THK MKlJ-OL'D IMII.Y TliiBl'XE. MEDFOED. OllKXU)S. TUESDAY. MARCH 15. 1!. Medford Daily Tribune " Official Paper of the City of iledfouL Published every etcniiit: -A'.-pt .Suuuay.; M E D F O Ii D 1' U it L I ,S II J X j : O M P A X Y Geokoe PcTXAii, E'Jit'jj aii'i Manager. Admitted as .SecoLd-Cla;.-: Matter in the P'tt-.fl'iee at Mfclford, Oregon. ii L'Ji.SCiUPTiO.N" li A'i'Eft 0 m.okik by Mail r . 90,60 tj r WILL EXTEND MT. HOOD BAILBOAD SOME MILES .f tr - j t " v K , y.v . : 31, -:. r. t an T . ;.- THE lJOLK'Y 01 IJXTL'A YAU I. NY A. When -iiiir-.-s la.-.t y-ar nil tl,- Lct-I.- i.f t.'i- paiii- p.i----d appropriation bills authorizing fr.jt'inlnur" .x-.--dinu i 'baiimau 'J'a-.vney of the ioiuiii:tU- " appropriation e warning that it vag douMing the def icit. JJy July 1, 1;mj-s, the deficit for the year'just i;dei was Mai h 1 la.-t. for tin- fiit tiht luohtii- oT the pre-iit fLnl xi; tl.c deficit va ever M ', (XXI. At the present rate it will rea ii 1:; ,y Jul) .' JYi:l Uiiigi'CSn La ataiii iu-r-a.--d appropriation, mak ing the total". "r v;:,." ".'. mme than I'm the present yar. The .Spanieli war year d ri it v.a.s fi'JjyjV.itJO, only a trifle -Jjif'i'e titan the last dght month iio. That wa the largest ltfieil in -) year. The next largest was ?i!i,hO:i. 000 for J'iii. following tne 'U'.i paiiie. Only in civil war time 1ms the JtV.-u-vi-It record l-tii tjeatcu; ;u tHz th'-ie was an excess of expenditure of 2-i,iP))MjiJ, in -i.j of yL'Ai,W),i in of foiil.'"-.!,, and in of sljTU, lJrO,OUO. To make both endu ineet there nni.-t ' an iiirea.-e of at leant ?'1.:,0,JJ,Ia.iU in revenue. Tin- money has ;:'raih' Ixfen appropriated, but no one knows whether it . be raised from new taxes or from the .-ah- of bonds. In eon Huution vrith the-rf!viion of th lariff new snirc-s' ot"ri;v;- 3$&$jfh vfar-,tijii'f-iaJoruti', .will vokiIiiu ml j hitkntionj for keepw l'ore-igifgi'w!.' out of thi.i c.iunCH uai mean ol juioin inure j i.-venue f rom import ih h imr aele which 'not e en ultra -proteetioiii.-ds like Mi-r.',.' Aid 7" in- ..' - rj I. 5 t .- R rt 1: : 4 f:. LOW RATES TO OREGON DAILY During March & April riMa all Pari" of the Eatt More Light for Less Money i i i ii Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by tuing TUNGSTEN" LAMPS. 32 Candle Power EdiflOn Lamp ues 110 Watts per hour and would nse in 1000 hrs. 110 ZilowattS wtich at iocts. a Kilowatt $11 32 Caadle Power Tungsten Lamp uses ' . 40 "Watts perhourand would use in ioon tours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a K:lo- W2tt.; 4 , Net Saving in icoo hours in favor of the j. Tungsten ;Lamp $ : 7- Rogue. 'River Electric Co. '.Suecesjors to Condor Water & Power Co. ( tffi.". iiJ West Seventh Street Phone No. 355. Opjxsite the Big Electric Sign. . " APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of , Fruit Tf8 YAKIMA VALLEY ' NURSEPY Largest CJommet cial Nursery in tne Pacific Northwest. Not in the combine. Competes with all first-class nurserieB L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFOED, OREGON. Medford -Iron - W orks E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. FOUNDERS f AND J MACHINISTS All kinds of EimaetSpi-ayingOittfits, iPtunps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents ia Southern OreKon for FAmBANKS, 1I08SE& 00. 