fjus-AjuL) iAIIA TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, MONDAY, MAKC'II 15. 1009. Social and Persona! Joe Kennedy speut Sunday iu Ash land. fbos your orden for sweet trt-nm 01 buttermilk to the creamery. lleury Batca wus an iitlniHii.Mii- fan in JaolfBitnville Hundfiy. (.'. K. Wine of Munkuto, Minn., is a ntcL'tit arrival iu .Mcdt'onl. Kllft Gnuoyaw, public Btciiogr.'iplii-r, rouni 4, Palm building. " A. J. J-'olsoiu of Forest (Iruve in vis it in", in Af-'dford. Prtiiitnf; duuo in large or urmil! con trai'tB, or by the duv IttaacH A Puv- tie, !. O. ilux 4.'t.r. 30.j" W. IT. O 'ConncJi ot Auckmni illt- ur livod iu tlif i-ity Mmiday. M th. J.MYrly uf Ahlau.l is in SA ford visiting trifMids. PresiiJcut J. K. Knvart of tin- Med ford National hank arrivH Snndav from am Hill. 0. (i. Van iH'ke of JMiornix was a A f fd ford vinitnr Saturday. Dr. and Mr. (i. CarlnW sjn'iit Sun day ut ('Old Mill. j Afr. and .Mrs, I.oimh Vi:kciuau arrived i Saturday from SI. i"!i,ml, Minn., lo re- j main iu lliis viriuity K'veiiil dayx. IMaer your ordi-r for your KuMit suit early. We take nrd'-nt for mii I k I'miu IS.ftO up. KilVrt, tin projrcssivc tai lor. Heiijiiiiiiri NVtin-rlands of Sun Frau cimo in xisitiny iii iimthrr, a n-nidt'M i t Med frd. Orders for sweet er.vtm or buttermilk promptly filled. Plioun the creamery. " Mr. and Mrs. K. T. Klmer nf I'.irtland are Rpeiidin n few diiyn in Medford Charleti ickell n il Sun. lav in M.-.1 I ford from liis place rear Sterling. j I Ira ml tnilli t,,.rv ...fnii,., t. froh .X llHriK.'r.t A fWm.w.p V.. niiniH w:i reunired :i pass ;-s rtjriil (' street. Old Kifert building :m!i RepreHetitaive Af. I'urdiu ef Sunday evening to attend tho special session of the Oregon legislature, P. ( Oretner of Red Devil (,'ement f'o. will build walk necording to city specifications for z I zc per jupiare r.ot. :10ft The real estate dealers of the eitv will meet Monday evening in tho Com t'lerrial club rooms to perfect organia tion. Rev. 0. Leroy Hall preached at Kngb Point. His pulpit was oecupied by As sistant States V. M. C. A. Secretary K. A. Smith at the morning services 1 he Meilford Real r.state association v. ill hold a meeting al K p. in. Monday in the Commercial club rooms for the purpose of electing officers. K. I. N'ewton of I 'inciiinali arrived in the eitv Saturdav for the purpose of looking the country over, with the idea of investment. Why do yon buy a hand me down suit when you can git them made in any style you want th"tn ut ready made prteest W. V. Kifert, the progressive tnilnr. '! Don Mctilashau and N'oruinii Whit iugspent Sunday at .liinmie Iturns' pla cer mine near Hold Hill. They report Ihe sluice boies were tilled with a large tpinntity of gold. Robert Slewing, who for the past two years has had charge nf the tailoring department at Daniels ' clothing store, will leave for his new homo at Arland, (Jul., hi the near future. His position will be filled bv a Portland atlor. HOTEL ARRIVALS. The Nash I. K. lieebe, J. H. Haiim, R. Dugan, Portland; W. II. hVardun. W. J. Iteacou, Reno; (ieorge V. N'elson. Tacoma; R. K. Colwell. Portlaml; John tinrrett, Lindsay; K. S. linthrie, Kagh Hoint; Miss Henry. Minn Towue, .lack sonville; M. S. Opdyke, (iranls l'asn; K. T. Plmer