1 THE MEDEOKD PATLY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREflOV. SATURDAY. MARCH 13. lOOf). Social and Personal Arthur If. Daviij left fiuturduy murii i!K fur Ashland on bnsiricm. V. 1. Aitkeu umJ vvifti left Haturday iifti'ruooii to visit relatives iu Ashland. Kov, V. S. Crooks (Hi-sideiit of Al hany college, is a visitor in the- city. Ella Gaunyaw, public stenographer, Mum 4, Pahn building. lr. ,1, F. Keddy left Kriday, en n.ute to Chicago and other eastern jioiutM. Phuoe your orders for sweet cream or buttermilk to the creamery. iJr. 1. Helms uf Sail Fratieisco is isitiiig with rohitivt's in the city, I. J. Ilaaseji. who lives ,jut amth of" Central Point, was a recent .Nh-dlord visitor. Prim i iif( done in large or small con tracts, or by tho da TsaacM & Pay . tte, P. O. iiox -y.i'), ' 305 .lake Wetzel was pronounced insane iad ordered coinmitted tu the asylum Friday by I'mnily .Indue .Wil. Orders for sweet cr.-ani or buttermilk promptly filled. Phurm the creainory. Mrs. C. H. Mnwland find son left Fri day for Portland lo visit with friends mr severnl months. , (Irand millinery o'iiiiiK on Monday. March -.. liamard He Cornover, So. f street, old Kit'ert building, .'fir Place your ord r for your Knster suit early. We take orders for suilB from tl.'.fiO up. HitVrt, the progressive tat lor. am C. A. Schul. and family arrived here Friday from ('liicajjo. They are the gueffs of Koki'oc, A. .loliiison and wife. Mr. Schulz has prftp.-rty in Mi'dfnnl and will resido here. F. (, (Preiser of Red Pevil Cement Co, will build walk according to city specifications for 12 12c per Hfjuure !.,ut. Colvig and Iteauns n'-e moving into their new offices on the second floor uf the Mcdfcrd National bank building. Wh v do vou buv a hand me down suit when you can get them made in any style you want thorn at ready made prices? V. V. Kifnrl. the progressive lailor. It is reported that A. C, Taylor and .1. Phipps will erect a brick business building .1(1x14(1 on their property at Fast Seventh street. The Ashland Klks will give a ball on Ht. Patrick's eve for the purpose of raising funds to assist in defraying the expenses of the dedication of their lemple. The ball will be for Flks ami their friends. The senior clnss of the, high school was royally entertained by Miss Aletha Kineriek hint evening. Various games were played and refn wlimenls were served. All the class vi.lcd Miss Km crick the best of entertainers. Those present were Misses Marshall, Hansen, ( 'e.rder. Finer irk and Messi s. Va wter, Hishop. Oore and Kerr. F. M. Dubois of Ashland was in the city Haturday. K. A. Wy chuff of Central Point wan in the city Friday. D. K. Woods, bookkeeper at the fh (! Na.-sli. will have trHmday for Chito, Cab, on a business trip to be gone sev oral days. Uert Andi-rson returned Friday from n business trip to Portland. (J. W. Trefren of Ashland was u re c nt visitor in Med ford. District Attorney ami Mrs. H. F. Mul key are visiting relatives in Htaytou. Or. L. L. Mulit of Ashland was a recent Mcdford visitor. J. T. Summerville was a recent vini inr in .lacksrmville. Court Hall is a very busy man, rush iug the improvements on the ball park. Ouy Hisliop, a student in the Med ford high school, left Haturday morn ing to spend Sunday at his home in Phoenix. The cement sidewalk on T. H. Moore's new property acquisition was complet ed Friday. This improvement wns on t he property Mr. Moore recently pur chased from I. J, Thomas. Christian Science. Christ inn Science services aro held every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock in the Commercial club room. Subject of the lesion sermon for March 14. "Sub stance. " All nre welcome. Sunday school nt 10 o 'clock. Medford Ladles, Attention. At the It street Methodist Kpiscopal lunch Rev. Lewtas will deliver next Sabbath at :t p. m. his interesting and iitrnctive lector iHtled " the Wom an for the Twentieth C. utury." The lecture will be preceded by one of Mr. Lewtas