Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, March 18, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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    Boost the Development of the Rogue River Country by Subscribing to the Medford Pamphlet
By far the lurg. st mi. I best news report
til' any paper in southern On gun.
The Weather
The weather man sayi:
Indications pmmisi fair weather for
tonight anil totuorroy. with norhnrly
winds. Warmer.
r n run vkak.
No. 1)09.
Have Franchise in Grants
Pass- History of New
Company Is Outlined
With the Plans
Til.' ( 'i b.(M!. ' Tl'll CMHII-
pany lum the f r.uiHise in Oranta
1 "ukh. If our I'rii'iiils will ii
f out tomorrow anil vote to tfivo us
tin' fi'iiiiihisi. in Mc,r,in y,lu
will sir Hiuic lii,r tilings lining
in tin' ti'li'phoni' lino in tho
l.'oin' ltivtT vallov.
Snini' weeks n tile (.'itineim'
Teli'plione eompany. n enrporation or
ganized under tlie laws of tile state
of Orenoii. anil eompocil of eiti.ens of
Hie ,...,, Kivpf valley, nske,! I lie onun
eil of Meilfonl for a trnneliiHe to liuilil,
)ilip anil operate a telephone vtem in
This franchise was proHeutoil to the
council in regular session passed to it
first reading and referred to the proper
committee on streets and alleys. This
committee, composed of three 'members,
had this franchise under consideration
and investigation for about two weeks.
They inquired into the personnel of
the company, its intentions, its respon
siliility and its plans for financing its
operations, and with the assistance and
co-operation of the mayor and city at
torney drew amendments to this fran
rhiw prnt.cting the city in every con
ceivable way. Then this coi ittee
made a unanimous report recommend
ing the granting of this franchise by
the city council, and all signed the re
port. N'aturally, when this was done, the
Citizens' Telephone company felt that
the fight was over and its franchise
would be granted.
Some days later the coll lie i I in ft. Loss
than five minutes before the ntnvor
called tlie mooting r.i t rdor, tin ( it i
zens Telephone company learned that
one nf the member" of the committer
that hail signed the report recommend
ing the granting nf the franchise was
going to vote with throe other members
of tlie council against its parage, ami
to prevent the ignominious ti. treach
erotiH fief oat nf tin fram-l. si Judge
(V.-iwi-'l a member of tie ''ill ' Tel
ephone company, wltldiv.- t!-c frail
er Be fmrn ecinsiiit'iat ii.u M th council
and asked thai a reyolut inn he passed
referring it to the people, which was
done, and the election calle.l for the
19th of March.
The Citizens' Telephone company was
organized primarily as a protest against
l tie pour service, tiie exactions ami the
general aP-rnund ussedness of the Pa
cific Teh-phone A- Telegraph company,
l! wmilil take nin'o time ami snace than
wo have to spare to give in detail the
history of this company since it came
into this valley some 12 years ago.
We wish that everv voter in Medford
eonld have hoard tin- indie, ment of this
ei n pany and its met'-els made before
the council by J-idg" ( iiwel and Mr.
