Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, March 20, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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    Boost the Development of the Rogue River Country by Subscribing Liberally to the new Medford Pamphlet
By fur tht' Unrest ti'i'l best news report
of any paper in southern Oregon.
The Weather
ludicut it ms point tu cloudy weather
for tonight and Sunday. Hinh gouthcr
Iv winds.
U U Ml W U jr U W -f Y ut jl
No. 1.
City GounGil AppointsCom
mitteetoDetermineTrutli of Charges Made Against
Deeming that certain charges made
by t ho riti.cns' Telephone company - in
fi signed circular, wo,-- :i reflection upon
eerJ.Mn members of t!i city council, that
body Siitunlny mnr;iinn; passed resnbi
lions Ht. for the appoint meat by
t! ! mayor of ;i committee to invest i
p,;.l thr chatns n.:d teporl. The mov
er appoint. ,1 YVeMi, Kifert :itt1 )ci,i
The article in (jiii'siiiiii was published
in t lie ilaily papers a n. t iu pamphlet
form nver I In- signature of t he ,;t i
.lis' Telephone company. Tin part In
which exception was tr.ken is:
' Some dn s later the council nu t.
Le.'H than five minutes before 1 lie mayor
.railed the meeting to order, the t'iti
zeris' Teh-phone company learned that
one of the members of the committee
that hail siyued Hie report recommend
ing the granting of the franchise vvaw
p.oing to ute with three other members
of the council against its passage, and
to pi'eveut t'to ignominious and treach
erous dole of the franchise, J uilge
Crowell. a iarinli r of the Citizens' Tel
ephone company, withdrew the frnn-
h:se from cniisidornl i u . . .'
Firo Limits Extended.
Tie- inn! i i, ;ii lo from naa'iiig
Hie vote of the Mierial election, extend
ed the tire limits hi 1 1 cit l. ntchWe
the north h:.If of Id-ck mi II and
S-th street';; tin- ..iiitli half of block
."I. II and l.ijilh strn r and blocks '2 '2
nod l'J on North B street from Sixih
to Fifth and'i to Sixth on K.
K. L. Maxwell, a vrti ran commercial
traveler of Oshkosh. Wis., has purchas
ed through Dirt S.-llor Joe Brown, 'Jo
acres of ore ha rd la nd iu t lie Gri f f i n
Creek section for i."no from K. K.M or
rison. Part of (lie property is in (i
vear old Newtown and Spitzenbergs and
the balance will be planted. There is a
fine residence on the place, which is
an ideal homesite.
M r, Maxwell will ret urn in the au
tumn, bringing his f.imily, and make his
home here.
LONDON, March 21. The importers
of American meat have decided to test
the legality of the rvgulat ions of the
local government - boaid which gives
the local health officers absolute au
thority to comb inn meat which, in their
opinion, is unfit for food.
Remember the date Monday, March
22d. Seven carr in train, showing fine
Btofk; a oar filled with ehciocst live
poultry. Professors nnd experts will
lecture on the stock and poultry. Matter-
of ir.trret tn farmers ani fruit
growers will be explained. The agri
cultural enll.'g. at Corvallis will be
represented by its test men. among
ttrm Dr. Withyrombe and Professor
Lewi, both well and favorably known
in this section. This trriin is run by
the Southern Pacific at great expense,
nnd its trips th-ongh Washington have
r suited in much good, and all interest
pd should turn out on this day and
pee what they have to show aLd hear
tie talks nnd dis'ur.ions.
No contributions will taken. The
Wturo will be in tho open nir on the
railroad right of way; no expense what
ever. Ev rvone interested in fmit
growing, farming", poultry raising or
ever likelv to be. should arrange to be
on hanl. Train will reach Medford
morning of 2 2d. lectures in the after
horn. Yon wnn't rgTet coming. Ar
rang: to come. Spread the news. Let
averyon chow the interest they should
tb:-. whi.-h nn but ;e-lt in grnt gfd
to the vallev.
circuit onjR
lit A I munUAI Wild LUNb
The circuit court, Judge 11. K. Han
ua presiding, will open on Monday
morning for the reguli.r March term.
