THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OWEOONV TUESDAY. MARCH Ifi. 1909. E BUTTE FALLS ITEMS. Charley Oteuchuin took Mr. Izer aiul family us far as Med lord and they will go further north on n viait to return (.luring the your to the Fails. Jud Edaall, wife auJ babied huve been visiting in Mud ford. Jud Bays the travel la not very pleiisunt, an the road, are -still in vorv bad conditiou. The oountv court cannot do a better thing than to send the BUperviRors over the roads with scrapers and drag so .that travel will be much easier. Wo huve. never soen the roads in a worse condition, while the culverts and bridges ere nearly all in bud shape. Taxes arc enormously high and the people are Inclined to do some It 'eking when they aro deprived of conveniences for which they pay their money. There has been too much neglect of our public high wnys, and we look to Judge Neil, who haB alwayB boon a staunch friend to good roads, to ueo thn our present al most impassable roads arc put iu shape. Do the work intelligently and thorough ly by good, competent men. n K. C, Board ma n f Kanrhoria ha taken a trip to the vnlloy.t Ho reports i the winter storms to hnve blown down ttnny trees, blockading the highways nt various points. i Mr. Tzer and family of Roundtop have (jono to Portlnnd, where Mr. Tzer ex poets to Inbor in a swiimill. 3 Our people are hoping that the M tin Ay syndicate will secure the P. & E. railroad and extend it to this section, which will be a paying enterprise from , its very beginning. 8 Much down timber is lying utong the Bond to the Falls, which if the mill was Operating, would be available for luin ! ber. t Scott Claspill has returned from the alley, bringing in a load of tmrplies for the store. The Adams con foot ionery nod soft drink store is running full blast and do Jtig very well. Cadzow &- Marcy hnve stocked their njorn with a good and well selected a srhinout .ot. mcrchjindiso . and .arc jtj5; J loHng.' Merchant !Lug)ip fints.huhelf ruite ubv looking after Ins store interest. irice 'VtoftMauiUllif. jt-iiM jrtiglitfl tot- wukaino ad.NSrijfSniltli.! u J l . '. O. linker is expecting to start soo-.i in, th'inw roud.auJ thou' 'irurys " arf ll anxious to get. .something to do, n.- HjftTMWiMrifHH-IHiP1iHlMnilli 1 irnif TW1I Villi Wana J'arkur.has -boon -a-Jutu-viuiUijJ to the Falls and iournovine on tn th'1 P. E. Powers is making some ehnng's Ben Fjedonbur's newf home . (Road Ruiftrv'Jsorj von der TTU'!n''hns i-en ordcrV rtirtt 'mir loadif mm. ttelv repaired, and wherever neces- ij-y "earduroyod. ',,'. as. -the tpivel is ierenSii1iul;'Slifr MaUoitta ilhp rfcuu dlled'ft) "rhWe-Trttt-.l'iid' rr-pl.'iiiSnWlMt implies. f !R. It. lirndshnw of Ilrownshoro lia j uVc to Jacksonville. trudf& Vu"t5is in, Jul- ifii8-il ifiJMi i -ilium fc.nehlTrfinortloVctin'ti nlalthi'i'ij is; tri' rrati Wi iih. nVlesa eiiMijiHiiiitill Iff the violation of law in connect ion isyjth the local option andanpt lnW.. i jjj it. Doublr-riuy is .".t ilia ranch, lately' urchased of Mr'. Poole, and is making sinny onuugos ituu nupinn-iiii-iu;.. .in: Irione. of tho nicest and mpst colivenieut. llices, anil .lack wil more tlinn double ii, money on it: 1 1 ! 