Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, March 19, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Social and Personal
J. L. Bimnmer of Asliliuul is in t lie
city ou buBint'BB.
Phone your orders fur mvect crnim ur
buttermilk to the creamery.
J. R O'Hum nf Cfiitrul Put nt wild
it Med ford vmitui' TIiinmlHy,
till Gauuyaw, public HteungriiiiiiT,
mom 4, Palm building.
il. F. Hockt'iiyuM lian rcturnfd frmn a
ItUsiuusH trip to Ptirtliiml.
Hbtroy Gnrm-tt ii-tiirncd Thiirsdny
from Huu Franeineo.
Orders for iwent cream or buttermilk
promptly filled. Phone the creamery.
Mrs. C. K. ilk;rm,ii n-t urinal n j
Thursday fmin Snn FrmiriHcn, where tin'
I an boon visiting her Hon.
The city him uddcd an nddiny in.u liim
to Its Office illipin('llt iti Ihe ity re
eoi'der's of fife. i
Mr. and Mm, Octroy Oi-tcliHI have,
moved int" their ltiniffiliw mi Xnrtli
Oahdute avenue. ,
Place your order for ycur Kaster nuit
eurly. We take ordeM for unite from '
lfi.00 up. Kifert, the progruHftiv.' tni
lor. 200 ,
Mutt ''hIIhuiii of Phuctiix upeni I-'ri i
day in Med ford.
F. O. ('retnor of Red Devil Cement ,
Ww. will huild walk nr-cording to city
tpeciftcMtiomi for 12 1 2c per Hfpiare !
root. I
The O. P. Mini rehurd n.irlh of
Cent ml Point ban not been Hold, im er
rnniouely reported la t week. A dntl
which whh p ling for tin property wax
not completed. j
Why do you buy n hand me down .
nit when you can Rft thein marie in
any stylo you want them at ready made j
prieeat W. W. Kifert, the progreenive j
f Wheeler ih building a cottage no
his property on Riverside avenue.
Mrs. 'A. M. Hrown of Portland in vi
iting h. M. Lyon and family of tlii
Grand millinery opening on Monday.
If arch H. Barnard A Pnrnoyflr, No. 1!
(' street. Old Kifert building. 3'ifi
Ciiv Attorney Porter G. Xeff hat
purchiiHcd a lot from Frank Amy adjoin
ing the property recently purchased by
Ueltoy (li leliell.
KOR HKXT- Kitrnidhed light houne
keeping rooms. Inquire ."ins H. Main
street. 5
It. K. Jones and family of Walla Wal
la, Wusli., were Medt'oid arrivals Thurs
iluv. Mr. Jones has it ciulottd of limine
hold goods on the way and intend to
locate in the valley.
A. ). Juve of Merrill, Win,, hit pur
hnsed K. K. (lore's lot on West Sev
enlli street between I A. Tlioiii.'is' reti
denco and the ,1. A. Morey property, tin
ronsidetatioii being IL' .r.
WANTKO A man ami team to plnw in
orchard. M. W. Hn-ffer. ."ins K. Main
street. :tl
J. A. Perry has puii-liasd the 'A
wards property on N'mlli Front Mtrn'i
just nortli of tin lreini (ininite eont
puny 's property. Tin ousidenitimi v:i
A. H. San ford of A whin ml was in
Med ford Thursdav.
It. A. HolmeH ami Wife of Roswell,
X. M., arrived in Med ford Thnrmlny i fernul utii
and will pndiahh- nuil;c city llieir
home. ' ' IteWHt
(leorife S. Kiilif "i) ami wife of I ill I
lender, la., are new nrnvals in tin- ei
J. W. .IncoliHon ami A. J. Calvin
(ieltidale were in the eitv Tliur-idav.
Cheap Prices at The Mediord Theater
Josephine Del fry Coming.
.Mini! .loepliiue h.'ffry u:ul u clever
company of players will open an en-
grigeiueul of riire.- 'light SHt tin- Med
ft ml Theater Monday, Miivli L'L'. Miss
)ef f ry is emu para', i vely unknowii on
tl.e etit, exempt to (hose who folbtW
the I'liivr-, nf slae people, lull in the
uiiddle west flu- and eoiupiuiy are
wi'll l.uiiwii, and uni erntl favorites.