A h.rge list of cases are on the docket
for trial, most of th"in being, however,
civil cases, but very few criminal in
t ions being down.
Tollowitig is the 'locket:
Criminal Cases.
State of Oregon v-i, John Doe. B. V.
Mnlkey, attorney for plaintiff.
State of Oregon vs Khter Band. R
l Mnlkey, attorney lor plaintiff.
State of Oregon vs. Myrtle Painter.
M. K. Mulkey, attorney for plaintiff.
Actions to Recover Money.
J. T. Suinmerville and II. X. Clark
vs. '. K. Wickstrom. li. (1. Smith and
II. I.. 1 c. rniond, atorneys for pluin-
J. Mchmiell and L. K. Smith vs.
T. M. Cood. II. II It. Kelly nnd C. W.
I, von. r. II. Wats.. a, : ttorney for plain
. W. Walker s. (Jurucr. and B.
W. King. W. K. I'hipps. attorney for
Hank of A --bland v. i '. W. Svnns et
1. K. I. Hi iggs, attorney for plaintiff.
Me:ni.:(. Son is v. ... T. hundgren,
T. (. orri:- and J. I Ciagnon. flus
vev.l.eiv. ;il!ori!, v fur rdnilltiff. .1. R.
-:". MMi'vm. f.,r di fondants.
O. M. Sidsby vs. II. Peiffer. Colvig
i. Kennies, attorneys for plaintiff.
C II. (lillette vs. J. I). Holton. K. M.
' '-'.IK-'us. attorney plaintiff.
banc Ih.rnberg vs. J. F. Noddy. Col
v:g & I'eatnes, attorneys for plaintiff;
Wishing & Kt llv. attorneys for do
f. ndant.
Ashland Manufacturing company vs.
Woods Lumber company. P. M. Calkins,
ft nrin-y for plaint if f; E. 1"), Rriggs,
v.irin-y for defendant.
A-itos Niiiingir vs. Perd Million and
l.eoin Million. ('. !t. Watr.on. attor
i: v for plaintiff.
t'liavb-s Kolm. doing business under
of has. Kolm & Co.. vs. .1. II.
Mr !e ndo it. ( 'olvig - I hirhani, atl or
- s f-r ..lainllff.
H. '. Mcssinger vs. (i. O. Vanatta.
S. Pent-., attorney fn;- plaintiff; K.
I) Itvi'rs. Miortn-v f..r ib't'endant.
WASHINGTON. March 20. Senator
( hrmberlain of Oregon, who is a demo-
rat, but was elected to .he senate bv
a republican legislature thro.igh the op
cntion of the prima-y system, does not
expect to use his peculiar position in
a partisan way. 11" he will main
tain an independent attitude and will
refuse to be bound by any democratic
caucus. Senator Chamberlain recog
nizes the lack of partisanship shown
by his republican support em in elect
ing him, even though they were bound
by primary instruct ioiK. and he snvs
lie purposes to show that he i not un
mindful of the fact that he represents
tlv state and a republican state at
thf." and not a par'v. Cnder theie cir
furiisianei's his course in the senate will
be v ateh- d with a good deal of inier
"t. espee hilly v:l,"Tt party questions
' me up for consideration.
Senator Newlands f Nevada ir. an
;her wli i refusi s r- be bound by the
:mhu': of his pa'ty. but there are no
peculiar circMtnstnnf" s in hin cane. His
nt'.i.ude i t'iken norejy f-om choice
rin-i because h" bH ves it is for the
t"; interet of hi state to maintain
-iti 'i id'-p -nd'-rit course. In only rare
; rs, Vowever, is he found voting with
f i;e republicans.
WASHINGTON. M.irch 2". Formal
'tat anient regarding the dismissed land
frauds casi-s in the Idaho .juris diction
of the fed'-ral court were published to
'av by Attornev G-rieral Wiiknr"hain.