Vawter on the niglit of February 10. It
was a story of piracy and lawlessness,
of indescribable service and broken
Twelve yenrs ago, when the Pacific
Telephone & Telegraph company came this comity, there was a small
Home company conducting a telephone
business bore. They at least respected
other people's rights and were law abid
ing, but this snhsidiarv company of a
foreign corporation without asking per
mission or acquiring nny right r title,
came in and took possession of the
streets, alleys and highways of this
town and county. Thev proposed to
extend their service to the courthouse
nt Jacksonville
Judge f'rowill. a that time comity
lodge, refused to allow them to wire
the building miles thev woti'd furnish
free service "tmfv officials. This
thev refo-d do. and :tt dead nf night
slipped heir wire: 'n - n w;ndmv and
attempted to -t nn vi ? '"it rn me tit In
the sheriffs .ffic J'id-je (. ..-.! at
n ii,,t.fcd them 1 1 , f'd ..rd'T
the v'eitor to cut ther wlr.- an l throw
their telephone into the tro,.r if they
Say Redudion Will Injure
the Forest Conservation
Movement-Will Drive
Smaller Mills Out
POUTLAND, Or., .March IS. That
the proposed reduction vf tlie duty on
lumber will liave a disastrous effect
eptoi t lie lumber indust rv in Oregon
and Washington is t he contention of
the leading inanul'acttirei'H here. They
say t hat to let "anadian lumber into
the I'nite.l States nn the payment of
onoly $1 per thousand feet duty will
drive a large number of the smaller
tn ills out of the business. It is argued
that the measure will react seriously
upon conservation project a, an there will
be no market for the lower grades of
lumber if the ('anadian mills be per
mitted to outer in competition, as they
will undersell the American mills at
every turn because of cheaper stump
age, labor ami transportation.
Will Tight to Last Ditch.
MKIXINOIIAM, Wash., March 18.
Lumber manufacturers in this city be
lieve that the fight for a reduction of
the duty on lumber will ultimately be
won, despite the ways ami means com
mittee reeommendatioii of a reduction of
oil per cent. .1. H. Illoef, a prominent
lumberman, says that the lumbermen
will fight to the hint ditch.
The lumbermen are especially encour
aged with the change in at attitude of
C if ford Piiiehot. wlm admitted that the
removal of the tariff would neither give j
dicaper inmlier to the general consumer
uor conserve the forest p.
Pleases Canadian T.o,vcrr.Km.
VAXmtTVKH. It. f.. Manh ls.Brit
ish Columbia lumber manufacturers on
the roast look with favor on the reduc
tion of half duty on finished lumber or
the possible dropping of the tariff al
together in the rase of rough products.
The general opinion here is that Can
ada will benefit greatly by the change
in the lumber tariff. Mills are already
working full time preparing for the
succeeded in stealing it into the court
house. For once they recognized that
I hey were up against the real thing and
agreed to furnish service free at the
courthouse. Hut. following their usual
thnds regarding contracts and agree
ments, as soon as the judge's successor
was elected thev commenced collecting
Some three years later the mayor and
council of Medford, after repeatedly
warning this company to desist f rotn
electing poles at street intersections, ill
the gutters and mi Iho line of sidewalk
survevs. ordered the utreet eomniission-
r to chop such poles down and. what
do you think happened This sweet
scented outfit rushed to Port la ml and
obtained an injunction from the federal
court to prevent the cit f nun interfer
ing with its high h:ind d operations.
Thev went, mind yon, to a distance,
ami a court where it would cost the city
the largest expenditure possible in time
and mme-v to defend and protect its
This out fit has nor only been arm
ant. rascally, lawless mid unreliable,
but it is a cheap skate as well. Tit il
liiMtrate: The Commercial club asked
them to put a free telephone in the
flub rooms, after powwowing around
end taking it up with the Portlnnd of
fice, thev ninde a imposition to only
charge half price, which was thankfully
aecpted and their old out-of-date, germ
infested coffee grinder is nnw hanging
on the walls of the club room as a con
ta'it reminder to the members of the
public spiritednoss and generosity of the
Pacific Telephone A- Telegraph company.
Kverv member of h'' Citizens' Tele
fdmiie company in Medford. Mr. Picket.
