i i T11I0 MKDFORI) DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESIAYJrARCTI 10, 1909. l Mrs, l (Wetibrugge, 401 Rirariide ave y nue. ,V- FREE FREE A Beautiful Green Carnation to Everyone Purchasing to the amount of 50c or more on ST. PATRICK'S DAY The Toggery "of course" Social and Personal Crover i. of As)il;niij won a Medford visitor Smid'iv S:nn Dousuoi returned M"inl:iy iimrn ing from AkIiIuihI. Phone your orders fur sweet errata or buttermilk to tho creamery. (.'. J. MfLniifjIiliu 'C A j ' I-ja t hpeni Momlny in Medfurd. Mr. Mrl.iuiylilin HfatOH HihI mad" ore really improved. Klla tlnunyaw, public uteiiogrnpher, TiM.m 4, Palm building. DeVelopllH'lll ICIIJJIM' IlKelinya will III' I, rid at IikI'!"'"'1"1"' Monday, al DalhiH HI Tuesday and I'ttl'Vullis Wed nenday, under t au-pien of I lie local orgnnint ioiiM of t eitiin. Place ymir wrder f.r yt.ur Kii-der uit eiirly. Ve take orders for uitn from I'i.oO up. Kifert. tin progressive tai lor. 209 Cadillac Snyder lnin returned from a hiiHiiiettft trip t Portland. Me took in the automobile show ami tiit'rt 1ti.il It was a great, buccohh. Orders for weet er"im or buttermilk promptly filled. I'honn tho croainory. Orcein hits a champion in It. li. Hmilh, of Shawnee, Oklahoma, who hue jidviwed thai a half a doz a fnm i In s uliirti'd for thiM stale lasl week, with fil'leeil I'aitiilii'N lo follow I'i Hie mnne vicinity on (he I5ih. Mr. Smilh will locnte here hiniHelf In I lie near future. Why do you buy u hand mo down Hill t when you can g I lliein made in any stylo you want lli"in at ready made priced f V. V Kiferl, the progressive tailor. -TU The busiueiM men nf I'urtlaml have definitely determined to make the Pub licity Puiid of the '..itlaii-l nmimeiviat rlub .flnii.dOu aiiiiu.illy, and t li mini w ill be Hpenl in ad vt-rl itdiiK the re hhiii."s 'ind tu Iv. i'Hj yes nl' the whole ft at1 of Oregon nt heretfore. P. ('. (Vetwnr of Ited Devi! Cement f'n. will build wallt according to city upepifii'iitimw for 12 1 'Je per square r.ot, (Irand millinery opening on Monday, March '. liarnard & Cnrnoyer, No. 1H ' street. ld Kifert building. " Mat 1 1 rs Yeel:y ' ' under date nt April will deVole a great leal of jiiee tu I lie I'm-if if Northwest, and in this number tn-gon will not be over looked in either text or picture. The I. .Miami eummeri-ial ehib has a page in which the central fciture is the famoiiK ... rail vt rying th" no-swigo "Ore.ui is tint place fr you." t Jeurjje I . Maxfield, general passeu yer agent of the Wabatdi railroad, with l,e:!dfiiaiiers at Ibiffulo, New York, is :io!oti! lor literature nor. parts of Di". jN.it. He says he inquiry for thin information ik ittHiHtent. and it h em ti;(siei nt Hum time by the rate of HL'.."'i in effect to Ore;..n points from 1 in re. ion until April :to. the regular t'; re beiiitf REMEMBER, Mr. ButiincsH V. ? and Telophono UKer, that unless you wish to pay for TWO telephones, you must vote NO C:i Fri day, March 19. " MARRIED. .ION I 1 1 K IAIA N I n A Mlila ml . n Mrii'Heli lit. by M. V. Ke;nle"1on. J, P., i:iia V. Jones and Annie II. Ilelnmn. We've got a dandy cuuncil, That's strictly up-tn duly, A mi when it comes t paving. They'll do it, Kiiro im faie. W.'re all so proud of Med ford, Hiir Mphndid. Iimtlin(j town; If von want to know about it, '.lii-M li" :nkI a ;k .M K PPOWN. :W7 FRUIT TREES I mmi pri'pan.il tu fill onlcrii for first .tu' I'niil ti s, slmiln, .iilins. 'lc, nt i, v.-i'"t irin-. Iluvc :n Imnil .'.ml Hucrrc II, ., p,-:ir I . I hi ll f . A m It at IM,il,il Iniil.lini!. M. A I, I. UN. Figure With Woolverton Wtmlvci-li'ii ciii.