The stacmont ays that Wickershnm
dnected the dimisa! of the ind-ctmnt Senator Borah, and also mem
bers of the Barber Lumber company.
Frod Owen and G. A. ('nlyf;VB. (i. C.
uly. K. G. Smith and B. Fr .Mulkey,
attorneys for plaintiff; A. R. Heamos,
attorney for defendant.
Crater Lake Lumber company tb. A.
S. Mover. W. K. Phipps, nttorney for
Xunan( Tnytjlor enmpany vs. W. R.
Stansell. II. K. Ilannn, Jr., attorney
for plaintiff.
William I'tricli s.8 assignee of T. J.
Konney vs. W. T. Campbell nnd George
K. Xeubor. Colvig k Reames, attor
ney!! for plaintiff.
Gold Hill Bank vs. Gold Kill Canal
company. J. L. IlaimncrHlev nnd W
M. Colvig, attorneys for plaintiff; W.
I awter, attorney for defendant.
Jackson County Hank vs. A. T. Lnnd
gren. W. I. Vawter and M. Purdin,
r.ttorneys for plaintiff.
William Jennings vs. T. J. Kenn?y.
Gufi Newbury, attorney for plaintiff.
Xunan, Taylor company vs. T. C.
Vorrir. Colvig & Reamrs, attornevs for
Black Channel Mining v Bevclopnient
company va. George W. Lance, Sr., et
a I. Colvig Jt Reames, ntlorneya for
plaintiff; J. It. Neil, attomfy for de
fendants. K. P. Hughes vs. P. P. Smith nnd F.
R. Smith. P. M. Calkins, attorney for
plaintiff; Colvig & Reames, attorneys
for defendants.
If. L. Sabin vs. Jam en Stewnrt. Vaw
ter X- Purdin, attorneys for plaintiff.
John Flarrington vs. W. L. Wilson.
Withington & Kellv, r.ttornevs for plnin
'rater Lako Lumber company vs.
Piedericka Wolff and George P. King.
W. K. Phij)ps, attorney for plaintiff;
Vawter & Purdin, attorneys for King.
'rati r Lake Lumber company vs.
Jehu Wolff and George F. King. W.
K. Phipps, attorney for plaintiff; W. I.
Vawter and M. Purdin, attorneys for
George King.
Kdgar HafYr vs. Medford & Crater
Lake li. li. Co. Reames & Reames, at
torneys for plaintiff: Colvig & Durham,
attorneys for defendnnt.
(Continued on Page 3.)
WASHINGTON, March 20. President
Taft is starving his secretaries, stenog
raphers, telegraph operators and messen
gers. It. isn't because he is penurious or
hard-hearted, or because he wishes to
deprive his subordinates of food, but
because he does not eat any midday
meal himself, thM 2.i or JO husky young
men about the executive offices are go
ing n round with a famished look in
th ir eyes and praying that hunger may
overtake their new chief.
Pi evident Roosevelt always went to
l i. luncheon at 1:30 p. m. and remain
ed up at the "Big Houee" until 3. Oft
en he did not come back at all, but
from luncheon went out for a ride with
Mrs. Roosevelt or some of his friends.
NVw all is changed. There is no such
thing as "lunch hour." Mr. Taft oc
casionally cate an apple about noon, but
n-ver anything more substantial, and
seems to thrive, grow strong and remain
cheerful on nothing p.t nil from 8 a. m.
until 7 p. m.
Moreover, the employes at the White
House have discovered thus early in the
administration that President Taft is a
glutton for work, if be is not for food,
nil-', not thinking about luncheon him
self, forget r that anyone else can be
hungry, and driven the force right ahead
1h.ii after hour so long as (here is any
ivuk in sight.
J KFFKRSON CITY. Mi., March 20.
