Boost the Development of the Rogue River Country by Subscribing Liberally to the new Medford Pamphlet UNITED PRESS DISPATCHES By fur the latest and best newB report of au' paper iu southern Oregon. The Weather Tlit w father man niiyt: Indications promise fair weather for tonight and tomorroy, with norther) winds. Warmer. THIRD YEAR. No. 307. MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1909. 330 SOULS IN MEDFORD Dledferd paily NORMAL SCHOOL QUESTION PROLONGS THE SESSION rlMM" Spokane Capitalists Plan Much Development Work In Irrigating Valley A syndicate of .Spokane capitalists lave bought the Fiah Lulu1 Ditch com pany and plan to spend n largo sum ut" money in placing the valley under wa ter. Fred M. Cummin's, the engineer, and J. L. Hamilton e'o-.ed the deal on Yd!iesLay cveuitig. "The new owners contemplate getting ut wo;-It i't mice upon (he must met inn nf new ditches and and in de veluping water. MANY VARIETIES OF INSPECTORS FOUND nih'AfiO, March HI. The firnt tab u!alion of t he different hinds of "in spectors' employe! by the city has been made by the ei':l service eoinmht sien. The total number of officials: ginupid under that heading is "in, and i'i said to include all the known varie ty's. The title is declared to 1" a mis nomer iu many ins tan cos, :;nd the invos tigntnis are without inform." t ion in nmxt . caves its to the specific duties the men are supposed to perform. The iiispoc- ton: divided into OS clashes and had r-ggregalo payroll last year of $s:t!.- : Hflfi. MAN HURLS BRICK AND KILLS BOY BALLPLAYER - NIKVV YORK. March 10. Death end-j id a morry .baseball game played by a crowd of. snmU boys, nil under the age of HI years, in the rear yard of a tene ment in Harlem hit' yesterday. A iik'U who was awakened by the Utile fellows' shouts raised a window of an uimer floor of the tenement and hurled int.. flu. iirnwil Dominie k ( ,',. who . nltrtiiiK. wn tni-k nn I Dv-hi'.-iil. Hi' sunk In t ho- jjrnnnd un I n'isiMiiils. ;i-mI iliO'l two linui-s :-f1i'r in H.'iHnin hiispi'nl. Tin: limn win. llirnn tin' lirii-k lism not Ih'"11 fimnil. ;;Thf Alnska Vnknn-P;u-ifir Kxositinll is tin' firsl wnrlil' fnir wliioli lins lint1 nnUcil fiii:ini-ial itniii".' "f I ho (!v-; iTiimi-nt. I'ni-lo Sam is spi'ii'linK .;"', Illlll. lint is lining it hiinsolf nn his nwll , i xliihits anil bnilclinds. New Cases. William l.'li'u-li. :i3 i;ssi(,nii'i' nf T. .1. Kouii'.v. vs. V. T. l ainplioll ami Con. Ii. N'onln-r; m l inn in recover mnny. I'l.lvill & lio.-i iiies. nllniiieys for plnin I iff. Maiioltn Kni'.e-ilH i;:. r viu V. L. Un ili'tilw roi r: suit fur liivoroo. Witliinc ton & "kelly. altnlneys fur plaint ill'. Mnrringc Licenses. Wilson S. CImv nn lw Alzirn Hntolli". Siiiniiol 11. Hunk anil 1'onrl May Ma he ii. Clark Williams Kate Fl-mmi in- Probate. Cnnrilinii I.'T.iey Hieher: i show cause for onler ot i Sli'tO. Iv-;ate .lnmos f'oss. Sr.: nler mail'' ale of renl ll'scll iruivr; linn -dia-i. Kstato I!. V. Warner: i rl i : 1 distribution. . Estate Klislia W. And' niter's bond filed. :-d or made t admin REMEMBER, Mr. Business Man and Telephone User, tint unless you wish to pay for TWO telephones, you must vote NO on Fri toy. March 19. Talk Midi Dr. Pag" should you ilcsj" r.'hard tra ts or nusinoss property. YOUNG CONFIRMED AS PORTLAND POSTMASTER WASHINGTON'. M.-.reh Hi. The senate Ihis af'.ernoon ml .iourncd until Friday after con. firminir ten appointinonts. m iludinj th" nomination of John l'. Ymmi! as the postmaster of Per! lend. Or. TIiohih" -T- O'Brien is to run -in .