TIIH MKDFORI) DAILY TRIIUINR. MUDFORI). OIM-KiON'. TlirKSDAV. MARCH IS. 1!09 mi CHORUS BEATS PAPERS FIGHTING OREGON STAT ING THAT OREGON REALTY MEN COULD NOT FLOURISH WITHOUT i SMOKERS. D:rt Seller Brown has received a let tor from a mnn in Iowa who ia think ing of coming to Mod ford in tho near future, in which is enclosed a clipping ftovi an Iowa newspaper which is a jolly chorus from a knocker 'a anvil. Th"? clipping follows: ! "A. little booklet entitled 'Wealth' tame to our desk lust week which wo wish could ho road by every person who is trying to persuade himself to leave tho grand state of Tnwa to invest in ether pnrts of tho ecu n try. In men tioning Oregon tho writer says ' Iowa farms averages to produce $12 per acre white Oregon reported a little less than 4. Win ii ;i man w.iuts to establish a blarneys of his nun. with limited eapi tal, it in better to try for noecess in Iowa, where people lri"f nmne yto bur, than to attempt to hvpimtbe the moun tain peaks and lock ledges of Oregon. Tf you find success crimes so easv in Tnwa that you lose pleasure in game, thon wo would prescribe a number of laces where yon will have to make a run for your money. Among them is Oregon. There is a saving which runs A Backer is born every minute." Tho fruit land and plantation schemers could not flourish without them.' " However, the man with whom Mr. P. row it is in touch is not to be fooled, for he says in his letter: "Attached yon will find a clipping from one of our local papers telling you something about Oregon that you may not know. "Hoping that T may be able soon to write you that T am ready to start for Oregon, believing that the same capi tal and energy rightly used will give as fciod returns as in Iowa, with a better elimate in which to live. T am." etc. So the anvil chorus didn't do so much after nil in one rase. ST. MARY'S ACADEMY PUPILS FGIVE MOST PLEASING RECITAL The pupils of St. Mary's academy pre sented a dramatic and musical enter tainment Wednesday night which was witnessed by a large and well pleased audience. The principal feature of tho long Mid varied program was the drama, ' Klizaheth of Thuringia." in five acts. This beautiful play with its valuable moral lessons was very well presented, showing throughout very careful train ing and excellent dramatic talent. Miss Mleen Kiasbury as Klizahoth played this difficult part with a thorough com prehension of the character. Miss Julia Sid ley as the avaracious and unprinci pled mother-in law showed herself to be a deep student of her part. Miss ituby Burke deserves special mention for hor interpretation of the Countess of Valkcustoin. The small boys nnd girls in their dainty costumes were charming in their songs and dances. Another number on the program de serving of special mention was the dee lamat ion. ' A ugels of Hum a Vista. ' ' by Miss Sadio Unless, and a number of f pri-M toiieu. giriB. The instrumental musical selections ' addid ;.!-.-!mh;.' variety the prugiam a.! ri-tliet great credit on the stti leVuts and NUlirs of the aeademv. RIDER'S PANTS TOOK FIRE AS MOTORCYCLE RAN AWAY NKW VOKK, March IS. Arthur Hub m a lite guard at the hone Hill IWach life saving station, near Sayville, I. I., grew w.ary of tramping emlkss miles of sand, so he bought u motorcycle. While some of his comrades looked on enviouslv at first, llulse mounted the motorcycle for a trial run yesterday. j The course was on tho inaiu land to j the edge of the bay. Hlllse started slowly and gradually increased speed. Fasti r went the motorcycle, headed for the bay. llulse found that to save his life, or anybody 'a, he could not stop the machine. While the cycle was whizzing about a mite a minute tho gasoline ignited and set firo to Hulse's pants. The next instant llulse and the motorcycle plunged into the bay. It might have been worse, although Hulse cannot walk now if he wants to. H is comrades in turn are taking his beach patrol. Don't wait untill