It is rumored here that Governor Had-l-v
will soon nsign i.nd accept nn ap
pointment to it federal bench in the
uortliwet. The climate hre dues not
agi.e with him. Taft is said to be
p!r-ied nilh Hadley's determination to
f.i on the bench and is ready to ap
point bim.
r- ii ww
Slayers of Senator Cor
mack Guilty in Second
Degree - Arguments lor
New Trial on April 3rd.
NASHVILLE, T.nn., March 2o.
Colonel Dun can Cooper ami his sou
Robin, were today found guilty of mar
deriug former Senator Carmack in tlx
teeond degree and were immediately sen
1 1 need to 2o years each by Judge Mart
When the jury filed in after four
days of deliberation. Colonel Cooper,
pale but collected, sat with his two
daughters. Neither fat her nor son
allowed emotion when the verdict was
read, but the daughter:! were hear)
Tho court immediately comma ml ed
the Coopers to stand up, and then pro
nounced sentence. The onlv sounds in
the room were the sol oing of the daugh
ters. The Cooper counsel immediately an
nounced an appeal from I he verdid..
After release on bail, the Coopers
were driven to the homo of Mrs. Hurch,
tho colonel "s daughter.
Arguments for a new trial will begin
on April J.
Robbers blew the V.'-lllt of the Firs!
National bank at Imogene today. Tiny
escaped with l'U)im.
The Citizens' Telephone company won
out in the special election held Friday
by a vote of J22 to a vote of IL'-'i. Tin
citizens of Medford told the company
to get busy. The vote by wards was;
First ward: Yes N2, no 4'i; Second ward.
Yes I HI, No 4; Third ward. Yes Htl.
No 31.
During the past ft w weeks both of
the companies made hard fight, 1 hough
clean one, but failed signally in stir
ring up public interest. The old coin
pnny carried their campaign on by Kliip
ping in carloads of material and start
ing immediate work in constructing n
now system, as they have promised to
do from time to titno in the past. Tin-
public, however, showed by its vote yes
terday that their activities along this
line started too late.
Bert Anderson, who has handled tin-
fight for the new company, states that
tho result was what ho expected ii
would be. The new company will now
be financed nnd work started on t he
system as soon as possible.
Admission to the ball game Stuelm
will lie 2.")C An additional 2V will 1"
harged for grandsta rid scat .. Ca on-
celled at 2:30 p. rn. I
SEATTLE, Wash.. March 2".--I..:(
lumber men are not onlv going to carrv
the fight for a two dollar duty on tun.
ber into congress, but the iiine:le nu n
are unsatisfied with the prefnt h -1
ule, which is left intact by the new t ru
ff bill, and will ask congri-vs for an
increase of 20 cents per tl.onnd.
WASHINGTON. March 20,- I?, -hard
Ballinger, secretary of tl.o intern, r. h:i
pun-haKcd for hi own u-e " ..-u II. "
) he saddle how lei -fitly .wned bv
Roosevelt. Balling-r rode him for fin
first time vetterday.
lu spite of the inclement weather sev
eral hundred Medford citizens were out
en masse Friday evening ami to all
a ppeara nces t borough iy enjoyed t hem
selves. The occasion was the opening
of Deuel Kentner's department st
in the Mission block on East Seventh
street, ami the merry crowd that gath
ered Was composed of tho best people
cf Medford, and truly represented every
The salesrooms were tasl efully and
well decorated for the occasion, every
art known to the most expert of into
i iod decorators being employed with
the most pleasing effect. The ceilings,
the stairways, the balcony and all of
ike tables and counters and showcases,
in Car I. everything that offered ail ox
. iim'. was garlanded with the greenest
of firs and Oregon grape, glistening be
neath the soft light of the tinted can
Swcot Music Dispensed.
And while the many visitors jovfnl
ly did justice not onlv to the sightsee
ing, but to the purchafiing, the Hazel
ngg ore In st in disp -lived sweet music,
a iui won round after round of applause,
e.'h-le on the second floor the clink of
be glasses and the hum of happy, care
free conversation and exclamations of
delight kept a melodious accompani
ment .