-. ambas' .Tupan. a.l,.r to WBHA1 mm... iagiiun urn HOUSE IN COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE TO PROTECT GAME j LEGISLATURE MAY NOT AD j JOURN UNTIL TOMORROW. , STATK MorSK. Salem. Or., March Hi. At 1 o'clock this afternoon the house went into a ( mum it tee of the whole on the quest it it of protecting the game of Oregon. The senate chums to be through its business aiid awaiting j'ction of the house foi adjournment. It is J he genera I opinion that the hou-'.e v.ill adjourn some time this afternoon, but the normal school question is iu Mich a shape that i may cause the sea- ion to hold over until tomorrow and I pi nimbly louder. f Hi ides allowing themselves salaries ; :;ud mileage and ap iutin a confer- eaee cominiit a il',- normal schools, the house did bill li:tle this forenoon.! Represent at ives Mnln-ne. llawlev and ; Huchauait . . . advocating offering the;, schools inch ll),ltni) expense money D I ,- , . ' , , iii'i them until .lulv. when thev would! . , , , t urn them ovrr to the local school dis- ' ' . ! T,,OTr. J." I HIGH TRIBUTE TO IRISH C MRR!IU;K. Mas:... March HI. In ; Telegram received yecterday at Mar nrd university from retiring president diaries Y. Kliot, who is now in At lanta. (in., he savs recent lemnrks made by him had been "interpreted as show- I ing a lack of appreciation of the civic J and moral virtues of citizens sprung i from ifrish and other foreign stocks."; President Kliot disclaims any such in- ! tent ion and adds: . "Nobody familiar with the history f i.f ltostou could fail to have deep ii preciatiou of the influence which mil lions of Irishmen have had in our d v-l"Pi"nt The ,.rKr.s ..f tri.l, v..l its tnwnnl tnli'rntinn nf nil ri'hj;inii anrt tnwnnl Inmost of f ioiont jjnv- rnmont in tnwns nml oitios linvo liron innro ri'innrknlilo nnl nini'li mnro rapiit ilurini; llio imst fow ' ours tlinn Hint nf moll of Knylish lilnnt who worn onrlior ; rnmors. " THIRTY LOYAL BOOSTERS SUBSCRIBE OVER S1084 ; 1.Y1.K. W:oh.. Mi'.veh ir,.I'ortlaml ' pnlilieitv fnml wonl.l liave to nr)2.mi'l in nnler tn equal propnrtionat"- ly that raise.l hy I.yle. At a booster' nioetinj;. n.lilresse.l by ( '. I', t'liapman rf ;ho Portlaiiil Commereinl elub. nml Sierelary ('. W. h'anisel of the Kli''k j i!:i- Development l-ncne. SI) loyal T.vle subscribe.! l'l'i4 n; Hie imrlens of ::n mlverilsiiid fnml to exploit I.yle nail j Its tributary territory. As I.yle has; (irlv 7a population, I-'sl; than one for every :t"iKl inliabitauM of I'ort Inml. tie' sum ruise.l is n rei'or.l bri : l;er. this be ing the thinl time a Kliekitat county j t.-wn has smnshe.l all previous known j reconls of tho size of mlvert isini; ; in prnportinn to pnpulfit inn. j WILKINSON DOING GOOD 1 WORK IN CALIFORNIA : KI Wilkinson, formr ily of M. dford. i openinr; til" eyes of the ba-eball funs Californin. He is pbviiij: cond . for the St. Mary's I'hoenix nine, nd iu their trim'' Sup lay Willi ln- : hiatal team f Hie roat leatfu" r. I amino; ivvobai: ly run for Hi" l.'r -ti er of .l-l.ii two tut:. ' and scor. d the I'h. nix men. Wilkinson, mi luminaries. He i. " bi . of Modf. ba . ball EE A MINUTE MAN" IS SLOGAN OF WOMEN nn Ali' i, Maich It.- a ' f the Wo ,i -i ii ' ' is the war cr chicniro. who lui'.e w t..r suffra 'e I: r first baiib securing in the charter , s a si reini f the bill by .rga ni:i1 ion. 'Xcliisi'.' ly '' d-r the 'T' l' r,...