THR M EDFORD PATLY TK11JUNK, M 101) FORD, OREGON'. Tl 1 1' RSPAY, MARCH 18, 1009. If You Had a Modern Telephone and Modern Telephone Service Think how simple it would be to place your order easily and promptly You can have this if you Give the Citizens Telephone Company a Franchise Tomorrow by voting for Home Interprise Two Pay Rolls are Better than One as it means more business for all and don't lose sight of the fact that we are selling the BEST LUMBER to be obtained on the Pacific coast at the same price of inferior grades. We handle only Northern Fir Lumber I 1 ' 1 V ." " ' -V X.?':. 'm-g ml U u u I 1 PPiiraPp ft: -1 M "'A - f J s. If 1111 I iM P 14 r '! NosS "Vu..;--- IRRIGATION PROMINENT LUMBERMAN DIS CUSSES IRRIGATION MATTERS IN LETTER TO CONGRESS. SI'dkAN'R. Wiistii. Mimli 17. "For t 'y .ilimilil lif cnnsi lereil linuil in liaii'l lvirl; irrigation, as without forotry it if only ti iiit'!t;tui ( time wji'-a tlic forests will bf! ilenuileil. tin' rainfall Yfry tnudi dt'i-rnnseil ar-il tlif saving of (ho waters for irritation more of a prohlem than under nn-Hent coinlitions. ' ' C. A.' Smith'.'ni of the C A. Bmith Lumber and Maiiufai'turing com pany of MarHhfield, Or., makes the fore, jottig statement in a letter to R. Tn- ringer, chairman of the- local board of control of the national irrigation con press, which will hnv: its 17th sessions in Spokane the secoivt week in August. Should Change Taxation. "To encourage forestry." he con tinues, "f am satisfied that state laws will 'have to be eni'ctcd changing fhe pp-sent svstem of taxation. 'Phis is ' certainly a very important question and hould be taken up by these coast states as soon as possible. "Tf laws could be enacted which woitlil provide for a fixed nominal as CKed valuation on all lands utilized for reforestation aa.l tlii'.iiii l.-triri' tax l-...l the crop v!ell lull esti'il. T believe tie- problem would b. solvid. or. it might even be advisable to permit the strve to receive title to the lands, giv ing the owner to care f.r tV- forests and cot tin- :i mi.ler it!-:,. isii.ii. the tat" charging a certain fived t'-r !' to slut; FAII-EO TO SriO"- iip : ' .1 ,ai.t I 'A - 1,: ,., ,, ,.-;...,,.. 1,-wU Wnlt-i- V st :i ,.i,.r.:. lal-ii- .wnlit of r-l-ll fr hi' ill. 'Mil I cli. .Mbright is ...11 :i t il :v Itvifa !' '" li" I- fr '"' -.miiii. 1" tie- lac- ie I 'oil 111 11-1 ill his 1m,,1i.-i.-.- ni:h Siilhval. 'I'm-: day mailt. Ml. Walters mis pli-lty sole o . r lie ,..i " lian led him the person of mi " niiUiiown " sent down by Albright, mi lel'nse.l In g with the substi tute, giv ing the mat lovers their money back. SAY NEIGHBORLY ART FORGOTTEN BY WOMEN t'H It'AliO, March 1 .. The women of t.i.lav. in th" hurry and' turmoil of mod ern city life, have forgotten the. art of being neighborly the art that dis tinguished I"'' kindly, bustling grand mother. Hut it is not her own fault, j It is the fault of city congestion, of j science, of doctors and of hospitals. She still has the neighborly disposition, but l,.ut tl... nniiortnnitv to show it. Those, at least, are tin mentions of Mrs. Oeorg" 11. Hroomell and Mis. .lames ; L. Howe, in communications hi mc i Chicago Woman s club. Mrs. I'.roouiell , is a native of the hospitable N'ew Kng land hills. Mrs. Howe is from the west. where the spirit is as strong. N'o mere.! they declare, do we find the genial exchange of mince pies, of recipes, and of a standard home cure which charac teri7-. tl," daily lives of women of earlv davs. nf th" line TEW PORTLAND FRISCO TRAIN A CERTAINTY Vim 'iHTLAXIl. Or.. M arch IT.-Wv- lea'i.d from radioad off . es v.-s tfi.lay tliat the S.,nlhern r.-ieific con pa! v ha-l cou.-lii'bd ueg.,t iel ions and earlv in April would inaugurate a tr-'C";h 2. hour tram service between I'liVli'iid and San Fra'i.-i-oo. The pr- ont running time is from 3.1 to hours. pmi.Ms.d tra:a is to give a ihr.eiL-h s.-rviee and will Iwii.Hf "nlv through business. Tt will probablv leave th itv at i'- ,1:lil'- "iv--. in H at TwiVv. r Vl.rJ; rtic following nigt. Tt hi. not been do. termined what changes in the operation f the ottvr trains will follow the in oauction of th- 2 our scfcedule. CHAMPION HOBO IS TO BE FOUND OUT WEST SAN" !'b' XVI isro. ' a I . M i'.'i l riiami.ioii I..1 1' th." llt.i ; th- .r.eal 'ille -H1..1 by "A N- I." wl- ,.v . ., ,.,.',. ., ,, 1,1 to hiiu-elf. II- , !,. l a.e be-ii ., ..,y 1,,.,,''k. I'Ut I , ,, , si, 1--:: lie !' el and i. . ii-iv - a-..., ,u for Wh. i--r I' ll- . ab: and .V... I." I.l 1V1I lie r-a iVe-j a modal t'-r t ranil.ii.a fr..m N'"' to San Franeis,.,,. Ont "f ' h" . tpeuded T'l t-r a t.lll.bsl O'e HI a C HI .tery at l ambridge. fa. Th- epitaph inscribed thereon is "A N'o. 1, Rambler resting at last." VK, WANT YOU.' I'lKSTTIinnillTTO l',l'.M' Hosiery Notions Stationary Fancy China Cooking Utensils WIIKN IN NT.KD OK We trv ,'iinl lii'licc we iln I'itrry I In- hii'cst ami ln.isl .i.iiiil'tt' liii'' "I' llicsi- lint's in tin' fit y : all ! it ,i i - mailc ;tiiil liieiliiiiii jirii'cil. 10,000 POST CARDS IcEh Don't I'm".'!'! April lf1 ami th' Uliic Kiiaincl K'an;('. I Figure with Woolverfon Wiiiihci'tnii cniam-iiiali's Iln- Ifont i'lycr. Don't work ami slave fur a laml'.or '. Own your own lionic. Woiihcrton will sell il to you on easy ll'I'HIS. With BENSON INVESTMENT CO. OVER BIJOU THEATER APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of Fruit Trees YAKIMA VALLEY NURSEPY Largest 'oinuri i-ial Nursery in trip Pacific Northwest. No1, in 1 1 it; combine. Con petes with all first-class nurseries L li. HOOVER, Agent M K D H) K 1). (MiKdON. Medford Iron Works K. (i. '1 KOWMIMDCI', I'liT-iictor. FOUNDERS AM) MACHINISTS All kimls of Lnuiii's. S .raying Kuits, 1 i i n i s. lioili-rs ami Mai-him ry. Agents in Southern Oregon for KA I If I J A N ICS, MOK'SM A (H ). Take the Tribune for News