THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREOOV, THURSDAY, MARCH K 1 )()!). 0 COMMERCIAL CLUB WILL ASSIST COL. MUHDYGET RIGHTS COMMITTEE IS APPOINTED TO LOOK INTO THE MATTEE OF SB CURING RIGHT OF WAY AND TERMINAL GROUNDS. Tin Mi'ill'iinl C'oiiiiunrrial club at its reolur in I'tint; oil Wednesday evening touk stin ti sri-urn for 'I'olonel .1. I''. Alttndy Hud lit aiittoriatPH ft ritit of way inlo town fim! torinihiil ((roiimlK for IiIh ruilroiid lo tin- nol f i !.) H. The niiilti-r w:is t lioroutjlily dim'iisw'd iinif the following rommitteit wit ll W. I. Vtiwt, r i rlmii-iiian wan appointi'd to nlti-inl In tin- matter find ri'iort. to the rlitl, :it ii iiii'i'tiutf lo be lii'ld early in On' .-otuiiio wreli. W. I. Vuwter, Dr. I'iil"'. I'. OM'iiliniKKe. K. K. lion-, .1". K. I'nv:iil. I'r. .1. M. K.'.-ik- ;ni'l .1. '. llrown. lolon.l Munch- ;uid A. I'.. Itc-iiiieti ui-;v inv nl nl tin' ini i-tin for the pur ,OW of i'.l:iiniii; lo I lie flllll what WHS wimt'.l l,v the colli com i:i nii-s. Mr. j;i'.'nn s .ol e III MlMO' letiolli. point ill I. Ill ill deltiil lie l.'ii.fil of nidi n ro;nl iiii'I how il should rim into Ilic ci'iilir i.f tlio city, us that would In- f) l.i-IO'fit lintll to 111' C.illllllllil'M idol to Ilic luisim is ini'il of llio cily. lit' ox I'ltiino dtliul IliiH was tlio first thine; tlinl li.-ol Iii cii nsKe.l for liy liiH clients. Ill' lllso ."llltl-l out Ilic advutitaifi's lo lie dirivi'l from (lie o"'iiini; of this im iio'iisi' fii'i'l of con'. Tlio chili cioisiilcrc'l Ilic nuitti'i- must ln ..r.'ililv, si iil inn nl lM-i nti unanimous tiioit tin- iiiiil Colonel Mniiily hIi'iiiI'I lie ttiviu sumo iiiil in the ninltiT of intliii.' in I lie The onlv other mnlt'-r t-otisiileri'd by the . lull whs that .if eli.l.ilsilie; Hie I.'.'il I'Htiite .I. ileis' :is.ici:I ion. whii-h wns r nlly li.iiMiil in Ihii- city. tl ':o- I'litti.'iiil ie:ol :i letter In' Il.'I'l ri ivd fr.jin ( 'hainliei hiin in which lie slot. "I thnt he wonl.l w..rl( fur i .i.i.iinlion for Hi- lii'iintify in nl' the Ciiit.-i' Luke ualiotiul .nrii lui'l au.'iite.l only -i ineiiior'nil of lucnl I-IOMIIM'I ci.l I I" lilies O-Ivisilio 1 1 i T Tl ill till' IT. iiii-es. 'I'he ,e.;.e. i,f the dull stol'il tint .ieh n nieiilori al wool' lie ilrafle.l ; an. I . frc In ae .orilance 'villi I soiil-. ii.ns ..'isseil l.y the chili at an i ail'.-r tint;. I'lM's'i'iii: su.i:. Ill the matter .,f the l.a nl. I'll J. I ev ,,f ,. .1. St. ens ,. :il .: 1 1 Meis as Hie .IllcKfoli ( oiinly I.iiiii'k I ( o. .Vol 's Ii "i. I.. lt hat the mi .1. Iiotllcl t 1 11-! .' I.nn!; ni'l ' -tale the al na tiie. I .'oidaii.'