.Tad go Croweli. T. II. Moore and Bert
Anderson, give constantly of their time
ami monev to get out :-d vert iing matter
for tdl-i roiumimit v. 'o -end delegations
f boosters to Sal""i :i'id other p!;t'-es,
Thev help build it cll'irehfs a ed el'oes.
l:-lp pave its Hfrei M Mid put i'j it .'.de
walk, lint t .! outfit w on 't ee. fir
i.ish :i fp-e t- ! J.l '.tK to Vedfor- " t 'II
inere:il rga rii -n ion. M'1 -'11 fere
no ifbers of ci-v ro -i..- that v -P
nf,. pi-.. lr g-nig 'do up h ' I
Up fp.M: eo'tir.ettr;Oti. year thev have 1-. en t:tl ij,g down
the gnn.I money nf the j pie of Med
Polls Will Open at 9. a.
m. and Close at 5 p.
ra.-Fight Has Been a
Quiet One
Tomorrow the telephone fight w
end in the ritv of Medford. For to
morrow is the day of me special election
called by the council nil the matter.
During the past few weeks the tele
phone war has been carried on tptietly.
The old company started to improve
their service and the new company per
fected organization and laid their plans.
The campaign has been clean cut from
start to finish.
The Citizens' Telephone company ask
the city of Medford to grant ta them
the right to construct, erect, maintain
and operate in tlie city of Medford and
n the streets, alleys, avenues and thor
oughfares thereof, wires, conductors uud
other appliances for the raiismissiou uf
electricity for telephones, telegraph and
messenger service, for the purpose of
carrying on a telephone, telegraph and
messenger business.
The polls will open at 0 o'clock to
morrow morning and close at !i o'clock
The following are the polling places
and the judges and clerks of the elec
tion: Firfst ward Polling place, room .'1.
Commercial club; judge, W. II. French;
judges and rlerks, ("has. W. Davis, A.
C. Hubbard.
S ennd ward- Polling place, lloteit
Nash sample room: judge. John S. Orth;
jndges and clerks. Win. Clrich and II. IT.
Third ward Polling place, city hall;
judge. (I. I,. Sehennerh'irn; judges and
clerks. Scott V. Davis, II. A. Thieroff.
Mr. Business Man and Telophone User
that unless you wish to pay for TWO
telephones, you must vote NO on Fr
day, March 19.
ford, payable monthly in advance, and
not putting any of it back in better
ments or improvements. Hut since the
( 'itizens Telephone company applied
for a fraaehise, t heir special agents
::ad big trouble men have hurried in
from Portland. They have appeared
before the council, the committee on
streets and alleys, and are frantically
naking all suits of promises for the
future; in fact, as going through all the
i ouvulsious and contortions nf a death
bed repentance.
They have shipped in a bunch of
poles, a few bales of wire and a few
red cross arms, but if the people tie
feat this franchise tomorrow these spo
rial agents of the Pacific Telephone &
Telegraph company will collect their
soiled linen, stuff it ir their traveling
bags. ;nnl they will he gone, like bints
of passage, and Met) ford will know
them no more lllltil St Tlleolie eje i-orrieS
in and thi at hs their snpreiiiae v.
The people of Medford an free spend
ers. They deserve t he very best of
everything, ami if tomorrow you grant
the Citizens' Telephone company a fran
chise they will undertake to give yon
the very latest ami best in telephone
invention and equipment. They will tin
dertake to give you. not an old, patched
up system, but a new vystetn. built from
tlie ground up.
Another thing. no one be fooled
with this eaek and chatter about a dual
system. (Jet it out of your minds. The
Citizens Telephone company will give
von the opportunity of having ono good
system and telling tlie poor service to
get out.
We ak you. as friends and fellow
citizens .if Medford. and as neighbors,
to spare ten minutes of your time Fri
day. the P.ith. to no to your polling
place and e.v t a oie for this franchise,
:ii,d :i No to r gfter a rebuke to the
p.-,rV Telephone .V Teh graph ciiipanv.
xii,, tor - many years have given you
' -hifi j "or voiir morn y but poor serv
i, i :in 1 It!-. - I proiu '
-'),... ' ;,(;f ,,,, tM.V frit ill Me. I
ford f I heir I .ipp.. ' "'id e-K-.'ir
g. tile.;' ttl tl..- '.L' i;gl.t. WO T"
ma '-a,
V-.r. t mai.l.