Mauagi-r H ielrigg ;it first was aver;-..-
j hi hookniL; an al t rici' ion tor more than
im infill, but n-t-eh ieg a positive gitut
iav.-e I lie aynt of tl oinpaiiy
vhieh alliMv: him to rancid the engage
ommiI at any iinn if I !m- cihii m v in mI
tii.Mjd .i )U1 pir; 'uoit-o.Mjiii -H .epi
o( p.).M?1it - kik .n( 'ui:puiM -i'I l "I do
1 M J.'ie. .'."r arid one-.
Tins i done moler a 'ihi1 i r- gnnran
f lulu hi in i hat a n v o'h imt more
itliati -mIihI ii tl with the company and
I;lh prem'iited r;n their moaey
i lu-erfiilly refunded.
I S"at sale Mpctis at llasliins' Saturday
i morning.
The Nash V. Hodge, Gold Hill;
, U W. W.mdard. Minneapolis; A. J.
! AH.niig. i;. S. Maxwell, Oaklnnd; O. W.
Kt ward, Nariamenlo- J. T. Krling. Man
I'lannseo; ,f. W. 'handler, Berkeley ;
I. 1 1 Birbeck, Fort Wayne; A. J. Col
itiu. lilen.lal. ; .1. H. Ktter, San Fran
I.ih.o; .1. W. .In.ol.Hoii, tilemlale; B. II.
liiahatii, W. II. J s, J. O'Brien, city;
ln-d l.o.-Mey. Portland: I- R- Markell,
Saa FraneiMio: J. . Abrams, Winona:
Itoy (J. Mirscli, Porth.iel; K. C. Me
I Kr, ii, MoHtoii; .(. (i. Ilen'-ek, (!. II. ,1m
jlau. I'ortlaml; i. II. Cray, August Mul
; ler. Oscar Sdiarmff. A. (bmd, Portland.
Different In Books.
In the books this Is the way they
say It:
"Oulslde the wind tiirnttted uneeasing
ly, Its voiee now that of u hi Id whi.-h
sobs with Itself in tb" uiglit. now that
of u woman wuj suffers her trreat pain
alone, us women h:t vt suffered since
life begun, uh women must suffer till
life wears to lis weary end, And min
gled with the wal liny of wind niln fell
-fell heavily, Ijiterinltteiiily, like tears
wiuuK from souls of strouu' lueii.
Outside the huo!;s we Hliy ;
"It's lainiir: "-Atelilvtoi OIole.
The Brakeman'a Joke.
"Ran over a row t hU i;ti.rulnj; ti : ,
above CoTevvllle. said tin- bnikeinail
tti a report r
"How ilid II Ir'i'pen''" ii-iKid the re
"She was diitiKIt out t n eree!i
under il bt Ulire." shotlteil l!ie brakemuo
as be su mi:: tin t tin Inst ear utel
went uTlnnliu; out of town -Khiisim
City Times.
Brute) j
Jimvoii -Where's yttur wife? Haven't
Been her often laieh Weed Oti. I
sent her a way on i MM le I'.-ieatloti
.IIllloll--So? Whelf il sbe Wet-d- j
To Ihe Thousand Isles .1 1111-1.0 -Stay
luinf? Weed Vtw (old her tti take 1
a week to each Nhtud. .ludire J
A Saving Grace. !
Florence- I can't understand why !
Clhel imirrbd Mr Otinsou ll. Is old
notiL.'h tit be her father l.nwivtf n- j
Vei Inn he Is rl h eooiicb to b hf
A Bank en Two Lege
"For more thin, thirty yeans the
most popular wotd man's bank la
Maine was a bauU uu two legs.' says
Major Holmes Iviy. aiithur of "Klug
. (.ni. e." "-I'lii il he was over neveuty
old I nek Nate Swhii was cou
, iiriot the BjiioI' and Plkcutuqula
;ail)'ond, runtiiug between the city and
..Itiosehead lake. With him rode the
wooiln am driving crews. When they
ioiL-ot themselves aud mude 11 racket
: Ids iraiti he used to cuff them Into
-'tilt: I shu, and no man ever raised
l is hand against L'm le Nate. When
: he men came out of the woods wlta
. !eir pay moit of them realized from
Classified Advertisements
Iraioibl t Von Bolow.