.' with an i. rib r I. I v ' . r ''." in s.-ii I mat ter. ilale l Mai. Ii loth. Illn'.l. I will, linni iilt'l at'tei- lie -.'Oil, day of March, Hm:i. pi I lo sell a' private sale for, in haii I e 'he 1 lo'iesl bidder, till' I'nllowiiie .e's"i :il "'".erl y belolloi no lo said i ... .i : lie.' saw iiill. enui'e. ami l.oii.i'. ;i:.pi--iis si al 1 l"n I tee platn r. eopl eiseo at loo Si cabins mi l. a ' d i .cd, appiil s .il nt :'.o o.'.l'HO ('.., .' in. in illlilb'l'. l"l sltieked. at -7 I'.-r M. apprais ed nl t lll.llllll feet .liinell-,, ' In'llher, ll.'t .ied. rtl 7 .ei M. ri).,i-M is I'll St '.SO s.oil tea .Inn.'iise.ii Inniber. e.'l si ', ,!. at S ,., . , ..) ' I at lis :f..H I' mr. oi h" '. I. s! ,. '.e,. at lo, in'" ', V. i. ' P", M. ':'.,o(.o c, I. o al oOllil feet t No Coll I.M , ' '. I ' ' , 'I .1 a! I t l.o i-l .... 1 1 I Lis H'.lh I' , a M.,i-..i. I". ,l:i, ,,f V ,.. 1, ''.'.' ' H M I ! l:' WM l J A CK SO N V I l.l. E ITEMS Mai I .in. . il.l.l 1111 ... at ihe .'"Uiilv - .1 'Ii-- I'M -t of ll" ".'-., a-n.-i- i:!-o .1 II 1'. 'entail l ...ii,", - New iii-ii, ae.l Cl...f. -nm- OCT I I O" Mr, It ...I ,oi I'lofe h.ll.'ll l.ll- : .s MocUt Mi- II k' II "ii'.i return.. I I'r "n a;- 1 ' ' "ti ' H , nil she his been s" 0'la ter. I; I. - I'i it 'IV , alter ; -lav Vi'1,,0 KL 1-I'i.iii. r nii'i.'.'ie. f r-t ..f !!., I,i. h in l .Ii. --"'I. ht a:, .- i.i.e ' ii front week to !ia e ', burnt it w ith : roe" ,1,-ltn II irtitiot.o. ,. f,.r.l Mo Mi- Ii, .. II .ft in. I ..f .:,"o'i! b.. RV.Mr.vBiu;. Mr lSn-iiic- Mm :m. Teb'ld: -Mil" t'-fr. tb,t nn'e v mi wi-li lo pay for TWO te'. iihon,' "I I'U!-' vote N'O on Tii il.w M uli I ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. I'lHteil Stales to M.llthew Si n oli Tho i:ii. sun. Hi'! acres in sec lion '! 2 K . w,shi, . raiio .patent I'liiteil State.s to franci Nf. Thompson, Ili.'.L'S hitch in Her lion :!l, township 117, rune 2 K patent r'ro... ii'lt C. :iKi. t .1. V. Wii Hon, lot l.'t, hlock I, Pate addi ition to Mrslford "i. Itilx to .1. A. Ilollnvi'll, 22.S2 ftcroH in I) I. (i 3Hf township US. riingo 2 W William Kohh lo J. (J. Kliivcly, lot I, hlock !, Kohh addition to Mod ford Margaret Oi'ardnrff In Margarot A. Wolvorton, lot 4, Work I. Wolvorton 'n Htilxliviistnn to Mr.1 ford Margaret A. Wolvcrton to V. K. Weaver, lot 4, block I. Wool verton HnlMliviftion, Medford... n. II. Il.irris to Nettie II. N'orris. loin 2 and .1, block 2):i, Ilntte l-'alln W. Iv Weaver to Marn-.'irel A. W'oolverlon, lot -t, block 1. Woiilverli.n subdivision of Me. I for.l ' '. II. I 'a ii noli lo lirantH I 'ass Tim b. r onii-taiiy, land in Ioia iinni'i .i:i. ran);" :i W ' '. I'.. Cannon lo IJiants I'ass Tim her eiimjiaiiy. Iiil'lll acreH in seclion I'l, tiniis'i!' .'