REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Klizii .1. WoolMom-roft to W. J. Cumoruu, SO ueles ill section 4, township ;J..", raiiirL' 1 K 1 S. U. Holmes to Knicst l oii', I.", acres in Keetion 1', towndhip 'M, range 1 W 10UO Xuru Montgomery to Margaret Mitchell, ltio acres in section 12, township 10, runt;' 3 E . . . . 10 Kliner 0. (.'olcimin t.i (ieorge Kl fern, 7.30 acres in D L C -i'-l, township 3S, rang.' t YV , . . . CO .'. S. Silsliv to l.on M. Brud- t'ord, lot 4.1, Highland Park ad dition to Ashland l-"0 Kllon K. Hundley ... Pansy R. . Bradford, lot Highland Park addition to Ashland 3",0 V. J. TCrudy to Panuy K. Itrard ' ford, lot 4;", Highland Park ad- ' dition to Ashland 2000 Jane Hooker to ,1. V. Hamlin, lot 1, block 2. Palm's addition to .Modtord ZOO Joseph Samuels to (). S. Black ford, 1 acre in D I. (' .111, town- ulnp At, range 2 W 22o United States to Clara L. tlor don, E 1-2 of X E Yi section 28, township 32, range IK., .patent Mr.ria l.untiing to l-'runk u. Gates, ' 1.72 acres in section lit. town ship 3(. range 1 W 2000 Thad (i. .Mcllatton to 1). Pcroz zi, land in townsihlp 30, range 1 E 10 William G. HnrriH to D. Perozzi, u land in D L C 40, Uwntship 30. . rnngo IE 10 John I- Arnold to D. Perozzi, land in section 10, township 30, range 1 W 1 StiRan F. Plake to D. Perozzi, 40 ncres in section Ifi, town ship 30, range IE 32." Bnsio L. Allen et nl. to S. K. Decker, lots 3 and 4. Allendale addition to Ashland 10 Andrew O. Towne to J. W. Rav age, 110 ncres in section 32, township 3X, range 1 W 10 Lucy E. Payne to P. Homes, Sr., lots 21 nnd 23, Southern Home tract, section 10, town ship 30, range IE 2." T.- V. Daily lo Agnes Duggun, lot 7, block 3, Suunyside addi tion to Medford ..' 300 Anna E. N'ye to V. V. McDon ald, land ill D T. 0 42. town ship 37, range 1 V .. .. 1200 P. A. Dooms et al. to ('. W. Stone, lot 0. block 3. West Medford 10 Emil C. Wagner to Sallie A. His sell, hits 3 and 4. block 117. Cen tral Point 12-.". William Hoss to Rob. rt Ali'-xnn der Fergus lot 3, block "i. Ross addition to Medford 70 It. II. Toft to Phil S. I.oosley. pioperty in Park addition to Medford 1 Samuel P.. Simmons to Charles l' Dunford. x w y, of s w i; section 21, township IIS rangi 2 W T. D. Wagner to I'. X. linker. property in Ashland 10 F. X. linker to C. F. Hilton. property in Ashland I'1 ('Intern e I-', Unburn to D. II. Jack sou. land in l I. C 4S, township .'IS, range t B 1 William K. Smith lo Albeit II. .Tones, lots 1 1 and 12, block II. Hanlroad addition to Ashland 1" II. '. Giiroolt to X. II. Iliiltnin. lot li, block 2. Xickell lion to Me.ll'ord Mnn W. W. McDonald to Anna R. Xye. land in II 1. C 42, township 37. range 1 W ". 1200 I.ouis Lager to K. H. Foss. 10 acres in lownsliip 3S. range 1 W 1" H. C. flarnett to 1!. 17. Alberts. lot .1, block 1. and lot I. block 2, Xickell addition to Medford 1 -"' Vnitcd States to Sara II. l-'lynn. S K Vt section 22, township 33, range 2 W patent T'nited States to Luther Kchniuck- er, llio acres in section 27, township 33, range 1 W patent UKSOLUTIOX FOR SPECIAL ELECTION. Ho it Resolved. I!y Hie city Council of the city of Medford. Oregon, the mayor approving. That there be and hereby in called a special election in said city for th purpose of submitting to the voters of said city for their approval or rejection a certain ordinance enti thd "An ordinance granting to the Cit ).,..' T..lei, coninenv its associates. th.dr executors, administrators or as signs, the right to construct, erect, main tain nnd rate in the city of Med ford, count v of .lackson, state of Ore-g.