1 1 '' ' : ' : " - Un addition is , ibeing .ntadl'l to , .thf :inle store room, in which billiard par- fXfwt'l.trlni.wil III the woods looking after governme nt ttcrs and aeKtoo nllsj ilvcs h1kOBise'fytodJh tljm might f iiut something of interest if he jill invest inalje jh'yllrnwjn C.".mp neigjj. Idrhood and 'nearby p'n'ints. Ii. P. faster of Ilerhv is making a nb5nli om-homr several days. We suggest tliat' Che. Jhltte Ifntls-aa Ki'-glo. Point tacfii,flnvvrtis the June nnrt nlaco wheu and v:here they leave, as muetimrs travelers find much .diffi culty in, finding out these necessary facts.,,,,' , . It. is reported that Pcstinaslijr von del Hc.llcn. of W'ellen will move to I'.agl Point, since he has disposed of ranch. his fltBiliitWiiilinit.Wll n ordinance providing for the exe- luljion of a contract with the Warreu I DStrilCLlOQ COIIllau nil nit - tinrtinn of Ontral avenue, in the itir of Mcdl'ord. Oregon, and of a con raet iVf III? iH.LI IUMIJ.HU I "III .HIM H oh'oTo'aTn-!!? The citv ot lUeiiioru o;ows: that tho proposition of the Wurren ,'olstruotion company, a Washington oijporat4Ur-or tho paving of f-H .vtnoe.K theiikity of Medford, as It' lotJoro proykl and for maintain!;,' laid p i jtiat-T r a period of ten y-Mfs n.jiiiur.nm, ,. hirenv nmi ne, um norizcii iiwf iiniiuiim - nt aian a contract in the form and banner as hereinafter set forth for such atomcntjtyd maintenance ruspci u.. I i... nuivor U' !C-,ona sue..-.- - a-rr :ISK..,, UfiedVd&nfir- j 'i.msL !ST W.cnt. 1fMir "T:TT ' . . ... V enues n Hi day of February, ,' nd between the warren i "'"1 '"" . .elinn lompany, a Washington lu'l""""". oseinatter railed th" contractor i i IIH IU Hill I S-itnesseth. That in consideration ot hit covenants hereinafter set forth, the .li -eorebv undertakes a.n'i ,fnii.t,'uss!l Ir-rials Haft ialojiui'i ""---v -1 i-J-.i .-:m,.o mMr,ff.TitnrW i,tl. ..nd-riher necessary materials and thbr. for the paving of Antral avuc. a i .... iu -nlrin0 f m luain fiTV. imui n"- -rr Sfrh line t; Ah street m Moan street V iim the soutjif.ilile and i of Mainf-t Ea to the nor ., . 'r1?. - .Jn,tiios BOicr. said plans and specifications set forth, which said plans and specifications are on file in tho recorder's office of said city, and are hereby expressly referred to and made a part of this iniiii. and in consideration therol'or. the said city agrees to pay said cefaclor there- for at the following rates: Bituminous crushed lock founda- j tion, per cubic yard $4 $4. .'50 uiiumnic surtnee. per square yard 2.00 j hxenvatiou. per cubic vnrd OO Standard monument cases, each. 2.00 laiets, as per plan, each is on fc-inch terra cotta sewer pipe, per niieai root (10! fi a . . . i in-ii iwrru cotia sen-er pipe, per lineal foot so It is furth.r-Bffr.M4hnr-nlbof-!inirt work is to bo dona upon the terms anil subject to the conditions set forth in that certain agreement between the par. ties hereto made pursuant to ordinance "! WO of said citv, liassiil June "O 1008, except the provisions in said agreement relntivo to the time of com. pletion of said work, which said agrpe meat is hereby expressly referred to und made a part of this agreement. in wituess whereof tho parties hereto have caused these presents to bo cie. cuted in duplicate by their duly author. ized officers, the day and vear first above written. Attest: WAKRRN" CON'STIircTION COM PANT. n.v Vice-President. CITY OF MHDFOItn, By ' Mayor. Attest: liocordor. And the said inavor and recorder aro also authorised and instructed to enter into and sign a contract witli said War ren Construction company for the main tenance of said paving when laid upon the snme terms and conditions as those. set forth in that certain agreement be tween the parties heretofore made por snHnt;to-orHiiHttee-iN'o,--4tjO if-said cii; ei "! passed .lune 'J'.Mh, IIIUS, for the maiiif ttaiu'h .if paviiiiirita'ioilSoveitth stro LU.