and wife, Hnrtlaud; (i. V. SorenRoii, Cincinnati; l' K. Sanders. Chi eago; A. .1. Kolsom, Forest drove; I. V. B. Scarth, Ogden; H. F. Duryea. Sen Francisco; W. It. Sherman, tirants I'assj Roy S. Wagner, I'ortlanr; C. K. Wise, C. M. Maslers. Mankalo; II. K. Diggles, San Francisco; P. C. Friedly, Chicago; A. P. Dittmar, Coram; W. ti. .Jewell, W. M. Claudy, Redding; 1. Ily man, San Franciflco; Mr, and Mr. II. A. Forbes, Chicago; T F. tuinlan. San Frrnciseo. New Cases. A. W, Walker vs. K L. tinmen; ur t uo to recover money. W. K, Phipps. at lorney for plaintiff, (lust Faske vs. Irvia Da hack and Iter nice Dahack; suit to fi reclose bond for dei'd. O. C. Hoggs, attorney for plain tiff. C. II. OiHette vs. .1. I). Itolton; suit to recover money. F. M. Calkins, attor ney for plaintiff. We've got a dandy enured. That 'h strictly up to date. And when it comes to paving. They 'H do it. sure as fate, We're all so proud of Medf. nl, Our splendid, hn tiling inwu; If you want to know ::bout it, Inst go and a :k .lop. HRoWN. Figure With AVdiilvcrtuii i-niMiiri Dnli't work ;i 1 1 1 sl;ivc yimr own lioini'. Wdolvci'tiiii will sc ttTins. mth BENSON INVESTMENT 00. OVER BIJOU THEATER AMUSEMENTS. The Fli.n in-e Hear i ii.g " Marring Alarv,' tnipniiy, pn-jn-ut which i-onii'Ft The Alt-dford Tliej-ter Tin-May, Alan-.i Hi, is probably tin- he-it al t nut io tli.i. I will liavp dic;n tin' rcinaiiirliT of lit' H'Ht-ut M-;ison outxi I' of Lillian Kussflt and Ihndieti. 'I he piece is it N'ev Vurk siicci'ss. Mix (ii-jtr is iri-oifiiiznl id; bi-inj ut tit" very top of the ldd r us a conifdienui' and Manager .lu'e Murrey has surrounded her with a hijh ilaH coiiipaiiy and complete scenic u -d ilure. I unqualifiedly jjifi'imtee thii iittr:.? t ton. n.s i i.y.:Attm. "Marrying Mary" at the Medford. Tlione who enjoy "(od ilancini; -and who does not Will reVi I iu t lie dance-, utiodiiced ii'to Kdwin Milton lt..vl-'-unmciil play. ' M.-iiyini,' Mary, " in which Florence (Jenr and u iurye coin pany will be seen at the Medford '1 heater on Tuelay March Hi. At the Lead. of the cast is I'b-nnce (icar. rec i jjnied as one of the most finished sin ers and dancers on tin' Htaje today. In "Marrying Maiv" she has three ib-t-ces, each one more attractive than tl-: other, as a recent newspaper critic exprensed himself. Marry li. Roche as Willie lirinkwnter has tin attractive da 'ice with t he choi Uf. I'lurette, the uittid. has :t 1 ei psicliorean specialty of her own. The three ex husbands and their partners have i. minuet in the first ;u'l that is every where received vith i;reat acidniiu, and Colonel Henry llav Kuliiepner. 'he U Thorlev j Throckmorton id Monsieur A rcham bean have Hei.arate dances Will) tile bridesmaids, hotel ifuet.ts mid wr'ilressef I. M tivelv. hv IV tnemher ot I lie clio examination in the t"i psiciiorean an as :u singing. In h .rt. the entir niipany is coiii.osed o the best singers and daneiTH available. Manager .h-'e Mur rv, who makes the pritdnction. i pon Mir for t he remark : ' ' (iood dancers are alwavs healthy and good n.ihtred. Hei'ltliv and g I nultired people i imwmI t elinir coin tu'itiiuis. To have a company f g I traveling eompaii iotis is to h;ive a company of money getters, I like to make