sub.s. '1 lie lecture is solely for women ami young Indies. Let every woman of Mcdford come and hear this gifted speaker. AMUSEMENTS, - Florence Gear in "Marrying Mary." The scenic effects in the suuirl mu sical play, " Marrying Mary," which is coming tu The Mcdford Theater on Tuesday, March Mi, with Florence Gear and a large singing com pa ay. are sim ple, and in the be:;t of taste, liut twi. sce.ies are, required, the firwt end sec cud acts being laid iu the siiitie set, the courtyard of the Hotel Alunm, in the "Sweet Sunny Smith. " The third is laid in the bridal chamber of the hotel after Marrying Myrv Montgomery hex captured her fourth hunbiind. Jules Murry, who makes the production, is a master hand in the setting of back grounds and has InnerWeg taste in mil izing the most effective scenes for the demanded action. The courtyard uf the Hotel Alamo shows a masvive, cool structure at the rear, with rows of low tied roofs and awuinged windows. Tail p:;lm trees grow o both sides of the court, and a deep, projecting bay win dow, Miirryiug Mary Montgomery 's, protrudes on the left. The architecture of the building is M(orish, with mas sive pillars and broad porticos, and with a profusion of stucco and tiles Hint bespeak tho aouth the Mexican ioutli. It is .just such a patio as one finds iu southeastern Texas ami all elong the Mexican border. Mothodist Episcopal Church, B Street. The revival meetings at the above church .'Mini with increased interest. liev. Lewi as iu his earnest uwurmr de livered Inst night an interesting and edifying sermon on Luke Kt:fi M, At the ehise uf t lie discourse several pre seated themselves as seekers of salva tion. The attendance at the day meet ings is likewise, increasing. Yesterday he gave his third Ilible reading on the huly spiril. Remember the meetings continue through all next week. liev. Lewlns sings at every service. His topic next Sabbath at 11 a. in. will be: "The (Irealness of Jchlix," a continuation uf last Kibbath evening's (heme. At night the theme will be "Profit and Loss." or the "Business Side uf Religion." Sabbnlh school at l) ti. in. Kpworth league at li:H0 p. m. All are invited. Come with ymul friends. iond mimic at every service. Figure With Woolverton "VYoolvorlon emancipates tlic Kent Payer. Don't work and slave for a landlord. Own your own home. "Woolverton will sell it to you on easy terms. With BENSON INVESTMENT 00. OVER BIJOU THEATER Comedy Bill at the Savoy. Tonight good strong wholesome come dy pictures are the features at the Sa voy. The entertainment sparkles and hubbies with mirth ami laughter thioughoiit. Such subjects as "A Fish Story' and "A Lndv Cabby's Wife," are funnyographs that would cause even a dyspeptic to giggle, chuckle and then buit out into long guffaw. If ymi care t'i d'spel that btiieue:is ami make ymil friends like you, don t fail to be amused at the Savoy tonigh. All new pictures Sunday. Admission l'lc. "Spring is here," says Kctli Manly. "Notice the immigration of the knights of the mad northward, the surest sign of spring. " T Will's Kidney nrd Bladder Pills :ir unecjualed for wfnk kidneys, back ache, inflammation of the bladder and ill urinary disorders. They are nnti Mftptie. fold by Kagle Phurmaey. rn FRUIT TREES I am prepared to fill orders for first class fruit trees, shrubs, palms, etc., at lowest price. Have on hand .'Oil Buerre llee pear trees, i to (i feel. Ask at I'xhihit building. B. I'. AIJ.KN. Medford Time Table SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Northbound No. lfljOregon Ex prow 5:24 p.m. No. MjPortland Kipre8....j 0:49 i.m. j Southbound No. lfl('alifornia Kxpreas.. ,10:H5 a m. N. 13San Franciaco Exp. .. 