I luring I Inn. von Billow's leader
hip of t he orchestra nt II never u
(etnr of fame was engaged ! ; lay :i
liar roUi In "l.oheii-rhi," ai.d whll
the sliiL,'er was rebeil I 'llltf hts J : Pt Btl
lnw was fni'icd in i.'ti ttver the sn nil
bars a nuiuU-r t.f times without th'
new nrt.if beiiiulng to hIiic. Tired of
his waited efforts, Hie leader stopped
t he oivlit'Stru and angrily turuetl (
the singer.
"I know that a tenor Is proverbially
stupid," he said, "but you seem to
niiike an cxleiislve use of this nnwrlt
ten hi w."
A I aiiot her I lute, while one of hh
urn ml lutcruie.ns w as he tug played
with jieat IVcllnn by Ills tuuslt-iaiis. n
pern liar mdse, hardly percept I Ide b;
iiniraliieil ears, annoyed ihe leader for
Koim- Mule time. At first tie though!
Il'd the Mutter of W lugs, bill
homi be dlx.i ered an ch-waiil lail
faiiuin bersi'tf In olio of the boxt-
ln-e b BubiW kepi otl with bis ues
lure-;, li'.itu: bis e es mi the otTendei
fn a manner whf h meant reproof. Tin
-.u , ni b'-editiK I his. was sutldenl;
siirpii-ed by Ihe lender dropping hit
hi lit. and iiiniliiy toward her
"Mad. rm." he lletl. "If fan "U UiUsI
please at least lo-ep time with your In
I am )ire pa red to fill orders for first
class fruit trees, shrubs, palms, etc., at I
lowest price. Have on baud 500 Huerre
Hi -c pear trees, 4 to 6 feet. Ask at
Fxhibit building. B. F. A 11. EN.
Little Karlv Risers are sinall
1:. .-jihv. I'title, and eertniii. and an
I bv Kagle Pharmacy. in
Kudo( for OyspepiM) end Indigestion
will digest any kind of food in any j I bow
trotnbination at any Mid nit times. Keep, in tiio-ts
your ttomach well by taking Kiolol now ' .-( ret,
aud then. Hold by Rsgle Phannncy. in j
b!s and land in Phoenix, or
tu oiit from onn acre to H4n
Phoenix, Or,
Figure with Woolverton
Wnolvcrtnii ciii.iiii iiiiilcs (lie li'oiit I'livcr
Don't work and slave fur a lainl'onl. Own
vnitr own llcill(
Wonlvertnii will sell il In you nil t.'asy
hi the matter of the bankruptcy of
A. .1. Stevens et at., i-o part tiers as the
Jackson Comity l.nmhi r Co.
N'otice is hereby given that the un
dersigned trustee of the above mimed
bankrupt estate, in accordance with an
order made by the raferee in tmid mat
ler. date.l March 10th. WOO. will,
from ami after Hie 2dth day of March,
l!tii), proceed to sell a' private salo for
cash in tin in) to the Mghest bidder, the
following personal property belonging
to said estate, to wit :
One saw mill, cngin" and boiler,
appraised at $1400 j
One planer, appraised at
Six cabins on h-::ie nnid. apprais
..!r epeibu-e thai Ihe city folks
'it'll Ket nil their money awuy fro in
i.-Mi In ii few days. As souti uu they
oiiM git nlmui'd Ihe train they would
.ii; ii sn ip i ti dollar bills ofT their
It. :i I'd lri!id ttie money to Fncle
.'le to Vsii.U' for them, banking It uu
:II They never fmjjot. mr did he,
il In nil i he years there was never
ill'ltite li-tween Cttiitltietor S'uu
: tl a;:-, cf liis tleposlturs. Wlieu they
: I ' k i hi train ibey were sure
'i ni'.i t-y fi.r their fare and
' ' -' " :t Hie lake outfitting
'! 'o -i nldn't have known very
I . 'i 1 1 I !.i n il b inure."
Her Ideal Villain.