-...1 I" .brsenien! "f tb"ir b ! hi coaveution. Tie nu.v oik caiiipaii;n for ... the louislatiire. Siv'i nf which i-t arc coinp" men, have hi en eni-'i suffrage bantu r. and b nd their aid. Japan is -pending '."Vim its buthling and in br-ng h'6it to the Alaska -Y'ikn position, which op.1 i in Juno 1. tram m be WELL EQUIPPED Demonstration Train Due in Medford Next Monday Will Dfi WAnQfirTu Aid I. I'll l . 1.1 1 1 I A The farmers' special, which tho South- im'i Pacific company will send through the Rogue River valhy March U and j;t. will be more elaborate than any for mer demonstration l''ain, according to II. A. inshaw, of the traffic depart in e ut of the company. Practical demonstrations will be giv in hurt icultnre, and in ngrieult uro a bearing particular relation to gar- 'li ii truck and vegetable, farming of all kinds, and poultry re:siug. There will be practical demons! rn tiotis of planting, pruning and spraying; n a I fruit trees will be in the cars for demonstrating how to prune nnd spray Hciiioiist rat ions in apple packing will al-io be made, and in fact everything - . mug iu inn i niiiuue. i jf (linn 18 , . . .. . . . . . ,, . ' . , , sl':'"i 'I' the hope that the lectures ami , . -hi e . i i dwuonst rat ions will lie of material ben- , . L .. , .. i tit to the tanners and fruitgrowers in li'rjr spring work. A feature of the train will be a mod I poultry raiudi on wheels. A flat will be inclosed with poult ry nett ing :'iid ;i model poultry raising plant shown ; wiih hve fowls, regulation nests am louses. Much is expected for this ob : .ji-ct lesson in encouraging the poultry industry m the section nt the stale to be c.vep.,1 ALOON FORCES RECEIVE JOLT IN WASHINGTON KAI.AMA, Wiisli, M.-ivli Hi. Annlli r impi-tus un f;itn tlu unti Mnlmin f'iri' -s in Cnwlitz ronnty in n ri-snln 1 uni .'nliitl''il ny :li; ho.'uil of conntv i-iiriiiinssiniicrs nt tlii-ir Inst si'smnn ti l!i- I'ft'.'i-ll li:il tlir-y w.nil.t lint nint :n!y v:il(nni licenses (tnrint; tlii'ir t nt nttn-i'. wtiirli is tivn yc.'irs. The ri'H niiitinii w.nn int rniliH"1'! li- CnininiBHion .-r (i. I.. Hul.'in.l of Cnt-tlc K.i.'k. v:"- irnni.llv rulrip :il. I l"s swi'i iiinj: nnlor will nffoct nil I ho siiImmiis mitsiilo of iiirnrjtnrnt iti.wns, sim-o I'll nf liioni hnvo cnnsiil ' i r.'tlilv Ii ;;s llinn nno yrrir tn run 'll' - ir ..I. I liicnsos. CADILLAC" SNYDER HAS RECEIVED FIVE NEW CARS "( Vilillnc" Snvil r received n I i : ' 1 1 of aul omobiles Tuesday inornint; colisistine; of throe l!lo!l -.idillae " :tlls. I his ninki s a total nf ti e cars recoiv d bv Mr. Snvder .o far this season one for Fred II. Hopkins, the third i: stock car. I'hattes Voiine; has receiv lis. a has l r, Scy.ler. A number i Hot- h:ie In ' ti sodl and will arriv soon. YOUNG'S NAME SENT TO SENATE BY PRESIDENT TAFT WASH INii'l'l i.. Mar.'h HI. Fresi.l 'I'et'' M'sterday sent the nom innt ion .lohn r. ' hi iiu for Hie piistmnstersh :ii I'orl land, aloni; with another batch . f nominal ions. The j reliideiit took Hi it v the t iuic honored custom i.ll'OviliL' the 1'llil'd States senators tctiie the posttniisiers for their hoinr t .v.ns should Hot be abroiatod in th THRESHER DEMAND GROWS AT PENDLETON l'KM'l.l:T"N'. a : tie r v- er ii .Ii. ton will hav hi-.- .loo' nlai.iuu' A L-ood l..-c"ir f..r I'eiidle'n, : b'v loin "' tl r.. March Hi With . probable that I or:,- of the large .-toll s on the col ad v In -li in ork will pi six new c Hewolds d .1 of the I'mat i el f d.-z. tP'W ma :t re pii r- and for tinir 'he one f !he d pr.