The present building, the "Mission
block, ' ' being no misnomer, and well
worth a visit, has uuequnled facilities
Cor filling all the demands of (hone
who need high class goods of every
ilescript ion :i1 popular prices. Both
outside and in the hrilding is haruio-
f tousl ustructf J of the ini'sioii style
of architecture. Th interior finish is
Oregon fir stained to i, dark oak. the
tinting of the walls and of the ceilings
in perfect linrtnonv as tiu- the show
uinJous wiih their finings and finish
of ipiai'i'r awed oak.
Departments on First Floor.
The m.rii floor is .'. vot. -l to he dif
Ci-reat d.-'.ortinents r-tol is -.splendidly
lighted. These include drv g Is and
not ions, w 1 1 nicii 'h a ii I ch ild ren 's shoes,
aen "s i lothing, men ". Omrs find fur
o'JijiiL". The build iic; is it cam heated
1 inii.jlnmt and lighieil by electricity.
ii- Hie i Cot of ll mploves ha
i 1 a foi-gott--n. Attractive card-'
"i Mad innl white L'lliile the customer
i the en rions depri ) mi en t , giving no
.t " m-i' for confusion.
seendiiig the li 'udsoine stairway,
ei "i footsteps arc .irrested by the gor
geous scenes confronting them. Here
e-- what appear to be nn immense green
lawn, upon which are grouped nrtisti
eiilly shining glass cases filled with
ft-iwers of m.'inv colors. Here nnd there
seattered artificial palms about
which are grouped grent masses of calla
lilies find oilier beautiful flower.
iround the walls are cabinets in the
mvsleruius recesses i f which are coll
i i'ln'd garments hung in orderly array.
The second floor is devoted to Indies'
oiits and millinery generally, and here
the fair visitants t rv on their elected
iiiuu-nl on cotnplet imj their purchases.
Hanging Plants Are Seen.
The huge rotunda constructed to ac
'unumdnto the stairway, is full of hang
eg plants, whi.-h from the second floor
have a runs) beautiful effect in survev
the scene hcloW. The loWer floor !s
finished in maple rind beeswaxed, while
second is tienvilv carpeted with es
in II v ordered n ml woven green car
Oil the second floor is also In be
oiind a rnajeMtic reception room, where
n rc reclining chairs galore and ample
pace to walk and ti Ik. This is car
ie!d throughout and fitted as a rest
a fr the management 's many
i'liend". The whole of the interior wood
wo-dj is u it art ;t udy for beauty of
;v i -1-:rna ledn p and origi rial it v of deign
The . : lb ri .b-. n-rit ions -o t;iste
("I'lv ;i 1 1 ; i '". nnd pleasing to tie- most
, pi r- ri t ;'-:t I per-on. were done u nder
he d r- cti..n of Mr. J. IV White, a mas
ir land at thin tine of work. Mr.
' '.. '--I- d..n. i-.o-h Mdendid nor':
e. t'...e lines ;,ud a giadoa .f
I tl-.iid . ' ilnf,. ,,f iiierrrttit ite ,- i i
-,. ' Ce..rge H CiUeil Sch- f
, ' f it- He t.,.d op th work -i't
. -,.; in rl.e priir-!. f. n. r-n
i :,.,d iii ib. Cil.-l Slrit.- tuili
.'..tnv :,( V. I.. int. D- n-1 .
K. iitn. r Ir.- e de.K- vei in ela ting hi"
A Veritable Fniryland.
1 1. e.i I k'.-n'ii. i ha o produ.-ed a
e; i rvla nd f r -n ui pt nous nrriund ing.
:u W 1, i. t. f t. w- r. o-ei-u l;i tvns. light,
'irrnirn, boernig. v. ruling women, eour ;.M.ri'lr-ii, nful mo.l'ril eipiip.
h .-,-,i every pcr'o's vim takes n pride
l- Onir .i'fon:i -ippea rn ne. as vdl
irior.-i r th" fa-hiofis of the da-.
