THE MEDFORT) DAILY TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1900. CHOICE MISCELLANY The Wealth of Our Nation. lu 1810 tbe Lulled Stutea held th fourth rauk aiuuug the manufacturing nations. Great Britain, Frunce and Germany were ahead of us, lu tbe or tier named. We passed ureut Britain lit 1880, and today tbe aggregate of our manufactures equala that of Great Britain, Germany and France com Lined. Tbe value of our products of luauu fact urea has doubled since 1886. The value of our exports of manu fuctures bas doubled sluce 1898. In tbe ralue of tbe property represented manufactures rank tblrd among tbe treat activities of tbe United States, agriculture being first and tbe rail roads being second, but In tbe u um ber of persons employed agriculture la tbe only interest wblch leads manu factures. Manufactures are far abead of agriculture In tbe value of tbe prod ucts. Tbe money Invested lu manu factures represents an elgbtb of tbe value of all tbe real and personal prop erty In tbe country. Tbe United States manufactures 33 per ceut of all tbe manufactured products of tbe world. Tbe value of tba farm property of tbe United States Increased from $7,080, 000,000 In 1800 to $20,514,000,000 In l&OO and about $25,000,000,000 In 1008. Taming Patti. Pattl was to sing on a certain date at Bucharest, but at tbe last moment she declined to leave Vienna. It was too cold; snow everywhere; she would not risk catching her doutb of cold. M. Scburniann, the Impresario, was lu dps pair until a brilliant liinpirntion came to him. Quickly be telegraphed to the advance agent lu the Iloumn nlan capital: "At whatever cost Pattl must receive an ovation at Bucharest station from the Italian aristocracy Bend me by return tbe following wire: The me u ilers of the Italian and Rou manian nobility are preparing to give Mme. Pattl a magnificent reception. Tbe ministry will be represented. Pro cessions, torches and bnuds. Tele graph the hour of arrival.' " The ad vance agent carried out this instruc tion, and when the telegram dictated to blin over the wires arrived In Vi enna It was handed to Pattl. with the desired effect. "How charming!" she murmured. "What time d we start?" Hit Wonderful Invention. Australia, as Is well known, Is In fested with rabbits, a most destructive and multitudinous pest. Not long ugo !a man Invented the following plan: You go out Into the field from which the rabbits are to be removed. You saw down a tree, and on tbe slant of the stump you paint a black spot. Then you keep very quiet, so that tho rabbits will come back from tln'lr bur rows and feed ns usual. When n large enough number has collected you clap your bands sharply. The effect will be electric. The rabbits will jump lu baste for Ihofr burrow. At least one Is sure to mistake the hljH'k spot for bis hole and make for It. Invaria bly be will dnsh his brains mil. This process, repeated often enough. Is warranted to exterminate the rabbit forever. Tbe reports do not say whether there are any rabbits left In Australia. Twin Place. One day an old gentleman who found tbe Java village at the World's fair very absorbing at length rontided In a young man standing near. "It's powerful nice to watch." he ld. "hut I may say I should be better ou't If I was a trille better posted. My jogra phy'a a leetle rusty, and It's truth and fact that ! don't Jestly know where Java Is. Now, where Is It?' "Oh." said the young man. with the assured quiet of one who knows, "just a little way from Mocha!" Argonaut. Making It Easier. Uttle Jean's dolly had met with an accident, and her mother had procured a new head for It. Tbe removal of the old head proved to be a rather ditm-ult task, which Jean watched with great intercut, Tiu afraid, Jeau, I can't get this old bead off," said the mother. Jean's face glowed with the light of an Inspiration as she said: "Never mind, mamma; Just take tbe body off." A Teaser. There Is one subject on which It Is difficult to keep up interest?" "What particular subject Is that on which it is difficult to keep up inter est ?" "The mortgage of my house." To the Point. Elderly Aunt I suppose you wonder ed, dear llttl Hans, why I left you bo abruptly In tbe Inne. 1 saw a man, aud. oh. how 1 ran! Hans Did yoo get him? Fliegende Blatter. A man that Is young In years may be old tn hours If be has lost no time. Bacon. Not Bull Run. The story was told of an American who happened to be crossing tbe ocean ome yearn ago on tbe Fourth of July, which national holiday was celebrated with great enthusiasm by tbe Amerl- ails on board. "1 say." asked one of tbe English- nen, "what Is this the anniversary or myhow? Isn't It to celebrate the bat tle of Bull Hon or something of that llndT "No," promptly spoke up an Amert n. "not Bull Run-John Bull Run.' Takee Him Down. "Every man has his price.' quoted the wise guy. "Well, I've noticed that a woman can generally make him feel pretty tbeap." added the simple mog.