-n. and in the streets, alleys, avenues and thoroughfares thereof, subject to thi approval of the city council, wires, conductors and other appliances for the transmission of electricity for tele phones telegraph nnd messenger serv ice, for the purpose of carrying on a telephone, telegraph and messenger bull ,ier,s in said city and such other matters as mav be lawfully brought up at said lection. That said election be held po the 10th day of March. 1000. ho iween the hour-, of :'" ' "' r.-00 p. in. of said (lay. That tl it v recorder of the city of Medford is herebv directed to give no-tier- of said election as by the charter required in case of annual elections in e:i id cit v. , . . , The following are hereby des.gnat.d nnd appoint, d as the polling places and the judges and clerks of said election. First ward Polling pb'ee. ' Commercial club; .judge. W. 11. French: lodges and clerks. Chas. . imms. if. Hubbard. Second nard Polling place. He Visb saniile room; .judge. John S. Orth: lodges and clerks. Wm. Vlricli, II. H. Harvey. , Third ward Polling place, city hall, bulge. G. L- Sehermcrhorn: .judges and clerks. Scott V. Davis. II. A. Thieroff. The foregoing r-olution war, passed l.v the citv council February loth. 1000. ,.v the Allowing vote, to wit : Welch. M Trick aid Eifert u: Wort mnn. Denuner and Mayer ijjo. yes. M.prove-1 K.bniarv 1. 1""" 1 w. IT. CAXOX. Mayor. A""M: PFX.I. M- fOLLIX". City I'C0;r (IHD1XAXCR XO. 180. Aa ordiunuce providing for tho exo cutiou of a coutrnct with tho Warren Construction company for the paring of a portion of Central aveuue. in the city of Medford, Oregon, aud of u con tract for the maintenance, of said pave ment aud providing the terms of said contract. The city of Medford doth ordain us follows: That the proposition oj' the Warren Construction company, Washington corporation, for the paving f Central coue, 1U ,e city of Medford, as here tolore provided, and for uiaintaiuing -".v,.i iur a period of ten years be and the same j hereby accepted and tho mayor and recorder arc hereby au thorized and instructed to enter' into aud sign a contract in Hie form and manner as hereinafter sot forth for such pavement aud maintenance respective ly, aud such action by said mavor and recorder is hereby expressly authorized. raiuieu and confirmed. I Ins agreement, mndo and entered into tins day of l-'obruarv. 1900. bv and between the Warren Construction company, & Washington corporation, eereinurier caned th" contractor, and the city of Medford, a municipal corpo ration, hereinafter called tho citv. Witnesseth, That in consideration of llie covenants hereinafter set forth, the am contractor hereby undertakes aud covenants to furnish all necessary ma terials and lalmr and do work of ex cavating, filling and paving, installing inieis aim oilier necessary materials and labor, for the paving of Central avenue, in said city, from the south line of Sixth street East, to the North line of Main street East, and from the south One of Main street East, to the north line of Eighth street, East, and to fur nisli said material and do said work and complete said paving in first-class, substantial and workmanlike mnnner. for the prices hereinafter set forth, and n accordance with the plans and speci fications heretofore adopted by the city oiiucil for the paving of Seventh street an 1 upon the terms and conditions in said plans and specifications set forth, which said plans and specifications are on file in the recorder's office of snid city, nnd are hereby expressly referred to and made a part of this agreement; and ill consideration therefor, the said ity agrees to pay sai I contractor there for at llie following rates: litiimiuous crushed lock founda tion, per cubic vard $4.50 l.itlilithic surface, per square yard 2.00 ''xcavatioii, per cubic yard 00 taudaid monument cases, each. 2.00 inlets, as per plan, eacl lo.OO li inch terra eolta sewer pipe, per lineal fool fiO s inch terra col!:i sewer pipe, per lineal fool SO It is further agree. 