I.. vjfW 1 Ire g.-TL" "IIS ipl." V ( lli'W
spring fashion.
(Conticutkd on ym 4.)
PORTLAND, Or., March Jt. Musi
uess was nearly slagmiled today when a
fire, starting in the most vital part of
the 1'acific Telephone & Telegraph com
pany's syslem in this, put. 14,000 tele
j hones out of coinmi'iou. It will prob
ably bo Tuesday before the system
can be repaired. It in supposed that
I he fire was started from crossed wires.
Tho Nnsh I'ri'il Kluki'lcy, H-isiO-uri;;
i'liarlos Stain, Minm-iimlit; I,. It. NVw
I I'nrlliin.l; l(. C, W.ishbnrn, Tnhlo
Kock; .1 it Crnoil, II. llt.r.i.iK-.r, ('.
II. Vi'ht.., A. Mrown. San Krancist;.!;
Mm. M. .laclssmi. S-alllo; 11. E. Wine
niaii, San Kra.tcist-o; K. P. TaylDr, .1. V.
II. .Inn's, I'urtla.i.l; II. '.illiy, San
I 'la.H-isi'u; .1. A. Ilaak, I'nrl la.i-t ; II. V.
Walker, NVw Vork; C. I.. Ilnliarl. Tal--at.
Tho Mooro- l- II. Ilari'ourl. Si. Paul;
Mr a.i-l Mrs. .1. S.nitll, l.aki' Cri'ok; (I.
1.. Shat'cl-, l.allati; l-Mwanl 1. Gili-lirist.
V.-iv Vi.rk: V. II. Nasli. Seattli-; .1.
K.'ivaiianli, I-'iik-'iii'; M. I.. linlirrtHnti
an. I will', M.irslif i.-l,l ; I.. L. Pfanl-irl f
iia.l w-it'c, PiiTi-i'lnn; K. ('. MnrHli, (irant
I'i-ss; ('. .1. l.niiKil Purl In tail ; F. M.
I'lillnis, Aslilanil; (). K. Hriiwu, San
l-'iaiu-isi-u; ('. ('. iluui)liri.y, Port .Ioih.m;
U. M. (Iruwii, I'-irllund; l.anii'l I'nrk
cr, Kurt .lunurt; (li'iirc. II. Hent, Cliica
Kii; .1. S. StiTivlt. Di-ivcr; .1. C. Ailk.Mi,
V,nul illu; .1. II. .lulinsou, San l-Van-risen;
.'. M. Nary. I Wl lu.ul ; V. W .
Austin, M .'chord; I'. I,. Heals, S.'allle;
S. ,1. l-'i'iunaii, Hal lie Creek; Mleaunr
I'laiiilll.les, Kale ''ay. Hal,
I '.ui llaiviy. Yew Vi.rk; .1. K, Weeks
ami ivil'e, Sinilh Celiler; .1. U. I.eei'll.
'.' .us. If ; II. I,a...iul, UriKifH; II. A.
Ili.i i li. C. V. Slater. .1. I'. Turrie, ('. S., I'.iillan.l; If. A. Ilnluies anil
i.e. Iluswell; (leiM-e- S. Ilvansiin anil
i-il'e. ralleiuler.
I-:. I.. Maxwell i.r Oslikiish, Wis., lias
l.eiiulil 11. i:. Miiri'is.,1, 's rami s-iiillian.l
uesl of Mr.ltnr.l. ;lie ei .list. lent t lull lie
r t:i I" fi'. aere. .1. ( '. Iln.wn
Hi.' real .;,!! ile.ller ui' I 111 'I rily, mali-n-'
the sale.