-Pblla eip.bjs Record. All transcontinental railroads have made surh stopover privileges to the AlasVa-Yukon Paeifie Exposition this summer that the tminvs may see the Orasd Canon of tbe Colorado. Yellow- , rone Park and other scenie wonders. while en route to Seattle. RIGHT OFF THE BAT. Tho Portland team of the Xurtliwofit eru league will leave Portland utxt Monday lor Med ford. Court Hull re fttivud a letter from J'earl Casey i in serting the above information aud in ..-.'Ds.queutly wearing a baseball grin a i'co; wide. Court Hall reports the grouuds will be in tiptop shape Saturday. He bas iku worl.Ii.g uu the park, cutting out the bumps, skinning and rolling the dia uoiid. This has been done at consider able expense. Jud Peruoll, the Grants Pass ''south paw," is uiiikiug arrangements to go to Aberdeen, Wash., about tho 20th of this mouth, where he will go into train ing with tho Aberdeen ball team. Ho was only with tho Abordoen team tbe lutter part of lust BeaBon, but he made good and brought them from the bot tom of tbe list of tho Northwest league to third place. There is no doubt that ho will innke good this season, as he has now had more experience aud is on to the ways of tbe big plavers, and by another season will be with some of the big leagues. The Herald: .Sunday marked the opening of the baseball season in this section of Oregon, a lively tilt between the Central Point Cubs (secoud teura) and the Woodville team taking place at tbe latter town, in which tho Cubs kept imp their town's previous record of bringing in the longest string of scalps. Tommy Kinenid, "the bov with .t future," tossed the ball for the local team, and his work showed the same jnad points of last season, only needing a bit of praetice to get him in perfect i'orm for the season. Kiucnid walkod three men in this game, ns did his oppo- i out, which was not so bad for boys. White, tho Wood vile pitcher, had bet ter luck in striking out men, getting r.evt in Pointers, while ICincaid atch 'em oonly five of the Woodvillittns. For the first four innings it looked nighty bilious for the Woodville boys, tor no sign ol a snml! of anything like run decorated their totem pole, while lie Cubs li:il seven big, elegant scalps lainrlirg at their belt lit the end of the ''mirth. Then Woodville broke the ice and piclii'd up one, rind in the six thoy repented the dastardly net. la the sev enth the Cubs picked up three nice ones, but in the eighth Woodville got mad anad packed in five. That finishod iheiu, however, and in the ninth Fnrra tinned nmniul and brought in one. ivhich made the score 7-11. limt Peruoll - he of the "piuno legs" will be one of the mainstays of the Mierdeeii ten m in t lie Xorthwest em league this year. llenn itiber the Med ford team will r-i bats with Jacksonville next Sun lay, (let out and boost for the boys ;f ymi want t" see good basebah .1:. ille team will be given TIN SHOP Tin iukI sheet iron warn i liantl ami inutie to order. J. A. SMITH, North G Street. Let tho MISSION FUBN1TUBE WORKS make that piece '4 ''irpiture. Any dcBign, any color, any 'inish dull, waxed or polished. Shop on cor. of 8th and H streets. W. M. Oolrtg. C. L. Rnamn. COLVIO ft BEAMES Lawyers. Office: Medford Bank Bldg. Cronnd floor. Cook Stovea and ranges. I'hone Wl MOBDOBFF t WOLF New and S?cond-Hand Furniture Eads' old stand, IS 20 F St. South Medford, Or. MEDFORD CEMENT BBICK ft BLOCK Co. will '.e prepared Feb ruary lo to furnish cement brick. Better than pressed brick and lust as ch-ap. In estigate bofore contracting. P. O. Bol 118. MBDFOBD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists in Teas, Cof fees, Extracts, Baking Powder and Spices. We carry all kinds of dinner ware and fane dishes. 216 W. Seventh St. Medford, Or. DR. OwBLE The only exclusive Opticiaf 'jc twecn Portland and Sacramento Office on Seventh 8tret. When others fail, call on OR. E. J BONNEB Eye Specialivt Office in Esuie Pna-meev Main 233. Sev-jW xm Main THE HOTE I'MEBIUU Rooms from 50 -Dts to $1.30 per day. All moderu conveniences, w solicit yoo: patrooage. fttLBuanesDi a chance to humble Casey's Colts the second Sunday gumu. Tiie Portland brewers took Comis key 's " Yanuigiuis" in camp Monday to the tune of 6 to 1. Pearl Casey would like to hook up with Portland's Pacific Coast league team, ns he believes his Colts can trim McCrcdie's Pets every day in the week. "The Northwestern people will show thvi Pacific Coast something when it comes down to real baseball," says the optimistic Pear). Captain