1 that all of said ork is to be done upon the terms nnd subject to the conditions set forth in that certain agreement between the par ties hereto made pursuant to ordinance No. 100 of said citv, passed June 20. 100S, except the provisions in said agreement relative to the time of eom- iletion ef said work, which said agree- ee'it is herebv expresslv referred to 1 1 - I !i:r'o a pail of this agreement. In witness whereof the parties hereto ::ive caused I hese presenls to be exe uted in duplicate by their duly author zed officers, the day and year first bove written. Altest; WAIiHEX COXKTRrCTTOX COM I 'A XV. Ity Vice-President. CITV OF MEDFORD. Try. Attest: Recorder. And the said mayor and recorder are also authorized and instructed to enter into and sign a contract with said War e.u Construction company for the mnin tennnce of said paving when laid upon tho same terms and conditions as those set forth in that certain agreement be tween the parties heretofore made pur suant to ordinance No. 1(10 of snid city, passed June 20lll. lOOS, for the mainte nance of pavement on Seventh street in said city, and such action by said mavor and recorder is hereby expressly .Mithorized and confirmed. The foregoing ordinance was passed by tho city council of tho city of Med ford, Oregon, this 4th day of March. A. D. 1009, by the following vote, to-wit: Welch aye, Merrick aye, Enteric k aye, Wort man aye. Eifert aye and IJemmer ave. ' ppr..ved March Hlh. 1000. W. H. CANON, Mayor. Attest: BE J. M. COLLI XS. City Recorder. FOREST FIRE COST MICHIGAN $28,fi02.697 Lancing. Mich.. March IS... Be tore the senate committee of forostery i'l this city yesterday Carl E. Schmidt, of Midi., presented a resume of a report of Messrs. Hradficld and Wavnne. I'niied Stale, forestery et oeris. who inve-llgil.d the effect of last October's forest fins in Northern Michigan. The experts estimated the h ss at $2s..""2.i;!i7. Tlli' i'o'bides titn ber and property destroyed and money pert in fighting tic fir.s. The fire destrovtd fe.'t of timber, c-hich is equal to one year's cut at the piesent rat.' of lumbering in Michigan. It is estimated that before the fires re Were I 1 .0' lO.OllO.Ol M I feet ef stamt . timber ill the s-ale. Prepaid Railroad Orders. "SotnethiPC wkieh i of cnnsidcrfililr I i,.rr,t I" Hi" I'"''1''' R'-'"-"llv mid eliiih i perhaps not Ccn.'rullv known ,l,e .vjtem of prepaid orders now is ..ffo,. between st:.;. OS nf the Southern ..-r;f ,.ii,p:.'iv and ell points ! the r'niled f-t,.es. V.y mean, of this system tickets mav be purchased at MJfor. f-om nnv place in .he Fmtrd Slate, and veiled or te:e2r.-,ph-l direct e the par tv wisliine to coo." here. Sleeper c eommndationa and sn all a.nonnt, "t c-sh in cnnnecti.O with the. ticket. .afi t ins THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 13, Emeiwi was a n.iial'le srlerer from 'he vngnrlei: nf memory. nis idogra ohor relate he met hl n on,. ,inv In I'eston : T,p-,iVt,..- p. ,.s f , r I" '."'I nsked him -hore he was g, lug. -! dine." said l'mor-on. 'wltli a very old nml dear friend. I 'iiiew wher- sliu lives, but I hope she n't ask mo tier mime." And thou lie liro e. dial In lie- l ibe hep ni -tin. in tlier of the B-I'e .if the y.uing nmn -t'lO tall HO'T! -v e-i, -ts .- well." nol u. iinlll hi: Intel li cuter guess- Nl to whom he was roferrlue:. Even tl eitniei . r c.i:in:i,in .dije'ts often fe.1 (1 hbo .nmpleltOy. On one (teen-li.