Till: -ITiKNS- Ti:l.i:l'H"NK
Says That Cutting of Iron
Protective Schedules
Will Give United States
Pauper Labor
DKTKOIT. Mid.., March IK.Tlie
tariff bill is entirely too drastic accord
iug to ( harh's Schwab, formerly presi
dent of the I'uited States Steel corpn
non ration.
He intiinalcs that the rutting of the
nou prot ect ive schedules will result in
the steel men cutting wages and savs:
"The removal of the tariff will give us
pauper labor, so that we can compete
with the Kuropeau mills, where women
wheel coke."
Recommend Bill's Passage.
man Payne of the ways ami means com
mittee of the house today reported the
tariff bill hack to the house with the
lecouiiiienilalion that it be passed as
i ht rod need.
The house wavs and means cmnmitt
before reporting the bill adopted it ami
lecoiiiineiidei) its passage. The vote was
I.'l to il, ami was strictly on party lines.
The democrats have until Tuesday t
frame a minority report.
The general debate on the bill will
mart Monday. The final vote will prob
ablv be taken in ;he first week of
NKW YORK. March H. President
Taft arrived in New York this after
noon ami wi II proceed In New Haven
to at tend I he ami mil mooting of the
Yale corporation tomorrow. In regard
to the tariff bill he said:
"1 have had no chance o read or
i udy the bill. Payne consulted me be
fore il was i nt roil need, giving me a
knowledge of its general provisions."
The president declined to say whether
he would sign the bill if passed by con
Mr. Business Man and Telephone User,
that unless you wish to pay for TWO
telephones, you must vote NO on Fri
day, March 19.
The Nash C. M. Fury. San Francisco
C. F. Willis. Medford; H. I.. Woodhouse.
Berkeley; A. W. Whitney. Portland;
.1. Meyers, Portland: Daniel Sully, W.
D. Reed, Mary Cngnor, Certrmle Karle,
R. A. Stewart, Jos. Lap'uer, New York;
Ralph Brown. W. Wollheiin. C. S. Ca
thy, San Francisco; C. C. Shaw. Port
hind; O. W. Iliitls. Omaha; F. If. Kd
wards, A. It. Slater. Ilntton; V. Worth
ington, Spokane ; A. (i. Tlndim. Mns
ton ; I,. K. Gibson. Portland ; F. D.
lilake. New York; .1. Dumas ami wife
Dayton; P. Venstraml. Portland; W. A.
Rumniel. Portland; A. C. C-Cord. Port
land; C. W. McKeone.
The Moore F. K. A Smith. Portland;
Kit gene V.' Vtlrof f. M .1 W aukee; George
Brooking. I'mn.-iv. o; K. A. Mnr
b.ek. M. Moirison. Portland; . Nv
.i:.r.l. ;iaml Forks' p. S. Mitch, II.
San Fra n ci sen ; I,. K. Wakema n and
wife. St. Cloud; W. A. Mandell. St.
Louis; F. T. I .arson. hicago; W. K.
Lawrence, H aver; Joseph R. Leech.
New Castle; C. F. Hay. Portland: A.
K. Jeff, Kugciie; W. S. Rich, Boston;
Anna Rose. New York; Minnie Lamed.
New York; Harry Benham ami wife.
New York; H-len' B-rkley. New York;
Thomas Irvine, Portland; W. W. Ailing
ham. Portland; John Florence. Med
ford: c, M. Hooper. Portland; Arthur
Hemlershott, Kugen": fl rover H. .Veil.
S. S. Mitchell, Ashland: Arthur Cniik
lin, Gnmls Pass.
Don't worry about the two
phone pro position. The Citizens'
Teh-phono company will put the
verv latent in telephones in your
litni i.r phot- of bnsine and
give von :it b-ist one month 's
-ervi.-e Ife Tie n you can in
yite the I rer -T '' to g'
Vonr f.(r i---' rvice.
