Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, March 18, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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    V s
Social and Personal
K. ('. Mitrnli f.f lirnnU I'fiHH in in tin1
Mimm Mitmif Knirsihiif ih ill lit ln-r
t'huitP ymir on I erg for bwH t'rc'nn or
hiittfrmilk to tlto rrnamory.
T. K. I'nl tcnyr-r of the Aiiriit! is
in Me'lfon! mi lmsiiM'Hs. Hi? reports
tli- toikIm rapidly drying up.
Klla Canny aw, pulilif (itfriograpiurr,
KH.'n 4, Palrn building.
U. I), Sfhnialncd if San Krancim'n is
in Mi'dl'ord looking ovi-r tin' vnllf-v witli
i. vo w to H'tlling li'-if.
Mr. and Mrs. '. T. I'aritcr H-turin-d
Vt't iimIjiv from Simla Ims. Cat.
t. I'. Ivii.if-.ut of Valley ity, N'. D.,
it in I lie city visit ing fi iiwnls.
Ordcm for nwcnt cretin or buttermilk
pr .diplly fillffl. riiori" t hn creamery. i ( m f i n nt tin
l'Mgar .loliitMMi and i'liniily ani cl in j.Mj,. ts..v
Mi'ilfonl Wc'diii'day from Colorful o.
If. II . Parsons lef! for Knsfhurg on
Wcilni'i.lay cvciitug mi a short liiiiiK'WK
Place your order for ycur Easter unit
rarly. V( take nniera f(r auitfl from
1 .1.00 up. Kif'Tt, tho progressive tai
lor. 201)
Mm. f', MingiiH of Asldnnd in in thp.
city to iitteinl the funeral of N". If. Sow-i-rby.
V. C. t Wet upt of H(1 Devil Ooment
Co, will build walk according to city
firations for J 2 l-2c pnr squaro
r-.ot. 308
V. II. Humphrey returned WeilneH
day from ; three: .Ihvh IniHincHH trip to
Dau.Hon Pimlr-r left Thursday for Ash
land nn a diurt biiMincsH trip.
Mrs. H. P. TlirisH and daughter. Miss
fleraldine. left fur Pun Pram-mco on
Tlinrnday afternoon.
Why do you buy a hand mo down
Miit when yoti ran g(t thorn made in
ny stylo you want them at ready made
pricoHt W. W. Kifort, the progreHHive
Inilor. 309
fJrand millinery opening on Monday,
March r, Harnard & Cornoyer, No. ifl
Htreet. Old Kifert building. .'ton
.1. h, I) u in an and wif of Dayton,
WmhIl, aro visiting in the eity. Mr.
Daman is preaidrnt of the Washington
llortii'iiltural nociety.
M. I'. Allen, tho liiirHeryinan, will
leave Thurmlay evening for Portlntnl.
Iff Iih been Hulipenned as wittienn in a
cae before the United Htafe ennrt.
.1. K. Peeks and wife of Smith City,
Kan., are in (he city looking about.
.loMeph It. I.eeeh of NVw Cantl.', Pa.,
arrived in Med ford Wednesday.
J. I. Ailk f Woo.lville in in the
city to at lend the tone nil of . .
Kdward I'. (Jilrhrint, l he Kagle I'oint
i'anrher, was a Medfonl visitor Wed
j nemlay.
I W. j. Noberton and wife are in Med
ford with an idea of looking over tit
Hogne Ifivcr alley.
, The Mawlrigg orcirlia played for i
( -;!:.-. ;i t (...M 1 1 ill Wednesday nigbl.
j Mrs, A. I-.'. Wood Iff. Wednesday eve
ning for K'iddle to utieiid the funeral
of her sinter, Mrs. Dean,
j W. II, (lore returned from a nlmrt .
I biiKineHH trip 1o (Irant Pans Wednert-;
j '. L. Xeutmi of 'iio'iiiiiali, O., will
remii.iii in Meilfotil re vera I days, lie
Mkes the citv and ni'iv invest here. i
Sli-ti- lianak llxantiner James Steel
p'tit Thursday in Med ford, lie top 1
red off en route to Khniatli PnlU and
l.atu coiiiily. j
"The Matehnciker, " a comedy diainn '
in three a-tv, i, atifioiinced for presen
Medf.-rd loirght by Mr.
and n utioiig coiMpanv.
This play deals with :i Hub.jecJ. that so
far has been given Hllle ultcntion by
d rama t ist s the re la t ions of a clergy
ma n and hts flock in everyday life. Mr.
Sully appears as Pat her Daly, pastor of
n church in a western frontier village,
and it is said that the role gives him
greater opportunities than any he haw
been seen in heretofore.
Of the many new plays produced last
season, the one which showed the great
est indication of a long and successful
career is "The Matchmaker," in which
Mr. Daniel Sully and Imh company will
be seen at Hie Medfonl tonight. This
play possesses all the elements neces
sary to win public favor. Tt tells an
interesting story in a strikingly dramat
ic maimer mid contains enough humor
and comedy to f nriitsti a half dozen
ordinarv shows.