.;', r.-iiim' I W Ashland Mineral Sjiiiiiys Manila linni lo lleiiriolta osl.'v, jiroier ty in block V. Itailiond addi I ion to Ashland Henrietta. ,w,.y n, Ashland Mi. eral Siirinirs Sanitarium, prop erty in block V. Railroad addi tion to Aslitand ,1 Nyd Mc.Nair lo Susie ,. Allen, half interest In properly in Al I lale addition to Ashland. . . 1-J 1)1 II 10 ;!.-i 200 HiOil I HI III I A. I). Ilelniaii lo II. C. Mloek, prop erly on Uranite street, Ashland I.. .1. Ilcinharl to I A. I'crrv, l"l I. block 17, I'l nix lames W. Hamlin I., T. C. Mrri,, land in township .'17, rani;.. 2 v l.'ieliar.l Cleveland lo Klanh Clev" land. M K 1, sect i, in 2, loiMi,hip :i2. ranue I W .less.- Sullivan lo K Iward W I buiy. Hill acres in section '. ("VMiship :i:;, raaj,'.. .1 !" I. I-:. Mark, hill to Kl ire,,,.,. s,,, llell'.li. properly ill Me.,,. H " ''"'ll S. c I,, T. .1. Kelso... Hi" acres ill seel i. ill a, i, ship illi, an. I K I ,,f s W t.' see tion .!'. i.'wn.ship rfaii".' I w lo W. X. lliiibb lo c. I. Ilriibb, HI acres in township -I'l. rng,. .; Mis. A. K. I'l.ipp, ,,, M,.,r,,r. N,, (lonal ban!., I I'l interest in ,, -". I. loci, -.'I. Me.H'iod ' .i I W. I'anl to Ivlwm.l C. Ire. '-'"'I. I"ls II in ..I 7. Il.-n i, li 1 I"' " 2. b I, .1. Hall., ' a l looin i e,f,,r, . . l-iin.-s Mnilon to A. W Short lot "'. b I. . I'lioenis I'lanl, II. Hreei, to 1, . Walt. I'l I 2 nl S V i , ami vv i,, ,,f s '' 'i - "'V I" -I"" oS. '""f 1 u "ln.o. n,, I,, i. . Watt, K I -.' ,.r S W ,' ,,l S i: I., section il". township :ts, raiio,. v ... M W. ll.ivis to II. I'. Ciunmons, K I 2 of lot I.!. N,,.,,. ..,,. addiliioi to Ashliml I'.. V. Cnmmntis to Albert John son. I-: I 2 lol t:i, ,,.k,. Plate "blilioli lo shland I'M an r S. Halor to 'I' V. Hail,-. I"ls I. 2. ::. I. ii. 7. a,,. I'l"' !. '- I'ail. -I'l.l.Mol, lo l..,i lol'l ... " II'..'.- II I1"',-. . to .1 'l, ..' '. i-i ''- ' M i.'. i.i oM.I'ol, lo ,,, I V. I" pii Hill '., .I,,., i I. I', "O -.. I I' . ' I'.e'ie I'alU . C'l.l.'d Sl:,'e, l . :'. lanrj.. 1 W ' DEMONSTr.ATIl.N Tli.MN. It. ''."".I I 'I..- .1 : M,,., ,. . I'rof. i Hie s :i" I f Tli" al :"lt"-...i tl, ,". I ' "I l.v " iii-ii. :,'.o:. V..,v, ...nbe and Profe--. -ll nc! ',,,.1 lav... ably : :.', I'li's t ,: , i- ton I' 'It. -1 ' at :,: 'I....".,, a-'mti;''.!! hue n -n' "h :;o,, ,,,el :i! i!e, -s: ! 'tini on? . a T 1 : s ,hiv : : I 'o.'v i':io to -I'ov and hoar "tl I'S,', ,., :r.l.'m..n w. I" i,-. -,. The '! b- i-i -I,-. .., . a,r ,oi i .:' "f :'; 't ' what - i " i.r ," ...',., in f ni:t .. .,,,:i..v n,r;r. or v t.. I' ' A.xil I .'rratif to be - It1,,-!'