-js:ij,L,ity, lyul .such .jyvttPU bysui,p iVtrSMMiilVoiifirifliV'''-sl I S t'lin Cm i'.nii mr m il i 1111 tii'd wna ii:mni l fy theVitS' Volmflr'o'f'lhe'cily'bf &k t'..r.1 -Hi,. .-.mi lliiM 4th .Irv of Miir.-ii. A IH.IiHIHti,HI ISMHI IHlMlHWlfiWimplHiimi tenTF,eri'Trit oynr'rTW''T''rittny'' ive. ;piroved March litii. IflOft. ! - W. II. CANON, j 1 MavorJ A-tt: f HKX.I. M. OOM.1NR, City ttecorder. He it Ifesiiivcd. bv the-pitv'of Mil.w ford, Oregon, tile mayor approving, tlnifi i' xi hc.rpi-3,,rilercd tlmt t lienine a ilitaallttiirnrd V'li-MMli' tinu al a spei'nl election to be held rderc.i ttmtt iicijl a,"ii tor, s:uil, city en .Mnrcn nun, myiii the iiropoic'd ordinanco of the city j Mwlforlj;! ittiitM iia la. wtirda and ifigur. is foUqps, fp-fit:, , ', ,.,; J An ordinance , granting to Ihe (It sens' Telephone 'cdmphnV, its associate thi-ir it'xcDtor,iJhtiiisjriVir8,1stic sor.: or assigns, the right to construk' Oregon, and iu the streets, alleys, a ettfs an thMngh&tres Uiortyt, suli.lf lo9appriival?of cilo'"'l"vir',8i diatom Ufa tlj Ijipliirffeii for j I transmission of electricity lor pkoans, telegraph, p)id( raiy.engt ice. for the purpose or carryi'ng inUnlume tetctiranh il nd Tneisentrer bi: llevi' ,-i''i''r "l''fi:'i'i ' "' .Section,!. ,T,hf rights, nl privileges ,-iro.hnrnby granted to the (piti.cns 1 el- ephone. compa;iy. it,s;ishoci;iic, in'-'i ucptors, administrators,, -uecessors or as sijjus, mtfject to approval of the city ciiuncil, to construct, lay. muyitain and o'lMVaU.wl'..1)0 city.'ofi.M.'-dfoni; eoinily ef Jackson 'state of Oregon, including all the streets alleys, avenues and tbor nughfares thereof; poles', wires and oth- the traosnnssioa ot elccLncuy. rox an tho purposes herein set forth, mentioned and described, and to make the noces nrv excavations, construct and hldld and maintain a telephone, telegraph and res, poliB -'f'PT'nTr and applianrm commonly used in such work and construction, are 10 on p.... proper places and at thn proper niv . . .i...o iiJ-liclinv tho ground :i" 1...,. tl.o itronnil : and sue n in it)if' as may tain ioIcs ant' in place to interfere witV, f said streets, alleys, ave nues and thoroughfares. a, " It shall V"- lawful for th" ,aid iLtaot'Ofi'-W . rs or "". '-. f ,afi. for the '" . .....(i; ,t-. nlaeine winw. i.iirnntP OI -1 fi. I H r-- i ., ....... ,nnt,aoces and fix ,.at.le. and iMUEMMMftl cc rdaace ith . ' " naaccs ot tne ' .,,.., ction Whenever --- n-miin its . Ii J ii .ja.Krv,r ;(fl' "T2 I 3 a-"' r,,,hrcs thereof for ,,o,c 'd'h',L L condition at same to as eoo'i Wh.n before pr- -"jrr,; .11.1. and tboutSf'tn'ff-'" it.' , mn the etnil laiui'K other BOT.rnu "'.IT F Medford slV' h'j A..titlion ft Tt'ifcO he . . . ....i. ,nnir and rest"" WniCO I 3 . rlLrrt .,.o. .il W c.m.lcrf nto i' r'fn fft tdne the case nutiy reqiilfc, .nnarafn.ilaftv