3:20p.m. No. 225Prom G rants PaBi.... 9:16 p.m. No.225For Afsland 10:15 p.m. EOQUE RIVER VAXLEY RAILWAY No. SILeavei Medford 110:46 a.m. No. 4LeavoB Medford I 6:85 p.m. MotorjLeavoi Mcdford j 8:00 p.m. Motor Travel Medford I 9:00 p.m. No. lLeaTes Jacksonville. . . l:Miia No. 311eaTei JaeksoDTille. . , 8:84 p.m. MotorIiearea Jacksonville., .j 1:80 p. m. MotorjLeaTos Jacksonville, .j 7530 p.m. MAIL CLOSES ' A,M.P. M. ! Northbound 0:191 4:54 Aoutabeaid 10; 05 1:60 'Safl Potat 7:80j S:9 1 Jaeksaarllle . . . , , j MRS. 0. T. NICHOLSON, j Mary A. Norton was born in Henry j county, Indiana, .March lu, 1 J-J, At ; tho age of lit, with her parents, she j muvt'd to I.yuville, la., where on May j 1', IS0 1 , she was married to Charles T. Nicholson. She resided at Lynville until lSiU, wheu she came fo Mcdford, Or., with her husband and children, and icsided here until her death, which oc curred at the family residence on March N. ll'Uif. My her death a husband, who, hand iu hand with her, las t raveled over l;fe's rugged pathway has lost a most devoted helpmeet. Besides the devoted l.iisband, she leaves to bourn her demise, the following ehildre:i; Horace O. Nich olson and Mrs. Kdith Butler tf Med ford. Will Nicholson cad Lizzie J. Lee er of Port Klamath and Mrs. Mamie Siagle of fouilh- City. The deceased in her religious life had but two guides, t he Holy Spirit and the Bible. 1'nder their teaching her character ami halm of thought was framed and developed, bringing out in everyday life the beauties of holiness .-aid the power of a simple laith iu a -iinple gospel, which as wife, mother nd friend, made her lovable, faithful Mid true in all the relations of life. Her end was peaceful, for her sun set .-mid the clouds of purple and gold which were the reflection of the splen dors of heaven. ' ' (Jod touched him wit h his finger and he slept," so the poet wrote. So nay we say of this dear life: "God toucher) her with his finger and she slept," hut not until a beautiful life was livid, a (mlde example for patience, fidelity and faith were given not until visions of a heavenly life, iu Christ, had cheered ami illumined the valley of the shadow. And now that she sleeps, memory takes up the harp of life, and uniting the strings, find Hint her vir t lies melt into music. So h ever is, when a life in uoblv and divinely lived. :.s was that of the deceased. Well may l.er children cherish her memory as a preeiaus legacy, and we vain would my a word of comfor; to the stricken ones. We can but let our tears flow in sympathy with thein and point them to the promise: "At eventide it shall be light." Funeral services were held at the lute residence Friday at l ernoon, l(e . IT. Hoxie preaching the funeral ser-j 11)011, I REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. James W. bates I" SKrman ('. tiodh.ve. lots Ii .-ml Hi, block t!- Medford. A inn- Belle Helimui to Ray K. Ilelman. html in U L V i'l, town ship lilt, range I R A. L. IL-lman to Anae Belle Hel man, land iu I L C 42. town ship Hi, range 1 K Wilhini K. Thompson to W. L. Ithu-k. loit 1, block 1, Short 's : drlitioti ti Medfonl - Nimro.l Charley to J. 1. Hot.ker. lots (i and 7, block li. Ken dall's addition addition to Med ford Lee Phipps to Mm. A. li. 1'hipps. land in Medford Frederick C. Page to Mrs. Jnne Hooker, lots S and it, block J. Page addition to Medford William I). Moor- to Ocrusha M. Moon-, in acres in section 11, township range 4 W M. R. Welch to John Tnrrell, l.'is acres in section 2S, town ship ;t4, range 2 W in plltO "jun Sunday at Tabernacle. Kuthusiastic Bible school at 0:4." a. m. Large attendance last Sunday. Let us make it 2u0 tomorrow. An impor tant announcement will be made. Come jiml hear what it is. Professor P. 0. Smith, city superin tendent of schools, will occupy the pul pit at the morning hour, 11 o'clock. This is V. M. A. day. Let every member come and hoar this addYess by one who is deeply interested in our young men. V. P. S. C. K. meeting at ti:'Ml p. in. Subject, "Liijuor Laws. " Lesson, Dent. 4:li. Leader. Lillian Pierce. All cordially invited to all these services. Congregation will join in the union service at the Medford Opera House Sunday night at 7:4". State secretary of V. M. r. A. gives an