I Medford Daily Tribune Official Paper of tie City of Med ford. I WASHINGTON CONCESSION'S WTEE riANClAL FAILUEES Published evcrv evenim except Suii'l.'iy. MEDFORD I' U ii LIU 11 ISO C O M F A X V Geobge Pl'T.vam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Secoud-C'la.s Matter in tin: I'osiol'fiee at Medford, Oregoii. Sl'BSCKII'TJON KATES: Oi Boa.a ty wil r earner IO.SO One ;ir by o.a,l. tS.Ou SOMETIIlStJ To ;-' ASIAMLD OI To Medford" si.-t.-r .-itii-s A.-l.laml and (rants I 'ass the wires liave l.roulit -'ood news. On .June ' in ea-li of these eoniniunitie, the po-ta! H-rvi'-e will In- materially improved ly having a free mail delivery r-ervi.e insti tuted. One seaiihe.- in vain for a mention of Mi-dfoid in this connection. Medford. famed for her j.ror rs.-iv,-ness., enthusiasm, ein-ryy and lur spirit tin- spirit which builds up cities and makes I hem famous- has been out stripped. And most bitter of all i. the realisation that we have no one to blame but ourselves. Medford has wanted many things. She has asked for them, worked for them, and received them. And yet. with the largest postal receipts in any city west of the Kocky mountains without a free earl ier service, and for the lack of some three days' work, her citizens still wend their way to the postoffrce for their mail, as they did when Postmas ter Howard found room for Med ford's mail in a cracker box set upon a post in the sagebrush. For nearly two years Medford lias been entitled to a carrier service. She lias known id' the requirements. Attempt- to get the streets named and houses numbered have been made. Vet 'here have been no results. And now Medford can lian her head, while Grants I'ass and Ashland are proud in the knowledge that they have taken one more step toward civic betterment. This is not an occasion for envy, jealousy or regret. Jt is simply a matter of shame, which should spur the city on, nor rest allow, until Medford has secured what is her due. Whatever the reasons have been in the past for de lay, whatever the stumbling blocks have been which have so successfully blocked results in this connection civic pride should now rise in its might and refuse henceforth to be thwarted. This is an occasion whi n every good citizen id' Med ford should help to focus and foster public indignation against such a state of affairs. The man who would not he righteously chagrined under these circumstances must be a pretty pour specimen of a Medfordile and every Medfordite is supposed to be a luosli r. And the booster who would not arise in wrath at this flaw in Medford 's rep utation as a live city, should be left hereafter serene and solitary in the enjoyment of his personal " pining at rophy, Marasmus, and wide-wasting pestilence." A YOWL MOM THE I X DEI! I'OO. lowling the II I It is always the under dog that does tin for he is the terrier that is uett ing hurt. W it lie Kiver (ilacier, who howleth tlinslv: " While ll Mi ilfmil roitntii is jinlil isli i n 1 flmninij 111I Vrrlini'iiii'nls of tin irnmli if at titlil of In r intimitis, ilm logrtiiltx of Ittryr rlirrhs nritriil from n rmlmiil of piuis. kite litis Hot stlill lllliri 11I1011I tin art rnir lii Ills of thill rinlii tl l) an a trlmlr, or lioir main urns of fruit it lahrs to inithi V) a carltlttl. Yrt tin re nir smnr plan s irlilrh still rlaini to raise apples 'tis tontl as llnml 1,'irt r. ' V A -HI.' 1,1 I.. o t,nunj .e . i,! i 'f ,( a... ti l,-:irt,-l I,..;.., - .'. j .ji ,u a t , :m: ,u i 1-:..t . - a st...w n r;r:- , - t,,..-.- ii.:.:; tir: 1 .'.! ff..:.r.- :). '. T 0 J T . "H - !(.- iunn,'"- ti,r. v. iii r.-. .-:'- ..i.Iv ' l-r ' 'fe.r Cm. I'-.-tiv ;.,- .:.T...,. .,t.?.'r. ft !: r. , ''U I. W I'-.--. ;. : X t it; tL-f ir l!,.J it t li-Tr.1,1 A.. : r . I 1 II,-' Ii .1 til'- i ...t.,r, -t '). . ,. ..f (-. Ii.-. 1.3V : !n.:y ..n .! v- ar.- f." :A .,f !.