A. aa.l ( '. I'VMenliei .- ami .1. I..
lleanl li.ilay .iirrli:M...I llie
III el sistilie; ui' Hill arris. II lllili-
eii.l a half u..rl liwe-i ,,l' Central I'uiiit.
iiiljniiMli h ininl, lei'i'iillv Hii,h;:se,
l-y c.,1, I l-raiil, I.. Tun vile. Tin.
l-iu'.' is uiiileisl I lu hae liein . l.-,n
an ane.
Messrs. I'Vlilenlieinier are h., ,,(' 'r
latel's lea.lini; Imsi ih-hk iiu-ii. invniny
tile lulye-. 'hv slule ill llree,!!!!.
'I'll' y lia e lia.l (lie ileal uieler nuislil
. 'alien fur suine I in,.-. Iiai'iuj selerleil
111.' Keyiie l(ier V'llley as llie must
.tiituisiny I'iel.l I'ur iu eKtuient et' any
"f III'' I'niil SeeliiiMi. Tlie fuel Hull
men uf llieir liiyli liituii.'ss aritiiien liae
ili.i-eli tliis s.'i'tiuii Mliinvs wlial liailtn
I'.utlaii'l fiiiaiirier.: tlinil uf llie Mil
Tl,e M'Miri'luiiiM' ttiiet is ,f Hie
fill'".! iiiris .,( ,r,,,eit- ill Soullieril
tlr.'i;"!!. It lies nil 'I iji'litle sl'ij.e ami
is suitalil" 1'i.r i. h:iis ur alfalfa.
Til.- jTni'.-il- is nielei Hie new Hay ir
i ej.'t i tii' syli-in ijiv umler .ri ss ,.f
. "i st rtirt inn. iitul .-very inrli ran l.e
at.r.. l.e eravilv. Mr, Pel, leu
li'-inii r -'iit a -lay In.'kiiie; hut Hie
. all. v this w . k wi'h Mr. Il. ar.l. win,
l,:i'e eliarL". u- Hi'' ui..ert ami
lent nt inn e a 'i.rtnui tn api'les aiel
t.iri'. Part "f tie' l.'tmi is new in al
fill fa.
m:w v. i:k. Mat. h J'-.- i;,",... m,i
!' -. lriii,e a Tlniiin. " Plltlif itel i nt: "
ar 'nun Ne-v r. t,, S.attlr. left
l il hall at to.lav. I. aniiir a
in- s;,l. from M M.l'l. llati to the
iiav.,1 of S.altle.
W ASH I i'l'i . lai. I, '.'ii. Senator
llevliiirii -.f I'lalu. I oil. - .leri'lr.l to
l.-riuiiui.)i. the app-.tittaent of flener
nl U'lini'ii Pniilt of iilaho lo Hie new
I'-eiHh .hslii.-l;, I . in Alaska, lie
-' iM'also urye the apioinlineiit of former
Senator l'lill'-n to the new juilKeship.
County court in Session
in Jacksonville - Appro
priation in all Probability
Be Made
'ounty court
ui session in Jack-
sonvifle this aftc
moon considering the
matter nf an
npproprmtion of $5o,U(Ht
fur tl, Crater Lake rua.l a .larks...,
unly's share. A lure,. , ,t,r of I10.
tili.uis have l,e.. r,.,iv,,i bv tmrt
"'I'" ""K '!"' lnrK.t luxmyers of
Ha- enuutv. These have I,,.,... (eiiernlly
eirrnlatil ami sine,l. IVshles ,lrig
Hie .asl lew weeks several influential
men have talkeri will, Hie eo. issicnors
ami ,.,K,,I ihat the aiiropriatiou ba
This aft, 'in,,,, ,, ir , j Kccnc V.
M. Cruwell ami h (IsenliniKire nra be.
lure llie riuirt iu-iiij; the mater. Tlie...
' " "" II"' L'ast .luulit but that tin.
i.iruiriatiiin will be mailt-.
Attorney Oouoial's Opinion.