money." Dan Sully in "The Matchmaker." One of the best.'l of the coining at tractions at the Medford is Daniel Sul Iv's new ph v. "The Matchmaker," in which thr- popular star is r ting wilh li e irteatest succes; el' his career, and will lie seen at the Medford, Thursday. March 1. It is a n uiaiitie drama of unusual st n ugtlt. full of exciting seeiiej. ;,!! thiilling situalioiis, brimful of com edv, original in theme and treatment nu:d novel in const rue! ion. "The Matchmaker" must not be confounded wilh the "Parish Priest." which Sully produced some years ago. as the only le emblauce l.elweeil the two lies in Hie fac that a priest r- he leading charac t. r in each. The new play is the great ect Sullv has ever presented, ami in it he is scoring the am-.) brilliant triumph of his career. A Pica for tho Paving. hoping tliev'l1 pave Seventh He The finest stie.-t in lewa; The reason isn't hai l to guess; (in that sireel lives JOK IlltOWV It should I Ml-. I boulevard. At which t l!u' the slale You can n poi-it wt'h pride; t 'h in at pr. sent tlu-r walk nor ride l they don't decide to pa V0 it The r feelings w ill get hurt ; IV r ii- v- il! be a ntiyety howl From -he MAN WHO Sl'Ll.S Till DIRT. 3ii7 Pupils Beautify School Grounds. ti RANTS PASS. Or.. March l.Y Filteen hundred s. h io children partic lpated in the exerciser outlined by the superintendent and principals ot' the publx- m -hools of this city iu making Saturday a special .nbur day for beau lifviiig school grounds and planting oiil hundred-' of rnst and flowers iu care tullv provided beds. An elaborate pro t;inm was rendered al the hiyh school HRINS WIND ON WHEELS AND STOP RUNAWAY A lucky '.treak of 1 i.-ppntg of the bins . pped whnt tniht h:; ,'icg lunawav ln!ida namely tlx x the Wheels been a dam mil. A spirit . d team of the Nah -erv stabl. Inched to a su-lev In came frightened ul'de Hie it 1 1 v r was loediug a trunk in the vehicle. The frightened horses t::n at ureal speed d. ii North Front ''leef fur eelal blocks, when Pro i ii 'c inteit'eiid and slopped thi iil in the above in:: iin-r. They were soon ln ueM hack to the barn, n.-ur 1 1:, .ee for their sprint. The suney ;i i oi daniaee.l a parnde. Woolverton lie Went luti.l'.ml iivcr I". .i- a (wn II it to vmi SITUATION CLEAR D UP (' lliHiel JKl(.'e .) town has a riev uru e ue want to yive tin cuiiipauy ti tip that Ihey ;ui- blowing in against them, and Pacific Telephone I thin jj.od money here ut Med ford ii i noi yointf t mould jiu til it- opmi Ituy Ih'ui very iimm Ii, f. Weeks they Ira Ve been plume fight n (itaois tays. Thar is. t hey h: it in t lie daily i:t-'- I but the danx-d thin:; tied. In tli'-tr la-st article i 'n -if uat ion. t he-,- ir the last thr ettlir. the te Pn-h every few f 1.4-en e!tiijiK i re at Medford, iion't stay set j on t lie (iiants I iiMiiuatrd that j tlie Citizens' Tidep)io!ie cojnp:u to some Irick" r . an I thai I li np, ilv I v.ant a tiain-hi-e .,- v. Iiat tlo-v , an get out of it. .Now tin-, ci iporatioii. jis Uiii il. uieasiires ev eryoie- e-i- ti v its owu low standards, and i: can't underHtaiid 'r latlioin an hoio-st man or an hone! motive. .Now understand, I (:iu not saying a uoid personally against the local man ager or the special agents here of th I acific Telephone company. I likt them. They are pb-a .nnt gent leiilen t meet and do busine's with, especially s(, since the Citii-ns' Telephone coin ) any asked f..r a fraijcliie. but they have a hard row to hoe, for they are paid by and are under orders from the HOSt COllSeieueeteSH a I'd III O II O pol I s 1 1 C u pora t ion that e i-r ciu sitl American soil. o.NK Ol '!' 