-, 1 .r ,( sc, ;1 th-if !.t. Ill fit il, n. ;l, .I'll: l:l;oVN. LOW RATES TO OREGON DAILY During March & April From all Parti of the East UNION PACiriC OREGON BHOKT LINE THE OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. SOUTHERN PACIFIC $33 from Chicago J $30.60 from St. Louis $25 from Omaha $26 from Kansas City TO THU PUBLIC Writ' N tiiM ti r l.'i ! v , know II tli' Klint art'l till tl.itt ;:lo.ut Ihv.it t-v i-oli. in:. t rnti's. Nfii I I't'di literatim il.utit Urcy-iii, t.r s i, I '.'t-'.t :i-l'lri':i.i's 1 1 iib :iinl mi- will if. In t!iis w:iv "ll ran I" :i ':'' it li l in tint growth More Light for Less Money Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN" LAMPS. 32 Candle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour and would use in 1000 hrs. 1 10 Kilowatts which at locts. a Kilowatt fl 1 32 Candle Power Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour and would use in icxyi hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a K:l watt 4 Net Saving in 1000 hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp.. S 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Ooiidor Water & Power Co. Office, iiOj West Seventh Street. Phone No. 355. Opposite the Big Electric Sign. Compare the Quality It is, and alwuvH has been our aim to hu.U our customers witti godt of the tugln'st juality arn t tha; we are alwiiyn adiliiit; )ti.ili:y tn our In;. Tlie (ili!itiou "f " p-cffrrnl ttock " maki-s itir lint f . . .. u'''"l' i.r;ii.-.l Qoodfl most cnmjiletc Our lervice always b-it mud every aceom-g!v-n :ir rut'imcr Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed YOU CAN FKEPAV FARES r anytiiM- t'r.iti i. if ymi want 1. Iipj.u.t tii.' ii.. --ary aim. tint with ir lin-al -kf - t :it' i n- will t It-graph rl.rt pruiii it ly. Inipiin- uf A((hiiIh or write t'i WM. M.MCliKA V. (I-n rat I'af --tit" Ay.nt 1'he Or.g'.n Ka:!r';id i Navigation ( 'o. -..tlthf-rn I'a. iti - '.. f -1 - hi On golt) PORTLAND. ultKUOX. . iV. (Jurtimi ngs T. IV. Osgood Osgood & (Butnmin&s ivil Engineers The Best Equipped Engineering Office in Southern Oregon Surveys, Maps, Plans, Specifications, Re ports, Estimates, Etc. - Water Powers and Water Works, Paving and Road Making, Scwcraoe, Railroads, Irrigation andDrainage Office Medford National Bank Bid. may 11 is sri'i'i.K'A tios ;: ;i;a ti;i. When iTcsnteni tan ki.-mi uic i;ihir .iitcr li;iviti- taken the oath id' nffice, his lips lil upon I Kini-'s. III:!); "(il'c llirri fori llii si 1' I'a 11 1 mi iimli 1 si ,1 ml 1 in In ml In jlldff HiI juolili . Hint I iiiiii ilisrmi liitii iin ioml unit hiul : for irlm is ulilr In jiulii this, I hi sn innt n unili ,'" This was the prayer i.f Snlunnm. Accni-dimr id ihc I !i hie it was richly answered hy tlie Lmd. Let lis hope Tafl 's adiniiiisl ral inn will lie as licnc I'icial in realitv as in tradilinn we ai-e tnld that Siilnmim's was. l.IOHTEEN MEN LAHHGD AT DRLEWARE WHIPI'INO 1'OTS WII.MIi;TON'. !.! . M,,r. Ii T'l'lny w the l.iy. ti 1 iIhv in Mi- rillllli;li l:mt.n il h.'. wurlttiiMiiii' f..r Mirntii .if f .-m .riin-i I'Ultv liiriiiv. Hint On' liit.it 1. Imlii'n iliflii'tfil wir "J".. 1 A m nt'tiuilK' flit 'ii mm' t.i (lnvi'il fur llii1 iiiiimi- uf . i.t I -Hal of i.SUS tri.c in. IiimI l'r liarkii nf On- iitifi.ftui: Nnlii' with Bvirlv vi liiiii.l VBY ILL rROM A H1IOCK r AI.HE IDENTri'ICATION WAHItlMlTll.V, I'.'l . !:ir, l, 1 .Nt'lllft Ntiirr, ofl'rimrun', i. m u . litit:!! t-nnilition fruin Ku- Jun l. f In tuitu; ll"' Itilltillitt'il hiitl v of ti u 1 rl ivliu htiil li rii run ilown liy h fruin t.l 11 1 1 f i I tir ln-r. Thit vicliiM firuvpil In In' l.i'n't.'i l,ttj.n tin. .till it wim ht'r riiuiii iniitii. Kllti Wilt Iftllis, wim m.nln Oil iiitiliiki'ii nli'tilif'i i-uttion. .Mint. Williictttt fill in ii faint i. tit till body, wlirn Minn Mtiirr pnihi'-l Iht wnv t Ii roi.Lf h Hip rriiwii trrnaini'il tfint ilte r.'im KliT. We are Making a I Rpdnrtinn I iivtuuviivii I I Ul WI1.I, NAMK YOUNO I 0 I I roit roKTMASTiai j I ' II I-, . ! W XIHM.TiiN. Mtiirli r. TI,. I II !' " ' 1 ' ' 1 On ill II '.",-t- .., i ,i! ,.,,.,.,, a vii uii i S '"-! .;(M, ."t,t t,, , fl I - - luilr tins n k, mi tin' iitiitii;it ion m UK His i '.lit'lt II, it si I I Kfl f MaA I I iiililpSfiots v::;:,;:;:::.;:-;::rt";..'