be tislBd "11 TT l A ssary orfwper to :tH t, t'hl tmk. but nim nn...F.iii. ititkall be snff the free usi jSijii convenient Lns Jrany of said 1 thorough able charge and collect same from said grantee, its associates, etc. Section 4. The grantee, its associates, their t'xivuiors, aditiiiilntrators, succes sors or assigns, shall at the time of con struction as aforesaid and set forth herein, file with the city council a plat showing the location on such streets, al leys, avenues and thoroughfares as is to bo so occupied, and the same shall be presented to the tirnvol council for np- Section 5. The maximum rate of tel- enhone rnt,il t., h lmr,i f... i, telephone servico shall be so designated n the follnwmo tnhl. ohnwln- th. nous kinds of service with their re spective rotes: $'.00 per month for individual main line business service. sf'J.oO per month for two party selective ringing service. J.0O per month for individual main line residence pi'rviee. t..r(fl per month for twu party selective ringing service. per month for four party selective . riugiug service. . It is hereby undorstood and agreed tb:ir the ahnve- table- of rates nhsll 4e maintained as a permanent agreement 111 t il Biiid grantee shirll have installed u,nd operating through raid exchango not less thau one thousand connected telephones within tho city limits of th? city of Nredford. When the actual num her of operating teleplxmes fhall have oxoi-odtM out thtumtnd conueeUi tele plume serv i.-en, then said grantee, its npsoriat es, their exrtcutors, successors, administrators or assigns, shall have !h' right to ii.-rease the rbove mention ed monthly rates, not to exceed fifty cents pT month for each telephone service so eointected and in r.erviee. Section (1. Nothing in thin ordinance '.hall be so construed as iu anywise to urevcut the proper authorities of said rily of Medford from sewering, grad ing, paving or repairing or altering nny of the streets on which said grant ee, its associate tkuir exocuLoro, eUo operating on, Hoction eUo'rJ.-'Sd.MJlrfit -fpi-s - 'ttr rtMlgitMi1 shall 'itifrer' rfleeivtug qittice frfSttV'Mlrtfi'h'ntlhfitiM- of id elty t"!trvdford'.-T'nov'i''mSMiv ur liver"'irM' wife, mHlv,: etv.J' ou'mnr' of t$e "AtftM-fs-Af-JCiW' city, 1o admi' free nAtti--ft!g',,of ftTiy'lt'onse' !or--lmuie''whieh rwe bfitip mov(d' npiV 'Wiid-'streets 1 by tBe authority given iiyflttid' city; 'Saul tjitice to' bw 'served upon said gntntee, l(H iiSsoeiateS','tlieip et'utors. ete., -not 13K than thirty" si hours before such removal -uf-ijyidf wi.ies. cables, y other fixtures' is1 rqitired. W V IseHltin' Irf 'VonHiniifilin -'Wf ''the (jghts gnintt d, the city-of MtuU'ord, by itXYjB .the right to,susjejiijUiojtJhe pl; jde.ced by said grantee, its associates, in the.sKM!risV'rWV1it!Sl?v!r i(ie vires( whicji may beretpiircd for fjie alafin pr,' pojico ' te'Iegnipli ' services :i$'d fur mi other purpose ''except 'flibse rtj-'iitioncd ii tlii's section'. '" 1 Section H. The grantee sluill furnish ait id muintain free four telephone serv ij.'s tii the city of Med ford n'nd one ad ditional t tdephone service for each ' ad dllioiial fire station hfieaftor mairitriin- 4i bv tin citv. The' said services to be I'ced as ntiiv be dsie'natcd by ' the 1 y council. Section 10. Said grantee its assoei