Mr. Business Man and Telephone User,
that unloss you wish to pay for TWO
telephones, you must vote NO on Fri
day, March 19.
Houses, lots and land in Phoenix, or
in tracts to suit from one acre to f!40
'"'res. MATT CALHOUN',
Phoenix. Or.
Is hereby given Hint the undersigned
will apply nt the next meeting nf the
ity council nf Medfonl, Oregon, for
license to sell malt, vinous and spirit
ous lienors in less quantities than one
irallon at lot 10, block 20. in Medfonl.
Oregon, for a period of six months.
Dated March IS, Hinp.
Look In Our Windows
use iiic rcadv-towear ( lot lie;
fit vim the
icy vi
so mo war.
1 .m iN --
xy ) f fry
s I " si "A
j J- "" ?
f i1- Coiirliiil 1908 k d&ti' ' i!
Look clt.scly. 'I'lioy fit with style that is iiiiconiiiioii. It is imt hy accident.
W'c can prove it. ( ' ome in and try on and ask how much.
Father, conic in and trv on a Schloss or a Wash
ington Suit for Spring and Suinincr wear. You may
be ISO, 40 or lid, hut we have a MODKL ADAITKl)
'l'O VOlMi VKAIv'S and your curves. It will fit and
wear and please your wife, because it will make vou
look young, sprightly and stylish. Our prices make
the tailor jealous. Courteous treatment tniil honest
business nirthoils have given us the business
Copyright 1908 by
Fin, Cloth,,-Mikatt
Balllmort and Hear York
The Best Clothing Store in Mcdford.
Tint Ali'ill'ord Alio cuiiipiuiy riTeivi1
ciirloiul nf Rtilltblorn WtMlm'Stl.'iv.
Mr. BusinesB Man and Telephone User,
that unless you wish to pay for TWO
telephones, yon roust vote NO on Fri-
. day, Marck 19.
1 S
u- i .. i. j it
I wish (o call attention to my tailoring department, the
only exclusive shop in connection with a clothing store
in Southern Oregon.
I Miring I he past vear I have
expended ONK T1IOU-
clothing free of rlmrie to my customers.
reived a share of this. At
o one (
Soiiieone has re
volt one of them I
in Southern ( regon ever tiffercd this to the
the roming vear mv tailoring department
will be in charge of Mr. ( '. 1 . Trotter, an expert cutter and
designer. Mr. Kobert Slewing, formerly in charge, hav
ing resigned, as he is leaving Med ford for his new home in
( 'alifornia.
Kvcry time you send your suit to a shop to be pressed
least. Ti ii times means ten dollars.
"The Matchmaker."
Tin rnlr of r'atlu-r D:ily in "The
Matrliiuaki'r, " which llatiirl Sully will
ixirtniy at thr Medfonl toniiztit , is said
give thi' popular ai'tor rt-at opportu
iiitii-s for tin' ilispla yuf that rieli
( fhu; humor whii-li is I'haracti'ristic of
l:is colili'ily llii'thoil.s.
In "Tin- Matdimaki'r" ho has anoth
' e'jirjHh I'rii'st,'' hut the play iK imu'h
slroum'r drainatii'iillv; the si'ioio is laid
in a litllo frontier town in Idaho, where
Father Only, pastor of the loeal eliureh,
lias yreat trouble in eoutrollint; and riiv
ernini! a wa.vivnrd floek. There is a
wealthy, doinineoriiif; raueliluaii in love
wiin ins pretty warn, a voiiiik mitf
engineer who proves a torinidahle rival,
a very disreputable half lireed "In
jun," a rolliekiutf, loalile slangy hoy-
den who is the chief torment of Katller
.Daly's life, a pompous army colonel
a staseinatiii(j widow from New Vork.
a callow younj; artist and a number of
interesting minor characters. A strong
vein ot comedy runs through the play
and prevents the story' from becoming
too serious. In Father Daly, Mr. Sully
lias a role that fits hini to perfection,
lie has plenty of comedy of the char
acteristic Sully type, while the dramatic
situations give him better opportunities
'"an lias 1 n afforded him in anv of
his previous plays. lie is delighted
with the new play ami considers it one
of the big winners.
it is ON K HOU.AK at
We have pressed !." suits times.
Better think of this when biiyin a new spring suit.
The Largest Clothing Store in Southern Oregon.
for DUD
Love Germ Discovered.
Waco. Fla.. March 17. (Ireat excite
ni.'iit prevails in this town, owing to a
great discovery made by Professor Amu.
a chemist in the city. The germ first
showed up in a chemical compound
which has been named "love tonic."
The Profess,. r used it profusely on
the pleasure seekers i,t the beach with
many startling and laughable results.
The "love Ionic" worked rapidly and
wan no respecter of previous feelings.
i;or had it any race prejudices. p,..
pie known to harl.r no love toward
each other, when ireatinl with this
lupiid. were soon clinging in each other'
r.rms. As Mr. A mo walked down the
beach he created more affection and
feelings of love than Pan Cupid would
create in this vicinity in a century,
for he left behind him a string of people
who were locked in each other's fond
embrace. Don 't fail to attend the Sa
voy theater tonight and see Hie effect
of this ,-,, tonic." It will be shown
ronnection with other laughable pip.
tnat will make vou fonet nil
Mir enrthlv woes.