11 1 .... 1 . ' ' !i lrSffi Compare the Quality II. r TUB OKtiW;v .r ; ..V :m EAIItROAD.i A'AVATIOX. PO. I . SOUTHERN PACine t,nt,., address lor tho.-e resi.oiisilile 1..)- tin- e- S25 from Kansas Citf "! Iw tmri'V on Hie lioveriiiilolit to ! hs e o , ,, , ,' , ' 1'- f '. .J1 ' '".t 'Ha7 j ' ' f ' I '''ii 1 rivili, Ciinnon iiiid J'ayne Inivc proved ';ijiali)e of perform itig- . . , ' ' : iS33 from Chicaerb ii'lie eu Y'ork World pointn out nnc cxeeHi-nl nieiliod $30.60 from St. . Louis 1 of relief for tin: government a auvaled l Mr. Tall in ! $25 frortr Omaha "" "..ij his iiiaiii'iinil address HtVm noniical as poshilde and to make tlie liiirden of luxation aiugnt as possilile, Alter reeent experienerr tins . so novel a d'tefrine as to be a iolcnt 1 - tj-ff .'jiMu.-ici-on-omy. )n one of tin; few virtues not nrea' lied uf late year In' tlie. eXei-u) i e. Neilliei' lia.s Voiisres revealed any. sire1 to praHiee it voluntarily. " 1 v.ifil ... .. .. .. ' ' - --- ; : . . j, ri':.SSYlA .M. S II KillW.W. i 1; U, aod alwtvi Lai bea our aim to upplv gui vt tiie gtfcM oAlit.f Dd to ia; mi. 1Uiir-t4 OHT tllWL Tfc aVirficB - of " f.5iwfcrFf-i tok" maiies our line Oopia Mlt eomplt. On itnite iwTi tb t u4 cverr aceom if.vui fiHU.rn.rt. TO lIiO. iUHI.iO.' w!:f. ; ". Jr- :. . '."-r , , ... f'K'i. .V ' '-' I- n' '.,!,.-' ;V 'r..:: -i! j':J v; 0! 0;.v..j;. 7.r .' I "' . I.. ' f.'. I Vfff 'i 7'' Ii ..n . riri i' l.'.'T; ''r 1 :i .II tl tj.-.j-'-''k Mh : Allen iil'iHi: & Reagan Groceries, Chihaware, Fruit - I , . and Feed Sute tleposil-ry Etbolied 1SS8. piil ud Surpliu 125,000 Rwirf 1700,000 (Highest Attainment la i Systematic' Banking Service ' Tbt Jki0Q ('ounty bank respectfully solicits your account; subject ta -your , cbeck. with tie ftroug est guars it of safety aud efficieoey. We offer the htgbtst atUinment in systematic banking service, which as sures too greatest oar a in every fliu- ti cinl transactiou, with this obliging institution. W. T. VAWTEB, Pr?cidt. O. R. LINDLKY, Cashier. rAnvEveriiflgXali e .- - i u fru'iiila or. u(u iiiCarwaJ oecMiau ae-i KWilntns beiou propriyi.ttMed in full frock coat or cutaway that fits tho figare to perfection "There i no one that, ran give you that perfection of style, fit and finish ia a Prince. a1 bi'rt, i-utawiiv or a sack suit as that made by 11 ' ' 4 ' :,i ' ' ' i i::-i.r:rn.xi J. A. Kreuzer d Co. Importers and Tailors PALM BtHLDWO, IfDFMS, Oft. '"'if flOVernor Slllart'.-, pet. lieine, a embodied ill tin adiiiiliiMUtion bill now bef.iie tin- rt:i i usy 1 ;tni;i lure;' Hiionld le enaeted into law. the Keystnn,. Bijiie wih iimte u. dejiartuje In road -making the in.isi, liof.-ihle ii. Atlierii.'an lli.itoi-y, except that of the old .National pike huilt ly the United .State.-. ei'iiliieiit'. 