-diici-. DIED. v d.. I -i:V ' th'' h-tflie n law. t.r be aiit'.OP" O.ier. KILLED AND SELF eft Nothing tor Friends to do-Despondent Over Failure to Locate Mother Lode of Ore CANYON CJTV, Or., March 16. Pes undent because he failed to locate tho mother lode of placer ore in tho Cun- u creek after nearchnig for 44 years, u ry Martin, aged S4, committed sui- ide on Saturday morning. II is body was just found under tons of arth. He left u noto Having: "No use king for me. I am dead and bur d. ' He arranged n device ho that a charge of dynamite pulling down part of an hi tunnel and the ritle killing him were barged simultaneously. ' Marryin? Mary. ' ' . "See Miirrying Mary's collection ol huslllnds,, in tho wny one if the lead ing papers in the enut callH attention Jules Murrv 's iu west plav with music, "Marrying Mary." in which h is starring his singing comedienne, lorence (Jear, this reason. They arc II worth seeing, these husbands Sena tor Itunchgrass, husband ao. ; (on gressiuan elect from I'tah; Itislioj Smudge, husband N'. 2. and Willie Drink water, husband Xo. 3, front nil f whom Mary has been divorced, but or each and all of whom she has the urmest sympathy. Her new lovers ure also three in number. Ormsby Kill- pepper, vice-president of the Anti 1i orce league; Colonel Henry Clay Kul lepper. Ins tatlier, and the liev. llior Tlirocltinnrton, rector of a fashion hie flock at Newport; and when Onns approaches the three ex husbnnib f his sweetheart for assistance in the asage of his bill, he is met with th owing replies: Senator Rnneligrass iiitionnces tliat to put down divorcer would he unconstitutional. "The Con stitution guarantees to every man life berty and the pursuit of happiness. Itishop Smudgo says: "All congress is ivided into those who are already di vorced and those w!m hope to be di orced. ' and Drinkwater adds that tin till "would strike at the root of our home industries and would cripple the resources of our young commonwealth meaning his home Oklahoma. Florence ea r in M a rry ing M ury , w t Ii all her husbands, past and future, will be at the Medford Theater tonight. Dan Sully. Daniel Snllv's new plav, "The Match aker, " in which lie will appear nt th Medford on Thursday, March 1R. is i ouiedy drama in three acts by .Ter ndd Shepard. Tin play was written xnresslv for Mr. Sully and the char cter of Fater Daly fits him perfect v. It is remarkable for its dramatic strength, cleverness of construction ami the richness and abumlnnco of its com dv. w well as fidelity of nature of it hr.racter drawing. Like "The Parish Priest." it deals with the relations o l pastor and his flock, but there th resemblance ends; thin pastor has a verv hard time of it. nml Mome of the rough, lawless deniwns of 'City, Idaho give him a great deal of trouble and nnxii-tv. In the end. however, the good father succeeds in bringing the com mitnitv around to hi views, restortng order, st ra tehteiiing out ft number of tangled love affairs, -hewing some hard ened sinner! the error of their way and wins the resiiect of all by his in domitable courage in the discharge of whM he cnnsirlers his duty. Country Life Boosts Oregon, line of the pictures furnished the pub i slier of "Country Life in America' I v t he I'ort la nd commercial club if bv being reproduced in thnt tn:,g::7iin' of March. In an article con tra-ting the rose g.irdens of Kngland with Ameriean gardens, it has informa '.,,1, beiH'ath to the ff-et that Oregon is the nnlv place in the Fnited States vith a elimnte approximating that of l-'r : n.l nntl oermi' I ing such roses. "Such r.-e h"dget n-i these are common :il Oregon a stat mr nt that is go i. .. to at t rat t much attention among I!WI r l.a-.