- v-'ie-i h w-'ived in li' ibrella be --'Id: . io- el ! name, fill etui tell Its l..i. rv. Stramrers lake II away I lis falMn.. f Emers.e, l,sl In a palhell- scene when lie attended I.iU'efell"v's ruiieial nod re: larked ns he razed tit tin O'ii. "tie was n "woel ai'd l eauilful soul, lent 1 have einlioly for-rollon his name " Nero's Gclden House. The gooieii leaise" nf .Nero seems from all aecoilllls tn have been llie most i dwelling I n e e er tiltlll for ti mornil limn, l-veii If v. e regard tiie ancient ilesi I ipiinus as siiinewliat exuggeruloil It remains one of the largest rnyul ever blllit. and l he liilernul decora I Ions seem In have lieeu lii'-uiupai-ably m.inllii ent. It was sllri-nllliiled by pa.l.s. wnisls and pools nf great sl:e. which iiip":ir In have been entirely within Hie walli. The colon mules nf the Itself ex tended a mile In length and erosscd o:e of Hie main tllnrnllgllfaros of the vily. The cl.les of the east were ran sacked for masterpieces nf Greek ill'l for the llilerkl. The walls Hliolie Willi gold and pearls, and the ronf rested nil marble columns nf eunrmons alzu nnd beauty. New Vurk American. Snow fell In Europe for forty days In 1434. MotVi Nerrtne rtlli. The great iron and toaie reetoratire for men and women, producea atreafth and vitality, builds up the syatem and renews the normal vigor. For aaia by druggiets, or by mail, 1.00 per box, 6 boxoa for 5.00. Williami Mfg. Ca., Props.. Cleveland. O. For ! In vrrf. ford Pharmacy, near peatafflea. SAVOY THEATER TONIGHT and TUESDAY "OLD CURIOSITY SHOP" A reproduction of Dickens' great work "A NEIiVV THIEF" Ho who dares succeeds. "A PREHISTORIC LID" A laugh producer up to llie last minute. "STILT WALKING" Entertaining and education. ADMISSION 10 CENTS New Special Showing - - of New Exclusive Styles new on display Carried in all widths and sizes VAN DYKE'S l-i Ci-eat Luck. "I have been liHiklng over my nnan elal (iperitlntis." said Mp. Easlgo. "I must mi.v they are ninro successful t lilt li n ual." "Have you been milking large, prof its V "No. I don't expect anything like that." "But you sny you were successful?" "Comparatively successful. During the limiiGi l.lKlve louuetl money tn live friends, atnl only three nf llie.o iiavp n'.:lt speaking to inc."- Washing, ion Star. Th Editor's Sally. City Editor What dn you mean by saying In Ibis robbery story I hat "Brnwii was knocked Onwu nml re lieved nf tl hundred ilnllarsV" Were you ever robbed yourself: New lie-pnrior-Xo, sir. Cliy Kdltnr-Tluit ue enllllls fnr It. If ynu'd been robbed you wouldn't describe llie loss nf u hundred dollars as a relief.- St. Louis Republic His Line of Study. "My liny li iiiidcchV.I about what colleglale ei.ui'so In take." Tin:" "What would you advise V" "That depends. Does he want to build up his back muscles or Ills wind?" Kansas City Independent. Cheeper. Servant Please, sir. inis-iis wants you tu send for the plumber, 'ens sb 's rtropiHHl her iltaiiion-t rln-r down Hu bath pipe. Mr Nurlebe-Tell your mistress not tn be rfdl uhots I'll iui her anntber illnmniid ring! - London Mall. Number the Irons. HoUSeWlVeS Will tlllil tlmr imml.nrl,... the Irons with elinlk will he a simple Wav of (lelnrmlnliiir U-I.I..I. used Inst when there are several on the stove. Ohood Liniment. Von will hunt a good while before you find a preparation that iB equal to Chamberlain 's Liniment as n cure for 'muscular aud rheumatic pains, for the curs of sprains and sorenoss of the mus les. Tt ia equally valuable for Inmo back and all deep seated muscular pains. 25 and 50. cent sizes for calo by Haskins drug store. m the Coss Shoe for Women $3.50, $4.00 6 $5.00 TAILORED Serwnely happy ii the raau who ran fetl that hit garment are tailored perfectly. This s the fueling our patrons can enjoy. Satisfaction will be yours if you have your suitu, coats, etc., made here. The way wt fit around the rck and ahoulden ie a revela tion. Try ut. The largest line nf domestic and imported Suitings in Southern Oregon. W. W. EIFERT THE PEOOEliBSIVE TAILOR WHICH DO YOU PREFER? A lroilcd ntc:ik with iniiMhrnt.ipi sanc: a t-aiK-e -t la Itfifd'daiwc, or erv'l with fried onmim f V"ii have never eaten on that will yive y.nir ta!atc the dtliciouH -n:if imi or your apn-t ite tlie jiiirk )iirri-M' that one of our lend' r. .juicy teak- will (five We h-ive evervthnnf lo i,rder on entree-., all ready for il,.