'So the ('rafei Jtke road hill is not alone in highway ,lj.-y i.-lal.iiii tliroui;h out the .statu thiK.y-i4.r. .AVlnle the ( rater lal:e road scent ii!HtJ okt 'inueli n'mney, it is a men- hairatelle' eonj jiared with this highway, whieh ivtn erir "i.iMi't.'KKt. J.'i'lie, hjll ('mliodyini;' (inveriior Smart's ideas iroviiles. !'... ..oii it ... i'....... IjI.II.. i I. i : i t..i i I '"ti11"".' immii I niiaiieijmia (M J. OLSoUrn U way oi i litrrisoiirt;, iiiiih chihim-iim;' tiie tu eluef eitics- unci f he' capital. Hie hiliway is i he si.ty fee! w idti ami itK -t ih Hhiitnaied at s.'i.i im i.i a n i. ',j figure (irohalih 'VM-IM'!'' too low fm- a road Mieh as is plaiined. Ju't.pp.!. lieiiH miy Miteh a road a- .-. .nt -i t i f i l.t 1 ot could not ,e nmd' for less than .:!0.i'hI ;i mile, whieh would mean ill ex pet) dltltre of at leat . p !..",( HMMKi, while ..thei-s- j,;ti-e the e,,t ill. ifl.'i.lKkl.fHK). r YOt7 CA-'." PREPAY TARES , . t .r -ii. O..U. r.i.i j ,r..- (f ..t hum I .. !';. , TTJt.'lAM' MIHA: tiOHirb I f:iVTJl IWfTWi VA1lli ! l'ltrafh W.M M. MM: II A V, V:.. ill., r-i 1 i l':i .... . ... , ii I lr. g..r. I'mi.v.x-.V l: s. :"r Sr '' ' r , i ., .. , ..... ,-.! . .'. Osgood & T. W. Osgood Gummings Qivil Engineers The Best Equipped i .... in Southern Oregon .Surveys, A1apn,. Plan, Specifications, fie p(trts, Estimates, Etc- Water Powers and Water Works, Paving and Road Making, Sewerage; Railroads; Irrigation andDralnaQe Office Medtord National Bank Bid. TEES I.N NEAP. rUTUEE 11. KM, Or. Ui.r'li l.l - i.i ' ropi..t f.m l. ,i, ,r r,,!,,.,,; , .., 0 V H,.rr t.,r , ,. .,. ,, " uf l; .,,- li.. trv ...- in. I P .'Allrfti.v f;.ni n.l . . .! iil tlif f,tl l4,,..,(..,r.. rr:). f ., 1 l.r n'-w Mit,, ,,..,,,.;.. ,, . I ' 11111.1." II. ....f. hlltf ,, fl... (j '"t"-"iiii.' ina.l.vnr-it num. -h. :i. . ,.til .liMfit.'WI .1 -Vu 'j., . .,,... i. 'I..' t'T.t. ..f ti,. ... l.iM 'hil. r 'tli. ,,!, :, , I, .., . -. . '""h v"r-'"l" ' "f '" ' i ' " pi .;, ., fiv.. rtt. (i r .-,. on. I I I'. f..i t:i....ri.-i 0.,'l...v , ri i;..,r.; Mm., I', .. i. '"'".. Jf-ft . It- t l:ivH ;.0..- tli.. n-l i. ,,. . i, . '.l.'itur... j. i :.. . ! . - i , , , . .. """ '""l'l. ")rJ,ii,..(.. ..f . .: i.. ...... RRIOATIOS- PROTECT STARTED.. TO WATER Si.0o0 ACKEK -ilini.' ii, .1 ..t 'iiMi i.;.- Vv..i i.. , ... ,,r a I'M,. II. J :. I ,...l,- of i I Ii. j B . r v II. rtj.r'"4'.RV;i,''i,Il'' i.; . i' I1.: n.if., i.;..:..; '"V i i j..1 M,i. r ... ;'in. ii.lis a ft. f,., li.J fi tjn U 1 '' ' '' ' " I r. B...... ...nj NT". 'i r ,r. r.' it- ... i 'i .-..ii.' . -f i.O , n. ... Iff ..,.1 f .l-l'...l.s ATTORNEY POR ANTI SALOON ' I.EAf.UE IH ' T)YNAMrtEr i, I.-" rv.-.Mi f j- 'i v ,. . .,; 1 1 hci-n .i(iiij - niil I .-..ajfl to 111.- iiil.i.r ,.,.i, in,,., i i t, .iVart. ..Hil)(rr.4llJl iAJrir' y,n-t WTT.-i ..flhl II. -W JllW. I I.. .- f... ,.;,. ,. , n l.n 'l'l'''iivii.e U"l'l..,.i..i. U- '. "'ill ll, IIM. .'hil.'' Ill-ll,'. -i -J" ,!M . un(il .M,v. -U.. ivli-ii Hi.- ii. " ' n - V efffCfU if-iir t ..itivrsiK-.V ..j vV-: '.ri ' e;; ..i .?S.Tlfs flJ m'j "!..'