! r ': -'. ai;:di.le. taken from
:.:" 1 .' I!a;; Ci.lne. Is Interest
. i-i.-. vf'.-r ihe pr.'dueitoQ of
'i ''lite." wbeii alt
: in t! e arch vll-
"a : i1 r. Witkie
' ! a ' !t .imn a lady
d ' liii it; i. n his SUC
i f: .t t beer and
' i:;n i!i, crent
.. i ' your vlllalu.
t . - it r aMy d" nut
. ' I t 'I'll l-'tmeo Is
i ' i' v!i :i next you
. ! e-: riptit.ti 1
i ill ilalu to come
i ' i . : I i d hiie one
'-. n :l Ikat Would
!-in i' -i I have ever
i - - i'i i 'i!'i'; that I
; i :.r I ,ia- 'nation The
! : i d i-' ic rantiy under my
n i i : I my own husband."
' I m (tu.- w lf of F.dward
i'!v -r I. i ifii.
V A XTKD Furnished modern bouse or
bungalow in or ue:ir city. Inquire P,
Tribune office.
VA N'TKIJ Vouug lady wishes board
und room with private family in home
with bath; references given. Address
L Tribune office.
WANTED To exchange, a prosperous
newspaper business, including new of
fice building and lot in Drain, value
of all $2500, for residence property in
Medford or Improved fruit farm near
that city, valued at $3500 or $4000.
Will pay difference in cash. Address
nox ziu, urain, Or. 2
WANTED A large unfurnished room,
by a gentleman with his owa furniture,
to be used for lodging. Address W,
care Tribune.
WANTED Girl for general hpusework
must be good cook; wages $30 per
month. Apply to D. R. Wood, Hotel
Ncsh. 4
W A NT ED To borrow on good securitv,
from $3000 to $3500. P. O. Box 683. 1
FOR SALE At the Union Darn, 1 irood
! 3 wagon, 1 good set work harness,
2 second hand buggies, 1 dise plow. 1
! W ANTED 12 woodchoppers to chop
j cordwood Hnd tierwood. Address P. O.
Box 418.
FOR SALE Completo house furnish
j in(s, practically new. Address Mrs.
i William Hyde. Stalker, Medford, Oo. 4
; FOR SALE Three choice residence lots
ou West Seventh. Price $2300, terms,
i Seo Woolverton, with Benson Invest
ment So. 4
: at
Your House Cleaning is Made Easy
by the :
Medford Domestic Laundry
For we li.'tvc in-lalli',1 ;i l;irm raiprt wheel In ,iisl
rnrpets. Our ;i,,n will pi.U 1 1 1 iiinl .lelivei- voiir
e.'riets. within i i,.ui' .l,i,-r than eaii Jmssi
hly make them. 'all I'hoiie '""'l and aU us ali.Mit
mu'enrpet wheel. Tri.-o ."ide. 7""- aiul !.
Glen Fabrick
.''i.'!,ono feet I'oiiuioii liiinbi'i'. not
stacked, tit tT per M. nppriiis- !
ed nt 231
to.illiu fci-t diiiii-iisioM lumber, not
li.ed, ut $7 per M, apprais- I
ed fit 2S0 :
s(ni fitt diineusioii tttmbi'i1, not j
sized, at per M, uppraispd nt BH !
:!:nfl fee common lumber, shirked, I
nt a-praied at 2.S
II). 000 feet Xn. 1 rouyh lumber,
V. tl. rioiirinjr. Ii-ix4xl2, nt 1"
I n I M. iii.raised at loO j
i;t.tion f,-,( n, 2 roui-li shop hi in- I
bi-r at 12 per Nf. a pp misted at 1")fi
5000 feet assorted lumber, various
n per M, niraised at.. 25
One lease on the fotty nerea of
bind iiu whii h ttr mill stands;
b ase exjnre April. 10'M; ap
praised at 25
Two lumber I rucks, :,ppraised nt 25
Tin- X K 'i S W and N 1-2
S K .-iii.l S K ', S V. y sec
tion ,'(o. township :17 S.. ratine
3 . iipj.inised at 1000
Dated :tt Medford. (treifon. this llhh
dnv of Miireh. I !ioo
VM. I'l.ltH'H. Trustee.
VM. M. t'lil.VKl. Attorney for Trustee.
