TllK MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, Fit I DAY, MARCH 10. 1909. Medford Daily Tribune . Official Paper (if the City of Medford. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY Gbohue Putnam, Editor und Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoffice at Medford, Oregon. S INSCRIPTION RATES : Oii uttulk by uU r emrrler. . . .$0.60 One ymr by mail IG-00 1"I for I'mlfli Norlhinwl Ifctli m i 'ItuiKt. M.w tin -t'l't t i ' 'r. A-k fur ntn- I. I, I il ill! MII tulll' 111' Ik " "I. HI'' t, .... "I f .l.-.-l. -ml H I. I )..u a im k. I m 11.. irl rr-r l.r tro'il .n rUHilHSCa K-ttiB W-iSOh iiiOlfdiiNI. WltH 6r6 ox with mi': I'.wixa. ,. Because no tax levy wan made to cover cost of proposed phving at street intersections in Medford is no reason why there should he any letup in the program of street pav ing outlined for the coming summer. Other cities have faced the same difficulty, and solved the problem satis factorily. There are many possible solnt ions of the problem, which an ingenious people can make use- of. Many expedients (an be resorted to which will bridge over the chasm. We arcVnot so lacking iu invent i ess and business capacity that we cannot overcome any difficulty in the path of rogr?SH and municipal improvement. The time has not yet arrived when the pie of Medford will (piit, saying " It can't be done"- especially when il has b i done else where. , . . jlAi&il Th people 'of the Mast Side have taken tie bull by t he horns and propose to pay for the intersections, asking tin city to create a sinking fund to reimburse property own ers In the future. This is but one of several ways sug gested. There is nothing impossible to a progressive people The paving company should, and probably will, meet Un people half way and some plan lie devised to make .Med ford the best paved of Oregon cities. WITllDh'AW THE ItlWKllKXDrM I'rJTITIOXS. It is unfortunate that a referendum was started at Ash land against the appropriation voted by the legislature to the Oregon agricultural college at Corvallis. It is doubly unfortunate that the referendum was started at the time it was, for it aroused enmity and provoked hostility against the normal schools at. the special session of the legislature that would not otherwise have materialized and strength ened the opposition to the normals, both iu I'ortland and Hitlein. The move was exceedingly injudicious and great ly handicapped the normal school lobby, which was kept busy disclaiming any responsibility. ' .The-referendum against the agricultural college is fore Hoomed to failure. This institution is admitted to be one of the most useful in the state and is the favorite of the agricultural anil horticultural classes. It is championed even by those who oppose the slate university. It would be impossible to secure a majority of the voters of .lack son county to vote against this practical and beneficial school or a majority iu any other county. The normal schools are not in a position to dictate They need friends, not enemies. They cannot swing the big stick and it is folly to attempt it. Their real friends realize this and know that referendum against other in stitutions only alienate possible supporters. Referendum petitions haw not made their appearance auywhere in Jackson county, except in Ashland, as far as known. Theh move was evidently a bluff on the part of ill-advised enthusiasts, and announcement should follow of their withdrawals and repudiation, so that the normal schools may be placed in the proper light before the peo ple friends of all forms of higher education and enemies of none. LILLIAN RUSSELL IS A WINNER OVER BOOKIES KMKKYVII.I.K. Cnl.. March 111. -Through (hi keen Inn'k judgment of Lillian Kuiui'll. the actress, II,,' hookies tndav sro mourning the Ions of some tiling liki :l(0 which llio heroine of " Wildfire " tho piny in which alio up pears, lundc oil two heir she cashed yes t unlay nt the truck. Miu Russell placed linl on Mongol' Kill, in tho Wildtiro handicap, mi named in mtiiipliiiu'itt io herself, $100 on Tho Peer nml $100 each on St. Kiaucis and t'twticbon. Tho actress lout on tho hint two named t'Ut won goodly sums on Tho I'oor and Monger Hint. 1:11,100 WAS PAID TO M KINLEY THYSICIANS WASHINGTON. March 10 After ciitofiillv guarding for inorr lh:iu seen yours the fact to the go eminent 's ckpondilulvs inci.len! to the lust illness ne. I ImiiiiiI of President McKinley the treasury officiuls lodnv made :i state monl coxering all of the Hems of ex ieu,liture under tho appropriation of lo.ililo for this purpose made In con glows on July I, lone. PODY SCATTERED ON TRACK FIFTEEN MILKS DEMONSTRATION TRAIN, lieiuoinlier the ,lat, Monday, March '.'