Cartwright of the Tacoma Tigers says that the Med ford ball grounds are better equipped with show er baths, dressing rooms and other com forts for the baseball players than any club in the Northwestern league. Tho Central Point Herald obser?eth thusly: Mod ford and Jacksonville also attempted to play a game Sunday at the latter town, but then was nothing to it except the enormous score of 21 to 9 in favor of Jnektown. Mod ford are so encouraged that they were not white washed that they are going to play Casoy 's Colts when they arrive from Portland. Crrants Pass. March 19. With the warm days the baseball fever in this city is about as prevalent as measles and whooping cough and the result is that Grants Pass expects to have the best team in the field this year they have had in some time. The team hns been organized for some weeks and the boys have been working out and selec tions of regulars and substitutes trom tho largest bunch of material that the city ever had has resulted in selecting t. first-class team. It is not only the vounger element of the citv that has tho baseball fever in this citv this vear, but the older ele ment, tho long ago fans, who played when baseball was not so fast as it is now. who have gotten into tho harness and nre urging the boys on. They have not dono this by word of mouth, but ost of .tho prominent business men have- loosened the purse strings and contributed liberally towards tho sup port of tho tenm. New uniforms have been ordered and will be here in a day or two. The grounds are going to bo ixed up in an up-to-date manner, tno diamond "skinned" and many other mrovements made. Fred Honor will be manager again this year and he has nlrendy hooked several good games that will bo pulirni off earlv in the season. Med ford's lineup against Jackson ville next Stindav will be greatly strengthened by the addition of .lack (Soldier) Myer. who piayen scenu vears with San Francisco nnd Cnrlyle, ii'tling good backstop. The infield will probably line up as follows in the Jacksonville game: Wil kinson first. Subin second. Miles short, t.' ;..- rtimsHiiin and Mvers will I do the twirling, with Cnrlyle and and THE B. E. V. LUNCH BOOM Finest cup nf cuffre on the Pacific Coast. H. H. Lorimer Prop. DR. F. Ot OABLOW DB. EVA MAINS OABLOW Osteopathic Physicians Mission Block, Phone 201 Medford OR. WALTEK B. STOKES, Oe-ilist. Successor to Or. .1. M. Keene. THE ELECTRIC AND FBENCH DRY CLEANING AND PRESS INO WORKS W. K. Laue A Son, Props. Opposite Hotel Moore, Meilford Or gon WASOHAU ft BROWN wish to announce to their patrons that they are located in their new quarters in the Young k Hall building. Billiards. Cigars and Tohaeeos. DB. FRANK - BOBBBTS Dentist Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Milea Building, Seventh Street, Medford, Oregon. Fur good bargains in Watchoa and Jewelry, Pistols, Masieal In ptruments. go tu THE MEDFOBD LOAN OFFICE V, Street. MEDFOBD FURNITURE OO. Undertakers Day Phone 3M Night Phon f. W. ConWin 3 J. H. Butler H DB, B. J. CONBOY Successor to Dr. Jooes. Office in the Stewart Building Saunders to receive their benders. Medt'ord hus an outfield that will be hard to beut in Isuuos, Jones and An toll. They are all there with the wal lop, are fast ou their feet and will trap many a hit this summer. SCORES STUNG HARD ON OREGON TIMBER SKATTIjK, Wash.. March lit. .Lured by promises made by laud locators op erating in Seattle. Tacoma and Helling ham, scores of innocent aud ignorant men have been induced to part with considerable sums of money in the be lie ft hat they would be able to obtain prior rights as homesteaders and tim her land claimants in filing entries on land in Oregon involved in the suit brought by the Vnited States depart ment of just ico against the Southern Pacific. The charge made by the locators is .$t'0i, of which $150 is paid down and the homesteaders nre told that they will obtain first righ.'s should the land revert to the government. This is tho land involved in the sensational attack of President Roosevelt on Senator Till man a few weeks ago. Tho local United States land office receives inquiries every day regarding Ihese lands, the inquirers believing that the land is government land and sub ject to entry. TAFT SEEKING WHITES TO REPLACE NEGROES WASHINGTON, March 1ft. As soon as he can find suitable white men Pres ident Tn ft is going to appoint them to offices in Georgia now filled by ne groes. Colonel J. H. Peveuux. said to be the only real colonel of color in the country, now collector at Savannah, whose term of office expired some time ego, and Ferdinand M. Mann, postmas ter at Pnrien. the center of Georgia's black belt, are the men who are not to be continued in office, Representative