n actual work on tho things mentioned this ord itia nen within four mouths prose pTete lite same with diligeneo until snbslantlatlyr ' on U. :uJ urantoe, its a.soei suci-cssurs, int to violate any rein set forth, time ff-Tiip rf'Tiiff'.'f Aes nee heteirf.l nil bn Iturf fiiuitnti Km , nnnulall.,tjie.iprjviliges .lji'rpi,n.1(iijf irth. mentiolied e.iiil (1i'scrilie,1: -' Section' I1-' .'''Tfii'.''VigM.' (.rivll.'gci id franchise ihelrin -,wrnaUt ,toll co- tine and be in ,f ull fi.rco for a pfxiod f t ,i n()1 rears frfiln the passage of onhniittcri 'niifl i IniigpT' "I'll Section I?.,. field KHi,','.ll?HiT,il'l!rv lavs afti-r the parnnge ot tins ot- .ifvlnjUlWOttlAk . Ii' W 1.'-l,&,. I f. .(ten :.-..t nil... i f thin frani.jiise. Sictiiui 1 I tf4'fnJther'hgri.I hl' UIHIV. Section 1.1. The said grantee is to remove and cluing' the location of any pole or poles or appliances when so diiecteil bv the city cut horil ies within '' ' '-'" -"' :"t! i.-h r." Wliriii'Vf'r. by n'Msmi of con cent ra ti, in of biistiio"! and traffic mi any por tion "f any street or nveniif it is, in til'- oil opinion of the iv c.Mineil CHrn r-W the it aii.oles ived from m venue the on declare thereupon i'i..mL toe s.ii- i. the to lie of fh "St"TiT' inrlwnMi" Hiw i Jil ilhl,' -1. .i i..a.i.',lnJ. .i. ifcl K.dloy v !, J .onx.nee of thc'publi. and d-Jr-Und 1"' and k& r:nd f "f cil may by res idition to exist grant agrees to promptly pro- ,.,.ed to cans" all P"I'S anil overneao nircs to be reinovcil from said portion ..f H.-iiil strc-isi or avenue and t...rTT(.n (TsriuTstrerr' ritv council may direct. i'cti.ri The style of construction he ,if full mnllil-le type cable system mf i - in - -n ' r"f tit.n ''' tl T Il(- permit :tnv i or person i op-ratiii owning f.m m,; a.m . ,: Ttlj, franchise is not to No. 225From Oranti Pan Pi. - ' ' ... nnrlX--l-lt I i .in t.-ri.-l r.'-i''r-i ilirctlv or mil I- ,o. :-! r or hiiimu th- V'1'r-t..i I'' -'J'l-j(ephore L(,rt.p'tv'" "vAtTJiT -RAliwAT l,,i!iir a , 'I'lip-ti' iv- n i' ,'ii"'i so. 4 Learea aieaiora omop.m. S i-.i-.n Iv Th- "-lid era ni". further MotorL,1Tei Medfort 2:00p.m. agrees "' hM fn- from all Motorl,avel Medford j B. . i ami .lamlU'. j-rJ-2. o' J3;ii,. iit -in 1 -W'm- V. w ; .........,i.. .... nf it i :it rill T ni " ri'i i 'ii" i Use The it will afford such company, associa tion, person or persons connections with tta aubscribers in the ritv of Med ford. t ction 20. This ordinauce shall take effect nnd be in full froeo from nnd ;fit;r its passage, approval and posting. The following aro the numbers and forms in which th ballot title of the, t'oicgoing ordinance will be printed on the official ballot: Submitted by order of City Council, t 'barter amendment: Vote Yes or No. "An ordinance granting to the Citi-. .ens telephone company ami its aaso mutea, tho. right to construct and ype'r ite in the city of Med ford and on its .treets, alleys, avenues and thorough fares a telephone, telegraph and mesen jer- Horvie 'plants and yitein. ' 4fli) YKS ! .401 t 'N'P V KU ... t' REMEMBER, Mr. BuslH;-Ml(nd Tolephqiie UserJ that unless Toil' vtKh to pay for TW telephones, you, must: vote NO on Fri da March .,V '' - .. JAC Miss Hj tSONVJLLE ITEMS. j Ufe (Siv of lilich Wiis lb guest ot diss Maude Prim one di.n Wi'di. Mrs. W. It. t'oleinau returned Iriun Ph'o'enix "Sunday evening; where she has Mr. and Mrs. f. W. Conkling of Med I'n7 netitfSiinil:iy with friends livin A l:l Wflh ifuiti, W i f e vUVfi r I a n 'l'mlnig,lslf inyir w,o-, ""JJ -i 'I Jl .M ...1,1. mi I-... t wl1.inriT.