TOB MRDPOItl) DAtl.TTIIIBlllK. MKIIKOKII. OREGON. THURSDAY, AIAUI'II IS, ll'IIO. llfk Ju A Announcement You are Cordially Invited to the i...?.vv M V r r, ..'.1 D Opening of our Completed Retail Store Friday and Saturday, March 19-20, '09 Musical Selections by Hazelrigg's Orchestra, commenc ing Friday 7.30 p. m. to 10.30 p. m.; and Saturday 2.30 p. m. to 5. 30 p.m. Punch will be served The Largest and Finest Equipped E P A M E N T O E In SOUTHERN OREGON VISIT Our commodious rest moms mi tin- '1 floor - where you will find every convenience pos sible. Sialic ii o r y free 1 1 1' c ) i ; i rge. r'y 1 1 IS will lie 1 lit most conspicuous event of l lie kind this city has ever seen in the annals of merchandising. In oilier that the opening celehrat ion of this ininicnse mercantile instil lit ion shoiihl he in i - j i 1 1 with the size and importance of the -.tore, the management delermineil to make it the im.s elahoraie a I'fa i r I hat; was ever at temple. I h y any niereaul i It house in Southern trefoil. II "s almost impossilile to give a technic.!! dor,criplion of the sumptuous decorations, charac terizing t he masterpieces of t he foreniosl: style pi ri i tat i's many of whose creations are shown I .1 CI ' ll:IVt 1 1 1)1) UK. We have extended our every effort in pr.-cur in:;' the lliiltrsi SI n mlnril iii M rclutiitlist ni .!-.'. nil,- ') !r s. ' VISIT )u r coninii ulioiis rest rooms on the I'd floor where you will find evcrv convenience pos sit !. S tat ion e v y free of rM--e DEPARTMENTS On entering store you will notice suspended show cards indicating the different department FIRST FLOOR RIGHT AISLE DRY GOODS Complete lines of Woman's Silk and Kid Gloves. Silks, Sat AXI) NOTIONS ins, Velvets, Dress Trimmings, Wool .Dross Goods (shrunk free of charge), Cloth Buttons (made to order), Wash Goods Towels, Napkins, l!ed Spreads, Pillow Cases and Pillows, Table Linens. Sheets, Draperies. Curtain Swisses. Upholsteries. Table Oil Cloth. Burlap (fancy and plain), Wide Sail Duck. Complete lines of Notions, Ribbons. Veilings, Kaney Neckwear. Dainty 1 land kerehiofs, lloadwear, Kelts, Hand Bags, Purses. Combs, Kaney Jewelry, Art Goods, Pillow Tops, Silk Cording, Klossos. Art Linens. Hosiery and Underwear for AV omen and Children. Corsets. Dust Rufflers, etc WOMAN'S AND CHILDREN'S Complete lii1e7Toltho celebrated Ut, & Dims SHOW DEPARTM ENT Shoos in all the latest styles. LEFT AISLE MEN'S Complete lines of Men's Collars, Cuffs, llosierv, Handkor- PEPARTMENT chiefs, Jowelrv . Scarfs. Kaney Shirts. Work Belts, all the latest si vies in stiff and soft Hats and Caps. Underwear, Sweaters. Overalls anil .) imipers. Khaki Trousers. Odd Trousers. Hath Robes. The right, style of. M en's Suits The Hart. SchalTnor & Marx kind we can fit you from $17. "() to '.": also Rain Coats and Automobile Coats. Trunks, Valises, Hand Bags, Wardrobe Trunks and Suit Cases. MKN'S SHOE A complete lin of the famous Crossett Shoes made on honor. DEPARTMENT which it pays to buy. SECOND FLOOR ,1 LIVEN ILK DEPART- The most complete linos of Roys' Clothing. Hats and MENT BALCONY Caps to b found in this section at Moderate Prices. AVOM EN'S READY-TO- The largest and most complete assortments of AVom AVEAR DEPARTMENT an's Suits in Southern Oregon at prices tanging from fT.oO to $7"). 00. Surely you will be pleased with the styles, quality and make. Alterations free. WOM EN'S SU ITS Latest creations in Taffeta and Messaline evening gowns. AVash AND GOWNS Suits in Duck. Madras, AVhite and Colored Linen and Per sian Lawn. Silk. Ileatherbloom and Sateen Underskirts. Panama. Serge, Brilliantino. Voile. Khaki, and Corduroy Skirts (also riding skirts). Imported Lace Jackets, Silk Wiaps. C'raveuettos and Silk Raincoats, long and short Kimonas, AV rappers, Bath Robes, Silk. Lace, Net and Lawn AYaists. .AY OMEN'S MUSLIX Complete linos of AV omen's and Children's Muslin Un UNPERAY EAR derwear. The newest ideas in Infants' and Children's IToadwe ar. Dresses. Coats. Suits, ete. Lace Curtains. Poi tiers, Couch Covers. Table Covers. MILLINERY Showing the splendid creations now in vogue. Come and see DEPARTMENT them. We keep in touch with Paris as well as Xew York; WE OWN ur h u i 1 d i n g climinat ing high rent which means a sav ing to vou. Lest We Forget Our more commodious quarters and our carefully selected and extensive stock as well as our greatly increased facilities place us in so much better shape to serve our customers that it will surely be a pleasure tor you to shop in our new store. AVo ask for a continuance of your business and your good will. SEETHE KR EE MOVING PICTURES REELECTED ON OUR NEW BUILDING COMMENCING ON THE OPENING NIGHT DEUEL 6 KENTNER Main and Bartlett Sis. MEDFORD, OREGON AVE OAVN Our b u i 1 il i n g - -eliminating high rent which means a sav it t to vou.