your Mood is im-j pmvrinhed an.! you are sick and ailing,, lut take Hollister'T Rocky Mountain Tea now. It v. Ml positively drive out :dl winter impurities. cents Tea or Tablet at ( has Strangs m I Sfjito IVpositurv Katnhlinhnl 1MS8. I'apitnl nad Surplus $125, Rosourr? $700,0(10 Highest Attainment in Systematic Banking Service Tim Jackson County Bank respectfully solicits your account, subject to your check, with the strongest guarantee of safety and efficiency. We offer the highest attainment in systematic, banking Her vice, which as sures the greatest care in every finan cial transaction, with this obliging in stitution. 000 W. I. VAWTKR, President. G. R. LINDLKY, Cannier. (fin) NATIONAL BANK of Mcdford United States Depositary Always Safe RESOURCES, OVER $500,000.00 VMVS. CROW'KI.L President 1 K. DKUKL. Vice-1 'resident. M. L. A !.!' I fl Cashier ORIS CHAW KOK I). .Asst. Cashier !i NAME the In GROWTH the In SAFETY the ffi) ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. ' Till- t'nllnwillir ll'ttOVlt T-MHIlill HTlrnlU'll for at tlm iHiitiiffii-i' lit Mi..lfonl. Ore gon. M:irrli IT. tffP: I Mrs. Iila II. All. I n lllmli. Mrs. Anna ('. tiiMl wii-k. Mrs. V. W. Brown, Miss K. Hull's. ("1. M. Fast. J. D. Fin lay CJ1. K. VT. Ilnwi'ii. Tlilli'v llawliins. Mr. S. .Iiiu.'s. II. C. Martin. W. V. M.' Kinnrv. II. N'.'wt'in. !1. .1. Risers. K. K. Ttnliinn.n. (irai-i. I", s.niili. Mrs. T. Smith E. N. Small. Parti's rallinu' fur any nt' In' almvo lptti'rs ui'l pli'asi' say " ail i-rtiscil. ' ' A chargi' nf inn' I'i'nt will o innili' upon thf ili'livi'rv nf anv of tho almvn let lorn. A. M. WOOIlr'nltP. p. M. 1 YOU SHOULD READ THIS AT ONCE so yon will know that we are displaying our new nnd superb line of Spring fabrics for your choice ami approval at Krt-uer's. Now is the time to or-ib-r your Spring overcoat or suit of rlothing if you would get the benefit nf it in the t'iiM warm days of Spring time, wluu your Winter clothing looks shabby, V nre ready for you at J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. Importers andTailors PALM BUILDING, MBDFOBD, OR. LOW RATES TO IJKSOI.rTrON" 'f)R SPECIAL KLKCTTOX. He it Resolved. Tty the ciiy cmncil of the city of Mrdt'ord. Oregon, the mayor approving, Thnt there be and hereby ! is called a special election in said city' for the purpose of submit ting to the. r otern of mid city tor their approval I r rejection a certain ordinance cut i- ; tld " Ait ordinance grant ing to the ('it- ! iRenn Telephone compeny its associates, their executors, administrators or as- signv, the right to construct, erect, main- lain and openite in the city nf Mvd ford. county of Jackson, state of Ore gon, and in the streets, alleys, avenues and thoroughfares thereof, subject to th" approval of the city council, wires, conductors :ind other pplin liees for the 1 r:insmis-iou of elei-t ricity for tele ldiotM'S t' . ifi.-iph iind mesM-nger serv ice, for the purpose of carrying on a leleplinne. telegraph and messenger bn:u-n'-t.s in said city and such otlo-r mutters iu:iy b lawfully bnmnht up at ;:i il fllecti.Ml. That said election be held ipon the litth day of Mar.di. lOnjt, be tween The hour:-, of f:0n a. in. ami ,"r-on p. m. of said day. That the city recorder of tho city of Med ford is hereby directed to give no tice of said election n by the charter ru.piired in case nf annual elections in nid citv. The following nre hereby designated and appointed n the polling places and thn iude-'i and dnfks of said election: First wrir.l Pidling place, morn '. C-uumercial club; judire. W. H. French; judges and clerk?., ('has. W. Pavis. A. ' Hubbard. Second ward- Polling place. Hotel sh sample room; judge, John S. Orth; indgft and clerk. Win. TTlrieh. II. TT. H-irvev. Third ward -Polling place, city hall: i'ldge. ii. T,. Srhermrrhfirn: jndgfft and .dorks. Scott V. Pavis. H. A. Thieroff. The foregoing resolution was passed by the city council February Tth. 100(1, bv the following vote, to wit: Welch. M-wrick and F.ifert no: Kmerick. Wort wan. Pernmpr antl Mavor 'V.non yea. ApprorH Fehrnarv 1. IftOf). V. IT. CAVOX. Mavor. Attest: rtFN.r. M. roi.UNH. Citv Recorder. More Light for Less Money .Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Candle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour and would use in 1000 lirs. 110 Kilowatts which at iocts. a Kilowatt $11 32 Candle Power Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts perliour and would use in icxxi hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a K Mo watt 4 Net Saving in 1000 hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water it 'Power Co. Office. 20H West Seventh Street. Phono No. !'.".". Opposite the Big Electric Sign. OREGON DAILY During March & April From all Farts of the East via UNION PACIFIC OREOON SHORT LINE THE OREGON It MLROAD & NAVIGATION CO. SOUTHERN PACIFIC $33 from Chicago $30.50 from St. Louis $25 from Omaha $25 from Kansas City ngly low tM from nil r potata You will find your wife's judgment is usually heller than your owu, and y.m will find on consulting l'-r 1 hat she doctt not approve of paviiiL,' eut K'tnd, hr'.rd earned dol lars t'nr tea:, when thcro r.rft ho at reai.tmahlo fijrnrcs in Mcdford. surrmnidiiin, otc, aid hor jutln feleciinn fur a hornp. Hrinif hsr many piMpertirs on die in:.!''. A woman lias a keen ry 1'i.r lec-le 111. nt ean lie relied upon in maUui;; wilh yen, ,rid nuik:1 a per.,ir.:l in .peel inn of tho L'ood IhinifH now of fering tliPiii'ili "itr ni;eniy. and ymi will never regret i. It Id al;uj.it lime tit riake garden. w and ir i: ii.h time t'nr actiuf. in mamti: . homo where ymi .-an eii.jnv th- n, thinin nl' IHe .a t:.in w nidi rtu! 4i ley. Pun 'I delay art n.tw. Rogue River Land Co, Exhibit Building, MEDFORD j TO THE PUBLIC ! Write letters lo everybody you know j in lie' liast and tell thfm about thone j lew ei):.ini!,t rates. Mend tin in literature alien! Mreo.Mi, nr send '.licir addroa3cn ; to us aii'l we will lo it. In this way 1,1111 e:tn he a great In lp in the growth ini pmgreHs of your state. YOU CAN PREPAY FARES av. .me ff.iu any ,iaee if ynu want !. ;..iit the necessary amount with 1 1 ' ai agent and he will telegraph promptly. I'jinre .-(' Agenls nr write to WM. Mi'M riifi A Y, (i -nerai Passenger .Agent ,,. rivgi'ii liailr-'ail it Navigation Co. nii' t,. ''n I'aeit'ie ('(,. Kirn s in On gon) I'OKTI.ANn. HRKOON. t0 TAILORED Serenely happy is the man who can fel that hi garments arc tailored per ft ( Uy. Thin is the feeling our patrons can enjoy. Satisfaction will he yours if you have ymir suits, coats, etc., made here. The way we fit around the neek and boulders is a revHa tieti. Try us. The largest line of "lomestic AteJ imported Suitings in Southern Oregon. W. W. EIFERT THE PROGRESSIVE TAILOR wmm Compare the Quality Ii is, and alwnyn lian loen our aim to supply our customers with g'18'U of the highest iinltt and to that end we nre always adding piali'y to our line. The piddition of " preferred ntork ' ' makos our line of li,;-n grade C in: lied (Hdl most cumplete. Our lerTice always the bit and every accom givi-n oar eimtomorH. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, fuit and lzeed DIAMOND BEJAND FOB LADIES Y'm C-ntn. Ki.. S.-pt.. 18. 19(W After niv H.-n-tor ffavv m ap to di, H.iU"l Teift Wonder, ptired me of Kifi ney tid Blunder trouhle It i te be.t mwlicine on erth- Mrt. R. S. Johnlon. Slold br 11 irv.ee t. ! ri $1 bv nsil from ftl. TjCbib ytlrs. "3rene J'fampton "3saacs instructor of "Plan0- T-'t itlctboi Studio at 7c.t6iiC4. Mcrtb Ornt Sln.t ASK. ; Li?Zl XmmJT lur I ftr..:i ' I" - Iflr ''nMli.e H..0 n-H iUj.m'. SAVOY THEATER TONIGHT THURSDAY I.V l.l'TI'O. l.l.v sti:cim; r.f,iti,,L. l-;...y- l:,vt ,.., I II I. I 'M,- n I'.v ( i;i:i. i.i; " I III. I'lic Pl'l'.ssril; i.i ,vi; 'I ' i.Nlc;" u. ii. it v r 1 1 tr 1 1 1 ' r !. in c . ii ii I -i .in . iiiI.it i'iiii ercn. MMi"ON in TENTH