(jiliVliii VKliiUC. .M fj 1H in wit onipHia'i ot-,ij-yvin-ii ip tiff cohiuiiiiv. indt 711 atintial,; trips.) .Mi's. chiJPTl"u in'dM Uller slittri3HiUvniid Hiinda: i-iuUm liviiu Jldfd.iiLl Karl MoiiVe- Will -Hundov in.Mmlfont - Ml Mr- -'"v 'ilJ Mrs. Helen llaskili. Miss llaskin TTTTd" Mt!" "-tT.r. fears were.-frli-geatB Mr T. Ttnrnott over Sunrlny. ffilo'r's'V(l?,,;r,tT'Tr,'fff: -"(MlmtiM.Hi 1N'ewbM,ribiit.JSiind.ii WMWWX i..n- .:V'1.,1 di ,! tMiss Auiwh Broad and Mrs. liml 'hol.W ate 'spndttig n'f'Wdays at tti iyo. Lfiiro' ininv1. -.J;!';;v!'AVFK'V!!rlf.J!''Y;-'l;r,:'; !;' rny Mall were over from Mcdrord 111 liiill-T-Vaft1 Vlf:lhe Wil'kr 1 ' 1 ' ii'lissVAllaiinun. QdHnrrw is visitiu Mr trn',-'''lV.'!if;:yr'1' ,,.:e.;i!rll "J." 'over j.ri oil I'.'U'IIU' uniulT-rHaT-rtn'-tnTrrTlts- irmy- see-lhe f the Colorado. Yellow nljiiiu. L'ai 1. .an while en route to Scuttle. Prepaid Railroad Orders, k h V "f considerable Jilly ajft MsktfSMMrnlMMss'SK known the svstem of prepaid orders now n effect between stnti as of the Southern I'acifie company and ell points in the United titates. Hv means of this sysl'im tickets may from any plai mailed or telejfrapli ty wishing to comniodations cash in conn may also be time." on with Aheso tickets forwarded at the same tf North bound T No. lflJOregoo ExproM 5:U4p. m. No. HPortland ExpreM. . .. :49 ft. m. V,, :,( a ifornia hXDress. V: 10 p. m. 10:1S p. in. A.M.P. W. .1 4:S4 ! ; ' ' BIG PIES fjlocts 1(1 'feljt .fnrincej n. iin ill wiiV tttmrehajMTl Medford I n thrw1d Htates and J&pii t t the par liilqtr)iereJ Sleeper ac IM small! amouutf of. 'P""! m.k m 3a av nri i l . J. (MS- RUBBEROID Roof that outlives rtheBuilding Children From St. Louis The t'hicugo Assoc:ation-of ('oinmerce have decided that it is impossible for them to scud the hundred and fifty school boys and girls for a visit through out Oregon this summer, but the dia cussiou of the subject in the great mid continent metropolis has created n tremendous amount nf enthusiasm, nnd and it is thought now that prohahly some other city, possibly St. Louis, may take up the enterprise and muke it a success. In Chicago tho heart is willing but the purse is wenk. DEMONSTRATION TRAIN. Itemeiuber tha dW-rM,onlay, Alarch .'lid. Seven yaoc .in train, nho.ving,fino tftiiflf; .i car (HVi wUh, ctieictt,-ive ponUry. Professors nnd oipjotts will lecture on tho stock and poultry. Mat- growersrfllrfliW titplaiiicai tti4agri- ultural--MW rft CofvftlliH' -will be epresented by its best men. among th m Dr. Withveombo and Professor ,ewis, botli weir iind favorably ktiown in" this auction. J 'This' "train' is rtm bji' the" .Southern Pacific at great oxpenae', ui'd "its trips through Washington have' n suited in much good, and all Interest il should turn out on this day iind lijar Ku contributions v UL-heL.lakon. Thi lecture will be in thd oueu air on the rnllwad riglii'of Srnyi no ex pert M uutJ vor. Everyone inloroHtod -m lruit urowiug, 1 arm wig) t pwlvry raising or ever likely to lie, should arrange to be hand: ' Tmin will reflch MWforrt nioTiii-ng of