Til K iMKDFORJ) JM1JA' TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, AVEDXESDAY. MARCH 17. 1000- Medford Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medford. Published every eveniiiK except Sunday. MEDFORD rUJJ Li SUING COMPANY Geouue Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the i'ostof f ice at Medford, Oregon. StllMKCU.I I? AT ION Ouo mouth by mail or carrier. .. .0.50 Oao your by mail 0.00 l,ri'' 'H itorl. i til n t. THE LEGISLATIVE ('ill ME OF juou. Destruction of a part of the .slate's educational sys tem, the legislative clinic of the recent session, is a sorry deed for a progressive; people to point to with pride and yet it is upon the wanton and uncalled for attempt to mur der the normal schools of Oregon that the senate Itases its chief claim to fame. The, normal school is recognized as an essential branch oi education in every state in the Union as important as cither university or agricultural college, for it is there that teachers of the rising generation receive their training. Oregon's normal school system has never heen on a proper basis. The normals have been shabbily anil dis gracefully treated Irom the outset. They have been al ternately fed and starved and made political footballs out of. In order to secure funds to keep open, it has fre quently been necessary for legislators from normal dis tricts to sacrifice other legislation that a crust of the state's fluids might be thrown insl it ill ions t hat prepare those who guide youthful Oregon. The more money a slate spends on education, the more enlightened and civilized the state. Any attempt to check or destroy an educational system is recognized as an an achronism, a survival of the ignorance and intolerance of other ages, out of place in the modern world The attacks upon the normals, the state university and agricultural college are symptoms of the unprogrcssiveuess that has cursed Oregon for so many years. The mossbacks of Oregon, under the guidance of that monarch of mossbacks, the Portland Oregonian, fight all forms of higher education. They would slay the state uni versity, the agricultural college and the stale normals. They belong to the era when a knowledge of the "three Its" was considered ample education. Because grandpa went to bed with a candle, they would bar electric lights. The upper br -h of the legislature made no effort to settle the normal problem in a satisfactory manner. The normals never received fair consideration. Certain leaders, thinking to curry favor with the mossbacks and win the plaudits of the )regonian, which had u crcifully derided them, set out to slaughter the normals and blocked all legislation to this end. These members should remem ber that the day of mossback majorities in Oregon has gone by and that the support of the Oregonian is equiv alent to a defeat. The Oregonian and other mossback journals have for vears carried on a campaign of Nullification, falsehood and misrepresentation regarding normal schools. They have never been fair. The normal scl Is have been har pooned continuously and unrighteously, their work lied about and belittled. The normals will now make a final fight before the people, and appealing to the spirit of justice that governs the majority of humanity, they have little fear of the out come; for if Oregon is to advance, she must provide the best of educational I'acilil ics of which normal schools are among the most important. And Oregon must and will advance and normal schools must and will be a part of her educational system, despite the legislative crime of !! . EIGHTY ONCE OUNCES OF FOLD FROM NEW I.EDOE VltKKA. I 'ill.. U'iivIi IT. A veri rich slriUe w;i. iii.i a li-u days :ii: I'V .Tallies I., olilisltm. a pr, importer, in a ileoompnued ipuitl l ilu1" "-' I'"' milling' ol.iiin. on main Munilnig. oppo Ml)' IIm Morning Stai mini', iiliont uinr mile, west of Vrel.i. Tim 111 i 114. is tiutli'l l .1, illusion. At l.oney .1. l. I'niivlnl 1 f Vr.-I.si end an lantern nssoeinles. TI;- l.,l, ..ni on, I itlii'ti weighing t'li 111111..-., pun Hold. Ahi.lll SI I '' ni,,-es Inn,- I a talii'n mil alien. Iv. ,'i..l tlimv is o in indication tliat tlir pnv s,,.. it will ,'.. tiiilt,'l. Tim pay is hi tlir I'.,! mat i"ti ,-! a mini steam mi ' sole an, I a -..