-rs ail over the countrv. REMEMBER. M. dnO.wsn MtOi M-6 TnlephoiW: DtWir, that (OoJ'O" OH WWb Wi RiV ) day. M9intflfr FIGURES TO BE TENDERED TO COUNCIL THIS i tux 10 BE PUT ONJOFFEE umber to be Reduced From $2 to $1 a Thousand-Wood Lower WASHINGTON, March Hi. The I'jiyne tariff bill, which will be inlro- uced into congress late today or to morrow, 1:1 said to contain positively the following provisions: Xo tax on coffee. Lumber reduced from 'l to $1 per thousand. Froo hides. Lower schedule on shoes and leather goedn. Duties on sugar u ('.disturbed. Concessions granted Cuba ami l'hil- ppines. Wool schedule will be changed allow ing wool to get in cheaper price. laft today sent eorgross a special icfsage calling for the readjust meat ud revision of the tariff. It says: "I onvened 'congress in extra session to liable it to give immediate eousidera or to the revision of the Dingley tar I'f act. and the prospect of a cluing'' in rates in import duties always causes suspension ami halt in business be :iuv? of the uncevtniiily as to t he hauges to be made and their effects, t is t herefore of the highest impor- t:;uec that a new b'll be agreed uiiou .nd passed with as much speel as possi ble consist imi t with its t horouuh con- id"ration. ' LONDON APPLE MARKET SHOWS BETTER PRICES V. Dennis & Sons of Covnl (iardeu market, report the London apple situa tion under date of February 2t as fol lows: "We are pleased ! confirm our last ;eek's mail to the "ffect that a slight uiproveuicut was showing itself iu th tipple business. Tins has been realized luring our salon this week. " Ha rrel st ock has a bet t er t rade, ml for box fruit with any show of piality, higher figures have ruled, prices being as follows: 'California Newt owns, ( tiers, mot Ss per box; California N'ewtowus, 1 1-1! s. tisfo 7s per box; Oregon .Newlowns J tiers, l'Jsfo Ms per box; Oregon New lowns,. i -2 tiers. Ssf !s .(d per liox; Nova Sentinn Halrdwins. 'JlsfVil!s per barrel; Nova Seotian liussetts. iUfn '7s (' per barrel; Nova Seotian Starhs. 17s Oi INs perbarrel ; N'ova Seotian Fill- li waters, Ufn'2thi perbarrel; Nova Sco- t aa Men Davis. 1 ls('( Ids per barrel. At the Savoy. 'The Old Curiosity Shop." re repro dnclion of Dickens' great book, is the headliner at the Savoy tonight. The picture is a work of art and one is car lied into the old curiosity shop, meets ipiaiut yet real characters made dear to us all by Dickens' pen. The thread of the story i very well woven bv the actors, the continues and the scenic arrangement are typical of the period, making the film nninmiHy en ti-riaiijing and instructive. The other pictures are also strong nes. being mostly eb an cut comedies that touch the right ipot, causing mirth to bubble forth with great vigor. All new pictures again tomorrow night. Admission Hc LAROE AMOUNT OF TAXES COLLECTED BY SHERIFF At the close of business Monday March lo. 4'j:in.0n0 i-i taxes had been pcid by the people of Jackson conn: into the office of Sheriff Wilbur Join The total amount to be collected was s ;V'j:iiOO, leaving the balance of unpaid taxes t7,0OH. There is not another county in the state that can beat thb record, and its goes to show the pros jeritv and wealth of the Rogue Rivei valley nnd her people. BAND ORGANIZES AND IS READY FOR BUSINESS The Medford Concert band was or g:;nized Monday night. The band will bigger and better than ever, as the bo s are very enthusiastic over their work nnd have incrensed in numbers. The following officers were