Edwards, in whose district thoy are holding office, called at the White House today to impress upon the president the fact that south ern men hnvc accepted his utterances with regard to negroes ami office-holding, and to say that the negroes in question arc not men desired by the communities in which they hold office. According to the representative, the president told him it was hardly neces sary for any southern man who. like himBelf, had heard the innugural ad diess to cull his attention to his own words. To that he ndded that he had no idea of continuing Colonel Deveaux in office. Moti's Nenrtne Pills. Tk. nt iron and tonic restorative for mn and women, produeos strength I and vitality, builds up the system and I renews the normal vigor. For sale by (druggists, or by mail. $1.00 per box. 6 1 boxen for $5.00. Williams Mfg. Co. Props.. Cleveland. O. For sale by Med ford Pharmacy, near pottoffien. rectory SAVOY THEATER North (1'Au.jou Street. i.KtfHt motiou pictures and illu. trateil sunga. Kutire chauge ur program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. BIJOU THEATEB, W. 7TH ST. Continuous performance every evening of motion picturei and il lustrated ballads. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday anil r'ridav. Admission 10 fents. Wll, H. AITKBN riiiiiilntii;. Hteatn and Hot Water Heating. I'hone it. 210 W Seventh St., Medford, Or. EOEN VALLEY NTJB8EBY N. S. Heimett, Medford, Or. Orour trees that sell, sell trees that tfrnw wiui'l fruit true to label VERNB T. OANON Billposter aud distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7 Jackson 'o. Bank Bldg. Medford, Or. 0. F. COOK Hells trees that grow. K. K. v. uepot. O. Box 841. Medford, Phone 5M. Or. MBS. ED. ANDREWS Voice Culture and Art of Singing Studio at Residence. Ksst Medford. Phone 225 8. B. 8EELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Modern equipped operating rooms X Rav. Office honrs lD-'i 2 P oi. Office in Jackson Co. Bk. bld.g: JACK FBEDENBTTRO 8civenfr. Garbage hauled. Medford. BRliNARD & ' ARMSTRONG'S 13M BROIDERY SILKS Complete Line of Spring Merchandise Medford Agent for Standard Patterns Dress Goods Browns, blues, reds, taupe tans, greens, etc., in serges, broadcloths nnd messaline finished goods, 5(V to $2 a van I. HENDERSON 1 1AU1T BACK MODEL "IlLace In Front" Dry Goods Tn) RESOURCES, OVER- W'.M. S. CliOWKLL President K. K. DKUKL Vice-President In NAME the In GROWTH the In SAFETY the DoWitt's Cttrholizcd Witch Hazul Halve penetrates the flkin uii't lit-uU quickly. It i pujtociftlly (jood fur pileo. It is hoM here ty Kale Pharmacy. m STEVENS Oonori)tions of llrw, wide awake American Boys bave obtained the right kind of FIREARM EDUCATION by being equipped with the unerring, timc-honorea ' STEVENS All prorwi Hr-twar and Sporting Ooo4l MerrhauU bundle HTKVRSH. If you nhtam, wewtllHhtpdlriKt.niprflM PrwplJ upon nflpt of Ctlnir 1'rlre. flnl A cota in ntmp for 1H0 Pmg UluntrattvlCfttal'Mr iipi,iji wnn 8 P K V KNH frotMMii in formation. HtriklnircoTcr id c oiont. J. STEVENS ARMS TOOL CO. r. o. 4jp CMum Fife? kW K1 TIM Ltr Van Dykes Silks X e w 3G-inch messaline silks at $1.50 and $1.75, in blue,, brown, Copenhagen, wine, tans, apricot, black, white, etc. Fancv "Waist Silks. Mens, Womens Childrens Shoes IThXnKKrtOX ConsnTS We carry a complete line of the celebrat ed Henderson Corsets in front and back lace. Prices $1 to $7..")0 each. New spring si vies in the Cross Shoes for women, $:!.')() to $5.00. Kxtra lines of boys' and men's everyday wear Shoes at all prices. New shipments of men's and boys' sum mer straws and cloth sun Mats at 25c, 50c and 75c. VAN DYKES? ITfl SALEM BEER &ALKM is the most popular lieer in Northern ( alil'm-ni. and Southern Oregon. It is aeknowl edged to lie the equal of the very beat eastern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this as sertion lies in drinking Salem beer. If you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink it. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION Medford Depot: Medford Tee & Storage Go. CENTENKRI GLOVES FOR WOMEN Linens AVhito Dress Linen at 25c, 50c and 75c yard. Natural Linens at 20c, 25c 35c and 40c. Linen in colors at 20c and 35c. n) NATIONAL BANK of Medford United States Depositary Always Safe $500,000.00 M. L. A I FORI) Cashier OK IS CRAW KOI? I). .Asst. Cashier Wf TAILORED SerenHy happy is the man who ran fel that hia garments are ! tailored perfectly. This ii th 1 1 rig our patrons can enjoy. i attsfaetiou will be yours if you have your suits, coats, etc., made, here. The way we fit around the, neek and shoulders is a rerela-i tion. Try us. The largos t line ef Homnstie and imported. Snitinfpv in Southern Oregon. W. W. EIFERT THE PROGRESSIVE TAILOR