Answers Leaflet Scatter
ed Broadcast by Citi
zens' Company Over the
Entire City
In a last effort to stave off the in
evilable defeat that stares them in the
lace, and in an effort to save the mon
ey that lias been expended, in promot
ing the Ho-called C'tizens Telephone
company, its backers today are spread
ing broadcast through the city a leaflet
which follows (heir tnual tactics of, mis
ropreseiitat ion.
It starts out with some ancient his
tory, most of which is not true ami none
nf which is pertinent. The only ques
tion before the people in the election
tomorrow is whether or not they can
bettor their tilophniio service by grant
ing the new company a charter. Wheth
er or not the Pacific Telophone & Tel
egraph company has or has not done
certain things in the past that do not
please Judge 'rowel I and M r. A mler
sou is of no consequence.
Neither does it nuttier whether or
not the promoters of the new company
are boosters and public-spirited. Our
would Hiink from reading this leaflet
that they wore a philanthropic society.
Not so, gentle reader. They are pro
nutting this new company because they
believe they can make some money out
i f the venture.
It is n business vcituro for them and
il is a simple business proputiitimi for
the business men and telephone users
ef Medford, This city want;-, a modern,
np to date telephone nyst"in and the
Hell company is engaged in doing that
very thing to. lay. an I ha:: had a large
foive of imi'm at work pulling in poles,
ev:ring and making her improve
moats to that i :-d. The switchboard, the
1: tost ami modern of its kind,
whii h has seals for six operators, is now
on Iho way :'nd will be ins!:;'ed in a
few days.
When these i 111 pro eine u t v are made
Meilfoid will have ;s good and emu
(dote a system as any city on th nvt
Tlie now company cannot improve on it
:f they would. Then why got another
company in with the neoevily of paying
two telephone rentals when one will
render all the service that two or any
other number can render?
Resides, there is a lot of trouble and
worry caused by having two nystems,
''e of the expense. Kverybodv can
al fol I to III W the two idioues. II lid
t lie result will be dropping in t n use
vottr plume, or you will be asked to t;o
out and call your iiiudibor in I a tin1
ihey have the other phono.
Another thing, the Paeilic I'el. pl
A Teh-yraph company e.n e,ive you cmi
neitiotis with more than bio.lMMt tele
plmne subscribers living in all parts
f tin ast. What i an the Citizens
oinpaity do in this respect? Absolute
1 nothing. You will be shut off from
ill the world, isolated, set apart by
The ,:eu company will not able to
i e .in eoll Meet io Willi OIU lie' j
having refused to give that company
i franchise. Can Medford afford tit be
shut away from the rest of the world?
Then all the money "petit to advertise
the city, with such splendid results, had
better have le-en saved.
Where does I lie Home company usii
lllv get the tiloltev t I ftlWllICO Hs S.VS
tint? The invanahle custom nas neen
t sell stork and in almost every place
Where the so called independents liuvf
penile,! you can tndi.y buy such pro
lotion tnek at big discount from par.
Another scheme that is usually fol
lowed is to have a " -oust met ion coin
pany" do the work of installing the
v. torn. Of course every oony armor
stands this game. The "construction
cotnpnnv" is a little coterie of those
en he inside, and thev get the contract
from themselves US the telephone com
pane to nit in the p::ut at nice, fat
figures. That is :i pari or Tlie promoi.oi.
game, and that mav explain wny
many people are w. ai.timn to organ
ie telephone companies
Ho not let the nU" - pl-a of the
frenfe prom- ter- of M,e new ompany
-it tie r -t:' tv '- do a td.ilat.O.rop
ie .tt f-.r d,- , (' of M-dford do
' I.'
.1, Om V:
T . i,l.,..
Mi ,m ,., v .ill , I l.ii ' n, firi '',"
r-,-;,,,. n. i - r, . ml.-r til"' ' '".