ANTKD To borrow on good security
from sfaooo to $3300. V. o. Box Gt3 'l
FOR SALE At tho Union Ham, 1 good
3'A wagon, 1 good set work harness,
e second hand buggies, 1 disc plow. 1
WANTED lu'woodclioppers to chop
cordwood and tierwood. Address P O
Hoi 418. .
H)H SALE Complete house furnish
nigs, practically new. Address Mrs
'''''""".vdeStalkcr, .Medford, On.' i
Foil SALE Three choice rcshb'iu'C lots
oil west Seventh. Price .kL'HOU, terms.
Heiison Invest-
See Woolverton. with
ment So.
FO( SALE Lot ,, (ss ,.,.ti .-,
1.12, from 1 to o f,.,., ,.,, ,
Price SS(I. See Wonlver-
' The Matchmaker, ' ' at the Medford
ment walk
ion, Willi Hcnson Invest. Co
SALE Imp. Perchero'u stallion
" Farceur" No. (,-,fi7H7) and No. 4HOII7.
Owing to retirement from business, we
will sell at public stile to the highest
bidder, on March 27. at Medford, Or.,
this handsome Imp. Stallion. Farceur
is a coal black. 7 years old and a ton
horse; perfectly sound, gentle and a
sure foal getter. He has stood for
four years here and his colts speak for
him. Imp. by McLaughlin Bros. Hlue
Kibbon winner at St. Louis world's
fair and Kansas City Horse Show. .1.
(.'. Pendleton secretary If. K. V. Stock
llarns Ass'n. q
1'OH SALE A 3-iiich farm wagon, good
running order, cheap. F. X. Whitney,
North Court street. "
H)H SALE .Nice little chicken ranch,
good land, house, well, etc.; a good
boy; large lot, small house, garden,
good well, only rnsidenco lot.
olose ,n, only $2.10. C. W. Stono, over
Bijou Theater. r
FOH SALE FurnTtuTe for salo and
nous... for rent. Call or addresn O, care
ot Tribune office. .
I am prepared to fill orders for first
lass fruit trees, shrubs, palms, etc., at
owest price. Have on hand 500 Buerre
pear trees, 4 to 6 feet. Ask at
Exhibit building.
SEATTLE. Was!,.. March It. Pre
Idieting that the Tanana district will pro
duce mbore gold than Nevada and will
I exceed the output ,,f ht year and that !
! Alaska will lead all reducing districts
! en the American continent during the
!. .uuog summer. W. II P:irs,.ns ret, irn
- d from Ww V,,rk to.biv
"I '1 ' h.s'nat" t.. say." he said,
!""' " b" l.ipg until Vlsk.l
:".i !,.. ,-d-eg hr..ugh Oils ,-ilv
"!.!! m, s...."
Classified Advertisements
mi. SALh-Twenty tons iVose oat havl
jj5j- W ahlers. Medford. 3"
FOH sale-l. xrrvw;",;""!'.
st, 1 on the market, with several
good lots. Who wants a home in the
best part of the Kogue River rallevT
Si'o L. Niedermeyor, Jacksonville. 10
'u" ALt One acre of good land and
two largo lots; must sell; bargain at
rm- aee French, room 7, Jack
son County Bank bldg.
FOH SALK-OrlradeT the bflrtlrni.
'"g nouse in Medford, clearing $10tl
per month. Address C. rare of .hi.
FOR SALE A new B room bouie, with
bnth and electric light nd
shades, for the small sum of J1600.
Mrs. F. Osenbrngge. 401 Riverside ave-
"AM hi) To exchange, a prosperous
newspaper easiness, including new of-
ice hi, ding and lot in Drain, value KOB 8ALB-Cfc.i bu.ineM pr7p.r7y
o .11 ,0,1, for residence property in I at a bargain, on long time; ,Jr tarms
-Miiltord ..r unproved fruit farm near j Address P. O. Box 418.
eiiv valued at $:t.,ini or 4000.
m pay .litrerence in cash. Address.
H"X 2o. Drain. Or. 2 I
,. NTI- la,,;, unfurnished room. I dr-s, p o Box 410
by a c-nilewn With his nn fnnil.,. i
!f'OR SALE-5 and 10 acre tract. i,
uh,n and adjoining citv limit!, at a
brrgam. on .1 annual payments. Ad-
w .1 II,
!. MU'.
r I,'.-True
I ford
t" be lsvI for lodging
'r- Tr' me.
.vs"fKiT":iVi,rfv y. ,n,
:n-st l. j.,,,,,1 coo..;
Apply t.. U.
Addren W.
X: -h.
neral housework
wages ;.'io pt.r
H. Wool. Hole!
1" H
RENT New furnished rooms.
b'l'h and idlelie. very reason-
a .!e. South 1 street, second house
vat I. west- comer park. Mrs. Summer
lin. 9