The i''i ii i-.ji uf Hi,, attorney (jenoral
reunnliue; th,. a-iruprialion by'tl.p court
-a lis follows;
" I inn of llie opinion that the county
' ''"'. a.piopriai bo entire, $T,n,-
-"in, as Ihat complies llie Hi,, terms of
Hie net. However, there is milhiiifr in
Hie net that prevents H unity from
innkinr; il payable iu fiuir animal in
stiilin. 'ins. As I reail the act. llie whole
'"' 1 shoulil be npiiropriiiteil, unil tho,,
Hie lime when it run be useil is appa
rently left ii, il,,, eoiinly authorities; at
least, there is no tiling saiil ref-ariline;
Hie mailer, us fa, as the eniinty is run
. enieil, ami tlierefor". if the county
thorilies are of the opinion that only
p',-iin. ran h on unieally useil encli
year, I think Hoy have the rihl to so
" 1,'elative In Hie ipiestiou IIH to wlietll
-r if .l.-.rkso.i rounly nppropriates tlii;
"loney essary un.ler the bill, worL
ran be enunitotirr-l iu .larksun county
v.'helhrr Klumatli in reaily or not, per-'
init me to sny that has been my ui.iinr
taniliii of the art. It pn.vhles that
whet. S.-,n,llilll i appropriate,! by Jack
''"l 'y. Hial portii n of t. f,iil Hp
iropriate.l by the stiil- which is to he
useil iu .larksou eoiinly is available,
"ne I'o, ml h year."
LATE LOCAL NEWS. SI, ui;. Hie rancher,
p-'iil S:itii,,v Me.lfonl.
Clonel II c. Washburn of Table
Kuril ranch spent Saturilay in Meilforil.
W. K. Merrill, one of the l.ih offi
rials .if the Pacific Telephone Tele--lapli
r"i.,.aiiv. left, f,,r PorHaiul Sal
ill'lay. Mr. Merrill ti.-.,e m,-,,,,. fri,.,l,
lillinu- his stav of several weeks in Meil ami the fuel thai his company re
ceiveil as tart.'.' a vote as it -liil was line
principally to his efforts. II,. maile a
. lean anil u.-illntil fiolil in I, 'half of his
. olnpa a y.
K. -. Marsh of Hra-.tH Pass arrive,!
hi Meilforil S.'iliinlav u, mine;.
llatM.y Silver of A ihluml wan visiting
I'ri Is in this rilv l-'riilay.
Lawn r II. Ilobart of Talent arrive.!
is M-'-lfnr-l Satan!.'--,- niorntni:.
.!. S. llailiy of Ashlaml is ia the city.
J. W, Hals. r of pticene was in the
rilv Kriilay.
S. Mreh,,u-e ..f Ashlainl is a Me.lford
Mrs. W. I, Viiwt.i i- visiliim f.'i Is
-a I'oitlaml.
V M. I.. , ..I .,f llali- . v.-ni lookinu' over
M.lf',1.1 I'ri, lav.
Th-' Me.lfor.l I' tue'il reltipaity has
' ..I' i i at work lavini; curbinj?
on South C-titial avenue.
.lohn was l.roni-ht In fore I!e-'or-lei
c,,ii,-, Situr.lav iiiorninc elinrj;
"I Willi auranev. am! fineil ton bucks.
II'' 'li'l not .oi-ie ;h--oeu'h with the ncc
eearv i-ah. so will work a few ilnys
for tl it v.
Tw,, ,-oarlus fill,.,! ,vitl, I'tiitcl State-,
-aekies p.'n.,-, throiioii M,,for,! on .Vo.
M Sa.tir.lav iiiornin; en route to the
M rem. it. oi navy vnril on Puiret sound.
Ir. Ki-'tii' and wife relumed Satnr
dav front Porllaml.
A. P. Stover and wife left Medford
Saturdav uiornini: f.,r Herkeley, Cnl.
The I. A. Webb property. H1llx!.-)
'.-I, roriier. Vortli H-'itlett a-.d Fast
Seventh streets, has lueu purrliascd liy
T.r. Krederick C. Pa-re.