THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH IS. 1V)9. See Our Line of GARDEN TOOLS Rakes Hoes Spading Forks Spades & Shovels We Guarantee Both Price and Quality Medford Hardware Comp'y IT'S UP TO YOU, MR. VOTER Some reasons why the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company should he jarred loose from the Rogue River Valley a nd all the towns and cities therein ; The Pacific Teleph '.e Company is an outside corporation and all the profits of the luiskifss are taken out of ihe community. The Citizens' Telephone Company is composed of home people and the profits of the business is kept and spent at home. If the customers of the Pacific Telephone Company have a grievance it is referred to the Portland or San Francisco office. If anyone has a difference with the Home Company it .can be taken up at once at headquarters in your own town. The Pacific Telephone Company pays notoriously low wages and gives correspond ingly poor service. ine inaepeiiaeui, vjumpamea etcinuac taj uvo "uo, ....i. i... incentive for their employes to do good work and give prompt and efficient service. ; The Pacific Telephone, and Telegraph Company have an old worn-out, run-down svstem in Medford. The best they can or will do is to patch it up so they may have at least a shadow of an excuse for tak ing your money. The Citizens' Telephone Company will build an absolutely new system from the ground up. They will give you the lates t in telephone invention and equipment. They will spend thousands of dollars in Med ford for labor, for supplies of all kinds, and will make it a point to buy everything it is possible to buy of home people. The Citizens' Telephone Company is no gamble, as the agents of the Pacific Tele phone Company would have vou believe. The independent companies have millions of dollars invested all over the United States, and have driven the Bell and its subsid iary companies out of thousands of square miles of territory, and we can do the same thing to them here in this town. We respectfully ask you to go out tomorrow and vote Yes on the franchise. The polls open at 9 a. m. and close at 5 p. m. Voting place in First ward, Commercial club room i Second ward, Nash hotel ; Third v ard, city hall. THE CITIZENS' TELEPHONE CO. SHAW IS MAYOR j OF JACKSONVILLE; WILL VOTE TO CHANGE "CITY CHASTER COUNTY SEAT WANTS NEW SYSTEM. Jacksonville in fast showing signs of w.nkind to activity and making many improvements about tho city. An elec tion is to be called soon by the new council to change the charter so that it will permit improvements. One of the most important matters to bo consid ered is that of installing a wuvi ex tern. The matter of employing a raty attorney and city engineer is also to be considered. The new council met recently and elected1 T. T. Shaw mayor. H. C. Dox is recorder and J. M. Cronemiller is the Treasurer. The council consists of 0. L. JA V U. E. J.Durford, Fred Fisk and Kmil Britt. BAD PLACE IN ROAD HOLDS UP ALL TRAFFIC There is a bad mud hole about two and a half miles this side of Gold Hill on the main mad which is a detriment tu traffic iu that vicinity. Tuesday two automobiles and one team were mired nt this place find cost the own era a great deal of trouble and hard work before they rmiM pet out. This nmfc rtmuM be looked into at once fcy ra r-ol ifvimiwmHt W fl!ur Nw Cues. Volna Webster vs. F. W. Wait and Katherine Wait; suit to foreclose mort gage. Vawter & Purdin, attorneys for plaintiff. Edwin Worman vs. Harry Silver and James S. Bailey; action to recover mon ey. W. K. Phipps, attorney for plain tiff. O. & ('. Railroad company vs. Thom as P. Knbler, executor estate C. W. Kahler; suit to quiet title. William D. Fenou and C'olvig 1 Reames, anrneys for plaintiff. Probate. Folate John T. Lay ton; order made confirming sale of real property. G ii a nl i a n F. Lou i i H. C hurl to n , guardian bond fiUd. Csbit .J:iws R. V;( 8'uil ; oath of W EN you can find what you want i n fancy ;Ticencs elsewhere vou can in variablv ;et them of Ihe REX GROCERY COMPANY ' HERE ARE A FEW PIIEKSK " Full cream, Linhurger, Imported Swiss, McLaren's Imperial and Koque-ifui-t, Vezet or Dutch and NEUFCIIATEL with which nothing goes so well as that delicious Tlarle Due Jelly. OLIVES "Fnlt, large, well pickled, wonderfully well flavored ripe Ascolano Olives. We have them in all sixes. SITOO EST IONS: TOMATOES We have in stock a quantity of the .justly famed Knehilados tomatoes. The kind that mean a satisfied customer. ; FRESH PINEAPPLES We have just received n shipment, of fresh Hawaiian Pineapples, full ripe and fit ..for aking. They are the aristo crats of tropical fruit. Then, yon might -try our Maraschino Cherries. Cranberries, Olive Oil, Sliced Smoked Salmon. Tn short, we have in stock all kinds of eats for breakfast, lunch eon, supper, picnics oh everything. V Special Saturday Surprise '.Tar, Witch Hazel and Oatmeal Soap, per dozen '. ' . . . ... . ,25c Small Onion Sets, while" they last, at, a quart .5o A Nl) when you are tired of chewing on toiight steak, call at our meat de partment. THE REX GROCERY CO. CASH OROOEKS MISSION HLOOK -J!-. I'ifaOBFn . JLW. ' m . if. PJlR...U!P.!IJ'i! "J PRESIDENT'S NAME If n .i s, it in nlli gul, u! today the young USED TO DEFRAUD , man idiiid'd guilty in court. Ilu wua harg'd with linking for moouy to aid ItOHToN", Mar.-h 18. A letter from x President loosev'lt was nurd by Ua f r-1 Mifiayag;i, a Filipino, to secure fellow countrymen who wore studenta in America. As err Initials he showed In- Itoowevelt letter, written two years money from Morton men on fal' pre- :;jo, in reply to onn Tiitiaynga had sent lo the president inquiring tliu coiitlitijra of the president's Hun, Archibald, wbw wan ill at tho time. L. T. Lawtou loft Wodiiuaday nibt for Portland to bo gouu several dayt.