elected: President. W. K. biinc; secretary. F. W. 0.;,it- treasurer. T. . Fifer; business to-oo'er, . .1. nrner; nnrarinn, ; X 0rr; cunduuto, C. I', uazeirtg. - ai mt Ktuuu ur TIE CITV CENSUS COUNCIL WILL RATIFY THEM AND ELKS WILL GET CHARTER FOR NEW LODGE II.' THIS CITY MUST HAVE f000. Fifty-three hundred and thirty per ns reside within the corporate limits (he of Medford. These are the figures as compiled by the census, tak er.: appointed recently by the city conn il and which will be, reported to the city council thir. evening for their ac ceptance. It was pi'cmutiircU publitdied thai the casus showed oOH-l, but these figm were yhown to bo incomplete. The fact that Medford has o.'Cltl peo pb' means that the local Flks will be .-bio to secure a charter and institute ( I'ici-.l lodge. This will be done in the , ''''' future. Were the suburbs of Medford within, city limits Medfrrd would show! ei.rly 7IM1U peeple. Tho last official ' eiL in: showed IPOO. ! LATE LOCAL NEWS. S. 1 trad bury ret urned home Monday . I'niin blaho. ' Frank .!. Keed left -Monday for I'ort land to he gone some time. II. H. Coddnrd of Talent was iu the city Monday. I tob Taylor left Monday for Van coiiver, It. C. 11. C. (Janiett returned yesterday , from a business trip iu Sail Francisco, j C. II. Wester of Ciaubi Pass was in Medford Tuesday. Max Taiicsdulo of (Henwood was a Met I ford visitor Monday. Mr. an.) Mrs. F. N. iloag of Talent isited in the city a few days last, week, S. IV DeUoboaiu of Jacksonville was in Medford Tuesday on business. Married Folks' Dancing club will meet Friday instead of Thursday as planned. M r. 'handler of Lewistown. Mont., hum in the city last ,i ok visiting 11. C. Kent ner. An important meeting of the city cuiicil will be held tonight. The city census report will b-' handed in and paving matters will be discussed. Mrs. D. T. Lawton and daughter, Mrs. Mvrtle Farber, returned home Sunday fiom Azusa, Cal. Mrs. Father's health lias been greatly improved. W. .1. Dean of Talent visited Med find Monday. Mrs. L. "D. Harris left Monday f ( hico. ( 'a I., to visit re hit ives and friends. Mis. T. I'. Kahler called l,f Ilutte Mont., Moodiiy on Account of the se rious illness' of lu-r father, Thomas Hal lard. ,1. C. Smith, late .,f the shoe firm if Smith iV Molony, has purchased the kilties' business ot II. L. Kohtnson. Arthur ID'udershot of Kugene arrived i M dfonl Tuesday from the s.iuih for t lmrt isit. Charles Young w ni to Ashland Tues l;:v in his new auto, giving the inn rhi-ie its first road work. left Tuesday T. I', Miiiiuiiig and wifi eioming for Cleveland, O., hnving spent about three months in Medford visiting ; nd: lives. t At the meeting of the Medford Real, Ntate association Monday night the following officers were elected: I'resi lent, .1. C. Hrowu; vice president. W. T. York; secretary and treasurer. I ra I J m jrt . W. H. Miles of Salt Lake Citv pur h.-seil ''u acres of fii.i fruit hind from F. L. ' Spnng The Velio Monday in the Willow . district. mint n ill .bides fte''iiin I d.degat. on to be ''.V Mrs. nl x of the nunty held Mot R. F. b'ldonson vuh d : . (nd the slat held in McMiunville Anninda Curves was '.a May tdected ulternate. M. .1 Meiidav. Haftou di-d at Jacksonville - w:-s 7 " yea rs of ;i ge, a native uf r.iwa. The d ase.l leaves trn daughters, Mrs. T. W. Hester of Jacksonville and Mr. C. F. Dixon ,.f (ir.