-ini-iiuiti's tlic Ii'cnt I'ayor liuii't wuiU Mini sl;ivc fur :i hiinl'iil'd. Own vinir (iwn In m le. Wimlvci'ltiii will si'l I it In you on misy tcrnirt. With BENSON INVESTMENT CO. OVER BIJOU THEATER- hotbl ARRIVALS. The Nash - V. K. O'lolimll. .Inrl; -rnvilk; l I.. MiiiMl.r. M ..!! r.ii I ; II. S. Ilnfur.l. .! Illllllll. rnrlhiMil : i ( . N't'ls.m. 'r.-u-iniin ; .1 W. Srnllv, I'urt lima : W. It. Cnrnill, II. S,,.:. Sim r'rnn rlHi'u; . II. Ilruwii. I'ort liiml ; II. It. S"rl, ( 'iii.-jLo; .1. V. Wliitiu-y. r,.rt lanil ; I'hithi' M. Itarlii-r. San Frnnrisfo; It. K. MrliiiU. I'nrtliiliil; W. WVsl. I'nrll.ilnl ; II. I). SI ki-lfor.l, fipciii'inli-, 1'. S. Mitchfll, San Kraucim'C . A Ploa for tho Paving. Iliri 'n hopiliK thi-y'l' iavo Mfvontli Klr.'Ht, Tin' fin.'sl Hli'c-I in trwii; Tl.i! rt'inoii itili 't liar I li. n.'Hf: On liiat niri'i'i Din .1 I K ItliOWV. ll hIkiiiIiI Ii.- iiia.li' a liuiili-vanl. At whii-li tu iuiat vi h priili1; l;ut tin' n'.att' it 'h in at prfent Vnu can tii'illii'r walk nor r'uli'. II tlii'V ilon't i .1 .- lo pnvi' it Thoir f.'i'linM will (Ji't hurt; I'nr IImti' v.il! lie a tnitfl'tv howl l-rom 'lif MAN' WHO SIXI.S T1IK Dllt'P. 307 I'l III SAI.K .Vcw 7 room liiumi'. wi'h ario laml, -I'l iniiiutcii from deput, j Isiiii. tli-o. V. Uycr. 307 I I'OH SAI.K FurnittiU' for bale an.l lioiiHi' fur rout, t.'all or u.j ri-uu O, care if TrilMHK' oft'icu. 4 I ol: SAI.K Twenty "toun lyoBt oat hay. Ilcarv WaliliTH, Medfonl. 3 Hill SAI.K I,. iV. aiihliviaion No. 1, m hi ill on the market, with several 'ooil lota. Who w,intH n lioinc in the licst part of the Hogim Itiver vnlleyf See I.. Xieilerineyer, .liicksonville, 10 r'OII SAI.K One acr' of jrooil land anil t-vo larje lota; imiat aell; burKain at f.'.oo. Sec W. II. French, room 7, Jack aon County Bank blilg. I'l Mt SAI.K Or trado, the beat roem iii houae in Meitfonl, clearing $100 per inontli. A,l(lreaj (', care of thin office. 1 1 lit SAI.K A new tl room houae, with l,alh an, I electric light ami windoflr 'hades, for the amall Bum of $11100. FOR SAI.K A good buy Four Iota 50 I iv 120, joiniug city limits ou weal. $110 each: cash only. Other lota in l his neighborhood are selling for S50 to tou caah. I'. O. Boi 571, Medford, Or. 8L- f7)H SALE t'boiie bualDess property at a bargain, on long time; easy turms. Addreaa 1'. O. Box 41S. " Poll SALE 5 and lo acra tracts just within and adjoining city limits, at a bergain, ou aunuf.1 payments, nu ll reas I'. O. Box 41B. FOB SALE Housea, lota and laud i Phoenix, or in tractt to suit from one acre to 640 acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe nix, Or. I FOB RENT. FOR liKNT Nice furnished front room, ground floor, close in; auparute 1'iitruuce. Apply Mrs. Aston, at Mont goiiiery's Ladies Emporium. SAVOY THEATER TONIGHT TUESDAY 'OLD Cl'lilOSITV SHOP" A reproduction of Dickens' great work A NKHVV TIIIKP" Ho who ditrea aucceeila. 'A I'lfKIIlSTOIMC I.ID" A laugh producer up to tho last minute. ' STILT WALKING" Entertaining and education. ADMISSION- 10 CENTS FRUIT TREES I bavo jutit rot'oivrd a Hliipnient of nursery stock conni.itiiijf ol' tlic follow ing: Howrll parfi, 4 (( fpit ; Hartiott p.-r.rH. Anjon; SpiL.i'iibcrji ami Nhw U.wu applcH, 4 (J iVi.'t. A fine stock of Lambert clirry treun. L. B. WARNER Classified Advertisements trj s TAILORED Serenely happy is the man wbo run fWl that his garmeuts are tailored perfectly. This in the ft'elinj; our patrons can enjoy. Satisfaction will be yours if you have your nuits, coalH, ate, made Ihto. Tlio way wo fit around the neck ami Hhouldors is a rovnla tiuu. Try us. Tho largoflt line of donit'Mtie and imported Suitings iu Southern Oregon. W. W. EIFERT THE PROGRtSSIVE TAILOR LA VOGUE PEERLESS GARMENTS SUITS