illustrated lec lure. All I'onio. FRUIT TREES I h::ve just received a shipment of tinruurv ulnM; .'otiMI :it II O of the follow ing: Ilowoll pears, 40 feet; Bartiott wmw. Anion: Snii'zenberff and New town tipples, 4-0 fet. A fine stock of Lambert, cherry trcim. L. B. WARNER More Light for Less Money Sixlv-thrce per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Caudle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour and would use in iooo hrs. 110 Kilowatts which at iocts. a Kilowatt 32 Caudle Power Tungsten Lamp uses -40 Watts perliour aud would use in ioon hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a K;lo watt 4 Net Saving iu 1000 hours iu favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Niiivessors to Oondor Water & Power Co. Office. L'Oi.) West Seventh Street. Phone No. ;(f5. Opposite the Hi Electric Sign. . ..10-0 5:2 Modern Methods TO MOVE MERCHANDISE Small profits and quick sales is the slogan at this store, and we find that it moves a mountain of mer chandise. You don't find old goods here they sell and sell quickly. The reason is simple when we buy goods under regular wholesale prices, we sell them the same way in short, we sell satisfactory goods and only ask a very small profit. Underwear Lighter Weight Time to think of changing to a lighter weight of un derwear. Don't fail to in spect our offerings before purchasing. Comfy Fit vests are the most satis factory. You can find any thing you want here in the gauze, lisle or cotton sum mer underwear or medium weight. Regular 8 l-3c to jfl.oO grades sell at 5c AND TO $1.00. Medford's ''Little Kost" Lad Store BAKER-HUTCHASON COMPANY Inc. Central Avenue, Just North Jackson County Bank Classified Advertisements WANTED. WANTKD Position by young 111:111 thoroughly acquaintoii with ot'fiM.' v.-oi'k; 'A yours' oxpeiiflU'i-; gooil iitu fiition; g.toil rol'cronct.'R. Address l, r:(l'e of Trihuue. Ill' WANTKO A large unfurnished room, tty u giMilii-iimn with Ilia owu fiirniturv, lo bo usrd for lodging. AddrOiS W( ruin TiibiiiH'. WAXTKD To rent, a 6 or 7-rootn house, close io. Address I), care of Tribune office. WAXTKD l-woodchoppers to chop .ordwood and tiorwood. Addrrss P. O. Hoi 418. FOR SALE. I ti( S A 1,K Twenty tons loose on I hay. Ili'iiry Wnlilers, Medford. 3" I'llli SAI.I-:-!.. X. sublivision Xo. I, is still 011 the market, with several good lota. Who wants a home in the best part of the Rogue Kiver valleyf See I.. Xiedermoyer, Jacksonville. 1(1 1'Olt SAMC 4S0 acres within 2 miles of Medford. at s.", per acre; 11)3 acres within 7 miles of Medfonl at $21 per acre; also some uino lots on Seventh street. ,2.10. in montliU' n:.vtii..ntu J I' V ".n ... 1tl each. B.nson Investment Co. 1 t'OK SALK One cow, Jersey, eomiug fii sh in May. Call on Mrs. Mnry Win terhaldcn. one block north of Jackson , nieet on tin' West Side. :10.) roii SALE House mid two lots, closn in, nt a burgain ut $2500, half cash; $111)0 invested iu u platting proposi tion will net $1000 profit within 1)1) days. ('. W. Stone, with Iienson In vestment Co. 306 FOU SAI.K Or trade, the best rociii ing house iu Aledford, clearing $100 per month. Address (!, care of this office. I'Olt SAI.U A new U-room house, with bath and electric light aud window shades, for the small sum of $1000. Mrs. V. Osenbrugge, 401 Riverside ave nue. FOK SA I.K A good buy Pour lots fiti by 120, joining city limits on west. $.")0 each; cash only. Other lots in this neighborhood are selling for $2.Vt lo t.'IOll cash. P. O. Box 571, Medford, Or. 207 l'01i SALE Choice business proporty at a bargain, on long time; easy lorms. Address J'. O. Box 41S. ' l-'Ol! SALE 5 aud Ill-acre tracts just within and adjoining city limits, nt a bargain, on o annuel payments. Ad dress P. O. Box 4111. ' FOli SALE House-), lots and land in Phoenix, or in tracts to suit from one aere to 040 acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe nix, Or. lolf SAI.K One aero of "good land and fvo largo lots; must