.-,'.. UfK i.jstt t.?. ,y III 1, It .., 1 J:,,V .1, I Oil. .!, It,,. ..! i. fl.' r n.lri -I,, i,fM it,,. wn r.,pu, n i" .r' r.-...p ,n..iir.t fi e .1. .m. 4;.,.n., mn..; Tl. ' P...I1 t.-iir i ii .'ni. -,A ti,.. .rflt n.,.i dar, nrch W. Ltl . i' REMEMBER. ,1. if i - .I . Mr Bnslncss Man mid Tflephow Ur. tht uiUeiu you wish to pay for TWO telephones, you must vote NO on Tn T.'r.H yTV .tTHlrli ill, rt'i MlrslfAl. liTEKt AIDERS' TR.AVLU.Mi AROUND WORLD "ti ...I, We are Making a Reduction On all n:eA T 'to TXIIOMA .t.ot r-1 f :i ! t V it rt:rn:f.t.too SflOIS n Idl fli't ' .li 1: , i- fv tin it. jT e f 1 V t' 1 . 1 1 tto it. siaT - n i i . r . n ol "We ill bTs .hlf slqeq t haa Tell txa axrvfuDo ok e.w. Mi:iF()KD SASH A PHONE 2261 i S. s low I fftfu-i. uk VoDtorod poors, 4ith BeTtlPlur..orrll-is ttak fefesap. Wfie lltur aij ri Mb4s -of n t f " 1 .in y 'iup Grills rill'IT. IlK.bXTH A Nil J 8VENTH STREETS. Bh$irieerin& Office DOOR COMPANY eMiH WoVi fti(-luUit. Turned 'g.-k t:.n '.'! 'IT;; You will find your wife's judgment usually better than your ws, aud yuW (fill find oa consulting. tl . her tint sbe doos not' approre. of . paying out good, hard-orned dol-n 'or rant, waan. Intra am so n, inaujr gooa. propartMa on ,tht market at roaswiabla figure in -Mad ford i A wotuao has u kMa. y lueu-.iun, surroundiui,, etc., and her jala- . in. i.t ,ian he rqUa upon rin making a .Mlectiw for a home. i.Bria. hen. , withyaii.nd.iDka a1raoauliaSp,.ctiou of tho , good things now of.( ferjlig,UrQugh.our,agani!y1.tii'you will never regrot it. It ia almost tia. to ym,vaiv,i.Mi U ....high. Mm for action Wim n , borne where you ean enjoy thr good thiug, of lite in this rH-'. ly. Don t delay act now. ' 11 ' .'i r Rogue River Land Co. Exhibit 'Building, MEDFORD' WANTED Timber and ',"::,ur:,' ..v'Appl; B. li. Hap Ml: D FORD, , Ollice in Jackson County Coal Lands is & Co. OREGON Bank Upstairs I. A. I'KliUWt. Viesrent,.J , W. B. JAi'K90N. Ass't Cashier. . THlMEDWRD national bank . lut: .Vt'l hi.ln..'l ..'n ' ' . " . .. --' .( -w9irri laieM" IfWt ij"1.""! O t . " "" " r'' h""'! elrrra aa al rfiTs M o sarsassiT m0' ",p f'r ''' v'. W,aS to 4VnUf LX-All jmrw-j '"""$60,000 " " - 8-pil8 "'" -V'-T,:" -10,000 " " irrO 141 -Vit ti) it) 7ina(aofi air w- T'r-"" - t-- -s 'b WUy lkx:9iijFor iieiitn A G-eneralBank' . ... ."''ftfB3,Trre's9 TraUSit'efecI."."We" ";' r:,r..:::dt:m-gPatroaage: . f J.Miewis ,, CE.HIMswer A. C. Rsndall L. D. Harris Rogue River InvestatMt c. FRUIT LANDS " &l '; Bub-DlTltteT. an. D.aloper. Bogu. BItk VaUar Or chard Land , wr -,gS r;c.?ja" orehtrd" - pMry Experience Not A'ecemsary for ' tho,.' who 'through us. Tber...t.r. i 9ti ..rle of a consulting horticulturist, ., expert on ru7t ur. in .11 . branches, who f, s,,.' r.. h record crp: record ,,.,T: " V'.L".. o0 "y. '" Xor' Q.Stf!eet,' Mgdford, Oregon i-.-O ,n rSluMe a(.!rsssat.3nlkOtaMs &rmi l; .1 .!! :r . ... . . . . ,. WMOi m "V - - )tj W M n""1""" .-,-,rT.-r.' Tribune Want Ads'lniurVResuitV Try Th.m' ' '