1 1 K CITIZKNS. A Reasonable Excuse. "Bridget." siihl Mrs. Nubbub etern ry, "brenkfust hdf mi hour late igaln." "Vis. tiiitii." re'itriic'd Hi'iilL't-i meek- "Wliitt excuse have you Iu ntfer? Vou know I (old you that Mr. Sub bulm uitist raleb thai early Iruiti. and pmietliulity ill breakfast Is ubsoiulely ueet-NMnry," waid ihe huly. "Sure an' ol overshlep" ini'slif,' said llrldget. "'i'liitl !s tn I'xeuse." said the inia tresM. "I gave you un alariu clueU only yesterday. " "i ti know t bat. nihil." "I ld you w iml It up';" "Oi did." "And didn't It ru nfTV" "Sure an' ll did thai, It made n lar rllde u'he." '"Tlien why didn't vi eel upV "Sure, inhti." r--p.ii: d I'l d e tear rully. "it v, Hi i; :'l.i r tb.i i,; ule ill Ibe th'"1bte. li nh T - tilep' a wluk all id !ii waltin' l-r II In olT. in' u Ida It .Md i l w as ih;ti loln d ( l oiildli't iin'e." Harper's Weekly. To Cure "I..ek ut a p-l crinkles hi' tiral.l i Hilok uty tloe xl all 'l he be ii that So the .or -i in i he Ms w rllil.les , tty t . - ide Is the pr iiralyile sh. vrlnkle.- i..u:t ide III -ap-e: Mfe our Uf f.l- ;v la e.: !d"i; when -o'lg. nev wertllCM't fat iinisi les s f ierler( re' (lie foiin Mi T We u c t, IU I w hat- The kin wnrildn'l wrinkle If ft Del e-...,., 'I'Iim Skill of the h ton b dlvnrl.rd bv a.-Hoii of d l.e .I.l'feath e yet UlN .:,! oi a I the ;iiee. for . I.lll lll'il'l' posi d to t !i wlinl. II II.' ehi.-lielU . here I ; Ulit:uents a leans Tlllie? 111' poscd Iidll-J ev of ' Ull Ittlll i II and the And tlnfi b:-d :h r -t the : i I . hi ie In u i;li i: iv d rna-aes." I 'etiiiM rat. irea ins New ::!! t IT- DEMONSTRATION TRANI. Remember ihe ,!:ir. Mtmlay, March "I'd. Se.u c.i!- in f ain, showing fine :t nek ; a ea: I : ! h-d with le icest live potihry. Prol'esMi-s ;-nd experts will leel, ire on the stock and poultry. Mat IT1 of interest to f':'nneis an I fruit j rowers will be eplailted. The agn- iiltural college at Vrxallis will he i epresente.) b- i's be iii-'u, among ' fi tu Dr. Wit h combe and Professor Lewis, bolli well and favorably known Lis --ertion. Southern Pa I us 1 1 q... ; Ii This is run by ifie at great expense. ugh W-i uytoii hae I'll interest Lilt. .1 i ui' d. and Should what turn i thi- day and -l:o-A and hear No . chne i uiribiitr will be n. The r on the se what- I iu fruit-rai-ing or to be h Mcdfo-d : the after oining. Ar news. I,..t they should gtent good poult ;-v ang t, v erven lis,' o ,l,e V oW the j ran kit Marriago Licenses. V .lones and Annie Puna Methodist Episcopal Church, B Street. I'he ei:il uieeUl's at the ab,. e ircl ntiuiie with increased inter . At all three tiees vesierdav I.. I llV Al III, l:ir.M :i nil. .r.:-li.-. Til.' I'.v I ii-. i:x i-t !.: r 1 1 .t ii.' i i' mill Il V will .Iim:i i.l t.-iiiiii: I liMii;lit ll:iv.-l . u:il.l. o.. full Af'.