T HAT PLEASE ATTRACTIVE NEW MODELS FOR SPRING (loot! style is pvidciifo.l in every lino of those licnutiful models. The sketches an only hint of their beauty yon must see the suits to juuVp them you will say you never saw such a collection of charming effects--such jaunty c-uts such irresistible materials. Xo picture or description can do these garments justice reallv you will have to see them to be able to appreciate tht. beautiful materials anil fetch ing designs. PRICES $10. to $50 Medfovd's "Little Kost" Ladies Stove BAKER-HUTCHASON COMPANY Inc. Central Avenue, Just North Jackson County Bank WANTED. vati:i a . iin-sH r. u. i in ini Iiiiiso. M.-di'nnl. r A. I :tn7 W A.TKI- (iiil lor rucial luoisewoi U Millet be ootl vimiI ; withes f.'I'l prr inontli. Applv lo ;. ,,im, Hotrl X:-mIi. 4 W'A XTTIO I'i'.sit inn by younjf intiit I lioroiiglily a i'i pin i o i I'd wit li nl' tire work; .'! yiars" t-xpi-j ii'iivo; jood uln lation; goid ii't'i-vin rs. Aiblrcxs l, iTiri' of Tribuni. -U' ' VATKI Tu borrow on guil socurit y, '- from $:.iiiti. .. .f:t."nii. c. o. Uox tis:. 1 I I'Oll $AL: -At tin- (Ihion I tar ii, I tfood :ti wiijttii, I good st t work hariM'SH, j - Nocoud li:nid boyyii h. I disc plow. 1 , VATKI -'w b l.oppors to chop rif-dwond ;ui. tiiTW i. Addr.HH I. (. ItuX 4S. FOR 8AIE. I'ui: SAI.K -ir' Ittilo .'liiclicn ranch, Hood laml, limine, well, We.; a (jooil buv; hirf Mii.'ill lunisi-, urdi'ii, jfond woll, only t'lLTi; ri'idfiici' lot, close in, Hilly ''.Mt. t '. V. Stone, o er Iti.ji.u 'I'heiMer. T I'nb SALK l.arn" wii gle wo: U hmse, 7.. Waller Moure, !'ho( tiix. Or. :ti7 TuK SAl.t: Two i-t'ws, heii'er. L" i wjijjiiii, buyv, harness, "l-.ddle and nt Ii . i -jot'ds ur would trab' for h niso lot. ti.-o. I'V lyer, county road. W. brick vard. ' " WHICH DO YOU PREFER? A broiled steak with mushroom sauce a sauce a la Hordelaise. or served with fried onions? You have never eaten ono that will jfive your palate I he delicious sen Hat ion or your appetito the iiiick surprise I hat one of our tender, juicy uteiiks will give them. We have every tlinitf lo niiler on entrees, all ready for the fastidious appetite at The Emeritk Cafe Open All Nlgbt 8ALBM BEER SALEM is the most popular beer in Northern ( 'alifornia and Southern Oregon. It is acknowl edged to lie the equal of the very best eastern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this as sertion lies in drinking Salem beer. If you wish In be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink it. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION Mod ford Depot: Med ford Ice & Storage Co. Men's Boys' pi and Children's Straw, Linen & Felt Hats FOR Nl'MMKK DAYS New arrivals in Straw at Toe to .t'i.oO Hoys' Straw Hats at 'Joe "0c and Toe Children's Canvas and Straw Sailors ode, Toe New Fell Hats for Men in late shapes. The Now Peanut Straw Outing Hats, each 'Joe The New Peanut Straw Hat 25c ea. VAN DYKE'S DRV GOODS SHO10S FURNISHINGS E-RU-SA THE ONLY 1AWFUL FILE CURE Because K-RU-SA CURES P1I.KS, and DOES NOT contain narcotics, mercury, cocaine, lead or any poisonous drug. U. S. Dispensatory recommends every iu tfredient of E-RU-SA. Drug laws make "false ami misleading statements" a i rime. Therefore, the sale of all other or narcotic pile medicines is illegal be causo they affect the brain and spinal marrow, produce constipation and never cure. E-RU-SA is not for sale nt opium joints. Only druggists if hiehest stand ing endorse E-RU-SA. Medford Pharmacy, Kagle Pharmacy. Chas. Strang. lraskins' drnc store. 1, G ee Our Line of RDEN TOOLS Rakes Hoes Spading Forks Shovels Spades & Medford We Guarantee Both Price and Quality "L Hardware Co. s