-.l. Soen earr iu train, showing fine "lock: a car tilled with .-I,, i,,.. ponl:iy. Professors and oiports will ! lecture on tho mock ami poultry. Mat It.r- of interest h, farmers and fruit groxois will he explained. The agn .ultural college at Cormllu will h. represented hv its he..: men. among lil. 1 tli m Dr. Withyeomho an.l IVifcssor , (lewis, both well an.l favorably known in mis section this train is run h tin Southern Pacific at orejtt .m.. SNOHOMISH, Wash. March (ilea Down, of Stillwater. Minn hilled umier n Ureal Noithetn Haiti some tint Id. remain, were lo.. 'the A" h " int"r-' I " 111 e last night while stealing a V, , " kI T 'Ipente. ;he hrakeheaiu, from Kve't, I 1.1 , i :"-'Kh Washington have We are Making a Reduction of 25 On all SHOES Except Oxfords c.w. Mcdonald LOW RATES TO OREGOA DAILY During March & April From all Farts of the Eaat via UNION PACIFIC ORKOON SHORT LINE THE OREOON RAILROAD NAVIGATION CO. 90TJTHBRN PACIFIC $33 from Chicago $30.50 from St. Louis $26 iroin Omaha ?26 trom Kansas City 'itimii.liiigly lowe rate from aii Jtle. rk.iata. track Tor a distance of U miles All morning aeetion have heen hung lug in part of the hotly. The remains were identifusl hv means of a letter tounil in tho clothing SPBAKER M'ARTinrR BENSON'S SECRETARY HALKM. tr.. Ma.vh 10 -Imme.liat ! after ailjoumment last night Miss r'ttuuie rshauihrook, who has hoon act iug private feeretnry to tlovemor Men aon, resigned and Speaker McArthur of the houae of repn'seutatii ea was aworn in to anceeesl her. The aeaker had previously hajvled in hia reaigna tion aa member of ;ho house of rVpre aelitativei from .Mnltuomah aud Clack auiaa. Iioul.l turn out on this dav and eo what they haie to show and hear i'o :alka und d laenssions. No contrthutions v.!l be taken. The lecture will be in the ojieu air on the tailioad nglu of nay; no eipenae what ler h'vervone -n-ereetM in fruit growing, farming, poultry railing or ever likely to be. should arrange to be on hanl T-am will reach Medford morning of SSd tiures in the after no, n Yon won't regn-t eoming Ar rengi to come. Mpread tne newi Let overvone show the interest they should th-'s. which ran but result in great gv.vl to tho vailev. Don't wait untill youf blood is im 'vpfinhM tin! vm :ir. silinj but tale HrlUitr Hk-Iit U aunt mm rblt it Ckt tftrKBf TO THE TUBLIC Writ. It-tE.i It. t'vcryblv von k.Km tin Kn-t nml i.'ll thi in .ihout tlu-.-i I. 'iv tn I isili'v S.'ti.l lh ni l'tfr;iTui. tt'-Mil Or.',Mi. ,.r vinl ;'i,'ir ;.il-.-f s... 'tt in .iu.1 i will it. In t!ii w.i '.ii .1:1 Li' t;:,';it h. I n 1 h j(-.-tli tad progr of T(ur stite. More Light for Less Money .Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Caudle Power EdiSOU Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour aud would use in 1000 hrs. 110 Kilowatts which at locts. a Kilowati $11 32 Caudle Power Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour aud would use in ioor hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a K;lo watt 4 Net Saving in 1000 hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. .Successors to Condor Wuter & Power Co. ( HTicc. 'JlHi West Seventh Street. Phone No. H'm. (iosito the Hit; Electric Sign. Compare the Quality t7 '1 r 11 it ' i It is, auri ulwnyit luis been our aim to mipply our oUBtumtirB with gotiii of tbu higbuat quality aud to tbat em we are always odiliiif; quality t our liuo. Tin- dcitioB (if ' ' i-tfrrfi tck" makes our line of In i'. I' tfraile (Vr uetl Mlt moat completf. Oar aervice always the kat aid erery accotn trivt-ii our customers. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office iu Jackson County Bank Upstairs .:. K. KNY.Ui'l' I'rosidi'iit. .1. A. I'KHHV. Vkc I'rraidvnt. JOHN S. ORTF1, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Caakier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD, OB. CAPITAL - - $60,000 SURPLUS - - 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank in Bus ness Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. T. W. Osgood Osgood & (Bummin&s Qivil Engineers The Best Equipped Engineering Office in Southern Oregon Surveys. Maps. Specifications, Re ports. Kstimates, Etc. - Water Powers and Water Works. ainj and Road Making, Sewerage, Railroads, Irrigation andDrainage Office Medford Xational Bank Bid. YOU CAN FREPAY FARES iv r atmiiH from auy yc if too wut IV'iii tin uft-AftMrr 1 wo mii, with .mi- I I a-nt and I wilt relcrapb .rt promirtlT WM. MoMTKNAY. ,J"' "l! raotvr K'ont O Kaitrtd N'aripatian t'o Nrrti Paoifif iV Lino (Vui FOHTLANU, ORKtfON. :;i! 1 Vpos-1 :.t KstSl'.isht.l i si.ilsl s.i iiurp! Hi.-rr s : 1 111 12,1.iUV" Highest Attainment In Systematic Banking Service ,1 on ounty Bank Msp.vtfully soSi.Mtn yotr accouai, aubjort to rour . li.-. K. with tb stroiifit piar:intpe of aift itlJ tf flCiBfV. We of far tat bhvat altaiutut-ut in .it.i.1:ttir baakn, sfrvioe, whioh an --,ir. th- jrfatcit I'irii tu svury flttaa ni tr-iU!iRi;tH:, wuh this obliging in lldtl-Ml W. I. YAWTKK. O. H, UNIM.KY. t' You will find your wife's judgment is usually better ttiau your own, and you will find ou couaulting har that she doa not approvo of paying out good, a ?.rd-earned dol lars for reut. waeu tbere fire so uttty good properties on tbe market at reasonable figure in Medford. A woman Las a koen eye for location, surroundings., etc., and her judg ment ctu be ri'lied upon iu niakjng a selection for a borne. Bring her will, vuit, huJ uiaJio a porsonul iaspcetion of the good things now of fering through our agency, and you will never regret it. It is almost time to "make g:irdcn, and it in high time for action hi securing home whore you can enjoy the good things of lffa in this wonderful vai ly. Don't delay art now. Rogue River Land Co. Exhibit Building, MEDFORD YOU SHOULD BEAD THIS AT ONCE so you will know that we are displaying our new and suporb line of Spring fabrics for your choice and approval ut Kreuzor'B. Now is the time to or. der your Spring overcoat or. suit of clothing if you would get the benefit of it in tho first warm days of Spring time, when your Winter clothing looks shabby. Wo are ready for you at J. A. Kreuzer Co. Importers andTadlors PAUI BTHJMmr, KKDTOKD, OS. C. E. Hllilngsr A. C. Rsndill L. D. Harris Rogue River Investment Co. rja FRUIT LANDS "LP , Sub-Dividers and Developers Bogne River Valley Or chard Lands. . "h .lire fruit lands, beuring and young orchards in small and large tiar.ts, for sale. We plant and care for orchards and guarantee property to he as rtprcBcntod. Experience Not Necessary tor those who purchase through us. Thoy secure the advise and uGrvfoos of a consulting horticulturist, an expert on fruit cul ture in alt its brunches, who for several yetin has ezceled in the growing and shipping of fruit in the Rogue Hirer raley, record orops, record packs, record prices. in North D Street, Medford, Oregon APPLES and FEARS and all kinds of Fruit Trees YAKIMA VALLEY NURSEFY Largest Conimovdal Nursery in the Pacific Northwest. Not 111 tie combine. CV.ipetes with all first-class nurseries L E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. Medford Iron Works (J. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietur. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Engines, Spraying Oaifits, Piunps, Boilers and Machinery. Audits in Southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE A CO. 5 (v) f lil WHICH DO YOU PEEFEE? A broiled steak with mushroom sauce a sauce a la Bordelaise, or served with fried oniomt You have never eaten one that will give your palnte the delicious sensation or your appetite the quick surprise that one of our tender, juicy eteeks will give tliem. We hivo everythnig to order on cntrnk, all ready for the fastidious appetite at The Emerick Cafe Open All N1M rcnn "3famftoti "3aacs Jnstructor of llano. "Xlt 52tH,o6 tulo ! 51,ik Or,t Stml MEDFORD SASH DOOR COMPANY I RHONE 2291. W,.d P,.,,,..,. . ymri Doi,r, BfT pi, ta totk ehe4p Office ,d , kin,,. ,Bf Mj Work iBeludjliteTur sn.l Vaocy Drills " M1'ti"1' l,K I " KS SIXTH AND '"VEXTM STBBETM