-r Hi . ill 1 1 f l,':il,'N At 3 p. ed to he his 1. .t,n, .'o;h i Vn'tirv. I and th. da -h, Th,- .tnr.' ' Hi.' iol,t,. ml 1 r lii.tti. " it d auliful -.'I.. I.v l.ars l III.- I,. m;l.t ' LI II lal i;.' .111. 1 :itl. 111 i ,. a.i.l i, n.-. '.I'.'.l t.. an . iru.'l miiii.-ii ..n t!i. ..I hai I'M " V1, 11 h-.ll it 1 . r. . t . I a I' li.- i;a.i I Ii" li..!,- noil, I an. I I..-. -..ill ' ' I'. r I Ii.- .. i in. .11 - 1,1:1! -eiili'd llieti.H,'l,. ai e,'k,-r ,.f s 1. .111 Mi' Kair.'ii K.'iiiea.U .1111 p.r, ".iiclv "TI..- . N.n.iv an.l Ni S,'l: ,',TV Ill'itl at 7 i'l .ibl .' ' I : 1 at .1" r, . i.l 11. V,t ill.', 41 . are invited. ,5 A Spanish War Criticiem, When Ibe Kpuuisu war i-ttiue npoo ps Cotnuiudoru Ucwey was at Hong kong, 'ibe navy department bad sent hint iiu preliminary orders. He didn't know Huytbing about the ultimate pul ley ur what the ultimate pluu uf cam paign would be. The navy department didn't ltielf know, Dewey uhsiuld huve moved twu ur three days aoutier than be did, und two ur three days Boinet lines are vital, lint our Wash ington otttcluls were only aroused to the nueeHJilty of giving Admiral Dewey an order by ti cablegram fruin Dewey Informing them thai the Itritlsu gov eruor uf Hongkong Insisted that uur Heel must leave tbere. We were su dazed by the Immediate exigencies, uf war that the Kngllsb goverumenl had to prud us In the rib to wttke us Uj, 'I'hen uur Wasbingtuii autboiities Is- bued an order und not till then. They told Dewey in proceed to the Philip pine Islands and euptuio or destroy Hie Spanish fleet. In other words, they gave bliu the .stereut,Ved war ur tier In the phruseulogy of the bignal code, which. 1 1 fern Ily traiisluled, read "Go ahead and do the bc4i you can. We give II up."- Collier's. The Silver Thread. A ma Iron lu Harlem was calling upon another matron in Harlem. Nel ther was young, but one looked more su. "Iteully, my dear," said the one that looked more su, " ou oulit tu have your hair treated. If becoming quite gray In kiMs. See what a difference It has made with me. Vou would look much younger -really." "Hut 1 don't rare tu look much younger If I must dye my hair to do so, ' was the reply. "1 prefer to be natural. If the Lord sends me gray hair there's a good reason, and I'm sat isfied." "But think of your children, my dear. They're grown up now." "What have they got tu do with It?" Why. don l you see; Ihe younger you look the younger It makes them appenr. And your girls are way past twenty, you know." The matron who wan gray In spots was still looking dazed when her vis itor departed. .New York Olobe. Costly Law Robes. An Knu'llsh judge's outlit In the way of robes imposes a heavy lax upon the newly appointed Judge, nlthouizh Ibe cost is nut nearly so great as It was In the early days of oueeii Victoria. lien It was the custom for the law luminaries to attend court functions In figured damask silk gowns, with illy lace bands and rullles. Thesi- ger, a celebrated legal dignitary uf that day, is said on one occasion to have spent Uito on bands alone. The lord chancellor's robes cost something I.V). and even a Judge's stockings are an expensive Item. The wardrobe of a Judire costs anytbtnir from .'00 to '). nnd If the newly Hedged "my lord" Is attached to the king's bench division he will require live gowns, a