Book Case Don't neglect your looks when you have this opportunity to et a Globe-Wernicke Our Special $4.50 Iron Beds - i, n. n.J.:-7s,T; i ''r'j3 y- ' is making a great hit. We also carry a com plete line of Comforts, Jilankets, Sheets, etc. We only ask you to call and be shown through our different departments. Y o u will save money. Medford Furniture Co. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs J. E. ENYART, Prosiiinut. J. A. PERRY, Vice PresidBDt. JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JAUKSON, Asi't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD, O B . CAPITAL - - $60,000 SURPLUS - - 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank in Bus ness Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. F. X. GummlnQs T. W. Osgood Osgood & (Bummings Givil Engineers The Best Equipped Engineering Office in Southern Oregon Surveys, Ma pa. Plans, Specifications, Re ports, Estimates, Etc. water Powers and Water Works, Paving and Road Making, Sewerage, Railroads, Irrigation andDralnage Office Medford National Bank Bid. Sntte i)i'posit::rv KstftMilbed 1333. Capital aid Surplui 12S,000 Hsrr-a $700,000 Highest Attainment in Systematic Banking ServiGe The .lucksoti County Bunk rKrtf ullv solirils your account, subject tu yimr check, with the strongest guarnutee of HSt'cty auj i'ff if ior.cv. We of (or the higlu-Ht altHinuuMit in rt Mt'imitic banking wrvir, w Itich as surr the greatest euro in every tin an et.'il trannnctini:, with this obliging in it ut ion. AV. I. VAWTKR. Prici.lem, . R. IJNDLKY. Cashier. SAVOY THEATER TONIGHT SATURDAY AX IRISH HKHO" I.OSiT IX A FOLDING HEP" A TELKPAT11IC WARNING" "UK WKXT TO SFK THE DEVIL PLAT ' I t"t IVttmal Lvr.k'. ADMISSION 10 CENTS Si You will find your wife's judgment is ummlly ln'tter than your owu, uud you will find on coaaultiug hor tli:it bIic doi'H not upprove of paying out good, hr,rd carn4 do) tarH for rent, whttii there art so many good properties ou the muiliot nt reatiunable figures in M oxford. A woman hus u koou i-yo for loculiuu, burrouiidiugt), etc., and her jttlg mcnt can be rcliud upon in making a Boloctiuu for a homo. Bring hr with you, uud rimko a prrsonal inj -I'tion of the good things now of fering through our agency, and you will ncvor rcgrot it. U is nlmsvt time to "make arden,v and it i:: higli tiuin for action in seeurtng homo wh'jre you can enjoy Hi" g.i.d ttiinf of Vtte in this wonderful ley. Don't dfllny act now. Rogue River Land Co. Exhibit EuiHiua-, MEDFORD VOU SHOULD READ THIS AT ONCE s yon will know that we are displaying cor new and suporb lino of Spring i:ilri.s for your choice and approval at Kmi.er 'a. Now is the time to or 1 i -r our Sjiring overcoat or suit of rlittiiiti if you would get the benefit f it in tin1 t'i rat warm days of Spring time, when your Wiuter clothing looks shabby. Wo are roady for you at J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. Importers andTailore PAIiM BUrLDDJO, MBDFOKD, OB. c;. r.. Hiisinu.T A. C. Kintlull Rogue River investment Co. FRUIT LANDS s, Sub-Dividers and Developers Rogue River Valley Or ri::;rd I.atids. t : n.ii.e fruit land:, bt.iMN' ami young orchards in small and largo tiacta, for Bale.. We plant and care for orchards and guarantee property to be :ib itprcsonttd. Experience Xot Necessary for thoso who purchase through us. They secure the advise and services of a cougultiuy liorrieullurist, an export ou fruit cul ture in all its brauelies. who for huvnral years has exceled in the growing and shipping of fruit in the Boguo Rifor valley, record ciopu, record pack, recTd priced. in North ) Street, Medford, Oregon APPLES and PEARS and Fruit Trees all kinds of YAKIMA VALLEY NURSEPY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific Nortbwpst. Nov in ;lie 'onil)ine. CV.m petes with all first-class nurseries L. E. HOOVER, Agent it E D F O R 1) . (.) REOON. Medford Iron Works E. G. IKOW IJiCiiiiil rn.piiutor. FOUNDERS AND MACMINISTS All kimls of Engines, Spraying Outits, Pumps, Boilfrs and Madiincrj. Agents in Southern Oregon for FA II HANKS, MORSE A CO. f ; sM- ' . fi WHICH DO YOU PKEFEB? A lir.iili il sli- ik with mushroom s:iuro a sauce a la Bordelaise, or SWIM with tried onionst You liavc never raten'one that will Kivi vnnr palate tho delicioua s.ii;iiiin or your appetite th l!fk surprise that one of our t''M.l.r, iuiiy Etenkn will give lli''in. We lnc everythnig to r.ti-r on rtitrrtb, nil ready for f!i' fastiilions appetite at The Emerick Cafe Open All Nigb Urs. Urcnti 3fampton Usaacs instructor of pldno. tl$t iftttHjod Studio at Hiiitft. Moitb Oraiwe Strt MEDFORD SASH DOOR COMPANY PIIONK'.'L1!)!. Wildow Framej. Oak Vrnrered Doors, Office nitnrei and all kin. Is of I'lan with l!uel Plate, carried in itoek eheap. UMill Work including Turned Work uy llrilli k sTKt'KT, I!i:tvi:i:v sixth axi s NTH STREETS.