-.nis 1'iif-. The body will be t:ik -n to Newbnrg, Or., for interment. Amos Nichid-on. a fotmer resilient of Medford. diid Mond.iv morning nt the tome of hitt son. A. C. Nicholson. ne:ir Jacksonville. Decerned was a native of Indiana and To ears of age. Funeral ervtrcM were hold Tuesday at the home of A. C. Nicholson, the body being tak en to tho i 'en trn I Point cemetery for Htwribdllt. EVENING OLD UNCLE JOE Shook His Fist in Champ Clark's Face Czar of House in Committee WASHINGTON, March Hi. Undo .!oe Cannon let out a little steam today, v hen he met Champ Clark in tho White House after a conference with Taft. i 'lark asked Cannon. Ineiv he liked yes tesday s proceedings. Cannon then tf'sook his fist in Clark 'n face, saying: "This talk about the speaker being the char is tommyrot. Whnt you fob )i ws are attempting to do is to create a committee of 1.1 czars dominated by Cl.i'inp Clark and La Follette. La Fot- b-ti is a fak I'ncle Joe then dashed away. YAKIMA FARMERS WILL ASSIST IN SAVTNG GAME NoliTII YAKIMA, Wash.t March lfi. Ranchers iu this county tiro to nssist in t he protect ion and propagation of game birds in this section this Honson. They are to do their part in n, novol manner, which is in protecting the nests and the young. hi previous ya'ars many nests have teen destroyed by Mi late burning of rubbish along ditches and In other places in the orchards and fields. Tn this climate the birds begin their mat ing and the rearing of the young early, and without proper care many nests and voung are annually destroyed. Deputy (fame Wanleu Mullen is nsk ing the rancher to do their cleaning up early, and where they arn delayed to use great care. Without exception the icicliers have agreed to assist in sav ing the game birds. It. is believed tho ntailts will be plainly apparent in tho increase of giiine in the fall. BALANCED ROCK FALLS, CRUSHING TOT BENEATH M I DDL FT iV N. N. Y., March 1(1. A balanced rock, weighing two tons, which has been one of the curiosities in Tuxedo park, v.-'s upset by a small boy yesterday afternoon, catching him beneath its great weight and crushing him to death. Tin' victim was Frederick Cox, the '1 year-old sou of William Cox. n park policeman. Frederick attempted lfi climb to the top of the rock, while his little sister looked on and laughed. Suddenly the iiumens-' stone rolled over and piuneil his body underneath It. It reiniired tieerlv an hour's work to move i Ik- stone so t hat the crushed form could be taken from under it. GYPSY SMITH DRAWS CROWD OF 14,000 MEN DKNVF.K. Col.. March in. Singing "Onward. Chrtslian Soldiers." MHI men marched through the streets yes terdav afternoon to attend the meeting 1 i hi bv vpsy Siui'h. the evangelist. The meet ing, which wr-s attended by ! I. mm Mien, uuaiiiniously adopted resold (ions against the ( Vrv Wi'rdla w bill I i ov before the senate, which, if passed, will practically destroy local option in the state. ASHLAND PUBLICITY FUND REACHES $ir00 ; ASHLAND. Or.. March Id. The pub j licit v and promotion fund b-ing ra'isM by the Cointiier.ial club now reaches jf'l'ioo. Six tlioiisr-nd ilolli-rs will be ' i;.is.d and !( skilled booster will V, cm ' plov. il to tu:i diland 's advertising Miipaign. I REMEMBER. Mr. Businoss Man and Tolephone User, that unloss you wish to pay for TWO telephone.;!, you must vote. NO on Fri day. March 19. MM M MMM-MM SENATOR ABRAHAM TO RUN FOP. GOVERNOR SAI.I'.M. or.. March Hi.- Scn ator Abraham of Douglas coun ty today answer-d many inqui ries bv admitting the truth of he report that h- will be a can didate for -Mior next year. A braham s iys h. that Helton will 1 lerstnnds a ndidate tarv of state. 4- M-MM WAXES ANGRY