girdle, a scarf, n casting hood, n black cap. a three cornered cap, a beaver hat, a cocked hat. a silk hat, lace bauds and I wo full court suits, swords, etc., to keep up the majesty of the law. London (ilobe. What They Said. "Did the girls say anything when I bey hea ill of my engagement?" Kbc asked, with a little curiosity. "Very little," was Ihe reply of her dearest friend "Put they said something?" "Oh. yes; they salt! something." "Well, what was It?" "Well, most of tbeiii merely ex claimed, 'At lust! " There was a pause, and then she nuked: ' Weil, what did some of the others say ?" "One thiMlLTllt f them said, 'Who'd have it ?' Another, 'Will wonders never cease V "Oh, never And a third" inlnd the rest." Inter rupted the fiancee, much curiosity." "I never did have Was He Delirious? "Almost every man," says it Balti more specialist, "learns souiier or Int er to think of his doctor as one uf his best friends, but t his fact does not hinder the world from laughing at the profession. "'How Is uur patient this morning?' asked a physician, u fellow graduate of mine, of a patient's brother. " Oh. lie's much worse.' came from the other in n tone of dejection. 'He's been delirious for several hours. At 3 o'clock he said, "What an old woman that doctor of mine is:" and he hasn't made a rational remark sitrce.' " Llp plneott's. A Rising Fall. A certain member of the British government who was admittedly a great failure was being discussed by two ot his colloiiirues. "And now." coiicludi'd one, "they want to make him a peer!" "No." satd the other, with greater Bcumen; "they want to make him dis appear." Taking Chances. Mother Johnnj, oiir Incle Henry will be here for dinner, and you must have your face a ml bands wuhed. Small Johnny Vi s, mamma, but H'pos ln' somethln' happens and he don't come, what then? Kchange. Not So Exacting. "So you're a butcher now V" "Yes." explained the former dry goods clerk. "The holies- don't try to tuatcli spareribs or steak " Kansas City Journal. If n loiter Its roimilii'. hiiiiu'looit Miwor To l n li' iH. uh Iwnmw Mind It linnirr liii liui nt1 ..lor FRUIT TREES I h;:ve jut rt'ct'ivcd n slnpnitMtt of imrju'ry jtiu'k oonsi.itiiik of tin follow iti: Ho well pi'iiri. 4 ri fi't't ; lsrt itt l:',r. Anjou; Sjmznbi'rjj ami Nw town Applf. 4 6 ftvt. A finp 5ti(tk of Ufa WARNER Carving Sti&ori. ! thought I knew all uboiil aor" said the man. "1 hua Iteeu tail yra' scissors for cutting heavy oth, ilreusmakers' scissors for cutting liimsy fabrics and luce and still other scissors for cutting paper, ringer nulU grape vines, ull kinds uf metals aud even for shearing sheep, but in spite of that wide knowledge uf scissors I was puz tled wheu I saw the large, peculiarly shaped pair uf scissors Ijiiig in the showcase. "What are these svlssup for?' I asked the clerk. " 'Carving meat,' he said. 