-h.l wall mi llm ts, ami 1 1 u n. is f..,. very liiii. li , ii-oiiv:ig, .1 Tliis property ,'ilsn a.liuii.s Hie iltan ,li' ami Crass ( nt tnia.", wlii. li n.' rn,i , being operated by N. Yuik . ..piial 'Sl !. WOULD FOLLOW II IM BEYOND THE OK AVE I'OHT WoUTII. I'red Morris, a b; T, . Mar. l, 17 , ball la-l 'light shot an.l I nit,. II. ,v.i. ,'t Vfllllb'Villl' Milt;, T. ill I, ,,,,, ox III holel, alter Ik'Viiii; h'ciii..! ;i vi it ten confession that Ills H'lat'im- witli M'S. Morris were iii,-i.,',r M.'M'i .ll-rlarial ho forced l,er t., Hnl,1 .m l sign tl ill', -si, ,11 ami tli.n I. -1.1 linn ilial h,' intended I,. I. ,11 him. "Mover extend.. I his : -,i, I Morris, "and l,il,l me t,i sl t lnm through the heart s.i thai all i..nl.l be ever lit once. I ,11,1 as he sne-l ,',1 llllH VVOllld fillb'W liilll bey. Hi, I the eiave i:cept lor llm filet Unit I have a I, 111 bay who I filial, n I. me hi I, ml. ,m lr Ilim." INDKINANT CITIZENS BURN TWO IN EFFIGY 111. I' Sl, Ton.. Mar.-h 17. Hill, oh ili.lieiiaiit OVei t 111' l.as'tmi' by the lee, .sl. tiue t New ei, ,,t' a bill cllllUg mi; llie ,'Mintv veal ,it' Sierra cmlnlv flim llillsbel,. I" I ill lei, llie ,'iliens of llillsl,,,,,,, N. M.. ),,,: ,1 the figures !' I, epreniit:iti es .Inlian Cliae. ami l. II. Until, r in el'liev Sutiuilay nie.hl. I li:n , .- iiitre.ln I llie liill ami limit ,'V, ii lui is a ra iit'himi i et Siena ooiiulv. v lis i list t lull, -lit a I til sei'iit i tie; its as a;;e tlll'.illeh the leylsla t life. Over the mi ee ,,t I hale' a ,lar,'n.l was posted lea. line,: " lleeii. I It .lulian I'lian'.'. I'll I I'i'.'ti el' Sien a i-niint v. ' ' l!i!!sl-..ii is a iii.niiitaiii town off III. Ii I' lie- railrea.l, while Culler is :. inn. lien ...ntt nil tile Sallia IV ss leal. MEXICO REMOVES DUTY FROM WHEAT IMPORTS IX I'ASO, Tex., March 17. - M.-xi.-,, will dei'laru ol'f nil wheut duties by A,iil 1 in order In ,teenl a bread famine, uceurcliae; t'J the. eUHtntim nt' I'il'ii'.lH Ill-re. Wheat ntiw rusts .t.'i.ll i.Mexieaii money) j,er bushel ill Mexieo ity, irln n inii'ort, ,1 I' rem the I'liite, 'nteH, nml the Inline i-r,ii is exhaust e,. Aiiieriean wheal at I be bertler emits - 1.2M a bttsliel, ami with '-'n eents (irnlil) 1 1 y Hint freight rates til .Mexieo, the IIAVAVA. Cnbn, Mareh 17. Th" .it'e nt' a llavnna 'iuiiriiirilver, tilreaily lint inolher ,,f II cliil'lren, (.iivc birth IniJay to (iiailiaiilet.s, two boyn ami I wo "jrl. I'resiilent (lonie. sent his iiiim-ntnlntion to tie emother as n .iniian ,eserviiii well of tins republic. REMEMBER, Mr. BuhIiioxs Man and Tolepnono User, that unleKs you wish to pay for TWO telephones, you must voto NO on Fri day, March 19. LOW RATES TO OR EGO A DAILY During March & April From all Partx of the East via UNION PACIFIC OREGON SHORT LINE THE OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. SOUTHERN PACIFIC $33 from Chicago $30.50 from St. Louis $25 from Omaha 25 from Kansas City ' ',rre!itmliiie,h' I,, we rales l'i ,,in rill other iintn. TO THE PUBLIC Write bilers to everybody you know n t)i I'llisl anil 1,-11 tl',111 about theae low eiilnni'il rat Sen. I th, m literature iboul Oreyiin, or N.'inl :!ieir addri'a.leH to iim ami we will do il. In this way vim ean be a e,i-eat h.jji in the growth irii itom-.'sa ol' your Hfute. YOU CAN PREPAY FARES for anyone t'li.in any ,iai'e if ynu want in. leiosil Ihe lieressat'V aillullllt with our local neeii! ami lie will ti'lejrnipb lieliet ,r,illlitly. Iniiiiie ,f Av;enlM or write to WSI. McM I'KKA V, (leimrnl Casseiivrei A((ent. The Oreeii liailrnad ei Navigation Co. Southern Cneifie Co. Lines in Orison) I'OKTI.AXI). oltl'XION. lil'.I.IF.VIeS THAT MINERS WILL OO ON STRIKE I'll II. WM'I.HI I . Mar, h 17 ft I: t a. it i- It! Mil t - :M st I il.e ' " S. , i, t:,rv llaltl-n -'I' ,1'st, ,,-t N. I't:,'.-,l Mine WetKeis made II. in, nt tnniejil in , lis. i, .sine a ti . at. ,i:; mi nt with t lie . I,:,s,.l Ins it ,1' ilM i ti.e.-tl-. r II. .etnfi'ie .,e..,t,i el the M'l" , the a, .11- sl.- "ttetatitls ha,,. :,l inns but at the last e lit.'li w e (-resent he s:,,,l. !M IAN MINISTRY IS SUrrORTF.D AT ELECTION 'MM I'. l I, 17 The evileral elce I . in uln.li tli. I .1-1 ballot wa- tal, Si'.ti la, weie eeltf illlie,! ill Italv t.,i Telav's rettittts in. lie. lie tha' eitt , f e" ,le',ltii's mere llein :ii' fa '.oi:,',1, t,, the ), i..v,.it ministry has been , leeted. We Making are Reduction oi 2 So On all SHO Except Oxfords ES c. w. Mcdonald More Light for Less Money Sixty-three per cent of eledric current saved by usiug TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Candle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour aud would use in 1000 his. 110 Kilowatts which at locts. a Kilowati fn 32 Caudle Power Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour aud would use in ioon hours 40 Kilowatts which at ioc a K'lo- watt 4 Net Saving iu iooo hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co, Office, liOli West .Seventh Street. Phone No. '.l''. Opposite the Bitf Electric Sign. APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of Fruit Trees YAKIMA V ALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in tne Pacific Northwest. No. 111 the combine. CVvipetes with all first-class nurseries L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFOED, OREGON. Medford Iron Works E. (. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in Southern Oregon for FA1 R BANKS, MORSE & CO. Compare the Quality It is, and always has beea our aim to supply our customers with goods of the highest quality uml to tbut tno! we an nlwiiy acMinj; Uii) Hy to our line. 'I'lio iiddition of p referral utouk" nmUcH our line of n -ii ynnU' I'linin'il Goods most coinptetc. Our service always tin bit nd erery ai'foin- yiveu our pustouipra. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed W . ? j VT larksun County Stuti' L),'pusit:'.ry Katabiiohcil 1S88. ,ital Hail Surplus $125,000 Resourf? $7(10,000 Highest Attainment in Systematic Banking ServiGe Tin' Jat'Usou County Hank rosjici-l fully tiiioils your aecniini,, suhjeyt to your i-liirk, witli the strongest guarantee of safely an.l off i.-i.'rev. We offer tlir liiylitst i'.ltaininent in hvs tenia tie lianUirif service, nhicli an sores the greatest 'itre in overy finun eiat transaetini:, with this obliging institution. V. I. VAWTER, Pr-cident. G. R. L1XDLEY, Cashier. mm An Evening Call t .i friends ni- uu informal occasions no comitates heing projirrly dressed in a full frock coat or cutaway that fils the figure to perfection. Theru is no cue that can give you that perfect inn of style, fit and finish in a Prince Ai !-it. .cutaway or a snck suit as thai made hy J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. PA1M BUlLDINa, MBDFOED, 0E. '. X. Gunitnl ngs T. W. Osgood Osgood & Gummings Givil Engineers The Best Equipped Engineering Office in Southern Oregon Surveys, Maps, Plans, Specifications, Re ports, Estimates, Etc. - Water Powers and Water Works, Paving and Road Making, Sewerage, Railroads, Irrigation andDrainage Office Medford National Bank Bid. You will find your wife's judgment many good properties on ihe market A woman hr.s a keen i yj for loc.-: ion, in ut (Jin In- relied upon in tnakiiiL' a MEDFORD SASH & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2291. Window Frames, Dak Veneered Doors, with Beret Plate, carried iu stock cheap Office Fiitnres and all kinds of t'itiuiug Mill Work, including Turned Woik and V'aocy drills I" STKKKT. ItimVKKN SIXTH AMIS KVKNTU STREETS. is usually hotter than your own, and you will find on consulting her that she, does not approve of paying out good, hr.rd-carned dol lars for rent, when there r.re so nt reasonable figures in Medford. irroundii::!, etc., and her ju Ig s"!ecli'jn for a home. I'.rinu her wiiii .miu, a. ni inaiiy u personal in .pM iiou ut the good things now of fering through our agency, and you will never regret it. It is almost time to "make garden," and it ij high time ior acfi,.n in securing a home wh-ro you enn enjoy the god things of lire in this wonderful val l"y. Don't delay net now. Rogue River Land Co. Exhibit Buiklias, UUUFCUD WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jacksou County Bank Upstairs .!. K. KNVAKT. rr.-aul, ut. .1011 N 8. OKTH. fashifr. .1. A. 1'KRRV. Vioe I'nsiclent. V. B. JAi'KSOX. Asi't Cashu-r. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD, OS. CAPITAL - - $60,000 SURPLUS - - 10.000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralEank in Bus ness Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. G. E. Hiltinacr A. C. Ron, lull I.. O. Harris Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS I . Sub-Dividers aud Developers Rogue Eiver Valley Or chard Lands. h , e fruit lurnis, bi-aring ami young orchards in small and lariio linrtn, for sale. .Vo plant aud oare for orchards and guar.inicc property to he as t i presented. Experience A'ot Necessary for those who purchase through us. They secure Ihe advise and services of consulting liorticnllnrist. an e.,,ert ou fruit cul ture in all its 1, ranches, who for several yens lias execled iu the gr ,wing and shipping of fruit in the 'Rogue River vaaVy, record ctopi, record packs, roc, Til prices. in North D Street, Medford, Oregon DIAMOND -BI3AND rene 3fantfton Usaacs "3ntructor of "PlaQO. lUti 33xibst SluJIO at MlJ,.c. ilotlk 0r Strtil ASK a. msm i llrowu f r ! u HI,- .nliwi--t S.u n,l CuihhIb. PoiruAO Sue Cj . nno 8m;jn ihd sciiai. vi. Tritwifeaaat'Ads Insure Results. Try Them