Has No Paid Up Capital
Has No Franchise Else
where-Old Company Can
Give Good Service
Some reasons why the Citizens' Telo
phone company should M. refused a
The Citizens' Telephone company has
no paid up capital, and no financial re
sponsibility outside of the few shares
of stock subscribed by promoters who
hope to reap a fortune by forcing Med
ford people to subscribe for two tele
phones. The Citizen' Telephone company has
no franchise in any city in Oregon. If
I pie of Medford vote a franchiso
its subscribers will bo limited to those
in Medford. and they will bo barred
from all long distance and outside con
nection. No bettor telephone service could be
riven by the now company than will bo
given by the old. There is no guaran
tee of tiny service at all by the now
concern, which must first be financed.
The Pacific Telephone company is net
rally installing a now system in Mod
ford. Men are busy si ringing wires, re
wiring houses and planting poles for
the new system. The siime is bring
done in Grants Pass and other valley
towns, and when completed, service wiil
he given equal to any in Hie Doited
A new telephone compjiiiy i usually
;l KMiuhl t the part of promoters, hci,
m.v. sling a few dollars for promotion
expenses, hope to floal bonds upon Hie
liaiiehW.s iiskid by them Irom the -
""'I "ins s.yihv the ti led fund to
i. aid cio struct a rival system.
There is no guarantee of the finan
cial responsibility of the Citizens' Tel
ephone company. It made no guaran
tee. V few men of g repute ami liieh
itandino are listed among he promoters,
but there is nothing to show that these
men will risk inm-h ef their 'oriitnos
'U the now e rn. The ; of
Medtor.l will pr. b ibly be ask. 1 'o pur-
hase the sjoc' n,o bonds and supple
I he funds tteede ! to build the proposed
system, ami then be for ( nNo to pn-
niiinng expenses U -;h taking addi
tional pi s. The promoters will make
their profit on stock acquired for little
r nothing ni promotion.
Medford 's city council failed to yive
the Citizens' Telephone company a
franchise, after nn invest iyat ion of scv
ernl weeks, ti ml an inquiry into t he
personnel of the company, its intentions,
responsibility il ml ils pla n for fi
nancing and operation. The fae! that
no f rn nidi i so was (i von the company
hows what ;i majority ol the cninicil
thought of the fimnieial stnnding of t he
'iti'eiis' Tetopt 'oiupailV.
Tin- l it ' Teh-phono i pan v
' as denied a fiain hi-e by the ,.;ly conn
il of Hraiiti Pa-. No effort has Leei
e:e to obtain a franchise iM Ashland
u account of tie- admitted hop..eHiies
.f the task, so if the , pe of Medford
a 'i :i .. )rs . t ! v iyit . l Mre ail
...ilat.d service.
lie mi-ttl tier that dual s tein of t el
phones means a double tax upon tin-
people, and a double inconvenience with-
it t an i m pro ed service, and it means
Iso that the people themselves, besides
paving tlie double taxation, will event-
ually pav for the doubh nf ruct ion.
Far better one system, capably matt
ed with satisfactory service for all.
Remember this and vote against the
proposed frati'hise.
Finest Klliott is minus t-o ns the
result f his fight with Bert Johnson
on Front street W-dnetda v mornitig.
K4 1.: t:..l Tluircl'iv lioiriiMiir Recorder
Cidlins attched the above fine, which
was paid by the rliremiant.
Talk with Dr. Page should you dcnirt
lr. lmrd tracts nt imiuiMs property.
have a modern an I up to d.e pi oi.n
., r ice wtth nnlimitM long distnnc' con-
. .... lions. out th-- PIP iiin'll OVO' tlSO
.,t' ha- 'i'!.' another photo- ;tnd the trouble
;tl! ( :immo .-in.-- ;ni iderit to a dual
nv'-'in, '.nte Vi tomorrow on
. -',;), ,iot-
w. k Mriorn.L.