'With sclssurs uf Ibis kind carving becomes mere child's play.' "'I never saw anybody use them,' aald 1. ''.Nobody dues use them,' said the clerk-'tbat is, only u very few, Iu Europe carving scissors are popular because they cut right through meat, gristle, bone aud all. but It takes a little practice to learn to manipulate the things, aud tiubudy in this country has patience enough for that.' " Ex change. Tha Talking PoU. "Yes, these pots of mine are all right," said the putter. "They don't talk, though." "No pots do." "Don't they? Look here." lie touk from the shelf u straice. crude pot daubed yellow and blue that bad the shape uf a duck. He tilled It with water; then he poured the water out again. "Quack, quack, quack!" said the pot distinctly. Kvery gurgle was a distinct quack. "There's art for you," said the potter. "Kvery gurgle of that duck pot Is a quack. Wonder ful Aztec art! Aud I have uu Aztec pig put that grunts like a pig and a dog pot that barks like a dug. Won derful chaps, those Aztec potter fel- Mows! I wish I knew their secret. Im agine an Aztec banquet," he said aft er a pause. "Pots tilled, you know, with wine. Aud every time you pour yourself a drink 'Quack!' go the ducks. Bowwow! go the dogs. Keguler pan demonium!" New York Press. Tho Light of the Firefly. When man will attain the perfect vacuum, then the rude ether blush of the electric light bulb will give forth many times more light, purified and heatless, soft and healing, as the light of the stars, penetrating as the suu. An examination of the llreliy when mining ttumes or light shows bodily movements that cannot be understood to mean anything else than vacuum producing. The lights are always seen iu the vacuum sack on the back. Im mediately before emitting light the Insect will flatten the body, draw the legs In, droop the head, seemingly con tracting iu all directions; then with i he rela xu t Ion come t he Da me aud light. The bodies of the glowworm and tire ily always are transparent when tilled with (lame. The blades of rrass or other debris are seen plainly through the bodies. Here are cases of nature dealing with X rays. Chicago Tribune. How Marshall Field Made Money. In the early eighties, when the First National bank of Walhtwalla was not as big as II Is now, I prelty nearly had my brealli taken away one day by a good looking r ranker hailing from ChhaiM. He threw a tetter of red It for ,numio from a hleai:o bank my desk aud quiet ly said, "i 'an you easli that? I looked him over once or twh e. madeji quick estimate of nil the loose rnsh. thou-ht we mid scrape up and said: "Yes. How- do you want It?" He gave a smile. ! Wt down and said, "1 think I'll take It In land." In a month's time, as his authorized agent. I boiiu'ht about "0.- 1 iKUl acres of cheap railroad laud for my ruicn-.;ij friend, ttikimr the deeds 1 In my name at his request, paying an i raue of Sj.t;,"i an a.-re. lie cleared over .Sl.lJUi'.t l li on this one deal 11U name was Marshall I'lcld. Senator Ankeuy's Leiuiuls. ein es in Leslie's Weekly. FRUIT TREES I am prepared to fill orders for first 'ass fruit trees, shrub:, palms, etc.. at st price. Have on hand ."i0 Uuerre lie i-e near trees, 4 to ti feet. Ask at Miihit building. R V. ALLKN. Classified Advertisements WANTBD. WANTKI) liirl fur p-iii'ml b.mscw.irU tunit tu' go.i.l cnok : wall's $-1" pi'r month. t.i !. li. WuinI, Iloti-I Xi-sli. 4 VANTKT) Position liv viiuiiir man thoroughly ai-iiuuiiiird with oft'icf work; it vrars' i-xpt'i ii'iiro; aoo,! ,.,u it ion; ri't'ort'iic,-!,. A.I.I ross 11. ran- ol I riliniu". no. VV.NTK1 To luirrow on oooil r,-,-urit -. from Milium to tli'iilO. 1'. U. Box li-sl. I l-'OU BALK At tho Tiiion Itarn. 