C2d.'' Lectures1 iri 'the nfteT- locu. ... Von:. won't regrot. -coming. Ar Ntngo to come. Spread tb,news. . let ovoryono show tho interest ithoy should tliie, which can but result In groatigood to ihe yalley. . i -' ' i .' TIN 8IIOP nnd Bhoet iron ' asas on hand and 'mado' to order. ..:..., An SMITH, , ,.1 Hi Worth. ,0 Strout, Llit the 1 - 1 MISSION FUBMITUBB WOEK8 inaka that piece '4 'nrnitore. Any deaigu,"-aDy 'color t-any ''iiftiah . dull,, waxed, or polished. iBbop on ic.or. .of, 8th and: ii atreata. ,, , , WM. ColTlf. OOLVIO 0. Ii. Keamaa. ' EBAMES Office: Medford Bank Bldg, Cround floor. f'nok hTiiti-s aiilrangea. Phone 91 ussTrani iBBDOBf r WOT f N aid, SecoM Hand Fuiitf e Kafli'ld"ltlrntTfl8 20 F StWoMh Medford, Or. flFORD 0E BBin at BD4CE Co. will repareiKA.'b erncnt Sk. 15 to furntl l!flr thaa pn 1 brick&'liad )iiis ch-ap. lamigate lMre ting. P.ln tin..!".. MEDFOBD TEA AND COFFEE USTBsnaarT V. ... . I i . I - 1 Tmmm I'nt icte, Baking-Wofcdagl; We carry alLJIIaMV oT I Ere and fancfOtlijil V. Heventh St. Medford, Or nlycliMke VpBiafibt Portland Hit SacrauPJTitu Office on Seienth Street Wh.a others fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNER Eye Specialist Office in "igl&J?9t'm'r7 Main 23.1. THE HO Rooms from SO cent to $1.50 p da. All modern conTtsnieueea. WrV-JulAit youiptronigo. ..... I i.i , - I I W M ' M iitv BusineMiiMrv ' tKi, I jn.Mk andJaJTanOJ UIBRC).: MEDFORD IN THE SMART ' '"'DIRECTION OF , JUiElS , MURRY Tjdskky, eJk Mune .ior Jem u iti THE B. B. V. LUNCH BOOM Finest cup of coffee on , ( th' t'acific 6oaat. ' H. U. Lorimnr Prop. no t n fiinr nvx I'lmiie L'ffl Vfedford DeuVni: "" ' uT!SleTTuTI)r?,J?5!!SBTneV .'. WfBLEOTRIO AND rKIOa if U Medford Brsgon BROWN to their patrons ted in their new Young A Half Jing. jt . n-.. i. -.. - . ROB8RT8 tilt 8 to 12, 1 to 4 Seventh 8tr , Oregon. For good bargaina in Watehea ml .lewelry, fistula, Malieal In trumenta, go to THE MEDFORD LOAN OfflOB C Street. WAgrCHMr wish ll.tjimoiifc that W qiiartHryflir Wf i DR. .FRANK I Biliattltsaldiiial NallL'X-r NdfiM XKr- t ji JJtawhwLIUUIiA.CI.aUV MEDrOED FtTENlTUBB 00. Uodrtakert Dar Phone 353 Niffht l'honB . W. (,'onklm 36 DR. B. 7. OONBOT Haccesior to Dr. Jonea. Office. in the Stewart. Building. THEATER DAINTY FLORENCE " MUSICAL ;FLAY March 16 8ATQY THXATBB North d'AnJou Street, latest motion piftureaand Ulua trated longs! Entire' change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission' 10 ' eenta. BIJOU THEATEX, W. TtB BT. iilillnuuin siaaaaaaasaaaai Ju.1?,1.4fJ Erd4ld,. ui progrniu nvouaf, ii iudin.; and fflAlL?l AAf 10 Plumbing, Steam and Hoi Water' PlKn-UB. -tlO W. Be.onfh St., Medford, Or. BDBN VATUJaaWT N. S. Bj"jadtor4,it)r. Grow Wea tdj.tciy tre that grow anad (rtutiiiiiTo lab trees label VBRNB 1VOANO iBillDoster and dutributor.fAAII i orders promptly filled,; pom 7 .IsckloiuKT BankilOHg, Medford Or. 0. F. COOK Sellai aiffkejiiK.-fcy.. Oatiot, MRS. ED. ANDREWS Vt(l'ce Culture and Art of Singing Studio at Kesidence. Km- Medford. Phone its ."' 'QJw.H.M'itetefe 8. R. 8EELY, U. D. Physician and Surgeon Modern equipped opeatiiig roomt X Ray. Offiae hourat J-H, P m. fiffica ia )aekaaH.t. Bk. bldg JACK rBEDBNBUBO Scarantar. aarbage hauled. Medford. iVL:;;.,. with tiw piw .-'tt,--,: io o ooooo o oof? reii TT li.nt nnd th:il j