N hereby given that tlio undersigned
will apply at the next meeting of the
city council of Medford, Oregon, for
license lo sell malt, vinous and spirit
ous liquors in less quantities than one
irnllon at lot 10, block 20, in Medford.
Oregon, for a period of six months.
Dated March H, 10!.
Fi.J Bayonets In London.
1 ' ' ile,.e of innn hliig through
' '! wU tii'd bayonets h eujoy-
t I nt wry few rejrtiiifiitu, such
i jo fnlUerK. who irnue their
rli !n to ( 'Ioiiiwi-M h trained baml,
- i i Ii In Inter yours produced so fu
m..;i a (uplaiti ns John (illpln. After
i be Royal fuslleers, or perhaps even
i'":oT' them In point of regimental
seniority, come the Last Kent "Buffs,"
now the I bird of the Hue. who claim
a si mil :ir i it y ancestry .while t lie Hoyul
iiiiii liie.-t t r borne reason or other also
enji.y the sunn- fixed bayonet rights
in the t-iiy. A bitttaltou of the Kreoa
'.ler jiuanls whs unee Impressed to
serve ns niartiies, and heuee they
Kliare (he privilene of the men who
are "sob'jei-i und sailors too." This
also i.dains why ttmt greuiuller but
snlli.ii has fur Its tattoo "Kule Urltau
nl:i" us n souvenir of t!m time when
Its loinbative t'xisteiiee was of the
umpMldotis Jcf nil. - London Standard.
FOR HALK Lot on Ross court, 50x
132, from 1 to 2 feot above grade; ce
ment walk. Price $350. See Woolver
tou, with Hen son Invest. Co. 4
FOR SALK Imp. Porchoron utalTion
"Farceur" So. (55797) and No. 40037.
Owing to retirement from business, wo
will hi 11 at public scle to the highest
bidder, on March 27, at Medford, Or.,
this haudflomo Imp. Stallion. Farceur
is a cool black, 7 years old and a ton
horse; perfectly sound, gentle- aad u
Hit re foal getter. He has stood for
four years here nnd hie colts speak for
him. Imp. by MoLaughlln Bros. Blue
Ribbon winner at Pt. Louis world's
fair nud Knnsas City Horse Hhow. J.
C. Pendleton secrotary R. It. V. Stock
Burns Amt'n. 9
FOR SALE Xico fittlo chicken ranch,
good laud, house, woll, etc.; a good
buy; large lot, small house, gnrdon,
good well, only $525; residence lot,
close in, only $250. C. W. Stone, over
Bijou Thentsr. 5
The Mental Jog.
"Tliere ts a i ifrtaln type of person." ;
s.ild itic bu-diiess tiiiin, "espeehilty In
Xo. "ork. who seems unable to tin-
't.r-;;iiid v, tint la said to hltn-or her- 1
tiiib".s the staieinent or remark Is pre
ti.xed by snim- catchword, usually th
. id -!Nte:i '
'fir lni;in. c. I haven ate uogrnpher
who -i:n0. stures nt me In dumb
itii:ieiiiei:t if I say any t Ii tuff to her
vHIm ut i;r.t saying 'Now, listen. If
I be In to ill til ir a letter to her she
will not write a word If 1 forget to
I'e Hint tnental Jog. When 1 snnn
i H h. r -he will seratcti tike mad.
'e i: t the only mie. The tele
N 'i:e t'lrl i.-uiimt take a message un-
- ii iii- ttmt prolix. When I nm
i.i of t!u- i.::i. e ami try to tutk over
e v tre vi !i ber I must always be
In. 'Now, listen.' or else stie Is bope
!v ut sen ami t-eems not to under
t;unl a word 1 say." New York;
FO R 8 A h B Fu rn i t u re for sale and
house for rent. Call or address O, care
of Tribune office. 4
I-OR SALK Twenty tons loose oat hay.
Honry Wahlers, Medford. 3
FOR SALKlTn. BubliviTion" No" 1,
is still on the market, with several
good lots. Who wants a home in the
best part of the liogue Itiver valley t
See L. Niedermeyer, Jacksonville, 10
FOR SALE Or trade, the best room
ing house in Medford, clearing $100
per month. Address C, care of this
FOR SALE A new 6 room house, with
bath and electric light and window
shades, for the sinall Bum of $1600.