sell; bargain at $-100. See W. H. French, room 7, Jack- , son County Bunk hldg. FOR RENT. KOR RENT Xieo furnished front room, ground floor, close in; separate entrance. Apply Mrs. Aston, at Mont gomery's Ladies' Emporium. LOST. LOST t)u road to Central Point, long gray overcoat. Reward if returned to Hotel Xash. ;ii)0 Chalmers-Detroit "30" Price $1,500 A 4-cylinder, 5-passenger, high-grade car. Made as Touring Car, Tourabout and Roadster B U DON'T PAY (M ,()) VOU AN I X V V.U I ( )R (VMJ There s no need now to accept inferiority Itecause vol want a low-priced car. Vou can demandin nil save pow er the nt most I he were cut t'rnni l.'iO to man can luiihl, under wiii'L I'.-iit D'ii Uememlier thai when bicycles $7.1 you !dt better wheels than eve So in automobiles. The best cai :! li. n, can be suld for , ."i00. Jn fact, the Chalmers-Detroit ":(" sold ill that price is the most advanced car on the market. There is im need fur slumping anywhere. No need for bnyiu.u' a makeshift. No need for taking an out-of-date car, or an inexiieriencetl make. For .."( Ml you oun'hl to buy ,Hitit;e(i oy ncsiun aim ineclianical leatures, as any price could make, mat is just what one nets in the Chalmers Detroit "HO." A I'T.OOO-Mll.K TKST. One of these cars - a stock car has run J7.000 miles. l-'or UK) consecutive days it made 20S miles per day. It made those L'tl.SOO miles without missing a trip, and without a single mechanical breakdown. The same car had run tiOUO miles before this test was bci;un. No other car at any price ever stood such a test as that. When this car had run 117, 000 miles we took out thr bearings iu perfect condition and exhibited them at the as "ood a ear of IU) h. p.. 'New York and Chicago shows. On election day. last November, 100 of these cars, in 100 cities, each ran 'J00 miles without a stop of the engine. Plenty of other cars have made non-stop runs, liut never did 100 cars of the same make all -fulfill such a stren uous test. 1 t ' Wo the' Chalmers-Detroit "HO" at .floOO has proved reliability ami endurance better than any other car ever made. THINliS Til AT OTHKRS LACK. Naturally this car has many features which our com petitors lack. It is natural also that those who lack them should try to belittle them. The four cylinders in the Chalmers-Detroit ":0" arc cast together, as in most of the late foreign cars. One pur pose is lightness, compactness and perfect water circula tion. Thus we also secure the popular short bonnet and give the extra room in the tonueau. Yo replace this I'onr-i-yliuder block for '.." should it freeze and crack. So this risk is not so great as on separate cylinders. If one cylinder freezes, till probably will. It is cheap er to replace one block of four than to replace from two te four separate cylinders. Yo also use the two-bearing crank shaft. Thus we se- cure per lect alignment, which none can secure with four and live bearings. e make this crank shaft eight times as strong as is necessary, to eliminate all risk of bending. Our wheel base is 110 inches. We use the Unit Power , (,m' S:s intake is water jacketed. AVe give vou he new one-pedal control. The tires are the Diamond IJuick- Detachable. Fyery feature is in accord with the besi engineerinc practice1. h (l'V ui,- (ilVE THE UTMOST N AM h 111 AT ANY PRICE CAN BUY. The Chalmers-Detroit Forty excels our "30" onlv in U t'sis,u(l h-v Ml- Coffin, ami has t . . ears been recogmzetl as the best medium-priced car on 1 1 io market. thas won scores of important events. I His is as good a car as any price can buv. To r.av more is extravagance. All that anyone wants in . .".-passenger car s here m its highest perfection. I he dandy car ,miet, speedy and powerful. We have never been able to supply the demand for them. Last vear we ran 'J0O short. .Math- in several styles of bodies Price 27")0. The "Forty" Roadster is the raciest-looking car of its chss -oriMlcinonstratioti appointment, call or phone Med- VALLEY AUTO COMPANY