.,; Except Oxfords i.irruiiN wavi'. or 1MMICIKANTS DUE m:w ' .UK. i:,.. ii r. i 1 1 . . . . "'!'' I'M t I hi. " gy WIT I llii- "'., "I," I, is ,'..si.,.,,.. I III ' ' ' ''" V If 11 -IV It.,,,- t I , I, t I. It,..,, IMI ,,M tin III tl,'.".IS V . ..,tts. Illlliinjij; r ninv ' stilt," ':iri..tts - t. tittislni, uff,,' n Mcdonald Mini J hi tliiMftlv r-iH.rt (hit i ns :,( I'm I I K. KNV.MiT I'r.'ni.l. lit. .1. A. I'KHUY, V-i. I,r,!ii,l,.nt. JOHN S OltTII. I'jjh.pr. W. R. JACKSON. tt t l aslti. r THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD, OS. CAPITAL - - $50,000 SURPLUS - - 10.000 Safety Boxes For Reiit. A GeueralBauk iu Bus ness Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. hut I r,ii,'t,ii ,.fn....f, .lr i!ill f.,r ti,,. HK. tiif ni'tillv 1'ilti'it ii, tn Mtiy 1 Instructor of "Piano. "iLiwgdb SjOk Stulo at Molsii-iut. Moitb Oina Sttt . bug'- PEARS and all kinds of fruit Trees YAKIMA VALLEY NURSEPY Largest Coimne. eial Nursery in tne Pacific ..rthwest. No'- in tLe combine. Ctopetes with all fii-st-elass nurseries L E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD. OREGON. n Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in Southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. 1 MEDFORD, 0REOON W. Stan ll.'ioit"ry Estaliiiabed 1888. i':..,iul anil Surplus 1S5,000 liBsiiurroi $700,000 Highest Attainment In Systematic Banking Service The Jackson County Bunk respectfully solicits your account, subject to your cluck, with tlie strongest guarantee of safety and efficiency. We offer tlie highest attainment in ttytttiMiKitic banking service, which as sures the greatest care in every finan cial transaction, with this obliging institution. W. I. VAWTER, Pritlent. 0. R. LINDLEY, Cannier. An Evening Call in sfricixU or on informal occasions ue ri'ssitati'H being properly dressed in a full frock coat or cutaway that fita the fiuro to perfection. There is no one th.-it can give you that perfection of style, fit nnd finish in a Prince lTt, cutaway or a sack suit as that made by J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. Ttssstn,n nnil'rniltiin PALM BUlLDrNQ. MBDFOBD, OB. M F I) FOR I) SASH & DOOR COMPANY Fl ION K 2291. WibiI.iw Kratiif, Oak VL'Ucereil Ooors, with Bevel Plate, carried in stock cheap. Office Kiitor.-n anj all kimls of '.Muniu Mill Work, including Turnnd Wnr!; Mini '".Mirv (irilli K STKKKT. HKTWKKN HIXTH AM) H KVKNTH STKKKTa. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Otl'ice in Jackson County Bank Upstairs IB You will find your wife's judgment is usually better than your own, Kl autl vim will find on consulting X I ':,,r that she doi-s not approve of paving out good, hi'.rd-earned dol lars for rent, when there are so ,1m market at reasonable figures in Medford. for ltic;,:i,,n, siirrouiiiliiiL's, etc.. and her iiHi?- many good properties on A woman has a ki'cu eye m tit rail he relied upon iu making a selection for a htmio. Bring her with y, m. 1,-ul make a personal insp, cii.m of the good things now of fering through our agency, and you will never regret it. it is almost time to "make garden." and it is high time for aeiion iu securing a home where you can enjoy the g,l things of lite in this wonderful val ley. Hon 't delav act now. Rogue River Land Co. Exhibit Building, MEDrCP.D t J. Slcwlt G. E. Milliliter A. C. Randall Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS -8fc , Sub-Dividers aud Develops Bogue Elver Valley Or , chard Lands. h.iit e fruit lands, bearing and young orchards in small and largo tiacts, for sale. We plant and care for orchard, and guarantee property to he as ri presented. Experience Xot A'ecessary for those who purchase through us. Thoy secure the advise and services of a consulting horticulturist, an expert on fruit cul ture in all its branches, who for several veils has eiceled in the growing and shipping of fruit in the 'Rogue River vafcev, record clops, record packs, record prices. 1 1 1 North D Street, Medford, Oregon ; -Limsu up Tribune Want Ads Insure Results. Try Them