.' '.. h ut I T rni'io of "" n Ye', ,, ' '"M.-h M.-.f,.-. ,, ... ,), ;1f.,.r r-!t- "."iiire, Ar . 1 t!ie news ... 'Itev .... :.- Ci., i.-veet i- i ' .,. ...,r ;,.'..v;-li ClseLswcet '1 ' i " s !,. v. ,r h:'-,:I-! -Irtty a-i! -o-'i'e.i'cb',! bv '" '''"1 cvers- S .l l by Kl'ii', ' Pbar na.-y ni Grand Spring Opening Continues Friday and Saturday SEE TIIE NEW MODELS IN' KIWI'S, WRAPS. SI LK ( i( )'S, M I IAA X KUY, SK I RTS. WAISTS, KTC I UJ V (iOOl)S AND EVEK'VTIIIN'd EOR WOMEN' AXI) CHILDREN. WE CERTAINLY SAVE VOl' MONEY. OCR L'RICES ARE CEK'TA I N LY LOW ER "-v 1 l.' ' . I ', ,'.ll( HI lono We are Making a Reduction of r I'.loo i in On all I Except Oxfords c. w. 1 1 L!!LL-IiiJ I i I. ' LX "... .. .- If Mod ford's Largest Exi-lusivo Ladios' Shop. Baker-Hutchason Co. Central Ave., just North of Jackson County Dank. WHICH DO YOU PREFER? A Li-oil, ,1 St,- ik itli iiinsl.i,,..,., - i'.:, '' :t sun.-,' -i !;i Hnrdi'iiii,'. ,.r --l with iri.,i ., ,f v,,,. n,,-r . '.in otic 'lint will i;..- "'.tr ;':r..l" tlv ,1.1, ,. '.' ''. --,' ' - t!::i: ,.i ,.f ,,1;r The limerick Cafe O'va A.11 N-.,!!t -- . If: t ''4if, WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MtDFORD, OREGON Office in Jacksosi County Bank Upstairs .;. K. KNYAKT President. .1. A. PEKRV, Vice-President. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD, OB. CAPITAL - - $60,000 SURPLUS - - 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank in Bus ness Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. ". A', e iiiii mi t(js Osgood & (Bummings Givil Engineers The Best Equipped Engineering Office in Southern Oregon Surveys, Afaps. Plans, Specifications. Re ports, hstimates. Etc. - Water Powers and Water Works, Paving and Road Maklnti, Sewerage. Railroads, Irrigation andUrainaoe Office Medford National Bank Bid. ;i J o E FIM, inner Rogue River FRUIT . Sub Dividers nd Developers Kogue Biver VaUey Or chard Lands. Ii ',. fruit lands, bcrinif and young orehiirda in small and ..irno tidrta, for lale. Ue plant and rare for orchards and guaranty property to !" is ri ti sented. Experience A'ot Xecessary for those who roirchato. tl,r,ich ,. Th,- sei-uro the adr,,.- and servito, f a ronsultii't; horti,.,i!tn-t. tin ei,.,'U on fruit nil lure ,n all ,t, branrhes. -h fr ,,-veral yeu. has eieel.-d in th. growing and si,;,,,.,,!,, ,,f frlt j Ree RlT9r ,,t re-ord cop,. tffH ,;,. r r, s : i i Xonh 1) Street, Medford, Cregon T r . . y . .' j v-1; . . - - t 1 7A Ol'IJ EXPENSES ARE XO 1 1 If! HER JOHN S. OttTH, (,,'Mhier. W. B. JACKSON, Atn't Casbier. T. W. Osgood A. C. Randall Investment Co. LANDS 1