- f:itidioiiH a..etite at The Emerick Cafe Open All NIM Knew Hit Limitations "I proph'aipd he'd iimko a living." Mr. Uobart said, speaking of a New York palmer wlio spout u summer ut his furin, "bet'iiuse Ik kmw what Ue i-ould do, little as 'twas, ami didn't try tu fly too high. "Yes," Mr. llolmrt couUmuM, wlili a thoughtful smile, "you couldn't jut him to attempt any foolish inputs. All that summer he set out In llie hi'ii yard, painting Ui'iis, or el so out hm-k o' the hnrn, pnlutiui; pis. And whi'ii I said to him, 'l.ottk a -here, when Abe Fowler coiiioh to paint the house I'll Bet hln. to show you how and lot you take a haok nt ie side oiul, where 'twon't show so much and allow it on your hoard he jusi shook his ho;id and smiled that kind o' pn(lo. sorrow ful Biulle o' his. and says he: '1 nmldn't think nf It, Mr. Ilohtiri. 1 Nhoutd jiil rulu the looks o' tho house. I'll Uoop to the pigs nnd the hens, for I know my limitations. "Well, 'twas a real relief to mo. for I suppose likely he would have hot. li ed the Joh ronsld'alilo. And 1 snid to him then real hearty, "Youuk man, you'll earn your living yet, for you ain't all et up with pride and amid tlon.' and my words have oome true, hy what I hear."-Youth's Companion. The Retort Final. The garrulous old lady In the stern of the boat hud pest on tl tho initio with her comments mid questions ever stuee they had sinned. Her mook lll tlo husband, who was bunched toad like In the how. Ilshod In sllen.-o. The old lady seetnltmly exhausted every possible point In tish and animal life, woodcraft nnd personal history when she suddenly espied one of thoe curl ous paths of oily, unbroken water fre quently seen on small lakes which are rufHed by a lljrht breeze. 'h. guide, guide," she exckilnu d, "what makes that funny streak hi the water? No. there-right over there!" The guide was busy reba It In ur I ho old gentleman's hook and merely mumbled, "l.'-m-nuu. " "dulde." repeated the old lady In tones that were not to be denied, "look right over there where I'm pointing and tell mo what makes I hat funny streHk tn the water." The guide looked up from his halt Imr, with a sih. "That? Oh. that's whore tho road went across the Ice last winter." Everybody's Magazine. A Wonderful Hand. Master I'm sorry to hoar. Tat. (hat rour wife Is dead., l'alrlck- I'allh an' 'tis a sad day for us nil. sir! The hand that rooked tho cradle bus kick ed the bucket. Fear and Danger. Nervous Old I.ady Ho deck baud on steamboat) Is there any fear of dan gor? Deck Hand ( Plenty of feitr, ma'am, hut not it bit of dan ger. The I'nlted Slates submarine tend ers My a flng with a black tlsh on a white background surrounded by n red border. TIN SHOP TnB E R v, LUNCH ROOM Tin nml nht(t iron vv:iri un IiiiikI mill muilo to orclir. Kini-Ht nip of mffrc on J. A. SMITH, Hi'' I'.icifii- roint. llll North 0 Htri'cl. II. II. Lnriini-r Prop. Lit th MISSION FURNITURE WORKS iiuku that pit'i'u 4 '"'irnituri!. Any design, any color, any ?ininh dull, waxod dr pulishcd. Shop un cor. of 8th and II ftrcotn. W. M. OolTig. O. L. Reamer COLVIO & REAMES Lawycra. Office: Madfurd Hunk Klil. Pround floor. Cook HtoTi'B and rantfc!!. I'hnoi' HI MORDORFF & WOLF New and Second Umul Furniture Kadi' old aland, 18 20 F .Ht. Mouth Medford, Or. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK Co. will '.i.' priipiirnl I'M) ruury 1i to fiirniHli ci'iiu'iit. hriclt. Ili'tlnr thmi prcaaed brick nnd jiiHl ua i'h"iii. In i-atignti' lo'fori' riinlnii'tiiiK. !' H" "H- MEDFORD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE .Special! at x in Teas, I'of feea, KitracU, Hiikiii( I'hw.I.t and Siicea. We curry all kinds i.f dinner ware rind fancy ilinh.'H. li 1 rt W. Seventh Ht. Mi'dfi.r.l, Or DR. O0BLE The only eiclutim' OpliciHt' ti. tween Portland mid S-'u'riitiii-iif . Office on Vrenth Sire. When others fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNEB Eye Specialist Office in Kale I'liarmner Main 23S. Seventh and Main THE HOTEL EMERICK Rooms from R'l cents to t!..iO pe. day. All modern ennrem.',,...-. We solicit you: patronage. 1900 ord 77Zi tSELEBRTlTBD COMEDIAN aniel Sully In His Great Gomedy "The Matchmaker9' 603 LAUGHS 603 PRICES 50 75 I.OO and I. so Seats on sale Wednesday a. m Thursday, ML";' J E RU-SA THE ONLY 1AWFUL PILE CURE Hciausc K h'l: SA Cl'IiKS I'll, MS, and DOKS NOT contain narcotics, mercury, cocaine, b ad or any poisonous drug. 1'. S. Dispensatory recommends erery in gredienl of K lil' Unig laws iniiko "false and misleading statements" a ctniie. Therefore, the sab- of nil other or imreutlf pile medicines is illegal be .aiiso llicv affect, the brain and spinal marrow, produce constipation and never cure. K l.'l' s A in not i..r Hal- al opium Joints. Only druggists if highost stand i, Uf 'endorse KKl SA. Medford Plmrmaey, Kagle Pharmacy. Ohas. Strang." 1 ' :eUi!is ' drug Slorc. DR. F. CARLOW BR. EVA MAINS CARLOW 0,.tcnp;itliic IMiyslcinns Mii-.ii. ii llloch, I'h.. ni' '.i'.il Mi'ill'oril DR. WAI.TEU It. STOKES, l'ii"ilit. i.r In Hr. .1. M. Ki-ori . THE ELECTRIC AND FRENCH DRY CI.EANINO AND PRESS INO WORKS W. K. I. mil' .1 Mnn, I'ropa. '' lluli-l Miiiirii, M.-.lf..r.l Mr. WASCIIAU ft BROWN ai-Ii I., ii.ii'.iiri''' to their (iiilrniia tti.'ll tlii-v nr.' l.i. iili'.I in (heir new iu;irtiTH in tin- Y.ujiiu Sr Hull Imil'liiii;. Killiwr.l, ' i.':iii mi'! 'r..l.:l..'nB. DR. FRANK ROBERTS o. F. COOK li. ntiKt Sella treea that grow, ii'f, I;. ..ii x I" I :;. 1 t I Office: H. R. V. Depot. M:. . I...K S-veiilh Street, I'. O. Hoi841. Phone SM. M-'l f..r.l. ilri'K..ii. Medford, Or. .....I l.iirnni'i in Wnlclie, ..vrlrv, I'i-i.i!, Mti-ii'nl In THE MEDPURU LOAN OFFICE MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. l'l..l. rial: rs 1 1 i v I'll. .ue :r,:i i,;iil Ph.. ii. -H- ' . V. i oiiklin a" .1 II llnller ll DR. R. I. (.'OM50Y U.-I r 'o Ilr' ,1, ,,e. t li ."'t. : :.rl. iliu . i Theater March 18. INVEST YOUR SAVINGS in a beautiful Diamond Ring. Asidu from the prestige a good diamond gives, it ia an in rest hid nt you can readily turn bek into cash. My line of mountings und sizes offer ample soe fer every funcy. MARTIN J. REDDY THE JEWELER N'oar Hostoffiee. Fine Witch and Jewelry. BepaiK fug a Specialty. All work guar anteed. irectory SAVOY THEATEB North d'Anjou Street. I.iiti st motion picturoa and Ului truteil longi. Kutire change of progruin Monday, Wedneiday and Kriitny. Admiaflion 10 centa. BIJOU TILEATER, W. 7TH 8T. (.'imlinuoua perfonnanco erary I'vi'iiing of motion picturca and 11 luntrutiMl Imlliida. Kntire ehango of program Monday, Wednesday mnl Friday. Admiaaion 10 cents. WM. H. AITXEN Pliuntiing, Hteam and Hot Water Heating. I'houe 2t. i! 1 0 W. Hevenfli 8t., Medford, Or. EDEN VALLEY NTJBBEBT N. H. Ki'iinott, Medford, Or. Crow tri-ua that Bell, soil treee tlim (row amid fruit true to label VERNE T. CANON Itillpi.iti'r and diatributor. AU oritorH promptly filled. II. mill 7 .litckanu Co. Bank Bldg. Medford, Or. MRS. ED. ANDREWS Votco Culture aud Art of Hinging Studio at Residence. I'iuat Medford. Phone 225 S. R. SEELY, M. D. Physiciau and Surgeon Modern equipped operating rooms X Ray. Office boura: 10 12, 2 4 p. in. Office in .lackson Co. Bk. bldg JACK FREDENBUBO Scavenger. (iarl.age hauled. Medford.