1 l-oo.1 11 i wai; I koi',1 .t work ham, 'mi. .' si'oon.l lian.l biigi;u. 1 .lise il,.v. 1 V A NTKI) 12womU'lio..i rs to i'ho, P. (). o-ilwoo.l an.l tiorwoo.l, Hoi 41S. FOB SAU1. KUU SAI.K 7o. Ualior KniT" saTTk noon, tn: . i ir..,'.N r loo. K. 1H var.l. I SAL K- a, ro lan.l. l-.lo. Ut'" I -arc,' M o..r.'. M ni, I ir. :lo - i a.l.ilo an.l olh for hoiii.. lot. a.l. W. Iiru-k In? onl.l tra.l. vOUIllV I N'i'iv 7 -...'in h, 1" inimilf f K. Divr. "i-l: I I.',,.,. Kill l.K Kuriiiliiii' " (. ale ll.U1'.' t'.T I ''lit . ot' Tiilmni' nft'i Call nr a.l.lrei. Twenty teni I.. . Wahlers. M,'.lf,,r,. vM.K 1.. v. -ni.; market, wan 1 lioeiie N'.. I. Sl'lt Oil ill,' .e.l lls. V! with 1 home Kiver in ;li ' alle f "I (Mil of tin 1.. Xtedenneyer. .lae'KHonville. I.l! I'OH SAI.K-O.... ,mw. .lersev. eone t'r ,1, in May. call ,-, Sir.. Mary Win i terhaldeu. one block north of Jackson street on the est -Mde. 3o5 LA VOGUE PEERLESS GARMENTS ATTRACTIVE NEW MODELS SPRING (iood style is evidenced in every line of these beautiful models. The sketches can only hint of their beauty you must see the suits to judge them you will say you never saw such a collection of charming effects--such jaunty ,.uts such irresistible materials. No picture or description can do these garments justice reallv vou will have to see them to be able to appreciate the beautiful materials and fetch ing designs. PRICES $10. to $50 Medford's "Little Kost" Ladies Store BAKER-MJTCHASON COMPANY Inc. Central Avenue, Just North Jackson County Bank Milk Crocks 15c each We have just received and will put on sale tonight 10 doz. Bris tol Clay Crocks in a fancy print, full 5 pint capacity, while they last, 15c each Now lino of Blue and Bine Enamolwore just roceived; nil prmulur priced. 3'".' l'.-tKT Uiu-k Novels, over usnul 2.V retailer, here, eaeh HUSSEY'S Don't f 'orget April 1st and I i'l; .x.M.K One a,-r,- of good land and in. large lotj; ,ust sei. bargain at -."ii. See W. H. French, room 7, Jack- ' " County Bank bldg. I'nU SAI.K Or trade, the belt room-liou-ir in -I..;..- "ninth. Address C. care oi this "tn. S.M.K A new ti room house, with I' a'h and electric light and window lia.le-, fr the suiall suai of $1600. Mr. F. linenbrugge. 401 Riverside sve line. . Fi 'H SA1.K A good buy-Four lots 56 be l?tV ioinintr eitw limit. . I.'O each: cash oniv ntt... 1- : ""' ""'Khborhoc are selliaa for S50 ';' '"" p- - Slli Medford, 07 tOK dAXK Choice buslasei proper, 4 mi 0; "25-aiJ SUITS THAT PLEASE FOR JAIDINIERES 10 dozen Taney Jardinieres 50c and 60c quality, at cli 36c Also new line of Clay Mix ing Bowls, Crocks, etc. ;W0 titles select from, the 15c the Blue Enamel Kauge, al a bargain, on long time: easr terms. Address P. 0. Box 418. KOU SALE 5 and 10-aere tracts just j within and adjoining eitjr limits, at a I bergain, on 5 annual payments. Ad . dress P. O. Bos 419. FOR BALE Bouses, lots A U.d ia Phoenix, or in tracts to suit (ram ana acre to 540 acres. Matt Clhon, Pho nir, Or. FOB EE NT. ton RENT Nice furnished front room, ground floor, close in; separate entrance. Apply Mrs. Astcn, at Moot totnery's Ladies' Emporium. LOST On road to Central. Point, long gray overcoat. Reward if returned to Hotel Nash. 300