Mrs. F. Osenbrugge, 401 Riverside ave
rt no.
FOR SALE Choice business property
ut a bargain, on long time; easy terms.
Address P. O. Box 418.
fOTPSALE 5 and 10 acre tracts just
wilhin and adjoining city limits, at a
brrgnin, on 5 annual payments. Ad
dros P. O. Box 419. '
FOR RENT New furnished rooms,
light, bath aud phone, very reason
able. South I street, second house
southwest corner park. Mrs. Sum mer
lin. 6
Take Hoi lister ' Rocky Mountain
Tea at night. in
If you'd dubbed a handsomo girl.
And win a handsome Knight,
The nceret here 1 do impart,
Pnrkersburg is nhout 75 miles from
I Wli eling, W. Va., It has lung been an
' important manufacturing center. Thv
t it y owns and operates its water works.
Its population in 1:M3 was given at
I 1(1,103.
Prepaid Railroad Orders.
Something which N of coiisiderubli
interest to the public generally and
which is perhaps not goncmlly known
m the system of prepaid orders now ik
effect between stall us of the Southern
Pacific company aud points in the
lTnited I t at of. lty means of this system
tickets may be purchased nt Medford
from any place in the I in ted States and
msiled or telegraphed direct te the par
ty wiliiug to conn tiere. Sleeper ac
commndnt ions aud srrall nmounts of
.-:(.h in connection with these tickets
niiiv also te forwarded at the sauo
! time. ' tf
I .
Medford Time Table
! I Northbound
i No. UiOrt'gou Klprow ) 5:24 p. m
I N,. HjPortlAiiii Kipre.fl....; 9 : -41 in.
! No. llCalifornia Kxprtt.. ,jlO:3A a m
j No. 1.1 Sin Prauciico Kip.. :2P p. nt.
I So. Hi Frora Qranti PM... . :15p. m
I No. 22.Vor Aiil.nd jlO: 15 p. m
! No. tLeavi Mrdfor4 10:4a.m.
No. 4'Lea?t Medford 5:35 p.m.
, M.itur ! .vi- Motlford j 1:00 p. m
Motor'l ..'ivti Medford j 9:00 p.m.
No. lI.tavri JarkioDvill. . . :00 a.m.
No. 3l.aavti Jaekaoovillo. . . S:S9 p. m.
1 Motorll.earoa .lacktonrillp. . . 1:50 p. m.
' N(otorl.MTM JacJuonviVlo. . 730 p. m.
A.M.P. M
Norlhbouad :1 4:54
footkbon.4 110:031 1:50
fl. Poi.t T:I0( l:M
J., i.QTlll. 10:l0) 5 80
WE will give an
other showing
of the latest crea
tions of
Tailored 6 Dress Hats
We cordially invite the ladies
of Medford and Vicinity to call
and inspect them
Spring Opening'
Continues Saturday
No matter if you have been here on one of the oth
er days, we bid you welcome Saturday and Saturday
vight. Music from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m
See the windows and interior decorations.
See the New
Suits and Hats
Such an array of beautiful
Millinery creations were never
before seen in a city the size
of Medford nt the prices we
are asking. The same thing can
be said about our Suits, only
that we guarantee every suit
we sell to give perfect satisfac
tion. May we show you ?
Medfords "Little Kost" Ladies Store
Central Avenue, Just North of Jackson County Bank
Litest Pictorial Lyric.
Buy a Little Wagon
roll the baby out. In one of
those folding or collapsible
Go-Carts at the Medford
Furniture Co.'s just the
proper caper, while the Vac
uum man is cleaning your
house. If you need anything
new this spring don't forget
we have an enormous stock
to select from and our pricei
are right.
Sole Agents for the
WERNICKE Sectional Book Case
Don't i.i'glect your
looks when you have
this opportunity to
fot a Globo-Wernieke
Our Special $4.50 Iron Beds
is making a great hit.
We also carry a com
plete line of Comforts,
Blankets, Sheets, etc.
We only ask you to
call and be shown
through our different
departments. You
will save money.
Medford Furniture Co.
Wedding Rings
All Styles and Sizes
Martin J' Reddy
The Jeweler
Fine Watch & Jewelry Repairing a SpEcialty. Near p.o.